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The current situation regarding the migration of refugees can only be handled efficiently through closer international cooperation in the field of asylum policy. From an economic point of view, it would be reasonable to distribute incoming refugees among all EU countries according to a distribution key that reflects differences in the costs of integration in the individual countries. An efficient distribution would even out the marginal costs of integrating refugees. In order to reach a political agreement, the key for distributing refugees should be complemented by compensation payments that distribute the costs of integration among countries. The key for distributing refugees presented by the EU Commission takes account of appropriate factors in principle, but it is unclear in terms of detail. The compensation payments for countries that should take relatively high numbers of refugees for cost efficiency reasons should be financed by reallocating resources within the EU budget.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the effects of EU integration on intra‐EU trade volumes with a special focus on the evolution of trade within and between the core and the periphery countries. In the early phases of EU integration, there have been sizable trade creation and diversion effects with respect to EFTA countries. Both the creation and the diversion effects of EU membership have declined as the EU and EFTA have integrated. In all phases of EU integration, both core–periphery and intraperiphery growth of trade have experienced stronger positive effects than intracore trade. Hence, the EU enlargements did not cause any kind of intra‐EU ‘peripherality’.  相似文献   

The financial crisis has exposed all EU Member States ??to different degrees ??with a double economic policy challenge: to foster sustainable economic growth and to consolidate public finances. Can the governments in the EU afford to forego the benefits of targeted tax measures at EU level ??tapping the growth potential of the internal market by reducing tax obstacles and improving tax collection on cross-border activities within the EU? This paper provides a short review of the varying tax structures in the EU Member States, discusses the interdependencies as well as the EU dimension of their tax policies and gives an overview on current and future tax initiatives at EU level.  相似文献   

张永 《江苏商论》2012,(3):79-82
本文利用1988年至2008年期间欧盟对华反倾销案件的年度数据,构造以欧盟主要成员为横截面单元的动态面板数据模型,应用二阶段广义最小二国乘法分析了欧盟对华反倾销对中国对欧盟总出口的影响。实证结果表明,反倾销调查促使了中国对欧盟出口在第二年增加,反倾销措施导致中国对欧盟出口在第二年下降,而总体来说,反倾销并没影响到中国对欧盟的总出口。  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of two European Union (EU) market access regulations in the food sector presumed to simultaneously affect firms’ decisions to export food products to the EU. We analysed EU pesticide standards on African exports alongside a complementary non‐tariff measure in the form of a minimum entry price regulation, which aims to protect EU growers of certain fruits and vegetables against international competition. Analysis was based on Africa's exports of tomatoes, oranges, and lime and lemon to the EU between 2008 and 2013, using the gravity model of trade. Our results show that EU market access conditions constitute significant barrier to the formation of new trade relation between the EU and Africa. In addition, initiation of trade relationships is contingent not only on market access conditions but also on domestic market constraints in Africa. These results imply that negotiating preferential entry prices duties and the removal of domestic market restraints as well as strengthening domestic capacity to comply with EU standards to enhance continuous market access for the continent could stimulate food trade along the extensive margin.  相似文献   

本文选用2000-2005年欧盟成员国之间以及欧盟成员国与外部主要贸易伙伴国之间的双边出口贸易额等数据,使用面板数据方法,基于边界效应的视角,分别探讨了欧盟25国和欧盟15国的商品市场一体化影响因素。结果表明:欧盟这样的区域贸易协定对其成员国具有正面影响。地理临近性和文化联系鼓励紧密的贸易伙伴,距离、税率和人口对双边贸易存在负面影响,这与以往的研究结果相同。非关税壁垒成为重要边界可部分解释欧盟25国的内部边界效应高于欧盟15国的研究结果。  相似文献   

欧盟对华贸易逆差问题研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在中国与欧盟贸易高速发展的同时,欧盟对华贸易逆差不断扩大。本文运用来自欧盟、世界贸易组织以及中国国内的大量统计数据,对欧盟对华贸易逆差的成因进行解析。分析表明:欧盟的经济政策与欧元的持续升值、中国产业结构的调整、欧盟对华贸易“逆差集中效应”,以及欧盟全球化配置资源的需要促成了欧盟对华贸易逆差不断扩大,这四大因素将对未来欧盟与中国的贸易产生持续的影响。  相似文献   

胡晓  王涛生 《商业研究》2011,(1):195-199
通过运用数据分析,考察了欧盟在华直接投资的结构特征与中国对欧盟出口商品的结构特征,发现它们之间存在显著相关性。通过计量进一步论证了欧盟在华直接投资可带动劳动密集型和资本密集型产品,及低、中、高技术密集型产品对欧盟不同出口效果,据此证明了欧盟在华直接投资对中国出口欧盟商品结构优化产生了积极影响。  相似文献   

We draw on trade theory to empirically explore the effects of value chain integration on producer price dynamics. Using the EU as an example of an integrated area, we construct measures of backward and forward linkages with intra‐ and extra‐EU trading partners at the country‐sector level. We find that especially upstream integration and EU accession dampen inflation. The results for downstream integration indicate a price‐increasing relationship. We propose novel EU integration indicators and offer insights to both theory and applied research. We also add to the policy debate on the price effects of (dis‐)integration of EU countries.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of EU enlargement on agro‐food export performance across 12 new EU member states and five newly independent states in the EU markets covering the period 1999 to 2007. The performance is examined by duration of export and hazard model. We find larger duration for the agro‐food exports from the new EU member states. The results confirm gains from the eastward EU enlargement and governance on export increases and longer duration for exporting higher value‐added specialized consumer‐ready food and more competitive niche agro‐food products.  相似文献   

基于对不锈钢餐厨具遭遇欧盟退运通报的调查统计以及对欧盟及其成员国发布的食品接触不锈钢技术法规的比较分析,研究我国目前不锈钢餐厨具面临的贸易形势及其应对措施;通过比较欧盟技术法规,对意大利迁移量限量提出质疑;分析新型铁素体的性能特征,提出通过采用新材料制备不锈钢餐厨具打破欧盟技术壁垒的可行性。  相似文献   

欧盟食品安全技术法规体系的产生、发展现状及展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
欧盟食品安全体系被誉为全球最为成功的食品安全体系之一,而欧盟健全的食品安全技术法规体系,成为整个欧盟食品安全体系建设的重要基石。本文深入研究了欧盟食品安全技术法规产生和发展的各个阶段,阐述欧盟食品安全立法的运作模式,分析了欧盟现行“从农场到餐桌”全过程的食品安全技术法规体系建设的重点和所发挥的作用,并对今后欧盟食品安全技术法规体系建设的重点做了展望。  相似文献   

欧债危机背景下中国对欧盟直接投资问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,中国对欧盟的直接投资出现了爆发式增长。欧洲主权债务危机的爆发及持续蔓延,引发了对全球经济"二次探底"的担忧,也给中国对欧盟直接投资带来了新的问题。本文在实证分析的基础上,认为中国对欧投资的超常增长并不是金融危机以来才发生的;欧债危机虽给中国企业对欧投资提供了机遇,但也带来了更多的障碍和风险。因此,要继续扩大对欧直接投资,就必须正确认识中国对欧盟直接投资的战略意义,厘清存在的障碍和风险,从而有针对性地对欧盟内部不同的区域市场和行业进行直接投资。  相似文献   

蔡春林  李计广  王青 《国际贸易问题》2006,7(8):125-128,F0003
国际协定是欧盟法律体系的重要组成部分。与贸易有关的国际协定,包括贸易协定、合作协定以及联系协定等,也是欧盟贸易政策的重要组成部分。本文通过介绍欧盟贸易协定谈判权的法理依据、各参与主体的法律地位和作用、参与主体内部及之间的权力平衡关系,分析和研究了欧盟贸易协定谈判机制,以利于进一步了解欧盟法律和贸易政策,也有益于发展中欧贸易关系。  相似文献   

This paper explores the effect of European Union (EU) food safety regulations on EU imports of baby food. Pesticides and contaminants contribute to various health problems. Children are more vulnerable to the dangers of pesticides and contaminants because as soon as they start eating solids, they consume a limited number of food items, most of which are fruits and vegetables. To protect the health of the most vulnerable part of the population, the EU regulations stipulate that no more than 0.01 mg/kg of any single pesticide residue is permitted in baby food. In this respect, the EU differs from most of its trading partners, the majority of which do not differentiate food safety regulations according to the age of the consumer. The purpose of this paper is to compare the EU regulations on maximum residue limits of pesticides to those of its major competitors through a severity index. This index is then introduced into a gravity equation to assess the impact on EU imports of baby food. We find that the EU regulation had a negative impact on the volume of trade but a positive one on the probability of setting up new trade relationships.  相似文献   

在分析中国与欧盟双边贸易差额数据差异的基础上,利用主成分分析方法,将影响中欧贸易差额的原因归为供给变量、需求变量和贸易政策环境三大因素。再利用多变量回归分析方法,研究其影响。结论为供给因素是影响中欧贸易差额扩大的根本原因,近期的贸易政策环境的变化是导致中欧贸易顺差扩大的短期因素,而需求因素的变化有减少中欧贸易差额的作用。  相似文献   

中国对欧盟农产品出口增长的影响因素分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
加入世贸组织以来,我国农产品对欧盟的出口增长速度明显加快。本文运用恒定市场份额模型,重点探讨了我国农产品对欧盟出口的特点及出口增长的影响因素。研究表明,我国农产品对欧盟出口的增长,部分来自于欧盟对世界农产品进口需求的增加,部分是由于我国近年农产品的出口竞争力明显增强引致的,此外我国出口商品的构成效应也做出了积极的贡献。为了扩大对欧盟出口,中国需要进一步调整出口商品结构,提高农产品的出口竞争力。  相似文献   

Although North–South preferential trade agreements (PTAs) are expected to affect foreign direct investment (FDI), there is not much evidence to date on the impact of EU PTAs on the pattern of FDI. The aim of this study is to assess the impact of EU PTAs on the outward stocks of FDI of the EU. We estimate a model based on the knowledge‐capital theory of the multinational enterprise over the period 1995–2005 using a sample of 173 host countries. Explanatory variables include measures of the level of bilateral protection and a dummy to capture the impact of deep integration provisions of PTAs. A dynamic panel model with fixed effects is used in order to take into account the dynamic behaviour of FDI and the heterogeneity bias. Results show that EU FDI is both horizontal and vertical. The level of EU protection affects FDI negatively, while the impact of the tariffs applied by host countries varies across groups of partner countries. Deep integration provisions affect EU FDI positively.  相似文献   

As long as state aid outside the EU is unregulated, the European Commission faces a dilemma: either European firms will be disadvantaged in global competition by strict EU rules, or the Commission will come under pressure to relax the rules, thereby running the risk that fair competition within the EU will be undermined. As a consequence, the Commission attempts to promote EU rules on state aid and public procurement beyond EU borders — in non-member countries as well as at the WTO level. This article analyses the Commission’s channels of regulatory transfer and the factors accounting for its varying success. Bilateral cooperation provides many opportunities to spread European state aid rules, but decentralised enforcement at the national level remains ultimately deficient. Moreover, the transfer of European rules to the multilateral WTO depends heavily on the EU’s ability to reach prior consensus with its most powerful partner and rival, the US government.  相似文献   

欧盟动物福利壁垒与中欧贸易发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
欧盟是动物福利最积极的倡导者,已经建立了一套完整的动物福利保护体系。近年来,欧盟将动物福利与贸易相挂钩,构筑了动物福利壁垒体系。本文研究了欧盟关于动物福利的标准和规定,分析了中国动物福利的现状以及动物福利壁垒对中欧贸易发展的影响,并提出中国应对欧盟动物福利壁垒的措施。  相似文献   

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