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利用抽样调查资料,分析探讨城市流动家庭中亲子关系的状况及影响因素.城市流动家庭中的亲子关系是正常的和良好的,母子(女)关系要比父子(女)关系密切.年级、是否独生子女、媒介接触、家庭外部交往、相对剥夺感对其亲子关系有显著性影响.  相似文献   

李国柱  牛叔文 《商业研究》2006,2(15):133-135
“个体流动”和“家庭转移”是两种不同的劳动力转移形式,而稳定性的人口转移应该是“家庭转移”。追求家庭净收益最大化是“个体流动”或“家庭转移”的直接动因。农户的转移过程可分为初始阶段(流动前阶段)、个体流动阶段和家庭转移阶段,分析各个阶段家庭净收益影响因素,“个体流动”是增加农民收入的有效途径,而较高的城市生存成本是制约“家庭转移”的根本因素。  相似文献   

本文利用2014年全国流动人口动态监测调查数据,基于纠正样本选择性偏误的实证模型,分析农业转移人口的三类家庭随迁模式对不同类型城市流动选择的影响.研究结果发现,相对于无家人随迁,仅配偶随迁的农业转移人口更倾向于选择特大或超大城市流动;而仅未成年子女随迁和家庭随迁的农业转移人口更倾向于选择其他类型城市流动.从影响效应的大小来看,家庭随迁的影响效应小于仅未成年子女随迁.此外,本文检验家庭随迁对城市流动选择的影响机理,两类城市在就业机会、工资收入和社会公民资格公共服务供给的差异是导致有家人随迁的农业转移人口城市偏好的主要原因.  相似文献   

农民工举家外出并意图融入城市已成为城乡劳动力流动的一个新趋势,而举家外出和融入意愿是否对农民工在务工地的消费产生影响呢?基于中国家庭收入调查数据(CHIP2013),利用OLS回归和分位数回归方法,估计了家庭化流动和融入意愿对农民工城市生活消费支出的影响。研究发现:家庭化流动和融入意愿显著提升了农民工在城市的消费水平,两者存在显著的交互效应,且不受家庭消费水平高低的影响。同时,研究也证实了持久性收入假说,即收入是影响农民工家庭消费的主要因素,而农民工家庭的消费行为与储蓄行为之间以及生活消费和住房等其他消费之间存在一定的替代效应,但替代效应并不强。研究具有一定的政策含义,即通过释放农民工需求来扩大内需必需切实解决农民工持久性迁移特别是家庭持久性迁移问题。  相似文献   

作为快消纸业品牌,打造高品质品牌形象非常重要。因此维达决定走出传统卖场促销的套路,配合线下渠道优势并结合灵活的主题宣传去营销品牌。2014年,随着各类亲子电视节目的热播,亲子关系培养成为很多家庭所关注的问题。维达冠名东方卫视《潮童天下》节目,并在全国14个城市展开潮童招募,项目启动后引起了126万个家庭的参与,线上传播影响人数超过了2000万人。  相似文献   

采取整群抽样法在北京城区一所打工子弟学校、二所公立学校选取小五-初二年级的流动儿童415名进行问卷调查,采用个体歧视知觉问卷、社会身份冲突问卷、城市适应问卷探讨歧视、社会身份冲突、城市适应三者的关系。歧视会负向影响流动儿童城市适应状况;歧视会正向影响社会身份冲突;社会身份冲突会负向影响流动儿童城市适应状况;社会身份冲突在歧视与城市适应中的心理适应维度之间起中介作用。  相似文献   

近年来,中国改革开放和社会主义现代化建设取得显著成就,工业化、城市化双轮驱动,经济社会得到跨越式发展,经济平稳较快增长。认为城市人口家庭户数,居民消费价格指数(城市住房),房地产价格指数(住宅),城镇居民家庭人均可支配收入(指数),城市人均住宅建筑面积,城市化率及市镇人口数是影响住房需求量的主要因素,城镇居民家庭恩格尔系数和市镇平均每户人口数对住房需求量的影响一般,而房屋建筑面积竣工率和平均每人消费支出构成(住房)对住房需求量的影响非常小。  相似文献   

我国长期处于城乡二元体制,而农民工由于其特殊的身份长期生活在城市边缘,无法融入城市,现在已成为我国经济发展中的重大制约。根据已有研究我们发现,农民工的家庭化流动趋势已经出现,且家庭化农民工的生活更加问题,更加有利于农民工融入城市。所以本文基于国家卫生计生委2013年发布的流动人口动态数据集,利用OLS模型考察了农民工的个人收入以及各类社会保险的覆盖率对于农民工家庭完整度的影响。回归结果表明,个人收入是影响农民工家庭完整度的重要因素,医疗保险对东部城市农民工的家庭完整度有明显的影响,而在中西部城市没有;而养老保险对中西部城市农民工的家庭完整度有明显影响,但是对东部城市没有,然后在此基础上提出相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

当前我国城市流动儿童由于受到户籍、家庭状况、居住环境等因素的限制,正在成为城市中的弱势群体之一。城市流动儿童的困境主要表现在他们无法与拥有城市户口的儿童享有平等的受教育权。当前我国城乡二元户籍制度和城市教育资源分配不公是造成城市流动儿童教育困境的主要原因,应通过户籍制度改革和拓宽义务教育供给渠道等加以缓解。  相似文献   

闫珍 《消费经济》2023,(2):45-56
制造业升级对流动劳动力就业和家庭消费的影响是全面而深刻的。文章基于2013—2014年、2016—2017年的中国流动人口动态监测调查(CMDS)数据,从城市层面探讨制造业升级对流动劳动力住房租购选择的影响。研究结果表明:(1)城市制造业升级降低了流动劳动力在流入地购买住房的概率,使得流动劳动力更倾向于在当地租赁住房;以试点城市制造业产业政策作为工具变量进行内生性检验后发现该结果依然稳健。(2)异质性分析发现,城市制造业升级使得低学历、常规性工作、制造业和低端服务业就业的流动劳动力更倾向于在流入地租赁住房。(3)采用中介效应模型和广义结构方程模型分析证实,制造业升级可以通过降低流动劳动力的就业稳定性、提高城市住房价格涨幅使流动劳动力更倾向于在流入地租赁住房。文章建议地方政府应重视制造业升级对流动劳动力住房租购选择的影响,在持续推动制造业升级的同时满足流动劳动力的差异化住房需求。  相似文献   

《Journal of Marketing Management》2013,29(9-10):1009-1030
Although families are recognised as a critical component in shaping consumer behaviour, one type of variation that has been overlooked is families in which a child has a disability. This research presents an analysis of themes related to family consumption that emerged from depth interviews with parents of families living with a special needs child. Three types of adaptation in family consumption emerged: i) adaptations to meet marketplace challenges, ii) adaptations in family roles and norms, and iii) adaptation in rituals and family identity. This study illuminates the notion that normalcy extends beyond the child to influence the consumption of the entire family. Because the marketplace seems to be constructed for "normal" families, the families interviewed here adapted the ways in which they engage as they juggle the medical, environmental and contextual needs of all members.  相似文献   

Prior research shows that childcare is a unique driver for female entrepreneurship, as entrepreneurship allows women to increase time allocation on child supervision. Yet, whether female entrepreneurship actually promotes childrearing outcomes remains contentious in extant literature. This study focuses on child human capital formation as a key childrearing outcome. Drawing on the occupational inheritance literature, we suggest that, in addition to supervision, entrepreneur-mothers may foster child human capital formation through value transmission—in particular, transmitting self-direction values to children. Using nationally representative data from China, we find that children with entrepreneur-mothers exhibit better human capital formation outcomes—especially when they are younger and female. We further show that both supervision and value transmission are present, with the latter being a more important mechanism. Reconciling conflicting views in the literature, our study has both theoretical and practical implications.Executive summaryPrior female entrepreneurship research suggests that women often choose to be entrepreneurs out of family, particularly childrearing, considerations. Entrepreneurship offers work autonomy and scheduling flexibility, allowing entrepreneur-mothers to better allocate time to childrearing activities. Given that numerous studies document a positive relationship between maternal time allocation and childrearing outcomes, conceivably entrepreneur-mothers should achieve favorable childrearing outcomes. Entrepreneurial research focusing on the business-family interface, however, suggests female entrepreneurs often face unanticipated pressures that limit their ability to care for family members. In addition, some female entrepreneurs may be motivated more by career than by childcare considerations. As such, the relationship between female entrepreneurship and childrearing outcomes remains conceptually and empirically ambiguous. Given the foregoing situation, we examine this relationship both theoretically and empirically, focusing on child human capital formation as a specific and important childrearing outcome.Examining how female entrepreneurship relates to child human capital formation is of both scholarly and practical importance. First, it brings enhanced clarity to our understanding of the family- and child-related consequences of female entrepreneurship, thus affording reconciliation of the ambiguous predictions found in extant theories. Accordingly, we advance research on female entrepreneurship. Exploring the relationship also adds to the family embeddedness perspective in the broader entrepreneurship literature, because child development is a crucial component within the family domain.Second, our research has practical values and policy implications. Prospective female entrepreneurs may, regardless of their pre-entry intentions, be interested in learning how entering entrepreneurship could affect childrearing outcomes. Policymakers worldwide have been actively promoting entrepreneurship in the past few decades, mainly driven by economic and technological considerations. Because such efforts likely increase female participation in entrepreneurial activities, they should be evaluated to account for their family or childrearing consequences in addition to the economic and technological implications. Therefore, we provide evidence which prospective female entrepreneurs and policymakers can use to make informed decisions.To study the effect of female entrepreneurship on child human capital formation, we note that the ambiguous predictions in extant work arise because it predominantly focuses on whether entrepreneur-mothers can allocate more time to childrearing activities, which we call “supervision”. We suggest that this supervision mechanism is not the only way in which the intergenerational impact occurs. Drawing on sociological research in occupational inheritance, we propose that entrepreneur-mothers could foster child human capital formation through transmitting self-direction values, thus promoting children's aspirations and achievements. To test these theoretical hypotheses, we use data from a nationally representative Chinese household survey, which contains separately surveyed parent and child data.Our empirical analyses reveal that children with entrepreneur-mothers outperform those with non-entrepreneur-mothers in both cognitive and noncognitive skills. The effect is stronger for daughters and younger children. Additional analyses verify the presence of both supervision and value transmission mechanisms, with value transmission being more importantly in explaining the entrepreneur-mother effect.Findings in this study deepen our knowledge on whether and how entrepreneur-mothers foster children's human capital formation. They highlight that—in addition to supervision—value transmission is a crucial channel through which entrepreneur-mothers exert an intergenerational impact on children. Our results also indicate that women running larger businesses—likely those with career motives and targets of policies that promote entrepreneurship—see better child human capital formation outcomes despite having potentially limited supervision capacity. Finally, our findings not only shed light on female entrepreneurship in China, a context with growing relevance in the global economy and rate of entrepreneurial activities, but also offer generalizable insights to other economies.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to gain a better understanding of consumer complaint behaviour in the children's wear market. Based upon an economic framework of complaint behaviour, the relationship between selected consumer and product characteristics and complaint behaviour for children's wear was examined by estimating separate logistic regression equations for private and public complaint actions. Variables found to be associated with complaint actions included the price of the item, income, level of dissatisfaction, garment type, family size and age of the youngest child. The results have specific implications for apparel marketers and provide an application of the complaint model to a product category that has not been investigated previously.  相似文献   

Despite the strong evidence of child safety seats (CSSs) effectiveness in reducing injuries, it is still rarely used in some societies. The purpose of this study was to determine prevalence and predictors of CSS use in Mashad, Iran. Five hundred ninety kindergarten children whose parents owned a car were enrolled in the study. Parents were asked about using CSS for their children, reasons for CSS use/non-use, demographics, history of road traffic injuries and receiving any advice on CSS. Of families, 25.5% expressed that they used CSS for their child at present or any time in the past, but only 6.3% of children travelled restrained in CSS at the time of study. Age-appropriate CSS use was reported in 14.5% of infants and 2.3% of 1–5-year-old children. A significant relationship was observed between lower child age, higher maternal education and high family income with CSS use. The main reasons for CSS none-use were reported as not feeling the need (42%), followed by its high price (22%). Use of CSS was uncommon. The financial concerns and information gap about the essential need for CSS should be considered as priorities for action especially among lower socio-economic groups of society.  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate the relationship between minor and medically attended injuries and to analyse the influence of child-related factors and family-related factors in injuries of preschool children. Individual interviews were conducted with 335 parents of 1- to 5-year-old children. Parents informed about the child and the family variables and reported the child's history of injuries in the last year. The frequencies of minor injuries and medically attended injuries were not correlated. The risk factors for both kinds of injuries include the number of siblings and the size of the family. Minor injuries were more frequent in older than in younger children. Medically attended injuries were more frequent in boys than in girls. The risk factors that influence minor and medically attended injuries are different, suggesting that the strategies to prevent and reduce injuries need to take that difference into consideration.  相似文献   

在实证分析苏州市吴中区独生子女致残原因的基础上,着重探讨从源头上降低独生子女不幸伤残风险的预防措施。提出目前独生子女特别扶助制度存在的不足,建议建立独生子女伤残家庭特别扶助金的长效保值机制,并在特别扶助制度中将中度残疾和重度残疾加以区分,提高重度残疾家庭扶助金标准;政府担负起解决伤残独生子女就业的主导作用,加大对他们就业的扶持力度。  相似文献   

Incorporating family decisions in a two-period model of the world economy, we predict that trade liberalization raises the skill premium and reduces child labour in developing countries where the adult labour force is sufficiently well educated to attract production activities from abroad that will increase the demand for skilled relative to unskilled labour. Elsewhere, liberalization will reduce the skill premium, but it will not necessarily raise child labour. Our prediction is not rejected by the data, and it explains why child labour is negatively associated with trade openness in those developing countries where the labour force was relatively well educated when the liberalization took place, but not elsewhere.  相似文献   

Group and individual interviews were conducted to examine relationships developed between children and brands in the family setting. Children's stories about brands suggest that they develop relationships with a wide range of brands and these relationships are imbedded in the social environment where children live and grow. Interpersonal relationship metaphors were utilized to describe different forms of child–brand relationships. The article concludes that children's relationships with brands serve important functions in their lives and have significant implications for marketers. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   


Within a modern family life, roles have changed significantly; however, relatively little attention has been given to the increased health and longevity of parents. This article focuses on the tensions relating to the transitional role of parent as ‘carer of the child’ to child as ‘carer of the parent’ as parents age. This article focuses on the experiences of adult children as they care for their parents and the related tensions that emerge and coping strategies that are adopted. Adopting an interpretive approach we shed light on the decision-making practices around shopping, residential arrangements and other consumer choices and how they take place in complex arenas of intricate family interactions, influence and power. Key themes that emerged were strategies adopted by both the adult child and ageing parent to attain or retain control in an increasingly sensitive environment where there is no roadmap to guide either party.  相似文献   

This paper reports a study which examined the extent of the father's involvement in child rearing and traditionally female household work. The quality of life perceived by the husband, wife and oldest child in each family in the sample was assessed.  相似文献   

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