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本文分析了物流业集聚影响工业生产率的空间外溢效应机制,利用中国265个城市2003-2008年的面板数据和空间杜宾模型分析了全国、东中西部内部、东中西部之间物流业集聚对工业生产率的直接影响、外溢效应及总效应,将全要素生产率分解为技术效率和技术进步并考察了这三种影响的实现路径。研究结果显示:在全国整体层面,物流业集聚对工业生产率没有显著的直接影响,而通过技术效率路径对工业全要素生产率具有显著的正向外溢效应和总效应。在东部地区与西部地区,物流业集聚对工业技术效率具有显著的正向外溢效应;在中部地区,物流业集聚对工业生产率的外溢效应不显著;在东中部地区之间,物流业集聚对工业技术效率具有显著的负向外溢效应;在东西部地区之间与中西部地区之间,物流业集聚对工业生产率没有显著的外溢效应。  相似文献   

江苏省是我国重要的FDI聚集地之一,然而以这一地区为研究对象的关于FDI技术外溢效应的研究并不多见。本文以江苏省为研究对象,利用2000至2006年27个制造业行业面板数据,估算了FDI对江苏内资企业生产率水平和生产率增长率的影响。实证结果表明:在密集使用外资的江苏省内,FDI对江苏省制造业内资企业的技术进步效应主要依赖于行业间的产业关联,总体而言,行业间外溢效应显著,行业内的外溢效应并不明显。但在高附加值产业,内资企业的技术进步不仅来自于行业间的关联,而且来自于行业内部外资企业的技术扩散和竞争。  相似文献   

文章运用广州市32个工业部门的面板数据,对行业内FDI的技术外溢效应的实证分析结果表明:外资对内资的技术外溢效应总体上是非常微弱,相反,竞争效应则能对内资企业提高生产率起到更大的正向作用。按照行业不同的技术密集程度,文章将这些行业分为高技术行业、中高技术行业、中低技术行业和低技术行业分别予以检验,结果发现,技术差距越大,越不利于FDI技术外溢效应的发挥,而竞争效应所起的作用越大;人力资本流动效应的发挥只有在吸收能力的水平达到一定程度之后才会有积极意义。  相似文献   

:本文以工业固定资产净值年平均余额和全部从业人员年平均余额作为投入要素,以工业增加值作为产出要素得出内资企业生产率指数;再以此为因变量,运用面板数据广义矩估计模型分析外商直接投资(FDI)对不同地区技术外溢影响的差异性,发现FDI技术外溢存在明显的门槛效应。进而,本文引入社会信用环境和经济信用环境两个主成分,对门槛效应水平进行了计算,量化了信用环境发展水平与FDI技术外溢的地区差异。本文的结论是:信用环境发达的地区其FDI技术外溢效应明显;而信用环境建设落后的地区不但不能带来正的技术外溢效应,FDI的流入反而会阻碍内资企业的技术进步和生产率的提高,即引起负的技术外溢效应。  相似文献   

FDI对我国纺织服装业技术溢出效应分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文实证分析了FDI对我国纺织服装业的技术溢出效应。结果表明,FDI在纺织服装业的溢出效应明显存在,且服装业中FDI的外溢效应大于我国工业平均水平,但纺织业的外溢效应低于我国工业的平均水平。笔者认为,行业内FDI溢出效应的强弱受行业内利用FDI的数量和质量的影响,而服装业获得较多FDI技术外溢的重要原因在于其利用外资的密度较大,且在引进技术中重视对先进技术的消化吸收。然而,尽管如此,我国纺织服装业目前仍被锁定在全球价值链低端的生产环节,全员劳动生产率较低。因此,我国应通过利用FDI培育和获取核心技术、知名品牌和销售渠道等高级生产要素,促使企业向价值链的高附加值环节攀升。  相似文献   

FDI技术外溢效应一直是个充满争议的话题,已有的研究当中,有的学者支持FDI存在正的技术外溢效应的结论,有的学者刚好持相反的观点。安徽省正处在引进外资的关键阶段,FDI是否对安徽省存在正的技术外溢效应?对安徽省FDI技术外溢效应的研究无疑具有重要的理论和现实意义。本文以1990~2005年为基础,运用实证分析的方法对安徽省FDI技术外溢效应进行了研究,并对在现阶段安徽省引进外资提出建议。  相似文献   

本文在对涉及输入型FDI技术溢出效应的有关文献进行综述的基础上,把制造业27个行业根据OECD标准按技术含量分为高技术、中高技术、中低技术及低技术四组取样,采用面板数据模型分析了不同技术水平行业组的FDI技术溢出效应。结果表明:FDI的技术溢出效应确实存在,而且技术外溢效应容易发生在技术含量和技术密集度较高的行业中;内外资企业的技术差距对溢出存在负面影响,但这一负面影响会随内资企业技术吸收能力的提高而减弱。  相似文献   

本文首先回顾了国内外关于FDI技术外溢效应的研究成果,深入分析了技术外溢效应的作用机制。随后,为了反映时间趋势和解决内生性问题,本文建立联立方程计量模型,并采用跨年度的工业宏观数据,实证分析了FDI对我国国有工业企业的技术外溢效应。结果表明,FDI对国有企业存在显著的技术外溢效应,并且这种效应是通过竞争与示范效应,以及产业联系效应产生的。并且近年来,随着市场竞争的加剧,外资与国有企业的联系越加紧密,这种外溢效应也在不断加强。基于分析结果,本文最后从不同角度提出了如何获取更大技术外溢效应的对策建议。  相似文献   

本文利用固定效应模型对1997-2003年服务业各行业的相关数据进行了短期效应和长期效应的分析,结果表明:服务业外商直接投资具有一定的经济增长效应,但是在不同时间段差异较大。从短期看,1997-2000年期间,服务业外商直接投资具有负的经济增长效应,而在2001-2003年期间,服务业外商直接投资具有正的经济增长效应。从长期看,1997-2000年期间,滞后两年的服务业外商直接投资具有较强的正的经济增长效应,2001-2003年期间,滞后一年的服务业外商直接投资具有比当年更大的正的经济增长效应。最后提出了相关的政策建议。  相似文献   

国内外前期研究表明:充分适度竞争是外商直接投资行业内溢出效应产生的内在机制。在此基础之上,利用中国2005年的工业数据对中国FDI行业内溢出效应进行经验研究。通过对FDI行业中内外资企业的技术差距、规模差距、资本密集度差距等竞争能力指标的比较,结合我国实际情况,得出结论:外资企业的能力差距小是我国FDI行业内溢出效应产生的关键因素,同时FDI行业内溢出效应的发挥又会受到当地综合经济发展水平的门槛效应、经济赶超效应和经济增长收敛效应的制约。  相似文献   

This article examines spillover effects from inward investment on domestic firm growth in the case of a developed host country. The emphasis is placed on the role of the technological gap between domestic and foreign firms in identifying the importance of technology diffusion from the presence of multinationals. An augmented production function is employed to account for technological, financial and market structure effects. Based on a sample of 2589 manufacturing firms operating in Greece between 1992 and 1997, the analysis provides evidence that the significance of spillovers varies with the relative technological position of domestic firms and is higher in the middle and upper quantiles of the growth distribution. It was estimated that a unit increase in the foreign presence in Greek industry raises output growth by 7% on average, in a five‐year period, after controlling for technological differences among firms. This result is consistent with the ‘absorptive capacity’ hypothesis that the technological capability of the host country relates positively to FDI spillover benefits.  相似文献   

A number of existing empirical studies have attempted to estimate the foreign direct investment (FDI)-related productivity spillover effects to domestic firms in host economies using various methodologies and measures of FDI. This literature has produced mixed results. While some studies found positive spillovers, others reported zero or even negative spillovers. In this paper, using a model of firm heterogeneity, we provide a rigorous theoretical justification for the mixed findings. We show that FDI-related productivity spillover effects can be decomposed into a direct and an indirect effect. If the direct effect is positive then relatively less capable domestic firms that were not able to survive in the industry (before the arrival of foreign firms) can enter the industry, which decreases the average (expected) productivity of the industry. If this indirect effect is sufficiently strong then the overall impact of FDI on productivity of domestic firms can be zero or negative. Hence, irrespective of the type of FDI (vertical or horizontal) and control variables included in empirical models, one may find negative or zero spillover effects.  相似文献   

This paper aimed at investigating the existence of productivity spillovers and their transmission channels in both Kenya and Malaysia firm-level panel data from the manufacturing sector for the period 2000–2005. Both countries have a long history of relying on FDI in industrial development. The existing literature on productivity spillovers suggests that productivity spillovers may be one of the most important effects that foreign MNEs impart to local firms in developing countries. Yet still, few studies exist in both countries on productivity spillovers and their transmission channels. Three spillover channels were examined: demonstration, competition, and information. In addition, the backward linkage channel was examined for the case of Malaysia. The results reveal that there is limited evidence of negative productivity spillovers from foreign firms to domestic firms through the competition effects in Kenya. In Malaysia, there is evidence of positive spillovers from foreign-owned firms to domestic firms through the demonstration effects. In addition, there is evidence of negative spillovers through the competition effects as well as backward linkages. There is also evidence of positive productivity spillovers from domestic firms to foreign-owned firms through backward linkages. Productivity spillovers are found to be dependent on the technology gap.  相似文献   

产业集聚对山东省FDI技术溢出的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文将产业集聚因素纳入了外商直接投资(FDI)技术溢出的研究中,运用面板数据从行业的角度对比分析了山东省2000-2009年在有产业集聚倾向的行业与没有集聚倾向行业中FDI对技术进步的影响,得出结论是山东省引进的外商直接投资存在技术溢出效应;相关行业的产业集聚抑制了FDI的技术溢出;同时产业集聚也抑制了流动资本周转率和资产负债率对技术进步的促进作用。  相似文献   

While previous literature has extensively shown that foreign-owned firms pay higher wages than domestically owned firms, the examination of intra-industry wage spillovers between foreign-owned and domestic companies has received much less attention, particularly among non-core EU economies. In this paper, we contribute to the literature on wage spillovers of foreign multinational enterprises onto domestic firms by considering whether the presence of MNE subsidiaries in the Spanish manufacturing industry affects wages in domestic firms in the same industry. Although no evidence supports the existence of wage spillovers from MNEs onto domestic firms on aggregate, we show that the effect of this outside presence on domestic wages is significantly more positive in step with the higher level of workers’ skills in domestic firms. Because only workers in domestic firms with a highly skilled workforce will benefit from wage spillovers from the foreign firm presence in the industry, policy makers need bear in mind that not all FDI will automatically generate spillover benefits to domestic firms.  相似文献   

This paper investigates how productivity spillovers from foreign to domestic firms are affected by foreign firm characteristics and labour market conditions in Moldova. We use firm-level administrative panel data and annual survey region-sector indicators of labour market conditions in 2005–2014. Baseline regressions show that domestic firms benefit from backward FDI spillovers, while we find no evidence of horizontal or forward spillovers. Spillover effects are heterogeneous and depend on the ownership structure and age of foreign firms. Domestic firms in upstream sectors benefit from both wholly foreign-owned companies (WFOC) and joint ventures (JV). However, JVs need less time in the market for positive spillovers to materialise, while WFOCs only lead to larger spillover effects when they are older. In regions and sectors where firms experience fewer labour market restrictions, backward FDI spillovers are larger. Interacting foreign firm characteristics with labour market restrictions, we find that spillovers through the labour market channel materialise only for older FDI, regardless of ownership type. The results are in line with our expectation that WFOCs need more time than JVs to develop linkages with local suppliers and lead to spillovers through this channel. Moreover, in developing countries labour market restrictions reduce labour mobility and consequently, the size of FDI spillovers across industries.  相似文献   

本文通过将Barro和Martin的领导者一追随者模型扩展至包含外商投资部门,构建了技术差距对FDI溢出影响的理论模型,并得出如下结论:外资企业通过技术溢出效应提高了东道国企业的生产效率,即FDI的技术溢出效应是存在的;对于存在不同程度技术差距的内外资企业,技术差距对FDI溢出效应的作用不同;当内外资企业技术差距过大时,外资企业技术水平的提高不会产生更显著的技术溢出,反而由于东道国企业难以吸收而抑制外资企业的技术溢出。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the productivity spillovers from foreign direct investment (FDI) using Turkish firm-level data for a more recent time period, 2003–2010, which coincides with significant FDI inflows both in manufacturing and service sectors in the region. The empirical model is derived from endogenous growth theory whereby the rate of technological progress is partly determined by technology transfers and spillovers from international contacts, our exclusive focus being on FDI-induced spillovers. The impact of FDI onto the firm-level productivity is evaluated via the channels of horizontal and vertical linkages. The empirical results show that horizontal linkages decrease the productivity of firms, whereas vertical linkages exert a positive impact onto the local productivity levels, thereby drawing attention of policy makers towards strengthening of supplier–buyer relationship between local and multinationals in order to optimize the benefits from FDI. This study also acknowledges the heterogeneity of local (foreign) firms and their differential capacity to absorb (exude) the FDI-induced externalities.  相似文献   

浙江省外商直接投资技术外溢效应实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过构建回归模型,从行业、城市和因果关系三个层面定量分析了浙江省外商直接投资技术外溢效应,最后得出结论:FDI(外商直接投资)能通过对内资企业的技术外溢效应而促进浙江省经济增长。因此,今后相关外资政策的制定不应该只一味强调引入外资的数量,而必须从影响FDI技术外溢效果的诸种因素出发,充分发挥外资对当地内资企业的辐射作用以促进浙江省经济长期增长。  相似文献   

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