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随着我国经济快速增长,居民的可支配收入节节攀升,奢侈品消费者数量大幅增加。中国消费者在全球共计消费奢侈品达1060亿美元,但中国消费者奢侈品消费外流极严重。本篇文章主要浅析中国奢侈品的消费现状和原因以及如何使中国本土奢侈品品牌走出国门,走向世界。  相似文献   

张波 《现代商业》2013,(28):95-96
近几年我国的经济发展迅速,千万、亿万富豪大批涌现。促使我国奢侈品市场的消费总额迅速攀升。世界奢侈品的消费中心开始慢慢向中国转移了。但是作为未来奢侈品消费中心,我国的本土奢侈品牌却严重缺位于国内外奢侈品市场,相比较于我国的消费能力,这是完全不对称的。现在欧美等奢侈品牌大国,经过金融危机都处于经济不景气的状态,他们的奢侈品企业也危机重重。这样千载难逢的机遇为我国本土奢侈品的创立和发展创造了可能性。本文通过对我国发展本土奢侈品牌的潜力和瓶颈进行研究,结合相关权威资料和国内成功案例总结出了我国发展本土奢侈品牌的途径,并设计出了适合我国本土品牌发展的策略。  相似文献   

王贺 《中国电子商务》2013,(23):192-192
奢侈品是世界上最高级的消费品,对每个人来说,奢侈品是成就与财富的一种褒奖商品。中国已成为奢侈品消费增长速度最快的国家并且已经名列全球第三大奢侈品消费国。而与世界知名奢侈品品牌的高速发展相比,中国本土奢侈品的发展还显得竞争力不足。因此,了解世界奢侈品市场,制定适合中国本土企业的营销策略显得十分急迫。本篇希望通过分析奢侈品的消费人群及中国奢侈品行业的发展现状来得出本土品牌营销寰略。  相似文献   

国外奢侈品品牌长久规模性的占领着中国奢侈品消费市场,但是随着国内消费者消费习惯的改变和消费认识的提高使国外奢侈品不再那么炙手可热。本文通过描述奢侈品的特征和本土奢侈品的发展近况,并分析发展中所存在的问题和现阶段本土奢侈品的发展环境,给出了政策建议和未来的发展方向。  相似文献   

李春雪  张舒泽 《中国市场》2011,(6):86-86,101
改革开放以来,中国人民的消费水平有了明显的提高,有很大一部分居民已经跨入了奢侈品的消费行列,但是本土奢侈品牌的发展却极其缓慢。本文首先回顾了中国奢侈品市场的发展概况,接着总结出中国发展本土奢侈品的困境,并在此基础上提出打造本土奢侈品牌的营销策略。  相似文献   

消费升级背景下,我国进入大众奢华时代,而我国本土新奢侈品品牌的匮乏已成为不争的事实。文章基于消费升级背景下我国本土新奢侈品品牌的发展机遇,分析了正在成为主力的当代中国新奢侈品消费者,并以此为依据,重新思考我国新奢侈品品牌的角色定位和个性定位,提出了我国本土新奢侈品品牌培育的路径:基于工匠精神的产品开发与创新;基于场景的内容生产与信息传递;基于信任建立的品牌互动和沟通。  相似文献   

近10年来,随着人民日益增长的消费需求,中国奢侈品市场飞速发展,中国成为全球奢侈品消费第一大国。但是,在中国奢侈品市场中活跃着的奢侈品牌几乎全部为国外品牌,发展中国本土的奢侈品牌成为目前奢侈品市场的主要任务。国外奢侈品牌进入中国已有20余年,多数国际知名品牌这些年活跃在中国奢侈品市场,在中国奢侈品市场发展历程中取得了令人瞩目的成绩,其发展历程也极具代表性。本文首先介绍了4R理论及其应用,并对中国奢侈品市场近20年的发展历程进行总结,并归纳中国奢侈品市场的特征,并用4R营销理论分析了中国奢侈品市场中的常见营销策略,并以此为基础为中国发展本土奢侈品牌提出建议。  相似文献   

Lv(路易·威登)、Dior Homme、江诗·丹顿、法拉利、阿斯顿·马丁、轩尼诗、阿玛尼、香奈儿等这些闪耀着夺目光环的名称,业界人士、富豪贵族、高级白领等这些国际顶级奢侈品品牌的消费者们对它们并不陌生,甚至如数家珍。高档箱包、华服名车、洋酒珠宝、高档化妆品这些对于普通大众来说,望之兴叹,不可企及的商品或服务,是真正的奢侈品。最近的三四年时间里,在西方奢侈品市场一片低迷的形势下,中国的奢侈品消费却风声水起,一片热闹景象。世界各大奢侈品品牌纷纷抢滩中国市场,中国消费者的奢侈品消费能力让各大奢侈品商家震惊,他们看好中国奢侈品消费市场,几乎所有的世界奢侈品品牌专卖店、旗舰店如雨后春笋般在中国一线城市崛起。这似乎让我们感觉到中国的奢侈品消费时代已悄然来临了。究竟何谓奢侈品与奢侈品品牌?如何看待中国不断增长的奢侈品消费群体和消费趋势以及中国如何培育本土奢侈品品牌等问题,值得我们深思。  相似文献   

关于中国发展本土奢侈品牌的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2009年中国首次超过美国成为了世界第二大奢侈品消费国,但是属于中国本土的奢侈品牌却寥寥无几,这无疑是一个很尴尬的问题。本文简单的回顾了中国奢侈品市场的消费现状,总结出中国奢侈品市场的消费特点,并在此基础上提出打造本土奢侈品牌的对策建议。  相似文献   

中国已成为奢侈品消费大国,但其自身却还未有过真正的奢侈品牌,如何打造中国奢侈品牌,在此,从国际著名成功品牌爱马仕与路易威登中"汲取灵感"。奢侈品具有的六种特性对于中国现状而言可能适用性不高,对我国而言,如何发展壮大产品本身的工艺水平和内在价值,创造真正的本土奢侈品牌,才是关键。  相似文献   

随着当前我国奢侈品消费人数的不断攀升及奢侈品消费金额的不断提高,中国的奢侈品消费从整体上看未富先奢的局面已经出现。其大致可分为两类:一类是传统奢侈品的消费,消费人群主要集中在超富裕阶层;另一类是新奢侈品的消费,消费人群是中产阶级和白领。从影响我国消费者奢侈品消费的主要动机来看,人际性消费是影响我国奢侈品消费的主要动机,其中符号性消费是影响我国当前奢侈品消费的首要因素。符号性消费、从众性消费与人情消费都属于非理性的消费行为,促使我国奢侈品消费呈现出一种非理性状态。因此.应大力倡导理性消费.同时也要抓住契机。加大宣传营销力度与创新.树立自己的民族奢侈品牌,更好地发施我国经济  相似文献   

目前,中国正成为世界上重要而且快速增长的新奢侈品消费市场。新奢侈品消费已经显示出消费群体以中产阶层为主、消费形式网络化、情感体验型消费、消费由一线城市向二三线城市扩张等特征。基于新奢侈品利用新的消费者心理,将高质量商品消费大众化,将消费的物品提升为一种新的体验和享乐的趋势,中国应根据自身独特环境来选择适合的营销策略,采取突出品牌个性,加快整合多种传播渠道,实施差异化品牌传播与体验式营销,发展品牌战略联盟等措施。优化产品营销规划,正确引导消费者进行理性选择,推动消费升级。并在全球市场竞争中立于不败之地。  相似文献   


While the Chinese luxury industry is enjoying rapid growth, the market for counterfeit luxury brands is growing equally fast. There are contradictory views regarding the role counterfeit luxury brands play in the marketplace. Luxury brand owners denounce counterfeit luxury products for harming the reputation of luxury brands and reducing their profitability. Others believe that the availability of counterfeit luxury products may help increase the brand awareness of luxury names and thereby make authentic products more sought after. In this study, we examine the impact of counterfeit luxury products from the consumers’ standpoint. Specifically, the authors investigate whether and how Chinese consumers with different luxury consumption experiences view counterfeit luxury products differently. The study contributes to a better understanding of Chinese consumers’ attitudes toward counterfeit luxury products and thus helps marketers and policy makers develop more effective strategies for dealing with the issue.  相似文献   

Both the marketing industry and academia have been paying more attention to the growth and potential of the luxury market. This research developed a theoretical framework for understanding the dimensions of luxury brand personality and a reliable and valid scale that measures these dimensions. When 30 luxury brands, ranging from fashion to automobile and retail, were assessed on a set of diverse personality attributes, six dimensions representing luxury brand personality were identified: Excitement, Sincerity, Sophistication, Professionalism, Attractiveness, and Materialism. Findings indicate that while three dimensions, Sincerity, Excitement, and Sophistication, share similar qualities with those identified in Aaker's (1997) scale for general brand personality, the other three dimensions, Professionalism, Attractiveness, and Materialism, reflect meanings unique and specific to luxury brands. Altogether, the results of this research hold the notion that luxury brands serving as consumption symbols provide both utilitarian benefits and symbolic meanings to contemporary consumers.  相似文献   

The market for second‐hand luxury products is growing and the variety of available sales channels has increased; consumers can buy second‐hand luxury goods not only from brick‐and‐mortar stores but also from a myriad of both global and local online channels. Arguably, the increase in available sales channels has changed consumers’ purchasing behaviour as the roles between sellers and buyers are alternating as one can act as a buyer one day and a seller the next. However, prior research on luxury consumption has mainly focused on brand‐new luxury goods, largely neglecting the consumption of previously‐used luxury products and has not accounted for the multi‐channel shopping environment. The purpose of this paper is to understand how consumers mentally approach the purchase of second‐hand luxury products and what kinds of decision‐making styles they use. The empirical interview data of 22 consumers was analysed by the means of shopping style dimensions that account for both consumer characteristics and external shopping conditions. The interviewees were members of a Facebook buy and sell ‐group focused on luxury products and had recently bought a second‐hand luxury product. All the existing dimensions were evident in the data but an additional dimension was also identified: resale value consciousness. The new dimension emphasizes an investment‐led and price‐quality conscious shopping style but was also found to relate to impulse buying and brand consciousness. The emergence of the dimension is argued to be due to the increase in viable online sales channels for second‐hand luxury products.  相似文献   

This exploratory study examines the processes of value co-creation and co-destruction between luxury brands and consumers from the consumer perspective using the social resource theory. The study adopted a qualitative, inductive approach using a sample of 24 in-depth interviews with luxury customers, both local residents and tourists, in Thailand. Love, status, information, and services are the four main types of resources involved in online interactions between luxury brands and customers. It is acknowledged that customers have different expectations, determining the way which they use their resources in interaction with the brand. In addition, the co-creation and co-destruction of the luxury brand experience include conversations and sophisticated interactions between many parties, such as the brand itself, staff, customers, and other related groups, for example, consumption communities and social network users.  相似文献   

This study examines college student consumers' relationship with luxury brands through two studies. Study 1 analyzes collages to determine what represents luxury to them, how consumers perceive their relationships with luxury, and who they are as luxury consumers. Study 2 analyzes qualitative interviews to validate the findings of Study 1 and to add further insights. Results of Study 1 suggest that college student consumers represent a vibrant segment in the luxury market. These consumers perceive a wide variety of products and brands as meeting their luxury needs. They are currently interested in luxury and their potential will only increase as their incomes do. Results of Study 2 confirms their views of luxury and emphasizes the critical roles social media, peers, and family play in influencing college student consumers' luxury consumption and provide insights for how to build an emotional bond with them. Luxury marketers can build brand relationships with college student consumers by offering them entry-level products as they are current luxury consumers and see their consumption expanding in the future. Given that college student consumers are both vulnerable and savvy in recognizing when they are being manipulated, caution needs to be taken in approaching this segment in relationship-building efforts.  相似文献   

Consumption of luxury brands has been rising significantly, particularly in emerging economies.While some aspects of luxury consumption may be consistent across cultural settings, certain key differences may prevail; with particular attention to the relational and experiential aspects that characterize consumer-brand engagements. The purpose of the current research is to address this previously underexplored area and study the impact of consumer-brand dyadic attributes – incorporating brand experience, brand resonance, brand trust, and consumer involvement on the pursuit of luxury brands within the Indian context. Data was gathered using a survey distributed to 413 luxury brand consumers in four major metropolitan cities in India, employing Smart-PLS for analysis. In addition to the main effects, the moderating impact of gender, geographic location, and generation were explored. The results reveal that brand experience and brand resonance are both essential for luxury consumption, with an additional moderating role of generation and gender. Furthermore, consumer involvement is found to mediate the relationship. Implications for scholarship and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

Global teen population constitutes a sizable market in the luxury brands industry. However, little is known about the mechanism through which teens form an attitude towards luxury brands, particularly in the context of emerging economies. Drawing insights from self-concept theory, self-discrepancy theory, and social consumption motivation, our study proposes a theoretical framework to explain how teenagers' self-related perception influence social consumption motives through avoidance-related indecisiveness, thereby determining teenagers' attitude towards luxury brands. Using a sample of 610 affluent private school students across five major cities of India, we empirically validate our theoretical framework through structural equation modelling. Our study contributes to the existing literature by demonstrating the impact of teenagers’ self-perception on the display of avoidance-related indecisiveness and resisting social consumption motives of luxury brand purchases.  相似文献   

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