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纪世瀛 《中关村》2004,(9):41-41
陈春先突然辞世,对我们打击很大。他的一生是平凡而伟大的一生。他是中关村民营科技事业的开创者,当年如果不是他带领我们推动了这个事业,中关村的今天就不会是现在这个样子,中国民营高科技产业也就不会是今天这个局面,这个人太值得纪念了。我认为,陈春先是个改革家。当然,中国最大的改革家应该是邓小平。今年8月22日正好是邓小平同志诞辰一百周年纪念日。当年,我们下海就是因为1978的全国科学大会,肯定了知识分子是劳动者,我们经历了十年浩劫,迎来了科学的春天;十一届三中全会又确定了改革开放的路线方针,邓小平提出“科技是第一生产力”,…  相似文献   

三山五园历史文化景区是千百年来智慧勤劳的中国人民最伟大的文化创造成果之一,是全人类珍贵的世界文化遗产,是东西方文化交流的美丽窗口,是中华民族的重要文化符号,是北京历史文化名城的精致名片。  相似文献   

三十年,对于现在年轻的公路人是好奇、是赞叹、是神秘; 三十年,对于当时年轻的公路人是经历、是无悔、是生命.  相似文献   

明子 《中关村》2006,(9):88-91
高等教育,因为离市场较远,所以表现得好像是清水衙门,真的是两袖清风,“君子坦荡荡”。但实际上,从里到外,从高校到社会,从教育部门到经济领域,高等教育的腐败非今日始,是不可以等闲视之的。垄断寄生,大学资源枯竭在中国人的观念里,念大学是孩子们的惟一正确的出路。而我们的大学,因为是众望所归,因为是皇帝女儿不愁嫁,所以形成了“教育垄断”,在这垄断的温床上,是可怕的寄生与腐朽的诞生。因为吃的是皇粮,而且是逐年增长的趋势,我们的大学可以躺在国家投资办教育的怀里睡大觉。即使不发广告,即使不用营销,学苗也十分踊跃,门槛还可以不断提…  相似文献   

刘桓 《中关村》2004,(9):51-51
内外资企业所得税合并的原因和背景是,内外资所得税存在着差异。其中最重要的是内外资所得税存在着实质差异,一是扣除标准不同。内外资企业对员工工资扣除标准不一致,对内资企业规定的条例比较苛刻,而涉外企业的税收法规就比较优厚。这个差异就成为外资的优势,可以招揽人才。另外是优惠条例的差异。有四个方面,一是纳税义务的起始日不一样。内资企业是从企业登记之日起纳税,而外资企业是从盈利之日起纳税。二是地区差异。内资企业在任何地方的税率都是33%,而外资企业在特区税率是15%,在沿海开放城市是24%。三是行业优惠差异。国家规定,外商…  相似文献   

书包最重的人是我,作业最多的人是我每天起得最早的、睡得最晚的,是我是我还是我  相似文献   

张越 《中关村》2014,(9):110-113
书法是国艺,是一门需要付出毕生心血去惨淡经营的学问。书法艺术之成,是文化炼狱,书法功课是终生都做不完的文化修业。——林岫书法是门独立的艺术第一次见林岫先生是在2011年的全国文代会上。虽然当天名家满堂,但林岫先生的发言却给我留下了深刻的印象。那天第一次听起她谈及书法家应该是文化人,还列举了诸多著名书法家出现严重错误的例子,诸如有的知名书法家竟将众人皆知的"奥林匹克"误写为"奥林匠克"。  相似文献   

回顾企业的发展历史,有成功的喜悦,也有失败的痛苦.然而,在今天日新月异的变革浪潮中,我所感悟到的,更多的是迷惘和危机.不管承不承认,这都是客观存在的事实.企业的成功与发展究竟是源自主观努力还是历史机遇,或者干脆是关系的作用,都值得仔细思考.每个产品供应商、渠道商或者工程集成商都要清楚自己的优势是什么,"人有多大胆,地有多大产"是违背事物发展规律的,因为每个企业的资源是有限的,所以明智的做法就是把有限的精力和资源投入到最能产生价值的地方,只有专注地做好一项工作,才能摆脱竞争对手,获得成功.也就是说,每个企业都应该有一个明确的定位,你一定要清楚你的位置,最终向客户提供的是什么?  相似文献   

耕田 《中关村》2004,(10):49-49
计划生育是我们国家的“基本国策”。马克思认为,人口是“全部社会生产行为的基础和主体”。他还说“,消费直接也是生产,正如自然界中的元素和化学物质的消费是植物的生产一样。例如,吃喝是消费形式之一,人吃喝就生产自己的身体,这是明显的事。”人是生产者,同时又是消费者。只看到一面忽视另一面,对于人口问题就会得出片面的结论“。要想马儿跑,又要马儿不吃草。”世界上没有这样的好事!过去,我们一直认为“,世间一切事物中,人是第一可宝贵的。“”在共产党领导下,只要有了人,什么人间奇迹也可以造出来。“”我国人多,是好事,当然也有困难…  相似文献   

近日,新东方教育科技集团董事长俞敏洪谈到,做一个知识分子应该具备的素质,第一个素质是有个性,但是却能圆润地表达出来。第二个素质是思想可以敏锐,甚至可以尖锐,但是不能极端。第三个素质是在专业领域要拔尖,但同时要博学通识。第四个素质是要保持人格尊严,但是要以"仁"达天下。第五个素质是要追求财富和名声,但又要安于清贫。第六个素质是在热闹时,要懂得热闹;在寂寞时,要懂得升华。第七个素  相似文献   

Graph-based entropy, an index of the diversity of events in their distribution to parts of a co-occurrence graph, is proposed for detecting signs of structural changes in the data that are informative in explaining latent dynamics of consumers’ behavior. For obtaining graph-based entropy, connected sub-graphs are first obtained from the graph of co-occurrences of items in the data. Then, the distribution of items occurring in events in the data to these sub-graphs is reflected on the value of graph-based entropy. For the data on the position of sale, a change in this value is regarded as a sign of the appearance, the separation, the disappearance, or the uniting of consumers’ interests. These phenomena are regarded as the signs of dynamic changes in consumers’ behavior that may be the effects of external events and information. Experiments show that graph-based entropy outperforms baseline methods that can be used for change detection, in explaining substantial changes and their signs in consumers’ preference of items in supermarket stores.  相似文献   

The aging of the population in Japan is a serious problem, and the reform of the public pension scheme is a major political issue. Although the 2004 pension reform was enforced to ensure a sustainable pension system in such an aging society, people remain quite apprehensive about the pension system. Consequently, various sectors have created new proposals for pension reform to overcome these problems, and it has become a recent policy debate. The objective of this article is to prepare projections for the income distribution of households containing elderly people using the Japanese microsimulation model, INAHSIM (Integrated Analytical Model for Household Simulation), and to evaluate the effect of the proposals on the living standards of the elderly. According to the simulation results, the problem of very low pension amounts for the elderly does not appear to be growing. However, changes in co-resident families of the elderly, such as the increase in the number of people living alone, may cause a decline in their standard of living. The author points out the problems of the previously proposed reform plans and proposes an alternative reform plan based on the perspective used in this paper.  相似文献   

在推动文化大繁荣大发展的时代背景下.海淀区文学艺术界联合会召开了第三次代表大会。会议审议通过了海淀文联工作报告.修订了《海淀区文学艺术界联合会章程》,选举产生了新一届领导机构。从一个区域的活动,我们看到了中国艺术的文化力量。  相似文献   

The authors propose the effectiveness of Facebook functions in the promotion of career education. In recent years, career education in Japanese universities has differed slightly from that in other countries. Japanese students are trained to be competitive in the job-hunting process; they need to obtain the technical skills and knowledge necessary to pass a company entrance examination or a university oral interview. This practice is in stark contrast with the intrinsic meaning of vocational/career education, which is the process by which students acquire the abilities and independence required by a certain industry. This meaning is manifested in the purpose of the career education program of Hokkai-Gakuen University’s Faculty of Business Administration. The program’s purpose is to foster independence in its students rather than the acquisition of skills for the job-hunting process. The professional independence of every student is important to their career development after graduating from the university. On the other hand, it is known that e-portfolios generally encourage students to record and assess their activities. To promote the activities that students tackle in the program, we introduced an e-portfolio using Facebook. This study shows the characteristics and achievements of our e-portfolio.  相似文献   

When a large-scale disaster hits a community, especially a water-related disaster, there is a scarcity of automobiles and a sudden increase in the demand for used cars in the damaged areas. This paper conducts a case study of a recent massive natural disaster, the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami of 2011 to understand those car scarcities and demand in the aftermath of the catastrophe. We analyze the reasons for the increase in demand for used cars and how social media can predict people’s demand for used automobiles. In other words, this paper explores whether social media data can be used as a sensor of socio-economic recovery status in damaged areas during large-scale water-related disaster-recovery phases. For this purpose, we use social media communication as a proxy for estimating indicators of people’s activities in the real world. This study conducts both qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis. For the qualitative research, we carry out semi-structured interviews with used-car dealers in the tsunami-stricken area and unveil why people in the area demanded used cars. For the quantitative analysis, we collected Facebook page communication data and used-car market data before and after the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami of 2011. By combining and analyzing these two types of data, we find that social media communication correlates with people’s activities in the real world. Furthermore, this study suggests that different types of communication on social media have different types of correlations with people’s activities. More precisely, we find that social media communication related to people’s activities for rebuilding and for emotional support is positively correlated with the demand for used cars after the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami. On the other hand, communication about anxiety and information seeking correlates negatively with the demand for used cars.  相似文献   

In this paper we model U.S. economic growth over the next 25 years. Despite the anticipated aging of the population, moderate population growth will provide growing supplies of labor well into the 21st century. Improvements in labor quality due to education and experience will also continue for some time, but will eventually disappear. Productivity growth for the U.S. economy will be below long-term historical averages, but labor-using technical change will be a stimulus for growth of labor demand. Year-to-year changes in economic activity will be primarily the consequence of capital accumulation. However, the driving forces of economic growth over the long term will be demography and technology. This is a revised version of the keynote speech that I delivered on 16 January 2009 at the 6th International Conference of Socionetwork Strategies, at Kansai University, Japan.  相似文献   

This paper presents an empirical analysis of the factors determining the productivity of the software industry in Japan, using individual data from the Survey of the State of the Information Service Industry conducted in August 2006 by IPA (Information-Technology Promotion Agency, Japan). This paper focuses on the relationship between the subcontracting structure and productivity in the Japanese software industry. Software enterprises are classified as prime contractors, intermediate subcontractors, end-contractors, and independent enterprise. A comparison of their productivity levels reveals that intermediate subcontractors are the least productive. However, it is observed that the intermediate subcontractors possessing a high quality of human resources measured the proportion of employees passing the Information Technology Engineers Examination (ITEE), or the intermediate subcontractors adopting the IT skill standard which defines the skills for IT human resources clearly and systematically, has a high productivity level. It can raise the productivity in software industry as a whole.  相似文献   

This paper examines statistical correlations between workers?? income levels or wages, and Information and Communication Technology (ICT). The analyzed data set is micro data collected through the Web in 2008 and 2010 by the Research Institute for Socionetwork Strategies. This micro data estimates the rank correlation of income classes with respect to three types of ICT labor service. Next, multiple linear regression functions are estimated for the wage levels with respect to age, sex, years of continuous employment, and three types of ICT labor service over all industries and in the manufacturing industry or service industry. Finally, a multiple regression analysis is conducted for individual utility levels with respect to income, leisure, and three types of ICT labor service. The results show that, first, the coefficients of rank correlation for all pooled data are positive and statistically significant. Second, individual ICT labor services have positive effects on workers?? wage levels, and the partial regression coefficients are statistically significant. Third, the partial regression coefficient of personal computer operation time decreased but the partial regression coefficient of mobile computer operation time related to work increased drastically from 2008 to 2010. Fourth, the use of the personal and mobile computer shifts the utility function upward with respect to income and leisure.  相似文献   

While AI applications are popular in many domains, they should work harmoniously with domain exerts and end users. Furthermore, to develop such harmonious AI applications, we need agile AI platforms for not only developers, but also domain experts. Currently, we have developed PRactical INTElligent aPplicationS (PRINTEPS), which is a user-centric platform to develop integrated intelligent applications. This paper reports on a multi-robot cafe as a practical application of PRINTEPS and evaluates its service quality at a university festival. It is not clear if robotic services are perceived as attractive and/or valuable, and how the concept of robotic services could lead to customer satisfaction. Therefore, the evaluation of the quality of such services is necessary to identify the key factors that could contribute to improving customer satisfaction. The purpose of this research is to identify key factors in improving customer satisfaction in robotic services by evaluating the service quality of the multi-robot cafe. We designed questionnaire items based on SERVQUAL which is one of the service quality evaluation measurement methods and conducted a questionnaire survey at a multi-robot cafe held at a university festival. From the collected data, we modeled and evaluated the relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction to identify key factors in robotic services using a Bayesian network. In addition, the experiment confirms the usefulness of PRINTEPS.  相似文献   

In the first stage of creating technological improvements for a democratic society, the leaders of the Society of Socionetwork Strategies have conducted statistical research on the effect of information and communication technology on the global economy. In the second stage, younger professors, based on their Positive Studies, have leapt into a multi-agent simulation of Grid Computing. In the third stage, a terra-bite scale of social data-collecting and the mining of large-scale data in our real world will be next. The next generation of scientists will share knowledge and intellectual inquiry in the fields of statistics, mathematics, and the social sciences with the help of computers connecting such scholars from all over the world.  相似文献   

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