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毛志成 《中关村》2014,(9):109-109
一个人或一个国家,称谓越少越好。只有名字本身而别无多余的泛称、誉称、诨称(绰号),就更接近于本身。什么叫称谓?简单地说就是名字,此外还包括在社会上担任的某种职务或被法定授予的荣誉称号。一个人必须有名字,一个国家、一个民族必须有名字,这是正常的也是应当的。什么叫称谓迷恋?就是陶醉于在真实的称谓之外附加上太多的形容词、修饰语,或刻意用华丽而不实的其它"爱称"、"誉称"来取代,并且以此为最大的快感。这样的事,无论是对一个国家还是对一个人来说,都未必有益甚而注定无益。  相似文献   

明星 《中关村》2011,(12):94-95
近日,中国互联网络信息中心统计数据显示,截至2011年6月底,我国网民规模已经达到4.85亿,2011年年底将超过5亿,互联网普及率达到3612%。  相似文献   

程桔华 《中关村》2011,(9):58-62
黄震教授全球首创的硒核酸技术一举解决了核酸生物大分子X射线晶体衍射领域中相位角测定这一重大技术瓶颈难题,硒核酸还能在很大程度上帮助核酸及蛋白复合物结晶,提高晶体结构精度.并且能够非常奸地保持大分子结构同形性。有望在这一领域以及新药研发领域带来革命性影响。  相似文献   

This article proposes a new approach to personal authentication by exploring the features of a person’s face and voice. Microsoft’s Kinect sensor is used for facial and voice recognition. Parts of the face including the eyes, nose, and mouth, etc., are analyzed as position vectors. For voice recognition, a Kinect microphone array is adopted to record personal voices. Mel-frequency cepstrum coefficients, logarithmic power, and related values involved in the analysis of personal voice are also estimated from the voices. Neural networks,support vector machines and principal components analysis are employed and compared for personal authentication. To achieve accurate results, 20 examinees were selected for face and voice data used for training the authentication models. The experimental results show that the best accuracy is achieved when the model is trained by a support vector machine using both facial and voice features.  相似文献   

The aging of the population in Japan is a serious problem, and the reform of the public pension scheme is a major political issue. Although the 2004 pension reform was enforced to ensure a sustainable pension system in such an aging society, people remain quite apprehensive about the pension system. Consequently, various sectors have created new proposals for pension reform to overcome these problems, and it has become a recent policy debate. The objective of this article is to prepare projections for the income distribution of households containing elderly people using the Japanese microsimulation model, INAHSIM (Integrated Analytical Model for Household Simulation), and to evaluate the effect of the proposals on the living standards of the elderly. According to the simulation results, the problem of very low pension amounts for the elderly does not appear to be growing. However, changes in co-resident families of the elderly, such as the increase in the number of people living alone, may cause a decline in their standard of living. The author points out the problems of the previously proposed reform plans and proposes an alternative reform plan based on the perspective used in this paper.  相似文献   

A conjoint analysis on a Web survey in 2010 with 160 participants and 8 questions shows that a Marginal Willingness To Pay (MWTP) on a Next Generation Network (NGN) of Flet’s Hikari Next is lower than its actual price as provided by NTT East. Conjoint analysis is one application of conditional logit. MWTP is WTP when one unit of property is increased, and MWTP is used to verify how much each person evaluates each property. Higher transmission speed, digital TV availability, and higher Internet security affect the MWTP positively, and the amount of the monthly payment of NGN affects the MWTP negatively. Therefore, it is assumed that the NGN of Flet’s Hikari Next by NTT East will be accepted by potential customers and diffused as a major communications service of NTT East and NTT West. NGN providers may be able to maximize their benefits by adjusting the NGN of Flet’s Hikari Next property to meet customer demands, especially in digital TV availability, higher transmission speed, and communications security.  相似文献   

毛志成 《中关村》2011,(3):101-101
无论是社会还是人,一经形成对兴奋剂的依赖,都是健康度下滑的标志。任何社会,任何人,偶尔或少许地服用一点兴奋剂都无妨,至少无大害。比如一个社会在战胜了巨大的天灾人祸之后,不能总陷在原来的痛苦中。为了庆祝对天灾人祸的战胜,  相似文献   

This article focuses on a new approach for personal identification by exploring the features of pedestrian behavior. The recent progress of a motion capture sensor system enables personal identification using human behavioral data observed from the sensor. Kinect is a motion sensing input device developed by Microsoft for Xbox 360 and Xbox One. Personal identification using the Microsoft Kinect sensor (hereafter referred to as Kinect) is presented in this study. Kinect is used to estimate body sizes and the walking behaviors of pedestrians. Body sizes such as height and width, and walking behavior such as joint angles and stride lengths, for example, are used as explanatory variables for personal identification. An algorithm for the personal identification of pedestrians is defined by a traditional neural network and by a support vector machine. In the numerical experiments, pictures of body sizes and the walking behaviors are captured from fifteen examinees through Kinect. The walking direction of pedestrians was specified as 0°, 90°, 180°, and 225°, and then the accuracies were compared. The results indicate that identification accuracy was best when the walking direction was 180°. In addition, the accuracy of the vector machine was better than that of the neural network.  相似文献   

In recent years, catastrophic disasters by massive earthquakes have been increasing in the world, and disaster management is required more than ever. In the case of disasters such as tsunamis, a slight delay in evacuation may deprive evacuees of life. In this article, we formalize the emergency evacuation planning model for evacuation from tsunamis and other disasters based on the idea of the universally quickest flow. We show that there does not always exist a universally quickest flow when the capacity constraint of refuges is taken into account. Therefore, we propose an alternative criterion that approximates a universally quickest flow, and presents an algorithm for finding an optimal flow for this criterion. Numerical experiments are carried out for the evacuation of a local city in Japan where tsunami damages are assumed to occur when a large earthquake occurs in the ocean nearby.  相似文献   

李岩 《中关村》2012,(8):38-40
一个城市的气质,不仅仅是宏伟的建筑.宽阔的街道,那是给别人看的“面子”;作为生活其中的居民最在意还是浓浓的文化内涵,是弥漫的书香味,这才是值得细细品味值得反复咀嚼的。而承载这些的应该是图书馆、博物馆与书店,这些才是真正的“里子”。  相似文献   

俞敏洪 《中关村》2012,(6):112-112
每个人都有对未来的期待,对未来的事业、成就和幸福的追求。在期待美好未来的同时,每个人都要避免看轻自己。面对未来时,我们最容易犯两个错误:一个是觉得自己这辈子不会有大的作为;另一个是料定别人不会有作为。我在北大的时候就犯了第一个错误:我断定自己这辈子基本上没有什么出息,因为我的父母都是农民,  相似文献   

冯婷婷 《中关村》2011,(4):104-105
北京大学流行过一句话,"没有去大觉寺喝过茶,就不能叫知识分子;不是昆曲迷,也不能叫知识分子"。如此高的评价,让原本就对昆曲有着特殊情愫的我又萌生了一种不可抑制的好奇。  相似文献   

吴炜 《中关村》2013,(8):34-36
微软作为全球IT界的一头大象,显然,它已经做好了让自己继续起舞的一切准备。2013年7月7日,北京中关村西区的微软亚太研发集团总部,微软宣布Microsoft Ventures(微软创投)正式进入中国。当天,恰逢一周年生日的微软创投加速器(前身为"微软云加速器")还举办了二期创业团队展示日活  相似文献   

After the 2004 earthquake in Japan’sNiigata Prefecture, there were many difficulties finding the victims. The earthquake caused a wired network disconnection. In addition, fixed-phone and cell-phone service systems crashed due to the rapid increase in the volume of communications. The systems’ collapse was due to the large number of users who were worried about the safety of their relatives. The same situation happened during Hurricane Katrina in the USA. Reflecting on these situations, the Japanese Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications is trying to adopt several methods to correct these communications problems. Although these methods have not been disclosed precisely yet, we think that a predominant goal of one of the methods is most likely to find victims using RFIDs (Radio Frequency Identification) with computer sensors. To do this, the RFID method would have to be incorporated in the following ways: 1) by scattering sensor devices from helicopters when a large-scale disaster such as an earthquake occurs, 2) by making RFIDs self-organized into a network, and 3) by making the self-organized network pinpoint the position of victims. A certain amount of field-testing may be necessary to confirm the effects of this plan. However, such testing requires a great amount of time and high costs. Therefore, we adopt an agent-based simulation for such a test. In this paper, we pay specific attention to a simple and assured algorithm for discovering victims using RFIDs. First, we explain our method to confirm the location of victims. Second, we explain our method for pinpointing the position of victims using trilateration. Finally, we present our simulation results.  相似文献   

蒋文龙 《中关村》2011,(12):99-99
到德国街头转一圈,你也许对“自行车王国”的概念会有全新的认识。与我一道骑自行车的车友是法兰克福德联邦银行的职员菲利普·库斯。只不过我骑自行车是旅游,小伙子则是每天骑着它上班。银行离他的住所只有5公里,库斯骑自行车,不到20分钟。而在上下班高峰期开小车,因为经常塞车,  相似文献   

金名 《中关村》2011,(12):34-36
2011年,55岁的三一集团掌门人梁稳根以财富700亿元成为“2011年中国首富”,这是“胡润百富榜”过去13年中,诞生出的第十位中国首富。  相似文献   

韩永飞 《中关村》2011,(12):104-104
在国外管理跨国公司时,我们要求每个人同样的错误不能重犯。但是到现在,我们还无法要求人们不能重犯其他人犯过的错误。  相似文献   

张玉胜 《中关村》2012,(8):95-95
7月2日.网友“蝈蝈”发帖称,河南省洛阳市第12中学一位学生在同班同学全体参与的“民主投票”中被强迫退学,此帖很快引起网友关注。洛阳市教育局回应称,投票是学生发起的,对于退学,其解释称,实际情况是因为学生“不适应寄宿生活”。而被家长自愿接走。(7月5日《南方都市报》)  相似文献   

In manufacturing industries, product inspection is automated and the use of image data is increasingly being employed for defect detection. A manufacturing company in Japan produces an item and inspects the produced products using image data. Reducing the error rate is important in product inspection because poor inspection of products might lead to the delivery of defective products to consumers (consumer’s risk) and strict inspection increases production cost (producer’s risk). To reduce the error rate, we highlighted fault points using a two-dimensional moving range filter and discriminated defect production through a unanimous vote among Mahalanobis classifiers for each color component. For results, we achieved a lower error rate than the current system. This research is an empirical study of how to use image data in defect detection.  相似文献   


This article proposes an algorithm to recommend apposite ID photos for users by judging the photo of which the facial expression is apposite or not as the ID photo. Microsoft’s Kinect sensor is used for taking photos. Parts of the face, such as eyes, nose, and mouth, are analyzed as explanatory variables for judging face expression. Some body coordinate information such as head and shoulders is used to trim the photos. Neural networks and support vector machines are employed and compared to our proposed method. To achieve accurate results, ten examinees including specialized staff are selected for taking ID photo used for training models. A series of experiments are conducted to examine the validity. As a result, the accuracy of neural networks is better than that of the support vector machine. Furthermore, we analyze and discuss the difference between system results and specialized staffs’ opinions.


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