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关系营销是营销活动的主要内容,90年代以来得到了人们的普遍关注,面对竞争激烈的市场,企业(公司)应树立关系营销的理念,把握关系营销的本质特征,以利于在营销活动活动过程中加以实施。  相似文献   

论营销管理和关系营销   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对当前西方营销学界中营销管理学派和关系营销学派的学术论争,从营销历史的变迁分析入手,得出结论:营销管理是关系营销的基础,关系营销是营销管理的发展而不是取代,是营销管理发展的必然趋势。  相似文献   

服务是酒店产品的核心内容,服务营销已经成为现代酒店业竞争的有力手段。人是服务的重要构成部分,服务营销应主要突出“人”在营销过程中的作用,“人”的要素包括两个方面,即服务人顶和顾客。服务营销、。应基于7P营销理念,实施关系营销、内部营销、全员营销以及顾客满意营销等营销策略。  相似文献   

当前,西方营销学界中关系营销学派与营销管理学派正发生着一场声势浩大的学术论战。对于关系营销与营销管理之间的关系,我们的观点是:营销管理是关系营销的基础,关系营销是营销管理的发展而不是取代,是营销管理发展的必然趋势。  相似文献   

营销组合理论演变的内在逻辑   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
营销组合理论就是在一定的营销理念指导下,对营销要素进行集中而有序的组合,从而反映企业实施营销交易方式的基本特征。在近50年的发展中,营销组合理论经过传统的4Ps理论发展到今天最新的4Rs理论。营销组合理论演变的主线是企业营销理念由注重短期交易关系转变为注重长期交易关系。  相似文献   

实施顾客关系营销,将帮助企业建立起与顾客间的长期伙伴关系,有利于提高顾客忠诚度,增强企业竞争力。本文从顾客关系营销概念入手,简要分析了企业在实施顾客关系营销中存在的问题,并对此提出了相应的策略。  相似文献   

关系营销理论在我国保险领域还处于引入和探索阶段,我国保险公司在保险关系营销实践过程中还存在很多问题和误区,影响了关系营销实施的效果。文章认为关系营销是我国国内保险企业参与国际竞争、提升服务水平的有利武器,对关系营销理论应用于我国保险企业营销实践中存在的主要问题进行了分析,提出了一些相应的对策措施。  相似文献   

互联网技术与关系营销的实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
关系营销兴起于20世纪80年代末至90年代初,它突破了传统市场营销学研究的视角局限于企业短期交易活动的狭隘概念。关系营销的核心内容是顾客满意,即建立顾客的忠诚度。企业与客户建立的关系最主要的形式包括5种,其中最理想的是伙伴式关系。而互联网在产品售前的宣传、售中设计和售后服务及顾客的数据库管理等方面相对于传统的营销方式具有独特的优越性,有利于关系营销的建立、实施与保持。但是最主要的还是要企业提高认识,充分利用互联网的优势为企业服务。  相似文献   

随着全球环境问题的日益突出,绿色营销与可持续发展的观念逐渐被人们所认识和接受,而绿色营销与可持续发展之间又存在着必然的因果关系,两者是相辅相承的,所以绿色营销与可持续发展被同时提上了议事日程,如何实施绿色营销与可持续发展也就成了当务之急!本文从绿色营销与可持续发展的涵义入手,具体探讨了两者之间的关系以及为什么要实施绿色营销与可持续发展,并就如何实施提出了自己的一些想法与建议。  相似文献   

在市场特征出现今非昔比的变化之后,品牌成为市场群雄逐鹿的焦点,品牌经营则成为了企业赢得市场的制胜法宝。正确实施品牌营销策略,巩固提高品牌忠诚度,切实加强品牌管理才能确保企业获得品牌营销成功。  相似文献   

营销源于经济学,成熟于第二次世界大战后。在100多年的发展历史中,先后形成了商品学派、职能学派等12大理论流派。每个理论流派都是从某个角度切入,试图对营销基本问题进行回答,但都无法反映营销学的全貌。营销从企业的中心职能降格为普通职能、从"商品"转化为"服务"的理论演进逻辑、营销历史学派的兴起是营销理论流派当代发展前沿动态。未来的营销学理论流派应清晰:营销学是研究"什么领域"的交易行为、"营销会计学"有可能成为新的营销理论流派、营销学流派发展目标应是发展为具普遍适应意义的"一般化"理论。  相似文献   

The paradox of a marketing planning capability   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Strategy scholars have long debated the value of formal planning, and research has offered inconsistent support for planning to enhance firm performance. Given these mixed empirical effects, we draw from the resource-based view of the firm to illustrate a paradox firms may face. In particular, a strong marketing planning capability may not only reduce the incidence of postplan improvisation but also contain inherent process rigidity. Since both of these can also increase performance, results illustrate a performance paradox in marketing planning. Rebecca J. Slotegraaf (rslotegr@indiana.edu) is an assistant professor of marketing in the Kelley School of Business at Indiana University. Her research focuses on the nature and effect of organizational resources, marketing capabilities, and deployment actions on competitive advantage. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. In addition to this publication in theJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science, she has also published several articles in theJournal of Marketing Research. Peter R. Dickson (dicksonp@fiu.edu) is the Knight-Ridder Eminent Scholar in Global Marketing at Florida International University. He was previously the Arthur C. Nielsen Jr., Chair of Marketing Research at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and before that the Crane Professor of Strategic Marketing and a professor of industrial design at the Ohio State University. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Florida. Thirty of his articles on buyer and seller behavior have been published in leading marketing journals.  相似文献   

Identity, identification, and relationship through social alliances   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The authors studied social alliances, a type of corporate societal marketing initiative. Their research finds that social alliances are an important means whereby employees identify more closely with their organizations while gaining a greater sense of being whole, integrated persons. Furthermore, this integration allows both organizations and their members to align their commercial identities with their moral and social identities. As organizational members struggled to resolve conflicts within their own identities, they were aided by social alliances, which in turn led them to identify more with their organizations. Unlike previous research, the findings suggest that the kind of connections referred to by the informants went well beyond the cold, rational associations described in previous research to emotional attachments that appear to be critical to organizational identification. The results also suggest that participation in social alliances may result in multiple forms of identification: intra- and interorganiza-tion identification. Ida E. Berger (bergeri@ryerson.ca) is the associate director of faculty affairs and a professor of marketing in the School of Business Management at Ryerson University. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Toronto. Her articles have appeared in leading marketing journals, including theJournal of Consumer Research, Public Policy and Marketing, theJournal of Consumer Psychology, andCalifornia Management Review. Her current research interests include social alliances, voluntary and nonprofit sector studies, diversity, and the value of sports in social inclusion. Her teaching interests include marketing theory, consumer behavior, and marketing communications. Peggy H. Cunningham (pcunningham@business.queensu.ca) is the Marie Shantz Teaching Associate Professor of Marketing, School of Business, in the Queen’s University. She completed her Ph.D. at Texas A&M University. Dr. Cunningham’s research interests revolve around two related themes: marketing ethics and marketing partnerships (international strategic alliances, partnerships between for-profit and not-for-profit organizations, relationships between firms and their customers). These areas of study are linked by their focus on the concepts of trust, integrity, and commitment. She is the coauthor of the Canadian editions of a number of marketing textbooks (Marketing Management; Principles of Marketing; and Marketing: An Introduction). Her work is published in a number of journals, including theJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science, the Journal of International Marketing, and California Management Review. Minette E. Drumwright (mdrum@mail.utexas.edu) is an associate professor with a joint appointment in the College of Communication (Department of Advertising) and the College of Liberal Arts at The University of Texas at Austin. Previously, Dr. Drumwright was on the marketing faculties of Harvard Business School and the University of Texas Business School. She currently is the faculty chair of the Bridging Disciplines Program in Ethics and Leadership at the University of Texas. She has a Ph.D. in business administration (marketing) from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Dr. Drumwright’s current research is in the areas of corporate social responsibility, marketing for nonprofit organizations, and business ethics. Her focus is on understanding how managers and consumers integrate noneco-nomic criteria related to society into their decision making. Dr. Drumwright has studied noneconomic criteria in various contexts, including cause-related marketing, partnerships between companies and nonprofit organizations, socially responsible buying behavior, and corporate volunteerism. Her articles and cases have been published in various books and journals, includingCalifornia Management Review, theJournal of Advertising, and theJournal of Marketing.  相似文献   

基于资源编排理论,高水平的营销开发与营销探索并不一定能够给企业带来更高的营销绩效。有鉴于此,本研究将营销双元性界定为营销开发与营销探索的平衡,同时在营销活动中进行开发与探索,并检验企业吸收能力对营销双元性的销售增长效应的调节作用。对广东省227家中小外向型民营企业进行问卷调查,并结合二手财务数据进行实证研究,结果表明:(1)营销双元性对企业销售增长的影响呈向上的凹形曲线;(2)高水平营销开发的企业中,营销双元性对销售增长的二次效应更强,即营销双元性对销售增长具有积极影响;(3)营销开发与营销探索通过营销双元性间接对企业销售增长产生影响。  相似文献   

It is becoming increasingly apparent from the literature that marketers need to consider customer-level information when they generate a marketing strategy for the firm. In this article, the authors develop a customer-focused framework that uses a marketing strategy with an overall objective of maximized financial performance. This strategy is driven by seven customer-level marketing tactics and shows how actual customer data can be used to generate an actionable marketing strategy leading to optimal levels of profitability, customer equity, and shareholder value. In addition, the authors discuss a successful implementation of this strategy for several business-to-business and business-to-consumer firms and offer insights as to how to customize an implementation strategy for any firm, along with presenting potential challenges a firm may encounter during the implementation process. Several suggestions for future research are offered to explore and harness this newly available evidence. V. Kumar (VK) (vk@business.uconn.edu) is the ING Chair Professor of Marketing and the executive director of the ING Center for Financial Services at the University of Connecticut. He spends his time by transferring his knowledge (however little it may be) to his two daughters about customer lifetime value, diffusion models, forecasting sales and market share, retailing, and marketing strategy. J. Andrew Petersen (apetersen@business.uconn.edu) is a doctoral candidate in marketing at the University of Connecticut. His research interests include customer lifetime value, word-of-mouth effects, and customer-level marketing strategy. His research has been published inMarketing Research Magazine and theJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science.  相似文献   

针对美国市场营销学会对营销概念的重新界定之弊端,本文以服务和关系营销为研究的逻辑起点,对一般意义上的营销概念进行了拓展,提出了新的营销定义。首先,对传统和新的营销概念进行深层次分析;其次,结合营销定义最重要的构成要素,对营销作为一项组织职能的拓展与延伸进行了探讨;最后,通过对上述命题的分析,将营销概念与承诺管理等概念进行耦合,阐述本文所提出的新营销概念的理论意义和现实意义。  相似文献   

需求导向的旅游营销战略与渠道策略变革研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在需求导向的营销理念的指导下 ,从旅游市场需求的个性化趋势入手 ,分析了旅游营销战略由大众营销向“一对一”顾客定制化营销的变革 ,并进一步阐述了旅游销售渠道策略向以宽为主的变革。  相似文献   

In a series of three studies, a four-level hierarchical model of personality was employed to identify the antecedents and three validating criteria of a newly developed trait labeledjob resourcefulness (JR). JR is defined as an enduring disposition to garner scarce resources and overcome obstacles in pursuit of job-related goals. Across three service contexts, JR was shown to predict customer orientation, self-rated performance, and supervisor-rated performance. The results also revealed that the hierarchical model accounted for more variance in performance ratings than one version of the 5-Factor Model of personality. Results are discussed in terms of their implications for selecting high-performing service employees. Jane W. Licata (jwlicata@sosu.edu) is an associate professor of marketing at Southeastern Oklahoma State University. She has published articles in theJournal of Public Policy and Marketing, theJournal of Marketing Research, and theJournal of Business Research. John C. Mowen (jcmmkt@okstate.edu) is Regents Professor and holds the Noble Chair of Marketing Strategy at Oklahoma State University. He has published articles in numerous journals, including theJournal of the Academy of Marketing Sciences, theJournal of Marketing Research, theJournal of Marketing, Decisions Sciences, theJournal of Applied Psychology, and theJournal of Personality and Social Psychology. Eric G. Harris (eharris@lklnd.usf.edu) is an assistant professor of marketing at the University of South Florida. He has published articles inPsychology & Marketing and theJournal of Marketing Management. Tom J. Brown (tomb@okstate.edu) is an associate professor of marketing at Oklahoma State University. He has published in numerous journals, including theJournal of Marketing, theJournal of Marketing Research, and theJournal of Consumer Research.  相似文献   

营销理念是企业营销活动的指导思想和价值取向.贯彻以人为本的营销理念,就是要求企业思考问题的出发点和归宿点应该是消费者的需求和愿望的满足,这也是营销理论发展的精髓.为此,企业必须在营销策略及其组合的选择中,作出相应的调整.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to provide a preliminary investigation of the effectiveness of Internet marketers’ various attempts to develop consumer trust through Web signals. The work is an exploration of the context-specific nature of trust in e-commerce. An online experiment compares three potential signals of trust in an Internet retail firm: (1) a third-party certification (i.e., a “trustmark”), (2) an objective-source rating (i.e., a review from Consumer Reports magazine), and (3) an implication of investment in advertising (i.e., a television advertisement to air during the Super Bowl). The trustmark had the greatest effect on perceived trustworthiness, influencing respondents’ beliefs about security and privacy, general beliefs about firm trustworthiness, and willingness to provide personal information. The relationship between Internet experience and trust was in the form of an inverted U. K. Damon Aiken (kaiken@mail.ewu.edu) is an assistant professor at Eastern Washington University at Cheney, Washington. He received his PhD from the University of Oregon. His primary teaching and research interests lie in Internet marketing, consumer attitude formation, and trust development. He has also published in the area of sport marketing, investigating fan attitudes and values. His research has appeared in theJournal of Advertising Research, theInternational Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising, theBusiness Research Yearbook, andSport Marketing Quarterly, among others. David M. Boush (dmboush@lcbmail.uoregon.edu) is an associate professor of marketing in the Lundquist College of Business at the University of Oregon in Eugene. He received his PhD from the University of Minnesota. His research interests center on the relationship between consumer behavior and marketing management decisions, especially those involving advertising, branding, and the Internet. His research has appeared in publications such as theJournal of Marketing Research, theJournal of Consumer Research, theJournal of Business Research, theJournal of International Business Studies, Psychology and Marketing, Marketing Letters, and theJournal of Current Issues and Research in Marketing. He serves on the editorial board of theJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science.  相似文献   

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