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阜阳作为全国四大民工源头之一,每年春运都有几百万农民工客流通过公路运输往返目的地。作为阜阳公路客运主力,阜阳汽运集团坚持以人为本,全力  相似文献   

上世纪80年代末“春运”一词出现以来,位于我国中部地区的安徽省阜阳市在春运期间一直是全国关注的焦点,不仅因为这里是全国民工潮的风向标,而且还因为作为四大重要的民工输出地之一,每年春运都有其不同的特点,个性特征较为突出。今年春运阜阳又连创多项春运纪录,更加招睐眼球,发人深思——  相似文献   

阜阳站是全路春运5大民工源头站之一。车站从坚持正确方向,增强搞好春运工作的责任感和紧迫感,注重标本兼治,营造良好的购票环境,坚持与时俱进,保持旅客乘降平稳有序,坚持以人为本,提高客运服务质量等方面总结了做好春运工作的先进经验。  相似文献   

日前,从河北机场管理集团了解到,刚刚结束的2006年民航春运,石家庄机场接送旅客5.2万人次,同比增长68%,增幅近7成,创出历史同期新高。春运期间,石家庄至海口、深圳、成都、重庆、杭州、厦门、昆明等航线上座率较高,为河北省春运出行热线。从整体情况看旅游客流和探亲返乡客流构成了今年民航春运的主流。针对学生寒假返乡返校、民工返乡等铁路、公路客流高度集中、一票难求的局面,河北机场管理集团为缓解省会春运压力,自筹资金,降低机票价格,千方百计保障百姓出行。在春运黄金时期,陆续推出了"学子返乡优惠特价机票"、"民工返乡特价机票"及"学子返校特价优惠机票"等活动,其中石家庄至西安学生放假回乡持学生证购票仅150元,民工团队每人仅需199元,石家庄至哈尔滨学生票仅199元,尚不足2折。这些机票价格与火车硬座  相似文献   

安徽省阜阳市,现有常住人口980万,外出务工人员就高达200余万,是名副其实的民工之乡。作为全国五大民工潮源头地,年年春运期间,阜阳都是全国的焦点之一,乃至有了春运阜阳现象的提法。  相似文献   

2月2日晚10时余,安徽省定远县交警在省道311线例行春运安全检查时,查获河南省陕县原店乡王恒均驾驶的豫M20348号卧铺客车,载客竟达 126人之多,比核定载客32人超出94人。偌大的客车连人带货挤得严严实实,一旦途中发生交通事故,后果不堪设想。 据驾驶员王恒均交待,此车行驶线路为温州──三门峡,车上旅客是从杭州上车的安徽阜阳一带的民工。车主抓住民工急于返乡过年的心理,漫天要价,加之集体包车,乘车人数越多人均车价就相应越低,所以民工们为省钱省时而置生死于度外,不顾一切往车里挤。 定远交警多方联系…  相似文献   

城市公交和城乡公交是春运链条中的关键环节。40天内当一辆辆公交车将乡村、社区与火车站、汽车站衔接起来,源源不断地输送旅客时,阜阳春运旅客发送量不知不觉中再次刷新了纪录——  相似文献   

正一部分人可能体会得到,骑摩托车返乡和乘车返乡大不一样,民工兄弟顶着寒风或冒着雨雪长时间骑行,常常会让他们手脚冻得冰凉、麻木,此时稍有不慎,极易摔伤或酿成交通事故。这个时候,返乡民工路经春运服务站,停下车来喝碗姜汤,休息一会,了解前方的路况,不仅可以消除一路骑行的疲劳,还提高了安全意识。可以毫不夸张地说,春运服务站迎合了返乡民工的需求,在这寒冷的冬季,温暖了返乡民工兄弟的心。  相似文献   

日前,交通运输部召开2011年全国春运电视电话会议,冯正霖副部长在讲话中指出,要按照国家和部统一部署,全力完成好今年的春运工作,确保广大旅客“平安返乡、欢乐过年、顺利返程”,保障重点物资运输畅通高效。  相似文献   

作为“十二五”开局之年的第一件行业大事,春运是一项政治任务,也是体现“三个服务”的核心工作,责任重大、意义深远。由于今年春节比较早,春运一开始,返乡流、学生流和探亲流就出现了高度叠加,运输压力也较大。1月14日,交通运输部召开2011年全国春运电视电话会议,要求确保广大旅客“平安返乡、欢乐过年、顺利返程”,保障重点物资运输畅通高效。  相似文献   

当前英语教学改革在各高校正如火如荼地进行,而公安高职高专院校的英语教学改革却易于被人们所忽视。本文对公安高职高专院校英语课程的设置、英语教学目标的确定和英语教学模式的采用作了尝试性探索,特别是对“学习者自主性”教学方法在公安高职高专院校的应用进行阐述,提出了一些建设性意见。  相似文献   

德国的职业教育以“双元制”为主体,普通全日制职业学校为补充。本文分析了“双元制”职业教育的基本形式与特点,并着重探讨了可供我们借鉴的地方。  相似文献   

李东 《交通企业管理》2009,24(10):50-51
一、韶关市产业转移园总体概况 目前,韶关市3个已认定的东莞石龙(始兴),东莞东坑(乐昌),中山三角(浈江)产业转移工业园规划总面积1700万平方米,已开发面积341万平方米,已投入产业园开发资金3.01亿元;签订投资协议项目40个,意向投资额42.81亿元;已签订入园协议项目共26个,投资额33.99亿元,已入园建设项目48个,  相似文献   

Since the development of community-based tourism (CBT) governments, development agencies and NGOs have placed considerable emphasis on this development model. However, CBT has been strongly criticized with respect to low economic impact in terms of jobs and income, the result of small-scale interventions, its low life expectancy after external funding ends, the monopolisation of benefits by local elites, or the lack of business skills to make it operational.

This article explores the viability of the CBT model to support socio-economic development and poverty alleviation via a Nicaraguan case study. The characteristics and effects of different modes of organising community tourism were examined, based on an impact assessment and lifecycle analysis of the CBT Nicaraguan Network. The results showed how traditional top-down CBT, created and fully funded by external organisations, reflected the general criticisms of the approach, while bottom-up CBT, borne as a result of a local initiative, demonstrated longer life expectancy, faster growth, and more positive impacts on the local economy. The findings suggest a shift is required in the attention of donors and policy-makers towards redistribution policies that strengthen the skills, resources, and conditions of micro, community-based and family entrepreneurship, together with a stronger orientation towards the domestic markets.  相似文献   

在经济和信息全球化快速发展的今天 ,电子政务已经成为提升一个国家或地区全球竞争力、争得经济和社会发展“先机”的关键。中国电子政务的发展仍处于初级阶段 ,基础条件薄弱 ,与国外成熟的电子政务相比有很大的差距。发展我国电子政务 ,不能一蹴而就 ,必须采取持续渐进的发展方式 ,积极稳妥地以应用促其健康发展  相似文献   

大雾天气高速公路交通安全保障措施研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高速公路上汽车行驶速度快、运动量大、冲击力强,特别是在恶劣的天气条件下,当对气象条件考虑不足、安全距离不够、速度过快时事故发生率就高,并且很容易由一起事故引发另一起或一连串的事故。如大雾中高速公路上数十辆甚至百辆汽车相撞的事故时有所闻。所以,气象环境对高速公路的行车安全、正常运行起着举足轻重的作用,恶劣的天气是导致高速公路交通事故、道路阻塞、路产损失的主要原因之一。  相似文献   

绍兴地处浙北地区,据《绍兴年鉴》(2004年)提供的普查资料显示:绍兴全市拥有航道总里程1085.15公里,可通航里程1064.35公里(包括水库内航道43.14公里)。其中,五级航道66.23公里,六级航道340.36公里,七级航道262.67公里,七级以下航道395.08公里,跨航桥梁1101座,船闸3座,升船机5处。绍兴通航水域环境具有里程长、环境复杂、涉水工程多等特点,通航信息传递的有效与否直接关系到绍兴水上交通的安全。  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates how indigenous religious entrepreneurs drive religious tourism in a non‐western context. Building on the case study of Vrindavan, an emerging religious tourism destination in India, it explains religious tourism as a natural progression of traditional pilgrimage economy, where entrepreneurship springs from socio‐cultural and ritual exchanges and knowledge of religious protocols and procedures between indigenous religious functionaries and visitors. Using religious hegemony, social status and networks, religious entrepreneurs innovate, develop new products and expand the cultural economy of rituals and performances to suit the demands of the burgeoning tourism. The tendency to consider such entrepreneurship as ‘informal’ not only exempts them from most regulations and legal responsibilities but also undermines their contribution in maintaining the ‘religious’ — the most important resource in religious tourism. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A coordinated approach is developed to integrate three preventive measures (i.e. building reinforcement, reinforcement of road networks, and facility location of relief supplies), with the objectives of minimizing budgets and risk-induced penalties. The Conditional Value-at-Risk is employed as a decision-making tool to evaluate diverse decisions of prevention based on the degree of risk aversion. Based on a real-world case of an earthquake, a series of scenarios were designed, and the applicability of the proposed model was studied. The coordinated approach for investing preventive measures is cost-efficient in helping reduce the impact of disaster on society.  相似文献   

This paper examines the shift that occurs in role identity, from a tourist to an adventurer, as travel bloggers construct an adventure narrative from their experiences of Madeira's ‘levada walk’. Travel blogs, as a naturally occurring data source, offer insight into both tourism experiences and tourists themselves. The research finds that, while bloggers have touristic motivations for visiting Madeira, they cast themselves in a heroic role as they construct an adventure narrative from their experience. The paper concludes that tourism has the potential to become an ‘adventure’ in which tourists overcome challenges and discover themselves in the process. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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