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已有研究显示,中小企业在创新网络中的关系嵌入程度会影响其创新绩效。本文基于知识基础理论和网络嵌入理论,构建网络关系嵌入特征核心维度关系强度、知识(隐性和显性)转移和中小企业创新绩效之间的理论模型,并以282家科技型中小企业为样本进行了实证研究。结论发现,关系强度对创新网络中的隐性知识转移具有正向影响,对显性知识转移具有负向影响;关系强度与中小企业创新绩效之间不存在直接的显著正向影响路径,但关系强度通过促进合作网络中的隐性知识转移进而对企业创新绩效具有显著正向影响。管理启示:中小企业应该与网络伙伴构建强弱紧密程度不同的差序格局关系,以获取不同的知识资源,进而提升企业的创新绩效。  相似文献   

知识经济时代,隐性知识成为建筑企业核心竞争力和持续发展优势的源泉。本文首先结合SECI模型对建筑企业的隐性知识及其转移特性进行了综合分析,然后运用解释结构模型方法(ISM)对其主要影响因素进行研究,得到隐性知识转移影响因素结构层次关系,最后对关键影响因素提出有针对性的措施建议。该研究将有助于建筑企业更有效地实现隐性知识转移,提高建筑企业的竞争力。  相似文献   

用户隐性知识转移效率低是制约我国装备制造企业技术创新的重要因素。由于装备制造业新产品开发涉及多种技术集成,具有周期长、投入大、风险高的特点,用户的合作意愿与专业能力、知识的复杂性以及组织间情境差异等因素阻碍了用户隐性知识的有效转移。通过对某具有代表性的装备制造企业深入研究,重点剖析新产品研发过程中用户隐性知识转移路径的演化过程,随后从理论上探讨了装备制造企业突破用户隐性知识转移壁垒的路径创新模型。在实践方面,指出基于构建用户工作环境、研发人员角色转换以及为用户创造价值的路径创新能够促进用户隐性知识转移,提升企业技术创新绩效,推动装备制造行业产业升级。  相似文献   

易加斌 《物流技术》2012,(3):153-157
基于供应链成员间知识转移的过程视角,对供应链成员间知识转移的过程进行系统分析。从理论上探讨供应链成员间知识转移的主要因素,基于变量间的逻辑关系推演出供应链成员间知识转移影响因素与知识转移绩效关系的概念模型。引入加权小世界网络分析方法,构建了供应链成员间知识转移绩效的定量评价模型,为供应链成员间以最小的成本来减少知识转移阻力,提高知识转移绩效提供了指导。  相似文献   

基于供应链成员间知识转移的过程视角,对供应链成员间知识转移的过程进行系统分析.从理论上探讨供应链成员间知识转移的主要因素,基于变量间的逻辑关系推演出供应链成员间知识转移影响因素与知识转移绩效关系的概念模型.引入加权小世界网络分析方法,构建了供应链成员间知识转移绩效的定量评价模型,为供应链成员间以最小的成本来减少知识转移阻力,提高知识转移绩效提供了指导.  相似文献   

本文对供应链企业间的知识共享问题进行了博弈分析,得出要使企业不处于劣势,就必须最大限度的进行知识共享。文章从影响供应链节点企业隐性知识共享的因素方面,建立了供应链企业间隐性知识共享的因素指标体系,并用模糊综合评价法对影响企业间隐性知识共享的因素进行了综合评价,以促进供应链企业间隐性知识共享,提高企业的整体绩效。  相似文献   

基于管理创新的企业隐性知识共享与转移   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
隐性知识是知识管理的主要对象,企业隐性知识的共享与转移是提高企业核心竞争力的关键.隐性知识的特性、知识共享与转移主体的多层次性以及企业的环境共同构成了隐性知识共享与转移的障碍.要消除隐性知识共享与转移的障碍需要管理创新.  相似文献   

高校科研团队隐性知识共享对于高校科研团队建设和科研创新具有重要的意义.本文在有限理性的条件下,建立了高校科研团队知识共享的进化博弈模型,通过求解复制动态方程,判断高校科研团队知识共享的动态演化机理和路径,从隐性知识发送者、接收者和客观影响因素三方面对高校科研团队隐性知识共享的影响因素进行分析.依据分析结果,制定了促进高校科研团队知识共享的有效策略.  相似文献   

空间集聚对团队隐性知识转移的重要性已经日益为企业和学术界所普遍承认,但是对二者之间关系的研究却少有人涉及。文章将结构知识和个人知识的隐性程度作为两个建构性维度,将团队隐性知识转移分为四种类型,并针对每一类型的知识转移提出了相应的空间集聚方式。  相似文献   

团队间管理技能的学习通过隐性知识转移实现,组织变革中管理团队合作效果受文化的制约,直接影响着团队技能的提升,基于互惠性偏好的管理团队隐性知识转移的内在机理是解决这一困境的有效方式。文章分析管理团队隐性知识转移过程,变革过程中互惠性偏好对管理团队隐性知识转移的影响,构建变革过程中互惠性偏好影响管理团队隐性知识转移的基本模型,并对变革管理团队进行现实分析。  相似文献   

We investigate how learning and the task performance of individuals are affected by different forms of knowledge transfer. Whereas previous research has proven the positive performance impacts of knowledge transfer, self-observation and feedback mechanisms individually, we explore the cumulative effect of these factors on learning and performance. With the help of two laboratory experimental studies reproducing manufacturing tasks that are typical for industrial production, we show that explicit knowledge transfer is superior to other forms of knowledge transfer. Externally provided performance feedback in the form of cost information and non-financial performance indicators has no effect on the order of different forms of knowledge transfer. Moreover, external feedback does not even have an additional significant performance effect on learning new tasks irrespective of the type of knowledge transfer.  相似文献   

The impact of knowledge transfer on foreign subsidiary performance has been a major focus of research on knowledge management in multinational enterprises (MNEs). By integrating the knowledge‐based view and the expatriation literature, this study examines the relationship between a multinational firm's knowledge (i.e. marketing and technological knowledge), its use of expatriates, and the performance of its foreign subsidiaries. We conceptualize that expatriates play a contingent role in facilitating the transfer and redeployment of a parent firm's knowledge to its subsidiary, depending on the location specificity of the organizational knowledge being transferred and the time of transfer. Our analysis of 1660 foreign subsidiaries of Japanese firms over a 15‐year period indicates that the number of expatriates relative to the total number of subsidiary employees (1) strengthened the effect of a parent firm's technological knowledge (with low location specificity) on subsidiary performance in the short term, but (2) weakened the impact of the parent firm's marketing knowledge (with high location specificity) on subsidiary performance in the long term. We also found that the expatriates' influence on knowledge transfer eventually disappeared. The implications for knowledge transfer research and the expatriate management literature are discussed.  相似文献   

采用元分析技术,对中国企业间知识转移的影响因素和作用结果的研究进展进行了系统、定量的阶段性总结,并与西方背景下的研究结论进行跨文化比较。研究发现,企业规模、知识吸收能力、网络密度、网络中心性、信任水平、关系强度共享愿景和价值观与企业间知识转移之间显著正相关,知识模糊性和文化距离与企业间知识转移之间存在显著负相关,企业间知识转移与企业创新能力和绩效水平之间显著正相关。在中西方背景下,知识模糊性、企业规模、信任水平、关系强度、文化距离、创新能力和绩效水平与企业间知识转移之间的关系强度存在较大差异,而吸收能力、网络密度、网络中心性、共享愿景和价值观与企业间知识转移之间的关系强度差异不大。  相似文献   

知识转移管理:中欧合资企业的关键成功因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
如何正确应对中西方文化差异,实施成功的知识转移管理是在华中欧合资企业面临的主要难题。论文在明确定义合资企业及其绩效、知识与知识转移等概念的基础上,指出知识转移是中欧合资企业获得成功的关键因素。同时,论文还阐述了合资企业治理框架下知识转移的复杂性。最后,提出中欧合资企业实施有效的知识转移管理的要点。  相似文献   

In this study, we are interested in how export firms organize knowledge management and increase product innovation performance. Prior studies have concluded that knowledge transfer from external actors leads to operational performance outcomes; others have questioned the positive influence of buyer-driven knowledge transfer activities on innovation performance. Drawing on absorptive capacity, we aim to offer a better understanding, how export firms as recipients of knowledge resources, organize their internal capabilities in order to realize firm-level product innovation. This empirical study examines the interplay of buyer-driven knowledge activities, resource acquisition and combining, and product innovation outcomes in the context of Pakistani export firms. Drawing on survey data from 239 export-manufacturing firms, we test hypotheses using structural equation modeling. Our findings show that buyer-driven knowledge transfer activities play a crucial role in enhancing export firms in absorbing and combining resources that lead to product innovation. The pragmatic suggestion of the research suggests that managers look closely at developing a culture of involvement with their buyers that promotes the development of knowledge resources. The results of this study have research, policy, and managerial implications.  相似文献   

包凤耐 《企业经济》2020,(1):129-135
企业的创新绩效受到企业在网络中的关系型社会资本的制约,这一研究正逐渐受到学者的关注,但相关研究中关系型社会资本对企业创新绩效影响的路径探索往往并不深入。基于此,从信任、沟通、冲突管理三个维度测度企业的关系型社会资本,考察了其对企业创新绩效的影响模式,以及知识转移在此作用中的中介效应。结果显示:关系型社会资本的三个维度均对创新绩效有显著的促进作用,其中有效沟通的作用效果更明显,同时知识转移在该关系中发挥了部分中介效应。研究建议指出,企业应注重构建经济型与政企型社会关系网络,加强关系型社会资本的构建与维护,尤其要注重通过促进企业间的沟通有效性来提升企业间的知识转移效果及创新绩效。  相似文献   

在今天这个经济发展日新月异的时代,跨国公司越来越成为推动全球经济发展的引擎。如今,有效的知识转移已经成为跨国公司竞争优势的重要来源之一,只有通过组织间的知识转移,才能推动组织对知识进行高效管理,实现组织的经济与竞争价值。本研究将基于企业社会资本理论中的关系维度,研究跨国母子公司间形成的关系维度对内部知识转移绩效的作用机制,从而来探索母子公司在知识转移过程中的内部关系维度作用。  相似文献   

Innovation offshoring (IO) has become a widespread management practice. Yet, evidence on the performance implications is inconsistent, and scattered across disciplines and contexts. We argue that the benefits firms can derive from IO depend on the institutional environment at home. Drawing on recent work on institutional theory in international business, we explore institutions that facilitate reverse knowledge transfer and/or institutional arbitrage with respect to innovation‐related activities. The results of our meta‐analysis that synthesizes evidence from 48 samples show that IO is related positively to innovation performance. As predicted, this relationship is moderated by differences in the institutional environments across countries. Specifically, when national innovation systems are weak at home, IO appears to enable institutional arbitrage strategy whereas Confucian cultures enable more effective reverse knowledge transfer. However, contrary to our expectations, the beneficial effects of IO appear to have diminished over time.  相似文献   

Despite general attention has been given to sustainable development and green innovation, little empirical effort has been made to explore the factors influencing green innovation performance in the context of supply chain relationships, especially in emerging countries like China. To address this research gap, from the perspectives of specific investments, we examine the role of specific investments in relation to the outcome of green supply chain innovation. Drawing on knowledge management theory, we propose that knowledge transfer plays a mediating role underlying the relationship. On the basis of the stakeholder involvement theory, we argue that partner social responsibility plays moderating roles not only in specific investments—green supply chain innovation performance link—but also in the link of knowledge transfer and performance. We tested the proposed relationships with a sample consisted of 331 questionnaires and validated responses from 187 high‐tech firms in China. The results generally support the proposed hypotheses, and the integrative model—moderated mediation—is also supported. As such, this study contributes to understand about how specific investments affect the performance of green supply chain innovation, providing new insights on stakeholder involvement and knowledge transfer in green supply chain innovation management.  相似文献   

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