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Book Review in this Article
Managerial and Professional Staff Grading . By Joan Doulton and David Hay
Supervisory Management in the Office . By M. R. Williams
The Theory of Valuation . By C. L. Hubbard and C. A. Hawkins
British Railways in Transition . By Derek H. Aldcroft
The Economist in Business . By K. J. W. Alexander
Managerial Economics . By D. C. Hague
Efficiency of Business Enterprise . By L. R. Amey
Pricing Strategy . By Bernard Taylor and Gordon Wills (Editors)
Economic Analysis and Industrial Structure . By Douglas Needham
The Age of Discontinuity . By Peter Drucker
British Management Thought . By John Child
Immigrant School Leavers and the Youth Employment Service in Birmingham , By David Beetham
Immigrants in Employment: Two Case Studies in East London and in Croydon . By Klim McPherson and Julia Gaitskell
Indian Workers' Associations in Britain . By DeWitt John Jr.
Technological Man . By Victor C. Ferkiss
Technological Growth and Social Change . By Stanley A. Hetzler
Technological Forecasting . By R. V. Arnfield (Editor)
Role Playing for Supervisors . By J. Maxwell Towers
Participative Exercises for Management Training . Set 1 and 2. Edited by R. D. Ashall
Work Measurement: Some Research Studies . By N. A. Dudley
Motion and Time Study Design and Measurement of Work
A Manager's Guide to Work Study . By Owen Gilbert
Method Study . By Alan Fields
Work and Community . By Fred H. Blum
The Liberation of Work . By Folkett Wilken
Co-ownership, Co-operation and Control . By P. Derrick and J-F. Phipps
Workers' Participation in Management . By J. Y. Tabb and A. Goldfarb
Form and Content in Industrial Democracy . By F. E. Emery and Einar Thorsrud  相似文献   

《Statistica Neerlandica》1971,25(2):129-141
Book reviewed in this article:
Introduction to statistical methods , D onald L. H arnett .
Basic Concepts of Probability and Statistics , J. L. H odges Jr. and E. U. L ehmann , Holden Day.
Nonlinear programming , H. P. K unzi , W. K relle and W. O ettli .
Conditional Markov processes and their application to the theory of optimal control , R. L. S trato - novich .
Theorie et méthodes statistiques, vol. I , P ierre D agnelie , éditions J. Duculot, S. A. Gembloux.
Statistics for experimentalists , B. E. C ooper .
Systems of frequency curves , W. P. E lderton and N. L. J ohnson .
Stochastic Theory of a Risk Business , H ilary L. S eal .
Statistics in Physical Sciences
Probability and random processes for engineers and scientists , A. B. C larke and R. L. D isney .
Optimal statistical decisions , M orris H. de G root .
Statistische Auswertungsmethoden , L othar S achs .
Sensitivitiitsanalysen und parametrische Programmierung , W erner D inkelbach .
Thérie et méthodes statistiques , vol. 2, P ierre D agnelie , éditions J. Duculot, S. A. - Gembloux.
Introduction to Economic Statistics , W illiam C. M errill . & K arl A. Fox.
Characteristic functions , E. L ukacs .
Future Game  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article
The Small Group . By Robert T. Golembiewski
Handbook of Small Group Research . By A. Paul Hare
Working with Groups . By Josephine Klein
Learning to Work in Groups . By Matthew B. Miles
The Small Group . By Michael S. Olmsted
Designing for Production . By B. W. Niebel and E. N. Baldwin
Organization for Production . By E. S. Roscoe
The Management of Production . By J. D. Radford and D. B. Richardson
Casebooks in Production Management: Basic Problems, Concepts and Techniques . By Arch R. Dooley
On Thinking Statistically . By M. B. Brodie
Cases in Management Statistics . By Norbert
Management Accountancy . By J. Batty
Accounting . By M. Moonitz and L. H. Jordan.
Accounting Principles . By A. D. Braden and R. G. Allyn
Accounting Principles and Practice . By S. Hall
Accounting Step by Step . By R. G. A. Boland
Control Accounting by Function . By A. Dixon
Period Planning & Budgetary Control . By E. C. D. Evans
Cost Control . By E. C. D. Evans
Efficient Accounting Methods . By H. F. Wilson
An Introduction to Business Computer Programming . By T. W. McRae
Management Standards for Data Processing . By Dick H. Brandon
System Design for Computer Application . By H. N. Laden and T. R. Gildersleeve
Executive Decision Making in Business and Government . By Marion B. Folsom
The Art of Leadership . By S. W. Roskill
Network Analysis . By J. Battersby
An Introduction to Critical Path Analysis . By K. G. Lockyer
Schedule, Cost and Profit with PERT . by R. W. Miller
PERT/CPM . By Stires and Murphy  相似文献   

Book review in this Article
Man-Machine Engineering . By ALPHON SECH APANIS.
Leaning for Leaahship . By A. K. RICE
Systems of Organigation . The Control of Task and Sentient Boundaries. By E. J. MILLER and A. K. RICE
Accountabilify in Government Departments, Public Corporations and Public Companies . Edited by R. W. Ennis
Corporate Social Responsibilities . By CLARENCE C. WALTON
Regulating Business by Independent Commission . By MARVER H. BERNSTEIN
An Introduction to Management Statistics . A Grundytext.
Mathematical Theory of Rcliabiliity . By RICHARD E. BARLOW and FRANK PROSCHAN with contributions by LARRY C. HUNTER
Statistics for Buriness and Economics . By STEPHEN P. SHAO
The Searcb for Ability . Standardized Testing in Social Perspective. By DAVID A. Goslin
Training in Industry, The Management of Learning . By BERNARD M. BASS
Developing Efective Managers . By T. J. ROBERTS
An Approad to the Training and Development of Managers . Ministry of Labour
Training for Development . By ROLF P. LYNTON and UDAE PAREEK
The Eakcation of Technologists . By LURE JAHODA  相似文献   

《Statistica Neerlandica》1967,21(2):211-222
Book reviewed in this article:
More … through quality, J. VAN ETTINGER/J. SITTIG
Inleiding tot de Statistiek, Deel I, H. RIJKEN VAN OLST
Vraagstukken over waarschjjnLjjkheidsrekening, P. J- A. KANTERS
Cyfers in Ujnen, B. VAN DER MEER en G. S. E. MANDEMA
Linear programming, D. B. YUDIN, E. G. GOL'STEIN
Mathematical Theories of traffic flow, F. A. HAIGHT
Schattingsfunkties van storingen in economische relaties, J. KOERTS
Waarschynlgkheid en statistiek, H. FREUDENTHAL
The Design of Experiments, R. A. FISHER
Inleiding in de Wiskundige Statistiek, J. MUILWUK
De invloed van tramportkosten, heffingen en restituties op handelsstromen, G. HAMMING, W. HORN, H. NEUDECKER en J. NUHUIS
Quantitative decision procedures in management and economics, deterministic theory and applications, CHARLES R. CARR and CHARLES W. HOWE
Progress in Operations Research, volume II, edited by DAVID B. HERTZ and ROGER T. EDDISON
Mathematical Methods in Reliability Engineering, N. H. ROBERTS
Systematische Datenverarbeitung bei der Auswertung von Versuchs- und Beobachtungs-ergebnissen, A. ADAM
Cumulative Sum Techniques, R. H. WOODWARD and P. L. GOLDSMITH
Elementary Statistics, (2e druk), PAUL G. HOEL
Principles of Medical Statistics, A. BRADFORD HILL
Introduction to the theory of statistics, A. M. MOOD and F. A. GRAYBILL
Matrix algebra for the biological sciences, (including applications in statistics), S. R. SEARLE
A Dictionary of Statistical Terms, M. G. KENDALL and W. R. BUCKLAND  相似文献   

《Statistica Neerlandica》1960,14(2):223-229
Book reviewed in this article:
Statistical Methods and Scientific Inference, Sir Ronald A. Fisher
Probabilité et Information, A. M. Yaglom et J. M. Yaglom
Sampling Inspection Tables, Single and Double Sampling, H. F. Dodge and H. G. Romig
Statistical Methods in Biology, N. T. J. Bailey
Experimental Design in Psychology and the Medical Sciences, A. E. Maxwell
Inleiding tot de Sociale Statistiek, Deel II. H. Rijken van Olst
Vijftig vragen en antwoorden, Statistiek voor S.P.D. en M.B.A., A. Heertjeuitg.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Convex transformations of random variables, W. R. VAN ZWET
Hypothesis Testing Problems with the Alternative Restricted by a Number of Inequalities, W. SCHAAFSMA
Stochastic Processes, E. PARZEN, Holden-Day
Applied Queueing Theory, A. M. LEE, MacMillan
Recent Advances in Mathematical Programming, edited by R. L. GRAVES and PH. WOLFE
Exercises in probability and statistics, N. A. RAHMAN
Die Monte-Carlo-Methode und ihre Verwirklichung mit elektronische Oigitalrechner, N. P. BusLENKO and J. A. SCHREIDER, B. G. Teubner
Monte Carlo Methods, J. M. HAMMERSLEY and D. C. HANDSCOMB
The art of simulation, K. D. TOCHER
Entscheidungskriterien bei Risiko, H. SCHNEEWEISS
Numerical models of economic development, A. QAYUM  相似文献   

LAW OF EMPLOYMENT Norman N. Selwyn UNFAIR DISMISSAL CASES John E. McGlyne REFERENCE BOOKS: A Bibliography of the Literature on British and Irish Labour Law B. A. Hepple, J. M. Neeson and Paul O'Higgins REFERENCE BOOKS: I.P.M. Bibliography Part 1 REFERENCE BOOKS: I.P.M. Bibliography Part 2 REFERENCE BOOKS: The Dictionary of Industrial Relations A. I. Marsh and E. O. Evans REFERENCE BOOKS: A Dictionary of Arbitration and its Terms - a concise encyclopedia of peaceful dispute settlement K. Seide THE MULTINATIONAL COMPANY: Bargaining Without - Boundaries - The Multinational Corporation and International Labour Relations R. J. Flanagan and A. R. Weber THE MULTINATIONAL COMPANY: Nationalism and the Multinational Enterprise: Legal, Economic and Managerial Aspects M. R. Hahlo, J. G. Smith and R. W. Wright THE MULTINATIONAL COMPANY: The Multinational Corporation and Social Policy Special reference to General Motors in South Africa R. A. Jackson THE MULTINATIONAL COMPANY: Managing Multinational Corporations A. V. Phatak THE MULTINATIONAL COMPANY: The Dictionary of Industrial Relations A. I. Marsh and E. O. Evans THE MULTINATIONAL COMPANY: A Dictionary of Arbitration and its Terms - a concise encyclopedia of peaceful dispute settlement K. Seide THE MULTINATIONAL COMPANY: Bargaining Without - Boundaries - The Multinational Corporation and International Labour Relations R. J. Flanagan and A. R. Weber  相似文献   

《Statistica Neerlandica》1971,25(4):227-231
Book reviewed in this article:
Introductory Mathematical Statistics Principles and Methods, E rwin K reyszig .
Choice against Chance: An introduction to statistical decision theory, J ohn A itchison .
Calcul des probabilités et introduction aux processus aléatoires, A. T ortrat .
Selected Quantitative Techniques and Attitude Measurement, F. M osteller , R. R. B ush & B. F. G reen .
Models in regression and related topics, P. S prent .
Zes intresttafels, J. J. M. M ichels en A. J. van R eeken .
Production and income relations in the Netherlands, J. H. F. S childerinck and H. J. N. S inner .
Experimental design; selected papers of F rank Y ates .
Nonparametric techniques in statistical inference, Proceedings of the first international symposium on nonparametric techniques held at Indiana University, June 1969; edited by M. L. P uri .
Distributions in Statistics, Vol. I: Discrete Distributions, Vol. II en III: Continuous univariate distributions 1 en 2. N orman L. J ohnson en S amuel K otz .  相似文献   

《Statistica Neerlandica》1971,25(3):181-189
Book reviewed in this article:
Distributions in Statistics, N orman L. J ohnson en S amuel K otz .
Probability and Statistical Inference, R ichard G. K rutchkoff .
Methoden der Okonometrie, Band I, Lineare Regressionsmodelle, P eter S chönfeld , Franz Vahlen.
Verkehrsökonometrie, K. J. R ichter .
Stochastic Convergence, E. L ukacs , D. C. Heath & Cy., Lexington.
New Developments in Survey Sampling.
The Single Server Queue, J. W. C ohen .
Monopoly with Random Demand, A. L. H empenius .
On regular variation and its application to the weak convergence of sample extremes by L. de H aan .
Angewandte Statistik, Erster Teil, Eindimensionale Probleme, K urt S tance .
Order Statistics, H. A. D avid .
Rank Order Probabilities (Two-Sample Normal Shift Alternatives), R oy C. M ilton .
Statistical models and their experimental application, P. O ttestad .
Statistische Methoden, Eln Soforthelfer, L othar S achs .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Probability and Statistics, Models for Research, D. E. Bailey ; John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York - Londen, 1971, 686 blz. Kansrekening, E. A. W. Bolle , F. Göbel , J. M. H. Lenoir ; Kluwer-Deventer, 1971, 111 blz. Receuil de problèmes de Calcul des Probabílitès, D. Dacunha -Castelle , D. Revuz et M. Schreiber , préface de A. Tortrat , 2me éd. revue et augmentée, Masson et Cie, Paris, 1970, xii + 234 p. The coordinate free approach to Gauss-Markov estimation, H. Drygas . (Lecture notes in Operations Research and Mathematical Systems, Economics, Computer Science, Information and Control, vol. 40). Springer Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 1970, vii + 113 p., prijs DM 12,-. Beschrijvende Statistiek, E. A. W. Bolle , F. Gobel , J. M. H. Lenoir , Kluwer, Deventer, 1971. 164 blz. Beschrijvende Statistiek voor gedragswetenscbappen, w. H. van den Ende , Agon Elsevier, Amsterdam-Brussel, 1971, XVI + 343 blz. Applied Statistics in Decision Making, George K. Chacko , American Elsevier, New-York-London-Amsterdam, 1971, 491 pag. Introduction to Modern Factor Analysis, Wilson H. Guertin and John P. Bailey Jr ., Edwards Brothers Inc., Ann Arbor (Mich.) 1970, 472 pag., 14. Mathematical Model Building in Economics and Industry, Second Series, Editor M. G. Kendall Charles Griffin and Company Ltd., London 1970, 277 blz. Measuring uncertainty, an elementary introduction to Bayesian statistics. S. A. Schmitt : Addison-Wesley Series in behavioral science: quatitative methods, 1969, 400 p., prijs f 61,-. Practical nonparametric statistics, W. J. Conover ; John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New Tork - London, 1971, 462 blz. The Teaching of Probability and Statistics, onder redactie van L. Råde . Wiley Interscience Division, John Wiley and Sons, Inc. New York-London-Sydney, 1970. 373 blz. Marking decisions, D. Lindley , Wiley - Interscience, London etc. 1971, 195 blz. Odhady parametru v linearnich ekonomickych modelech, door Jan Hurt . Uitg. Ceskoslovenska Akademie ved Ekonomicko-matematicka Laborator pri ekoniomcken ustavu. Nonparametric Methods in Multivariate Analysis. M. L. Puri and P. K. Sen , John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York - London, 1971. 440 p. Angewandte Statistik, Zweiter Teil, Mehrdimensionale Probleme, Kurt Stange , 1971, Springerverlag, Berlijn-Heidelberg, II + 505 pagina's. Statistische analyse methoden (voortgezette statistiek en waarschijnlijkheidsrekening voor bedrijfsleven en hoger beroepsonderwijs), H. P. Anderson , Universitaire Pers Rotterdam 1971, XII + 187 blz., Fl. 33.50.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article
Marketing and the Computer. By Wroe Alderson and Stanley J. Shapiro
Fundamentals of Management ( Business Management in Transport No. 1). By W. S. Barry
Managing a Transport Business ( Business Management in Transport No. 2). By W. S. Barry
The Reality of Management. By R. Stewart
How to Become a Managing Director. By H. Whitehead
Business Economics. By James Bates and J. R. Parkinson
Concepts of Management Science. By D. J. Clough
Psychology in Administration: A Research Orientation. By Timothy W. Costello and Sheldon S. Zalkind
The Social Science of Organisations: Four Perspectives. By Henry A. Latané, David Mechanic, George Strauss and George B. Strother
Organizations, Structure and Behaviour. By Joseph A. Litterer
On the Shop Floor, Two Studies of Workshop Organisation and Output. By T. Lupton
Production Management. By Raymond R. Mayer
Plant Layout and Design. By James M. Moore
Evaluation of Supervisory and Management Training Methods. By R. Meigniez et al.
Managers—Personality and Performance. By Kenn Rogers
T. T. Paterson
Coal and Conflict: A Study of Industrial Relations at Collieries. By W. H. Scott, E. Mumford, I. C. McGivering and J. M. Kirby
Organisational Choice. By E. L. Trist, G. W. Higgin, H. Murray  相似文献   

《Statistica Neerlandica》1965,19(2-3):139-162
Book reviewed in this article:
Idee und Praxis der medizinische Statistik, THEODOR REICH, Verlag Hans Huber CHR.L.RüMKE
Decompositions of Probability Distributions, Yu. V. LINNIK
Studies in mathematical psychology – Edited by R. C. ATKINSON
Input-Output Relationships in Pakistan G. B. TILANUS
Adaptive Control Processes A guided tour". M. de VWES
Sampling from a graph, A. R. BLOEMENA J. WESSELS
The impact of inflation on the level of economic activity, H. S. ODEH J. B. D. DERKSEN
Inleiding tot de biostatistiek, A. L. DELAUNOIS, J. F. en C. Chr. L. RÖMKE
Analysis of variance, W. C. GUENTHER, H. de JONGE
Ergodic Theory, Proceedings of an International Symposium C. L. SCHEFFER
Strategy and Market Structure John Wiley C. L. SCHEFFER
Optimal decision rules for government and industry, H. THEIL, J. J. MEINARDI
Introduction to Statistical Inference E. S. KEEPING, D. van Nostrand J. S. CRAMER
La méthode du chemin critique, A. KAUFMANN, G. DESBAZEIIXE; NF. F. REMMEN
De beste beslissing nemen, A. R. VAN DER BURG, N. Samsom N.V. Alphen aan de Rijn J. WESSELS
Expected Values of Discrete Random Variables and Elementary Statistics, ALLEN L. ED WARDS, John Wiley & Sons, R. N. VAN HEES  相似文献   

Explanation of the rapid rise to prominence in many government activities of the U.S.A. federal government inspired P.P.B.S. are considered. In too many situations P.P.B.S. was viewed as a revolutionary management technique and not an evolutionary development in resource allocation. The form of many of the publications by proponents of P.P.B.S. – often written from a military standpoint – were insufficiently related to the environment in which most public decision-making occurs. As a result, by promising much and achieving little, the search for better solutions to many of the management problems that P.P.B.S. highlighted has received little help from the enormous activity generated.  相似文献   


Book Notices     
Books review in this article:
Country Banking in the Industrial Revolution. By L. S. Pressnell
The Prevention of Cruelty to Children. By Leslie George Housden
The Negro Potential. By Eli Ginzberg and J. K. Anderson, D. W. Bray and R. W. Smuts
Empire in Wood: A History of the Carpenters' Union. By Robert A. Christie
The Second International , 1889–1914. By G. D. H. Cole  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Bailey, J. 1980: Ideas and intervention: social theory for practice. Camhis, M. 1979: Planning theory and philosophy. Bassand, M. and Fragniere, J. P. 1978: Le pouvoir dans la ville. Dearlove, J. 1979: The reorganization of British local government: old orthodoxies and a political perspective. Hamilton, F. E. I. and Linge, G. J. R. , editors, 1979: Spatial analysis, industry and the industrial environment. Volume 1. Industrial systems. Townroe, P. M. 1979: Industrial movement. Experience in the US and the UK. Harrison, A. J. 1977: Economics and land use planning. Balchin, P. N. and Kieve, J. L. 1977: Urban land economics. Dechervois, M. and Théret, B. 1979: Contribution à l'étude de la rente foncière urbaine. Nelson, J. M. 1979: Access to power. Neutze, M. 1978: Australian urban policy. Saunders, P. 1979: Urban politics: a sociological approach.  相似文献   

《Statistica Neerlandica》1962,16(1):121-138
Book reviewed in this article:
Introduction to Probability and Statistics, Henry L. A1der and Edward B. Roessier
Modern Probability Theory and Its Applications, Emanuel Parzen
Introduction to Probability and Random Variables, G. P. Wadsworth and J. G. Bryan
Elements of statistical inference, R. M. Kozelka
Measurement: delinitions and theories, C. West Church man and Phi1burn Ratoosh
Regression Analysis, E. J. Wi11iarns
Meer door kwaliteit, J. van Ettinger en J. Sittig.
Economic Arithmetic, Robin Marris
Lehrbuch der praktischen Statistik, Bevolkerungs-, Wirtschafts-, Sozialstatistik, Peter Quante
Statistisch Stedenboek. Cijfers omtrent de Nederlandse gemeenten met 50.000 en meer inwoners, 1955-1960
De Joden in Nederland na de tweede wereldoorlog. Een demografische analyse, Amsterdam 1g61, 39 blz.
Waterlandse Varia, W. A. van der Donk
Gezinsbudgetten in Belgie 1957-1958, Levenswijze in drie sociale beroepsmilieus, Pierrede Bie
Papers on National Income and Allied Topics, Vol. I, Edited by V. K. R. V. Rao, S. R. Sen, M. V. Divatia and Uma Datta
Statistics of Deadly Quarrels, L. F. Richardson
Arms and Insecurity, L. F. Richardson
Linear Programming, Sauli. Gass
Einfuhrung in die Theorie der Spiele, Ewald Burger
Mathematical methods for digital computers, Anthony Ra1ston and Herbert S. Wi1f  相似文献   

Book Notices     
A Textbook of Econometrics. By Lawrence R. Klein.
Econometrics. By J. Tinbergen. Trans, by H. Rijken van Olst.
Econometrics. By Gerhard Tintner.
Studies in Econometric Method. Ed. by Wm. C. Hood and Tjalling C. Koopmans.
Bolivia: Land, People and Institutions. By Olen E. Leonard.  相似文献   

Book Review in This Article.
FINANCE Financial Reporting in Japan . By R obert J. B allon , I wao T omita and H ajime U sami
INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS Developing Social Skills in Managers, Advances in Group Training . Edited by C ary L. C ooper
Social Psychology of Collective Bargaining and Negotiation . By J effrey Z. R ubin and B ert R. B rown
Trade Unions and Pressure Group Politics . By T imothy C. M ay
ECONOMICS Theoy of the Firm . By M. A. Crew
Theory of the Firm . By C. J. H awkins
The Theoy of the Firm . By P. J. C urwen
Modern Managerial Economics . By B. L owes and J. R. S parkes
Managerial Economics . By P. J. C urwen
Introduction to Process Economics . By F. A. H olland , F. A. W atson and J. K. W ilkinson
An Introductiun to Industrial Economics . By P. J. D evine , R. M. J ones , N. L ee and W. J. T yson
Industrial Organization . By K. D. G eorge
The Strategy and Structure of British Enterprise . By D. F. C hannon
The Economic System . By S. L etchford
Economic Policy . By P. J. C urwen and A. H. F owler
An Introduction to Applied Economics . By G. D ouglas V aughan
Disequilibrium Economics . By J. van D oorn
STRUCTURE AND SYSTEMS OF ORGANIZATION Effective Behavior in Organizations . By A. R. C ohen et al .
Behavior in Organizations . By L. W. P orter et al.
Organization Design . By D erek N ewman
Organization and Bureaucracy . By N icos P. M ouzelis
ORGANIZATION The Government of Business . By R. E. T homas
The Sociology of Organizations . By A ngela B owey
A Critical Introduction to Organization Theory . By B runo L ussato
Readings in Organizations . Edited by J. L. G ibson , J. M. I vancevich and J. H. D onnelly
Organizations . By J. L. G ibson , J. M. I vancevich and J. H. D onnelly  相似文献   

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