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网络高速发展的时代,新兴技术产品究竟该选择什么样的模式进入市场,是值得理论界探讨的一个重要课题。随着互联网技术的发展,网络营销模式成为新兴技术产品进入市场的重要模式之一,新兴技术产品进入市场选择网络营销模式也存在适用性和战略性选择的问题,本文对此进行研究。  相似文献   

世界交通业的发展规律表明,高速铁路将成为未来旅客运输的主导方向。为了适应我国修建高速铁路的形势需要,有必要对技术扩散理论以及高速铁路技术的扩散模型进行探讨。 一、技术扩散理论 技术扩散是指技术创新通过市场或非市场渠道的传播,使创新的产品、技术被其他企业  相似文献   

很多耐用品、高科技产品都存在多代产品共存于市场的情况,每代产品都呈现与其他代产品不同特征。消费者对待每代产品态度和心理也不一样,因而对多代产品技术扩散进行研究显得尤为重要。以前研究很少对产品采用者进行分类;本研究将多代产品技术扩散过程中的采用者分为初次采用者和重复采用者(也称升级者)两类,两类采用者在扩散过程中的扩散参数各不相同;对其参数进行估计,并考虑扩散过程中跳跃现象,建立创新产品扩散的多代产品模型和进行实证研究。  相似文献   

文章主要就金融全球化对新兴市场国家经济增长的影响进行了实证研究。文章首先就金融全球化对经济增长影响的已有研究进行了文献综述,进而创新性的构建了新兴市场国家国外金融总资产和总负债与GDP的比值这一指标来衡量新兴市场国家金融全球化的状况,进而文章构建了动态面板数据模型,在控制了政府支出、技术进步等因素后,实证结果显示金融全球化对于新兴市场国家人均实际GDP年增长率的提高没有显著的促进作用。  相似文献   

衡量招商会的指标究竟是什么? 随着元旦的过去很多企业开始计算一年来的得失并开始筹划2007年的发展和规划而这个规划里面除了品牌产品、人员、费用以外,招商以及招商会应该是企业考虑最多的了。拿什么产品招商?怎么样招商?面对哪些区域招商?是直供还是总代?招商往往是衡量企业综合运作成败,新产品上市成败的关键。[第一段]  相似文献   

标准,是衡量事物的准则。在市场经济体系日益完善,经济、技术、产品与国际市场接轨势在必行的趋势下,标准已经成为企业产品进入市场的质量通行证;对用户承诺的产品使用信誉证;走向国际市场参与世界经济大循环的永久护照,是企业永不褪色的品牌。企业标准,是以科学、技术和实践经验  相似文献   

新兴技术管理是近年来技术管理研究的新领域,新兴技术在形成、扩散、演变、发展的过程上有其独有的特征,这给原有的管理模式带来了挑战。文章结合生物进化论,描述和分析了新兴技术进化的过程及其发展的特别之处,给出了基于进化论的管理启示,并指出企业面对新兴技术需要注意的几个问题。  相似文献   

企业发展前景的预测和判断是制定营销策略的基础和衡量其成败的关键。顾客和消费者的利益是市场营销的核心,以此展开相关策略的制定。要掌握市场对商品的需求程度和市场交易的活跃程度,需要从企业的产品观念、营销观念的不断创新。企业制定自己的市场营销方案要立足于企业的发展,并尽量做到企业与社会的和谐与共赢,并将企业的社会使命融入到企...  相似文献   

新兴技术管理是近年来技术管理研究的新领域,新兴技术在形成、扩散、演变、发展的过程上有其独有的特征,这给原有的管理模式带来了挑战.文章结合生物进化论,描述和分析了新兴技术进化的过程及其发展的特别之处,给出了基于进化论的管理启示,并指出企业面对新兴技术需要注意的几个问题.  相似文献   

本文首先界定了技术扩散,阐述了高技术扩散的基本特征,它包括高技术扩散条件、早期对象、口头传播、技术中介、市场环境、得到政府支持、扩散发生地点以及扩散影响等几方面。根据高技术扩散的基本特征,依据政府在高技术扩散中的不同作用,提出了高技术扩散的三种模式:政府强制推广模式、市场自由扩散模式、政府支持和市场扩散结合模式。  相似文献   

This article provides an analysis of factors affecting the level of product innovation in a small enterprise setting. The perspective chosen considers the interaction of management and environmental factors and its impact on product innovation and explores how these factors interrelate to influence small business success (growth). A causal multi-site model is developed which will assist in identifying product innovation determinants for high-growth and low-growth firms. Moreover, direct and secondary explanations of product innovations will be isolated. Twelve case studies will be examined. The conclusions are that, for high-growth firms, determinants of product innovation that influenced small-business success (growth) were technology, competitive edge, research and development, product life-cycle, market change, product/market mix and customer base. For low-growth firms, customer base was a major determinant of product innovation which influenced small-business success (growth).  相似文献   

The innovative status of an emerging market is largely attributed to the technological learning maturity of its finest multinational companies (MNCs). This study uses the information processing perspective to investigate the impact of inter-/intra-functional technological learning (knowledge acquisition, information distribution, information interpretation and organizational memory) of 105 project teams on new product development (NPD) outcomes (project success, development speed and product entry timeliness) across nine MNCs. Of the four technological learning dimensions, only organizational memory did not possess a direct relationship with any NPD outcome dimensions. This study further contrasts the above impact across varying levels of project complexity. Information interpretation and organizational memory contribute to project success for low complexity projects. Conversely, for high complexity projects, development speed is contingent on organizational memory.  相似文献   

技术创新作为改进或创造产品、生产过程或服务方式的技术活动,分为工艺创新和产品创新两种类型。在不同的市场结构下,两种创新类型对需求曲线、成本曲线和边际成本曲线的作用不同,表现为产品成本、价格和销量的变动差异,因而产品的最终利润也不同。目前,我国不少企业在进行技术创新时,常常忽视创新类型与市场结构对需求和供给曲线的作用,导致技术上的成功无法转化为利润的实现,增加了企业的财务风险。  相似文献   

We try to shed some light on the question of why technology-intensive businesses often fail in less-developed countries and under what circumstances they are likely to be a success from the perspective of both domestic and export markets. The answers were drawn from a set of empirical evidences from Brazilian firms applying photonics technologies. Some of the issues faced by them are related to the question of state versus private initiative, entering traditional versus niche market, and technology transfer versus product development management. In overall, we concluded that weakness of the institutions and inadequacy of social and organizational demography play a key role in explaining to a large extent why countries differ in technological development and diffusion. In this context, we point out obstacles, which must be removed in order to make public policies and firm's achievements more efficient.  相似文献   

Few studies have explored the relationship between green products development (GPD) and product portfolio management (PPM). When considering evidence from emerging economies, the knowledge gap is even deeper. Consequently, the objective of this work is to analyze how green and traditional practices of new product development (NPD) influence product portfolio and NPD performance. In addition, we explore how GPD opens new markets and technology opportunities. The empirical evidence is based on a sample of firms that are developing products and belong to innovative industrial sectors in Brazil. In general, the framework developed and tested in this research indicates the following: (i) the adoption of GPD practices significantly influences product portfolio performance; (ii) the adoption of GPD practices tends to generate positive results with regard to obtaining technological and market opportunities; (iii) the adoption of traditional PPM practices influences the dependent factors. Unexpectedly, correlations between a firm's size or age and its performance were not confirmed. This is the first empirical evidence relating GPD, PPM, and market and technology opportunities in Brazil. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment  相似文献   

Jürgen Bitzer   《Economic Systems》2004,28(4):369-381
The emergence and market success of Linux in recent years has been impressive. The paper investigates the question of why some producers of a proprietary software support the development of open source software (OSS) while others refuse any support. As an analytical framework, a simple Launhardt–Hotelling model is used to show that the emerging price pressure on the former monopolists depends on the extent of the current heterogeneity between OSS and the proprietary software of the incumbents. The paper argues that the product heterogeneity can explain the differing real-world behavior of commercial software producers.  相似文献   

Competitive pressures and market forces are augmenting the importance of product innovation as a source of competitive advantage. Key drivers underpinning market success have the capacity to develop the “right” products for the “right” customers, using the “right” channels, with a shorter development cycle than competitors. But when breakthrough products (BTPs) are involved, how do we sort out what is “right”? How do we identify customers' future requirements when the technology platforms are still unfolding, products are still in development and customers lack experience with the product? Traditional product development market research techniques are problematic since they assume the customer has historical experience with products similar to those being created. The objective of this paper is to raise the awareness of the OM community with the strengths and weaknesses of existing methodologies for developing and introducing innovative products to market. Further, it suggests promising future directions for both practice and research when BTPs are involved. This is important because of the central role OM plays in managing the success of the BTP development process.  相似文献   

HC重工集团在M市港口建设设备项目的竞标中,意外地输给了黑马AT集团.痛定思痛,HC集团的唐总发现失败的根源既不是技术问题、也不是产品问题,矛头直指推动企业快速发展的承包制.企业文化变革的失效是否也同现行的承包制产生抵触?技术和市场的脱节问题也是承包制引起的么?当HC集团成为一个百亿量级的重工企业之时,管理体制的变革是...  相似文献   

多年以来,那些跨国公司CEO认为在中国执行并不需要世界级水平,而本土公司CEO则强调中国式执行,但是麦肯锡经过调研发现,中国正在从一个新兴市场转变为一个成熟市场。在新兴市场,管理者所做的大部分战略和运营决策都取决于当地环境;  相似文献   

Enterprise system (ES) adoption can bring many benefits, but may also put tremendous strain on an organisation or business, sometimes with disastrous outcomes. The specific motivations and expectations that lead to ES adoption may impact the success or failure of these endeavours, and understanding these motivations may be useful in predicting the success of ES projects. Most of the published research on ES adoption motivation has been in the context of highly developed countries. The social, cultural, economic and political conditions in developing, emerging and transition economies make for a different business environment, and insights obtained from developed countries may not always transfer to these settings. This study seeks to identify and help understand the motivations for ES adoption specifically in transition economies, as these economies play a significant role in the global market, but have not been receiving adequate research attention. Drawing on the experience of 129 ES adopters in Poland, a transition economy, this study categorises motivations into coherent groups of issues and evaluates the influence of discovered motivations on ES adoption success. Further, motivations revealed by this study are compared with motivations reported by prior research conducted in developed countries.  相似文献   

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