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Weak investor protection inevitably causes concentrated insider equity ownership, economic decision distortion and resource misallocation (Shleifer and Vishny, 1993). Our paper focuses on theoretical hedge fund valuation and dynamic leverage choice by incorporating the consideration of weak investor protection. The weak investor protection effect on dynamic leverage choice is ambiguous, as it depends on the managers’ moneyness ratio, which will certainly have a negative effect on the hedge fund investors’ payoff. Thus, managers should take more ownership and engage in short volatility strategies in weak investor protection to secure their total payoff.Weak investor protection also significantly increases the hedge fund founding break-even alpha.  相似文献   

制度条件、机构投资者与上市公司市场价值   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
上市公司市场价值是投资者获得投资收益的主要来源,公司市场价值的提升是投资者保护的重要体现。本文在制度分析的基础上,通过面板数据模型,实证分析中国机构投资者提升上市公司市场价值的制度条件。结果发现,机构投资者提升上市公司市场价值的作用受到机构持股数量和上市公司所有权性质的影响。较高的持股比例是机构投资者提升上市公司市场价值的重要条件;而上市公司的国有控制特征降低了机构投资者的上市公司价值提升作用,并且国有控制的这种限制作用主要来自地方控制的上市公司。上述研究发现,对理解发展机构投资者的经济后果具有重要意义,有助于更加深入地理解机构投资者提升上市公司市场价值的制度条件,也为投资者保护研究提供了一个有益的视角。  相似文献   

在社会主义市场经济体系中,中小投资者与经营者和控股股东相比处于弱势地位,需要对其权益进行保护,在法律不完备与不健全的背景下,投资者权益的保护在很大程度上依赖于行政监管的有效性。文章引入行为经济学的观点,认为只有认识到中小投资者和监管者存在的诸如过度自信,反应不足等行为偏差,并且在经济活动中进行有效纠正才可能更好地保护投资者权益,同时提出了应加强对投资者的教育以及改善行政监管的有效措施。  相似文献   


This paper applies the time varying parameter-vector autoregression model to explore the dynamic relationship between economic policy uncertainty, investor sentiment and financial stability in China in different periods and at different time points. The empirical results show that economic policy uncertainty has an obvious negative impact on investor sentiment before 2012 and financial stability in the short term, and the influence of economic policy uncertainty on investor sentiment is greater than that of economic policy uncertainty on financial stability. These influences were more significant during the period of the global financial crisis in 2008. Moreover, investor sentiment had a positive and gradually increasing effect on financial stability, while after 2010, the positive impact gradually weakened. Furthermore, economic policy uncertainty is negatively affected by financial stability, and the effect of financial stability on investor sentiment is positive. In terms of mediating effects, economic policy uncertainty has an indirect impact on financial stability through investor sentiment and vice versa. This paper provides a new solution to economic problems explored in behavioral finance research. Additionally, Chinese government agencies can achieve the goal of preventing financial crises and maintaining financial stability by monitoring investor sentiment and implementing targeted economic policies.


我们通过私募资金市场(private capital mar- ket)搜寻模型的均衡,来研究投资者保护对外部融资可得性(availability)、企业家才能(entrepreneurship)和创业所产生的影响。除了搜寻成本(friction)之外,我们还考察了合约成本,特别是由于企业家(entrepre- neur)可能侵夺融资人(financier)所导致的事中和事后(expost)道德风险问题。在我们的模型中,政府选择投资者保护水平,以确定项目盈余(match surplus)在创业者与融资人之间的可转让性。结果表明任何鼓励(抑制)企业家才能的做法也会鼓励(抑制)创业。因此,投资者保护的创业效应取决于各种搜寻成本和合约成本的相对影响。只有当投资者保护对与事中道德风险相比的事后道德风险问题产生更大的影响时,加强投资者保护才能促进创业。我们也发现搜寻成本削弱了投资者保护的积极效应,同时,合约成本则修正了标准的荷氏(Hosios)效率条件。  相似文献   

法律、投资者保护与权益资本成本   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
权益资本成本的影响因素是公司财务的重要研究课题.近年来投资者保护法律制度对权益资本的影响逐渐受到关注.固内外学者的实证研究表明投资者保护法与权益资本成本呈负相关的关系,但仍需从理论上进一步阐释投资者保护法与权益资本成本的关系.本文分析表明,投资者法律保护与权益资本成本成反向关系:投资者法律保护的水平越低,权益资本成本越高;投资者法律保护的水平越高,权益资本成本越低.  相似文献   

Using cross‐country data, we evaluate the impact of investor protection on the association between earnings quality and audits by industry specialists. Our findings show that the positive association between industry specialist auditors and earnings quality as documented in the literature is affected by the political electoral system, which reflects investor protection rights in a country. We document that audits by industry specialists are associated with higher earnings quality in countries with the proportional electoral system, reflecting weak investor protection. Our results also confirm Kwon et al.'s findings that overall there is a positive association between earnings quality and audits by industry specialists in countries with weak legal enforcement. Our findings, however, indicate that Kwon et al.'s results are valid only for countries with weak investor protection reflected by the proportional electoral system and not for countries with strong investor protection reflected by the majoritarian electoral system. These findings thus suggest that higher earnings quality of firms audited by industry specialists across countries can especially be expected when investor protection is low and legal enforcement is also weak. In addition, our research suggests that future cross‐country studies could explicitly consider the role of the political electoral system of a country in evaluating corporate governance, management and accounting issues.  相似文献   

Over the last several years, sustainable (or socially responsible) investing has experienced rapid growth around the world reflecting an increasing awareness by investors of social, environmental, ethical, and corporate governance issues. This heightened awareness among investors has resulted in a demand for sustainability reporting and a corresponding increase in demand for assurance of sustainability information to enhance its credibility. Using an investor‐based view, we examine the impact of country‐level investor protection on reporting companies’ voluntary sustainability assurance decisions. We find that both the decision to obtain voluntary sustainability report assurance and the decision to obtain higher quality assurance are more likely for firms domiciled in countries that have weaker investor protection. Our results indicate that managers in low investor protection countries use voluntary sustainability assurance as a substitute monitoring mechanism.  相似文献   

This paper examines whether the influence of investor protection on banks’ risk is channeled through banking regulation, and vice-versa, using panel data from a sample of 567 European and US banks for the 2004–2015 period. As banking regulatory factors, we consider capital stringency, activity restrictions and private monitoring, whereas as investor protection factors, we consider the level of shareholder and creditor protection. We find that banking regulation moderates the positive direct influence of investor protection on banks’ risk, while investor protection reinforces the negative direct influence of banking regulation on risk. Moreover, we show that the negative effect of national regulations on banks’ risk is more pronounced during systemic crisis years. Finally, taking into account market competition, we argue that private monitoring only has a direct effect on banks’ risk, whereas the effects of capital stringency and activity restriction are channeled through market competition.  相似文献   

RCP模式是为克服非经营性基础设施项目和准经营性基础设施项目的融资难题而出现的一种全新的项目融资模式,该模式的基本原理是用高收益的资源开发项目补偿非经营性或准经营性基础设施项目的投资,从而保证投资者获得合理的投资回报.本文对这种项目融资模式的基本原理及运作程序进行了详细分析,并对使用该模式进行项目融资的优缺点、使用中注意的问题进行了讨论.RCP项目融资模式的出现,对解决基础设施建设资金不足、加快基础设施项目的建设步伐具有重要的现实意义.  相似文献   

陆杨  查小莉 《价值工程》2005,24(11):108-110
把福利经济学的帕累托最优原理直接运用于公司治理的研究中,在分析了我国公司治理的现状及其制度背景后,结论是:考虑到我国“效率优先,兼顾公平”的宏观经济发展模式和当前国有企业改革的现状和问题,我国企业的公司治理应当围绕投资者利益保护这一核心目标构建其他利益相关者的帕累托最优状态。  相似文献   

BOT方式中项目投资者的风险管理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张帆 《基建优化》2002,23(5):29-30,32
对基础设施、特别是经营性基础设施的融资市场化,是我国投融资改革的方向。作为项目融资的方式之一,BOT越来越广泛的得到应用,并从最初只适用于外商投资项目,到适用于包括民营资本投资在内的各种基础设施项目。但由于基础设施的特点和BOT方式的复杂性,投资者存在较大的风险。如何识别、控制这些风险,以获得项目的成功,对BOT项目的投资者来说至关重要。从项目投资者的角度分析了BOT项目可能存在的主要风险及应采取的防范措施。  相似文献   

法律制度与会计标准相互协调的制度安排,对加强投资者保护是有利的。英美法系国家会计标准采用文字描述的会计准则形式,大陆法系国家会计标准采用条文规定的会计制度形式,符合这些国家投资者利益。但由于成文法对投资者保护的先天不足,大陆法系国家首先要完善立法、严格执法、加强监管,然后才能逐步实施与国际会计准则的接轨。  相似文献   

刘绍君 《企业经济》2012,(1):136-140
低碳环保下,环保投资对区域经济可持续发展影响存在差异。本文采用面板数据研究我国东中西部环保投资与经济可持续发展关系。研究结果表明,城市环境基础设施建设投资(CSHJ)是当前环保投资的关键,其在东中西部对经济增长影响度远大于工业污染源治理投资(GYWR)及新建项目"三同时"环保投资(XJXM);但是环保投资政策受到区域差异化影响而不同,在东部加强城市环境基础设施建设投资(CSHJ)和工业污染源治理投资(GYWR),其效果要好于中部,中部好于西部;在西部,要加强新建项目"三同时"环保投资(XJXM),其效果要好于中部,中部好于东部。因此,政府应实施区域差异化投资战略。  相似文献   

This paper examines the sensitivity of major US sectoral returns to economic policy uncertainty and investor sentiments. Our analysis is based on weekly frequency and ranges from January 1995 to December 2015 covering a span of 20 years. Considering existing, however limited evidence of non-linear structure exhibited by investor sentiments and economic policy uncertainty and on the basis of our non-linear diagnostics, we use novel technique of non-parametric causality in quantiles approach proposed by Balcilar, Gupta, and Pierdzioch (2016). Our results highlight that economic policy uncertainty and investor sentiments act as driving factors for US sectoral returns. The nature of relationship is reported as asymmetrical for stock returns and symmetrical for variance of returns with an exception of Healthcare sector for economic policy uncertainty and bullish market sentiments. Our study carries implications for portfolio diversification and policy makers for forecasting market efficiency and economic trends.  相似文献   

陈兴泉 《价值工程》2014,(17):303-304
消防工作在维护人民群众生命财产安全,维护社会稳定,推进经济和各项社会事业持续、快速、健康发展方面具有重要性,在消防工作中,落实责任是根本。因此,抓好基础设施建设、基础教育是做好消防安全工作的基础。搞好基础设施建设、基础教育的同时必须强化日常检查工作,依靠监督检查来促进各单位基础工作的提高。抓住"119"等特殊教育时期的机会继续进行消防知识的培训,提高消防知识的运用能力。使公司的消防工作安全进步提高。  相似文献   

转型期我国股票市场规制目标的选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"为国有企业筹资、推动国民经济增长"这一政府股票市场规制的目标已经不能适应经济发展的要求,监管当局应该将"加强投资者利益保护"作为股票市场规制的核心目标,以进一步推进中国股票市场的可持续发展。保护投资者利益是股票市场政府规制目标的核心。造成我国股票市场投资者保护机制缺失的制度性基础在于政府一身兼三职的制度安排,即政府既是国有上市公司、证券交易所、证券公司的实际或者变相的终极所有者,又是投资者利益的守护神,同时也是证券市场的规制与监管者。  相似文献   

We examine whether and how auditors respond to audit risks arising from secrecy culture when making audit opinion decisions. Using a sample of international Big N auditors from 33 countries, we find strong and robust evidence that auditors are more likely to issue modified audit opinions to clients domiciled in countries with a strong secrecy culture. In addition, we find that the association between secrecy culture and auditors' propensity to issue modified audit opinions is less pronounced in countries with strong investor protection than that in countries with weak investor protection.  相似文献   

王联备  苏志欣  邢文祥 《价值工程》2006,25(12):140-143
合理地选择项目融资模式对成功完成基础设施项目建设具有重要意义。文章介绍了几种现代流行的基础设施项目融资模式,并对影响融资模式选择的因素进行讨论。考虑到影响因素较多且获取的信息无法用自然语言表达出来,具有模糊性的特点,将层次分析法和模糊决策理论结合起来,建立了项目融资模式选择的模糊层次评价模型,对一个实例进行综合评价排序得出最佳融资模式,为投资者选择合适的基础设施项目融资模式提供一种有效的方法。  相似文献   

本文分析了投资者保护与会计信息披露之间的内在关系,指出会计信息披露是重要的投资者保护机制,能有效缓解公司内部人与外部人之间的信息不对称,减少代理成本。与此同时,法律对投资者的保护决定了控制权的私人收益,进而影响会计信息披露质量。改善会计信息披露质量的新思路。  相似文献   

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