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定向增发过程中的大股东的减持时机可以分为三类:第Ⅰ类型为在定向增发预案公告日前减持;第Ⅱ类型为在定向增发预案公告日到增发公告日之间进行减持;第Ⅲ类型为增发公告日后到定向增发股份解禁前减持。本文研究发现:(1)第Ⅲ类大股东减持的上市公司定向增发折价率最低,第Ⅰ类和第Ⅱ类大股东减持的上市公司在增发过程中存在大股东减持的上市公司定向增发折价率相对较高;(2)第Ⅱ类大股东减持的上市公司,在增发预案公告后具有更好的市场表现,第Ⅲ类大股东减持的上市公司,在定向增发完成后具有更好的市场表现;(3)第Ⅲ类大股东减持的上市公司在定向增发过程中具有最高的套利收益。本文的研究阐述了大股东在定向增发过程中高价减持低价增发的全新套利模式,为监管层加强大股东行为监督,提高中小投资者保护水平提供了依据。  相似文献   

本文选取上海证券交易所在2006年1月1日至2010年12月31日期间进行定向增发的上市公司为原始样本,分析了上市公司定向增发新股公告日及正式实施前后的短期股价效应,研究了其增发后12个月的长期股价表现。研究发现:定向增发在公告日前有显著的市场预期反映,投资者普遍看好定向增发这种融资方式并认为此事件为利好事件,定向增发实施后一个月内也产生了正的市场效应,但定向增发中长期却呈下滑趋势,说明定向增发在长期并没有创造财富价值且侵害了中小股东的利益。  相似文献   

近几年来A股市场跌宕起伏,2011年更是再现08年金融危机时的"股债双杀",挣钱难成为众多投资者头疼的问题。不过,笔者发现,参与上市公司定向增发的资金平均收益十分丰厚,过去5年的平均年超额收益高达80%以上,获利高,投资胜算大,受到机构和"有钱人"的持续追捧。如果说伴随着股市的低迷,直接融资市场不进反退,那么可以说,随着对直接融资市场的重视,增发,定向增发下的投资逻辑值得研究,只因直接融资正当时。目前A股市场处于历史估值的底部,笔者认为,投资定向增发正当时,普通投资者可以通过金融机构发行的理财产品,跨越高高在上的门槛,获得参与定向增发高收益的机会。  相似文献   

本文以公告了公开增发预案的A股上市公司为样本,实证检验了政府干预行为的有效性。研究发现:在公告了公开增发预案的公司中,增发后3年,成功增发公司的经营业绩总体上显著高于未成功增发的公司,但股票的市场表现没有显著差异;但在证监会增发条件更严格的阶段,成功增发公司的经营业绩、股票市场表现均显著高于未成功增发公司。这表明,证监会对公司增发新股的干预,特别是实施更严格的增发条件要求,在一定程度上起到了筛选优质上市公司、促进资源有效配置和保护投资者的作用。  相似文献   

通过对1998-2010年我国上市公司以定向增发形式进行资产注入所产生的短期累计超额回报和购买并持有的长期超额收益的研究,区分股权全流通前后不同时期进行对比发现:股权全流通后上市公司资产注入产生的短期累计超额回报比股权全流通前有显著增加;进一步研究发现,考虑上市公司的达标需求因素和保壳因素后,股权全流通后的资产注入前后业绩有下降趋势,这从一定程度上证明了大股东资产注入行为的机会主义动机。  相似文献   

本文以2006年至2008年5月末期间进行过定向增发预案的A股上市公司为研究样本,以A股上市公司定向增发动机为研究对象,采用逻辑回归分析方法,实证分析了影响我国上市公司定向增发动机的因素,研究结果发现公司规模和公司业绩是影响上市公司定向增发动机的主要因素,即:公司规模较小和业绩较差的上市公司具有较强的定向增发动机。  相似文献   

随着股权分置改革的到来,定向增发日渐成为我国股票市场再融资的主要工具。文章从发行条件,发审要求以及内幕交易程度对定向增发和普通增发进行比较分析,从而分析上市公司更多选择定向增发的原因和交易状况。发现定向增发发行要求低,发行价格可选择性,发行股本无限制等优点,导致定向增发的发行规模远远大于普通增发;同时也发现定向增发的内幕交易程度普遍高于普通增发,而定向增发后的超额累计收益率占事件区间总超额累计收益率的比例也远远高于普通增发。  相似文献   

郝文 《财会通讯》2008,(12):50-53
本文通过分析我国房地产行业的特点及其现状,结合2006年至2007年有关房地产上市公司再融资市场的实际情况,发现定向增发是房地产上市公司最主要的再融资手段。在介绍定向增发融资方式的概念、种类、特点,分析房地产上市公司实施定向增发动因的基础上,指出定向增发过程中存在的弊端和隐患,并提出了完善定向增发融资市场的相关建议。  相似文献   

本文构造了一个公司管理者利用信息优势,通过选择最优股票增发策略来最大化现有股东发行收益的模型。在这个模型中,公司管理者拥有的信息优势导致了逆向选择——股票增发公告不仅导致股票市场价格回归其基本面,而且回归速度是公告的股票增发量的增函数,本文得到了公司管理者在这种逆向选择条件下的最优股票增发策略,公司管理者不仅需要挑选公告的发行量,还需要挑选公告的时间来最大化股票增发所得的收益。本文的研究结果表明,在一个非对称信息的市场中,上市公司不仅存在着高价增发股票的动机,而且确实可以通过选择较好的发行策略获取超额发行收益。这些结果可较好地解释股票增发中的热发现象。  相似文献   

运用事件研究法对我国股票公开增发和定向增发的短期公告效应和较长期的增发实施后一年内的市场表现进行了比较研究。实证结果发现,在定向增发的公告效应比公开增发更加积极且显著。从长期来看,无论是实施公开增发还是定向增发,都能带来正的累计平均异常收益率且统计显著;但定向增发的累计平均异常收益率会在更长的时间周期内明显超过公开增发。这种对象选择的市场效应差异背后是股权分置改革带来的参与各方行为逻辑的变化。对金融监管的启示在于,通过市场建设保证利益兼容要比纯粹限制对象范围更能降低金融活动的不确定性。  相似文献   

我国上市公司定向增发的长期业绩实证研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
考察公司定向增发后的长期回报率业绩和长期经营业绩后发现,经市场调整、行业调整和规模调整的定向增发公司长期经营业绩和长期回报率均呈现下滑态势;长期回报率下滑并不是市场对定向增发公告时市场过度反应的修正,而是投资者对成长机会不确定的投资项目过分乐观,定向增发后公司并没有实现良好的经营业绩,投资者对公司预期盈利能力失望的结果。  相似文献   

This paper systematically examines the factors that determine price discounts and announcement effects of equity private placements conducted by firms in Taiwan from 2002 to 2008. Different with most studies of private placements using available observations as a whole sample, our study separates the whole sample into subsamples by exchange-listed firms and OTC firms. The results for OTC firms corroborate the information hypothesis; the discounts serve as compensation for investor's costs of assessing firms, while abnormal returns reflect the information about firm quality. On the other hand, the empirical results show that some of our findings support an information explanation and some support a monitoring explanation in the case of exchange-listed firms. It seems that there are different motives behind the exchange-listed firms placing equity privately.  相似文献   

We consider the stock performance of America's 100 Best Corporate Citizens following the annual survey by Business Ethics. We examine both possible short-term announcement effects around the time of the survey's publication, and whether longer-term returns are higher for firms that are listed as good citizens. We find some evidence of a positive market reaction to a firm's presence in the Top 100 firms that are made public, and that holders of the stock of such firms earn small abnormal returns during an announcement window. Over the year following the announcement, companies in the Top 100 yield negative abnormal returns of around 3%. However, such companies tend to be large and with stocks exhibiting a growth style, which existing studies suggest will tend to perform poorly. Once we allow for these firm characteristics, the poor performance of the highly rated firms declines. We also find companies that are newly listed as good citizens and companies in the Top 100 but outside the S&P 500 can provide considerable positive abnormal returns to investors, even after allowing for their market capitalization, price-to-book ratios, and sectoral classification.  相似文献   

This study investigates the stock price behavior of companies with qualified opinions around (1) the audit report day and (2) the report announcement day. Using a sample of 106 Taiwanese public companies during 1999–2007, we find negative abnormal returns 5 days following the audit report day. Returns that are more negative are associated with a decrease in insider ownership during several months before the audit report day. These results imply that investors can infer qualified opinions or that there is information leakage of qualified opinions. We also find that the average cumulative abnormal return over the 20 days following the announcement day of qualified reports is about ?25%, which is much more pronounced than that in Anglo‐Saxon countries. We ascribe this finding to a rule unique to Taiwan: qualified companies are likely to be subject to mandatory delisting if they cannot restate reports with unqualified opinions.  相似文献   

以2010—2017年我国创业板上市公司为样本,研究私募股权投资、内部控制和会计稳健性的关系。研究发现,有私募股权投资参与的上市公司其会计稳健性普遍高于无私募股权投资参与的上市公司,且私募股权投资持股比例越高,被投资公司的会计稳健性越好,因此私募股权投资在我国发挥了一定的公司治理作用,提高了企业会计信息质量。此外,研究发现上市公司内部控制能显著降低私募股权投资对会计稳健性的正向作用,即内控较好的上市公司,私募股权投资对会计稳健性的影响会削弱,因此私募股权投资和内部控制两者在提高会计稳健性方面存在替代效应。研究结论进一步补充了私募股权投资与内部控制公司治理作用的文献,具有重要的理论意义和参考价值。  相似文献   

In this study, we examine whether superior accounting performance as reported in the annual ABA Banking Journal Top Performing Banks survey translates into higher investor returns. We observe that the announcement effect is more pronounced during the early years of the survey. For the entire survey period and for later sub-periods in which bank holding companies (BHCs) are ranked based on return on equity (ROE), we observe statistically-significant superior holding period returns against both the S&P 500 index and in some cases a matched sample. These results include raw and risk-adjusted returns as well as buy and hold abnormal returns (BHARs). We obtain similar results after controlling for the market return, size, book-to-market ratio, and momentum factors.  相似文献   


Using daily stock returns, we estimate the precision of information during earnings and non-earnings announcement days, and find that although the precision of information in daily stock returns increases during earnings announcement days, it explains less of the variation in expected returns than the precision of information on non-earnings announcement days. Our findings suggest that the precision of earnings disclosures has a small effect on the cost of equity relative to the precision of information on other days of the year.  相似文献   

I compare the information content of quarterly earnings guidance and quarterly earnings by examining their associations with current and future stock returns when the two signals are bundled at earnings announcements. At the bundled announcement, I find a significantly stronger association between announcement returns and guidance news. From the day after the bundled announcement through the next earnings announcement, both signals generate abnormal return drifts of about 200 basis points. However, the timing of the post-announcement returns differs considerably. For guidance, about 50% of the post-announcement drift occurs at the next earnings announcement. In contrast, for earnings, about 20% of the preceding drift reverses at the next earnings announcement. Investor ignorance of the drift following guidance news coupled with a fixation on post-earnings announcement drift potentially explains this surprising difference in the timing of the post-announcement returns. Overall, this study indicates that bundled quarterly earnings guidance contains more information than quarterly earnings and that investors incorrectly overweight the earnings news and underweight the guidance news during the post-announcement period until the next earnings announcement.  相似文献   

The 2007 financial crisis and the Great Recession that followed resulted in a loss of confidence among investors, and regaining their full trust and confidence has been a challenge for companies. Although economic growth has been volatile throughout the postwar World War II period, recent growth (2008–2015) has been remarkably weaker than in the previous low-growth period (1974–1995). The 2006–2015 period is often characterized by sluggish economic growth. This study investigates stock price reactions to stock dividend announcements, 30 days before and after the announcement dates, of publicly traded companies in the period 2006–2012. We use an event study methodology for 460 events and daily stock price data for companies in the CRSP historical data set. The study shows a significant reaction in stock prices around the event date. On average, stock prices reacted positively to stock dividend announcements. However, compared to previous findings of abnormal returns (5.9%), results from this study show small abnormal returns (about 1.81%) attributable to stock dividend announcements that are cumulative of the announcement day and up to 3-day post-announcement days. Our estimates are even lower than the 2.01% stock price reaction obtained in the 1987–1996 period.  相似文献   

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