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投入产出价格成本分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
投入产出价格成本分析的基本模型价格是产品价值的货币表现,产品的价值由三大部分构成:物质消耗C;劳动者收入V;为社会提供的价值m。每一单位产品的价值或价格都可表为:P=C+V+m (1)在投入产出系统中,上式可以写成:P=A~T+Z (2)Z=Z_D+Z_V+Z_mA~T是直接消耗系数矩阵的转置矩阵,Z_D是折旧向量,Z_V是劳动者收入向量,Z_m是为社会提供的价值向量,Z称做增加价值向量。  相似文献   

对由于经济波动、结构变革,特别是由于经济活动水平较低而造成的就业问题,要制定实施发展经济的政策措施,要仔细分析失业的原因,对不同劳动者或某一类别劳动者的就业问题,制定出有针对性的就业政策措施,并明确政策实施的时间。这样才能区别对待,提高政策的有效性。(一)一般性就业政策  相似文献   

国际投入产出协会于1989年9月4日至9日在匈牙利的Keszthely召开了第九届年会。来自东方与西方几十个国家的代表约170余人出席了会议。我国有7名代表参加会议。大会收到论文100多篇,其中我国提交论文10余篇。这次会议着重讨论了五个问题:(1)投入产出表构造与利用的理论、数学及实证状况,投入产出系数的估计与分析。(2)投入产出模型在就业、生产率、生产能力利用、汇率、产业结构、贸易、收入分配、财政及价格等方面仍应用与深化。(3)投入产出经济学与时间:动态投入产出方法,技术交流及技术变化。(4)投入产出经济学与空间:地区及地区间模型研究,国际投入产出联结模型。(5)  相似文献   

正就业是关系经济升级、民生改善和社会稳定的大事。2013年,是在经济转型过程中实现就业转型的重要一年。一方面,经济发展从追求GDP高速增长转为追求经济质量提升,并且因结构调整和发展转型,将GDP增速首次降到8%以下;另一方面,就业的改革发展以提高就业质量为重要目标,在保持就业总量增加的同时更加注重就业环境的改善和劳动者  相似文献   

分析发展中国家在经济发展过程中,面对劳动力市场存在的持续性买方垄断行为,通过提升最低工资来持续性促进就业的特征,并以江浙沪的数据进行实证分析。研究发现:江浙沪的劳动力市场存在持续性买方垄断,但三地最低工资的就业效果不同;上海和浙江最低工资相对于城镇劳动者人均可支配收入偏低,最低工资上升对就业有促进作用,而江苏最低工资相对于城镇劳动者人均可支配收入偏高,最低工资上升对就业有抑制作用;上海和浙江相比,上海最低工资提升所能带动的就业量大于浙江;最低工资上升主要影响小型企业和民营企业。  相似文献   

邢岚 《数据》2012,(7):60-63
近年来,在经济快速发展,居民收入显著提高的同时,不同群体间的收入差距继续扩大。如何努力扭转收入差距扩大的问题备受关注。为了定量分析影响收入差距的因素,本文运用泰尔指数,不仅从宏观角度分析了地区间经济发展对收入差距的影响,而且从微观角度,根据劳动者的就业、文化、职业、行业、性别和年龄情况,对收入差距进行分解。测算结果表明,由于地区经济发展的同步推进,区域经济总量和财力平衡发展弱化了地区差异引起的居民收入差异。从微观因素看,就业情况和文化程度对居民收入差距的影响较大,且程度逐渐扩大;行业和职业对收入差距的影响依然存在,但趋于平稳;性别和年龄对居民收入差距的影响较小,并趋于减弱。  相似文献   

基于经验数据的计量经济分析,实证地揭示了改革开放30年来江西经济发展、城乡居民收入差距与农村劳动力转移就业之间的相关性。江西要促进城乡经济社会协调发展,就必须以人为本,实施就业优先的发展战略;积极发展城乡非农产业,加速推进农村劳动力转移就业;彻底破除城乡分割的体制性障碍,大力开发农村人力资源,加快建立统一规范的城乡一体化人力资源市场,形成城乡劳动者平等就业的制度。  相似文献   

<正>国内生产总值(GDP)对通货膨胀的影响。新凯恩斯主义解释,需求拉动通货膨胀发生于因GDP所产生的高需求与低失业,又称菲利普斯曲线型通货膨胀。高速经济增长时,城乡就业得到前所未有的扩大,城乡普通劳动者的工资水平和中低收入家庭的收入增长显著增加,而中低收入家庭具有较高的边际消  相似文献   

慈溪市劳动保障局简介慈溪市隶属浙江省宁波市,2004年人均GDP突破3000美元大关,财政预算收入突破40亿元,居浙江省经济强县首位;农民人均收入突破7000元,城镇居民人均可支配收入突破16000元。全市常住人口102万,外来人口约55万。近年来,慈溪市劳动保障局不断深化就业体制改革,大力完善社会保障体系,切实维护劳动者合法权益,努力促进城乡劳动者充分就业,各项工作取得了显著成效。城乡统筹就业工作在全省率先启动,全面掌握了慈溪60万城乡劳动力的有关信  相似文献   

专家认为,城乡居民收入差距的拉大和缩小完全可依靠市场的自发力量来完成,这种市场的力量集中表现在劳动者的就业权上,只要劳动者能就业,就能分享增长的成果,就有可能缩小收入差距。我国正处在收入差距拉大的过程,不仅面临着发展过程中的收入差距拉大,也面临着体  相似文献   

This paper explores some of the possible uses of household survey data for the analysis of the process of economic transition. It is argued that such data are particularly valuable for work on the distributional effects of transition, using simulation techniques of various kinds. Some examples are given, focusing on: labour supply; indirect taxation; and the cost and effectiveness of the Hungarian personal income tax and social security systems under alternative assumptions about changes in the distribution of gross earnings and the level and incidence of unemployment.  相似文献   

Cross-country analysis of the aggregate growth-poverty link is likely to miss important country-specific detail and possible offsetting forces in the underlying labour market adjustment process. This paper combines a CGE model analysis with a microsimulations approach to analyse the effects of trade liberalization on poverty and income distribution in Ecuador. The CGE model enables us to disentangle the general equilibrium effects of various trade policy scenarios on sector output, employment, factor incomes and household consumption. However, as is typical of CGE models, this analysis only provides distribution results for fairly aggregated groups of workers and a reduced number of representative households. The microsimulations approach adds the full distribution to the analysis and allows simulation of the effects of trade reform on the job status and remuneration of individual workers and thereby on household income distribution and poverty. The macro- microsimulation results indicate that the trade opening in Ecuador induced mild aggregate welfare gains, but rising income inequality due to rising wage differentials between skilled and unskilled workers implies virtually no poverty-reducing effect from trade liberalization.  相似文献   

《Labour economics》2007,14(3):539-563
This paper investigates the impact of the trade liberalization process in Tunisia on employment by distinguishing different skills and different types of firms using micro level data covering the period of 1983–1994. There is considerable disagreement among analysts on the impact of recent trade reforms upon labour. Our contribution to these debates in this paper is essentially an empirical issue. The analysis of a Tunisian firm's data may be viewed as an attempt to apprehend how employment in Tunisia, a developing country, adjusted to the trade reforms. Using micro-level detail on individual firms, we are able to trace the relationship between changes in trade policies and manufacturing employment at firm level and by skill. Although trade reforms are generally implemented at the sector level, their effects may vary significantly across firm characteristics such as output orientation. We measure the effects of trade policy on employment according to different types of firms. We also associate changes in employment directly with a measure of change in trade protection, rather than linking them to changes in imports and exports which would be more common. The results suggest that the impact of trade liberalization on labour demand depends on a firm's characteristics. In particular, the estimates obtained suggest that trade liberalization has beneficial effects on employment for exporting-firms. Conversely, trade liberalization has negative and disciplinary effects on employment for domestically oriented firms. The reduction in tariff levels conducted in this first phase of liberalization in Tunisia seems to have had effects with different intensity on unskilled labour and on skilled labour; this justifies the examination of these two skills.  相似文献   

Ardeshir Anjomani   《Socio》2002,36(4):239-265
The current study examines a simultaneous equation model of interstate migration using income growth, employment growth, unemployment growth, population growth, gross migration, and employment in manufacturing as endogenous variables. The results show that neither the growth of employment nor the growth of income in the destination location has been directly important determinants of migration flow. However, an indirect effect through the population variable can be discerned for these variables, and this has important policy implications. A key feature of this migration model is that it incorporates most of the determinant factors as rates of change over time. The study sheds light on the joint and indirect effects of migration and other endogenous variables and draws some important policy implications pertaining to growth.  相似文献   

This paper examines the marginal effects of an employment expansion in China’s public sector on the unconditional distribution of “wage income” using the unconditional quantile estimation suggested by Firpo et al. (2009). Empirical data from the China Health and Nutrition Survey is split into three sub-samples to eliminate the effects of the Asian financial crisis in 1997 and the subprime financial crisis in 2008 on our empirical results. To explore the marginal effects, the empirical unconditional distributions of wage income “before” and “after” an expansion of the public employment have been graphed and compared. It has been found that an expansion of China’s public employment reduces the dispersion of wage income and hence alleviates income inequality in China. Besides, an expansion of public employment makes the symmetrical unconditional distribution of wage income become leftward skewed. Given these findings, an expansion of the public employment caused by the strategy of “guojin mintui” could mitigate China’s income inequality.  相似文献   

《Economic Outlook》2014,38(4):5-13
This has been no ‘normal’ consumer recovery. The emphasis on rising employment levels, rather than wage growth, to drive the improvement in real incomes means that while the collective spending power of UK households has strengthened, many individual households continue to feel squeezed. A tightening labour market and emerging skills shortages will improve workers' wage bargaining power, but progress will be gradual and, for many workers, limited by the impact of further strong growth in the labour supply. Therefore, with little scope for households to further reduce the share of income saved, consumer spending growth is likely to remain relatively subdued, lagging well behind the growth rates achieved over the decade prior to the financial crisis.  相似文献   

In 2007 and 2008 Polish governments introduced a series of reforms which led to a substantial reduction in the tax “wedge” (in Polish: “klin”) on labour. These consisted of reductions in the disability rate of social security contributions (SSCs) and an introduction of an income tax credit for families with children. We show that the SSCs reforms on their own brought much greater reductions in the tax burden compared to a widely discussed 15% “flat tax”, despite a very similar simulated cost. When considered together the package of introduced reforms reduced the mean ATR on total labour cost from 41.6% to 35.7%. This compares to the mean ATR of 39.6% which would result from the introduction of the “flat tax”. In the analysis we present the effects of the reforms both for the employed and for the non-employed populations. The latter analysis is done in such a way as to account for the entire (simulated) distribution of wages of the non-employed and shows interesting differences between the effects of reforms on employed and non-employed individuals. We argue that to fully appreciate the effect of reductions in labour taxation it is important to bear in mind that one of the reasons for introducing them is to make employment more likely for those who currently do not work, and demonstrate that the introduced package has had a particularly important effect on non-employed second earners. Given the extent of the reductions in the “klin” it is somewhat surprising that so far so little attention has been given to the recent Polish reforms.  相似文献   

Despite the current interest in the growing amount of Chinese and Indian investments in African countries, little is known on the impact of such investments on the employment conditions of African workers. This study investigates the employment practices of a Chinese-owned and an Indian-owned manufacturing company in Ghana in relation to the national labour laws and international labour standards. This article argues that given the weaknesses in the institutional and financial capabilities of the state and the resultant large scope of autonomy assumed by multinational corporations (MNCs), it is highly unlikely that MNCs will voluntarily adopt a high level of labour standards without tangible benefits to the business. This is particularly the case for smaller MNCs from emerging economies such as China and India, as they often slip through the net of international pressure groups and are most unlikely to receive pressure in their home country to observe labour standards in their overseas operations. This study has policy implications for Ghana and other less developed countries that are seeking foreign direct investment to help national development.  相似文献   

Spain's economy grew at a real annual average rate of over 3.5% between 1995 and 2005. Total employment increased by more than five million. This process altered the sectoral and occupational structure of employment. The dynamics of final demand, technology and labour requirements linked to technology and labour market institutions mostly drive shifts in the structure of employment. We analyse their effects and relative weights on private employment growth in an input–output framework, by means of structural decomposition. The analysis of the occupational structure is a novelty. Sectoral and occupational structures of employment are receiving a great deal of attention: the productivity growth and economic prospects of service economies and the debate between skilling and polarization are, respectively, the main issues. This paper provides useful insights on the dynamics of the structure of employment during a process of vigorous job growth.  相似文献   

快递业的蓬勃发展与非典型雇佣之间存在着极为密切的关系。本文运用数理统计方法研究了非典型雇佣对快递业产出的作用机制,指出非典型雇佣规模的增加促进快递市场拓展;运用数据包络分析等方法 ,对上市快递企业非典型雇佣的配置效率进行了探查,检讨了各上市快递企业非典型雇佣配置非效率的特征,并计算得出配置效率改进的目标;通过构建非典型雇佣灵活性测量模型,对非典型雇佣灵活化机制进行了解构,指出非典型雇佣需在收入灵活性、规模灵活性以及结构灵活性三个方面综合统筹,才能组合、创新出有利于快递企业、快递员工以及快递客户的非典型雇佣策略。  相似文献   

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