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北京要建设世界城市,研究外国人在北京的住房租买选择,对城市空间布局和房地产发展具有重要实践意义。本文以居京韩国人为研究对象,通过调查访谈所掌握的第一手数据资料,运用卡方(χ2)检验方法对韩国人在京租买房的内在影响因素进行了分析。研究发现,居京韩国人租买房决策主要与各职业群体对中国当地社会的依存度、家庭收入水平、未来居留时间等因子正相关,与他们在韩国是否有住房没有明显的相关性。另外,驻京大型公司的职员因有其公司给予的住房补贴,一般租房居住,对购房持消极态度。  相似文献   

买房置业的住房习惯,加之租房不再那么划算,更多人还只是被动地将“租生活”当做买房前的过渡。北京等大城市租房市场的增长。并不意味着真正的租房时代已经到来  相似文献   

在厘清土地年租制、租赁制、出让制三者之间关系的基础上,阐述了土地年租制的本质是以长期契约为核心的租赁制,分析了城市住房土地年租制及其特征,剖析了我国现有城市住房土地使用制度存在的弊端,指出土地年租制是对我国城市住房土地使用制度的创新,提出了实施城市住房土地年租制应注意的问题及解决思路.  相似文献   

北京建委住房保障办公室负责人称,正在享受廉租房政策中的租金补贴形式的市民,如符合相关条件,可以通过与当地的房管办联系转变为实物配租形式。按照《北京市城市廉租住房管理办法》,符合条件的家庭只能选择一种廉租住房保障方式,其中实物住房主要配租给家庭成员中有60周岁以上(含60周岁)老人、严重残疾人员。  相似文献   

何芳 《上海房地》2012,(8):47-48
一、韩国公共租赁住房层级供应借鉴 韩国在解决其居民住房问题上的做法值得关注和研究。 1960年,韩国只有38%的人口居住在城市,到2004年,韩国城市人口占比已达到89%。韩国公共住房事业在1980年以前进展十分缓慢,由于缺乏建设融资的支持,1971年至1980年间,韩国一共建设了64947套公寓用作租期为一至两年的公共租赁住房,这一数目仅占同期住宅建设总数的3.5%。  相似文献   

买房做什么?除了自住之外,很多的人是为了投资。投资房产离不开出租,于是“以租养房”成为越来越多人的选择。以租养房的客户归纳起来主要分为两大类:一类是以旧养新,即他们原来有一套住房,通过按揭贷款购买新房,再将原有住房出租,用租金偿还贷款;另一类则是以租还贷,即直接购买  相似文献   

住房租赁保障所关注的主要途径是廉租住房制度的建设和落实。现有的租赁保障形式主要包括廉租房的货币配租(租赁住房补贴)、实物配租和承租公房的租金核减。截至2006年底,全国657个城市中,已经有512个城市建立了廉租住房制度,占城市总数的77.9%。然而,现行廉租房制度的问题之一是覆盖面极小,只针对符合极高门槛(双困户)的城市户籍家庭。这一问题已经引起各方的认同和关注。  相似文献   

理论与实践表明,住房货币化补贴是一种比实物补贴更高级的住房保障模式。基于这一结论,铜陵、天津、南京等城市纷纷推出"租补分离,分档补贴"的公租房政策创新模式,试图向住房货币化补贴转变。然而,研究发现,"租补分离,分档补贴"的公租房政策模式依然停留住房实物补贴范畴,而且只有在满足一定条件下其效率才高于公租房实物配租模式。  相似文献   

天津——以租带售盘活空置房最近,天津一些房地产商提出,打破空置积压商品房只售不租的传统做法,制定行之有效的办法,实行空置房以租带售。据了解,房地产商将空置房出租,并与租房户签订购租合同,如果租房户在合同约定的期限内购买所租住的这套住房,租房户所付租金可以冲抵购房款。如果租房户只做租住之用,不买房,事先交纳的  相似文献   

根据2007年11月8日发布的《廉租住房保障方式》.我国廉租住房保障方式实行货币补贴和实物配租等相结合,主要通过发放租赁补贴,增强城市低收入住房困难家庭承租住房的能力。廉租住房紧缺的城市,应当通过新建和收购等方式,增加廉租住房实物配租的房源。以”租金补贴为主、实物配租为辅”为指导思想,原因在于和实物配租方式相比较,货币补贴更符合和谐社会可持续发展的需求。  相似文献   

Pooled and longitudinal data for the years 1989 and 1992 were used to study the housing decisions of young Swedish adults before and after the 1991 Swedish tax reform. Although the household formation and tenure choice decisions of young adults were found to be simultaneously determined, neglecting the cross-equation correlation between these two decisions had no major impact on the estimated coefficients. Demographic factors were found to significantly affect both the household formation and tenure choice decisions. Economic factors were also found to significantly affect young adults' choice of tenure mode. This is however not the case regarding the household formation decision. Young adults' decision whether to form a household was found to be rather insensitive to economic factors. Furthermore, the impact of the relative cost of owned to rented housing was found to be significantly lower after the 1991 Swedish tax reform. One possible explanation might be the smaller variation in relative cost of owned versus rented housing between households after the 1991 Swedish tax reform. Finally, neglecting household-specific heterogeneity in the tenure choice estimation causes a downward bias in the parameter estimates.  相似文献   

A model of tenure choice is specified and estimated. A simple expression to represent the expected rate of return on equity for a homeowner is developed. Also the influence of the federal housing subsidy programs is analyzed. Both, plus permanent income and the implicit rental price of owner-occupied housing, are important determinants of tenure choice. Other influences are the financing gap with the standard mortgage instrument in an inflationary environment, the number of children less than 18 per family, assets and liabilities, and mortgage credit terms. Finally, the changes in housing tenure choice over the estimation period are analyzed.  相似文献   

Sociological and economic forces have begun to alter ownership patterns in ways not yet captured by movements in the aggregate ownership rate. While demographic factors such as marital status and family structure remain influential in determining tenure choice, their impact has waned, particularly among the best educated households and those with rising real incomes. Labor market conditions, as evidenced by increasing returns to skill, are more strongly felt than ever before in the housing market. The impact on owning of being highly educated now rivals the influence of being married with minor children. Increasingly delayed ownership is a reality, even for traditional family units with 36- to 45-year-old heads that have not prospered in the labor market. The rising real cost of even relatively inexpensive suburban housing is also beginning to be reflected in a heightened impact for real family income on tenure choice. Finally, race currently is more adversely influential in determining suburban ownership for young, middle-aged minority families than it was in 1960, particularly if the household head is not well educated. We suspect this is due to racially disparate impacts of increasingly rigorous zoning regulations and higher impact fees in the suburbs.  相似文献   

This paper uses the Panel Study of Income Dynamics to explore the impact of housing on children's productivity through educational attainment and through their housing choices as adults after they leave their parent's home. After controlling for other factors that are normally hypothesized to affect an individual's education and earnings, we find that the average child of homeowners is significantly more likely to achieve a higher level of education and, thereby, a higher level of earnings. We also find that having controlled for the factors traditionally thought to influence an individual's choice of housing tenure, as well as other parental characteristics, the housing tenure of parents plays a primary role in determining whether or not the child becomes a homeowner.  相似文献   

北京市人口呈现爆炸式增长,有观点认为应放任房价上涨以此解决人口问题。本文从分析北京市近年来人口变动情况及北京市房价现状入手,分析“高房价抑制人口增长论”,提出解决人口剧增的根本性办法是加快城乡统筹,从宏观层面予以解决。在北京市人口剧增的背景下,北京房价的调控措施应该包括坚持限购政策、开征房产税、加大保障性住房建设、打击市场上垄断投机、骗购骗租等不良行为。  相似文献   

This paper considers the current and future prospects for social housing. It looks at the key issues of choice and affordability that dominate housing policy, how this links social housing to the dominant tenure of owner-occupation and how government has sought to control social housing allowing for a managed decline of the sector. The final part of the paper proposes some reforms which will introduce real choice into rented housing and empower low-income households. This, however, will necessitate the end of social housing as a distinct tenure.  相似文献   

Tax arbitrage opportunities in rental housing markets arise when high bracket taxpayers exploit the tax shelter and conversion features of the tax treatment of rental housing and as a consequence offer low bracket taxpayers rental housing at a cost lower than if they purchased the same quantity of housing for owner occupation. A microdata set has been employed to estimate the size of these tax arbitrage opportunities with respect to 1907 properties owned by Australian landlords. The measure of tax arbitrage opportunities is the breakeven tax rate at which the maximum rental rate a potential occupant is prepared to pay before turning to purchased housing is equal to the landlord's reservation rental rate. Potential occupants with marginal tax rates below the breakeven tax rate find that renting has a relative cost advantage over home purchase. When agency costs (the costs incurred in managing landlord-tenant relationships) are included in the tax arbitrage model, our estimates of the breakeven tax rate indicate that home purchase has a relative cost advantage over renting for most potential occupants. Renting is only financially attractive to low tax bracket individuals. This finding is consistent with Australian tenure patterns. However, there are more puzzling results. A majority of landlords belong to tax brackets below the top bracket, landlords in the lowest tax brackets typically make below normal profits, and reservation rental rates at the bottom of the rental housing market are relatively high. Down payment requirements, lock-in effects, and rent clientele groups are put forward as possible explanations for these findings.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the determination of housing price, permanent income, tenure choice, and housing demand. Full housing demand elasticities incorporate the interactive effects among the four stages of the model. Price and income have major effects in the tenure choice equation. Sociodemographic variables, such as age, have complex effects that may be lost in simpler forms of estimation.  相似文献   

In this paper, we offer a dynamic model of the optimal tenure behavior of an individual who faces the possibility of moving multiple times during his lifetime. We also investigate the lifetime effects of such factors as income tax, property tax, transaction costs, and mortgage rates on the household’s tenure choice. The agents in the model utilize a genetic algorithm, a probabilistic search approach, to determine their optimal lifetime tenure choice path. The agents are forward looking in that they anticipate such possible events as changes in jobs, marital status, household size, or dissatisfaction with current residence. Our results suggest several housing policy implications and explain some of the empirical findings in the literature.  相似文献   

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