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商务日语教学不同于基础日语教学,只有将语言、商务礼仪、企业文化等方面有机地结合在一起才能满足培养高素质商务日语人才的要求。本文主要探讨实训教学体系的构建对高职院校培养能够直接上岗就任的高素质商务日语人才的重要性,希望对高职商务日语专业的教学有所借鉴。  相似文献   

湖南中日经贸往来的不断扩大及日本在湖南投资企业数量的增加,需要大量的日语与其他学科结合的复合型日语人才。文章探讨了湖南日语人才如何适应湖南中日经贸发展,分析了湖南中日经贸发展及日语人才需求状况,并在此基础上提出了面向日企的复合型专业化日语人才培养模式的构想。  相似文献   

近年来,日资企业对粤投资力度加大,人才市场对商务日语人才的需求呈不断上升趋势。面对这一新形势,我省各类高校特别是高职院校增设商务日语专业以适应当今社会的需要。但商务日语专业在发展与运行中存在许多不尽如人意之处,其明显的结果表现为所培养的人才还比较缺乏市场的认同与接纳,因此本文从高职院校商务日语专业教学改革进行探讨,提出相应的对策。  相似文献   

近年来,日资企业对粤投资力度加大,人才市场对商务日语人才的需求呈不断上升趋势.面对这一新形势,我省各类高校特别是高职院校增设商务日语专业以适应当今社会的需要.但商务日语专业在发展与运行中存在许多不尽如人意之处,其明显的结果表现为所培养的人才还比较缺乏市场的认同与接纳,因此本文从高职院校商务日语专业教学改革进行探讨,提出相应的对策.  相似文献   

从事中日商务活动的人士一般是根据不同的商务场合,所使用的日语表现也随之发生变化.在商务日语使用上,除了日语语言的"结构规则",即语言、词汇和语法等起作用外,还有一种"使用规则"在起作用,也就是商务日语交际时的得体性.以下分几个方面来探讨商务日语场合中的商务言语文化的特性.  相似文献   

企业对复合型应用型人才的需求给高校日语专业教学提出了更高的要求,在传统的应用日语专业日趋完善的基础上,高职院校商务日语专业的教学改革如何才能顺应时代需求而不断改革创新成为一个重要的研究课题。  相似文献   

<正>引言敬语在日本当今社会中,作为人与人关系的重要工具,从古至今一直发挥着不可缺少的重要作用。而在商务日语中敬语的广泛应用,就更加体现了敬语的重要性。它是由日本文化特征中的集团意识和内外意识决定的。而敬语使用的是否准确,既体现日语学习者的日语水平,修养及综  相似文献   

日本的企业价值观决定了员工的行为规范和评价标准。这些价值观、行为规范、评价标准形成了日本独有的企业文化。而武士道精神是日本企业价值观形成的重要原因,至今对日本企业文化有着极为深刻的影响,了解武士道精神是了解日本企业文化不可或缺的一课。本文从武士道精神分析日本企业的价值观,有助于提高日语学习者的跨文化交际能力。  相似文献   

由于国际交流化的加深,我国的商务日语急需进一步的扩大与提升,本文从个案教学法对商务日语创新教学和静、动态视频教学法对商务日语创新教学,进行了深入而系统的研究,以为广大研习者,抛砖引玉之用。  相似文献   

文婧 《东方企业文化》2014,(14):120+125
伴随着全球经济一体化的持续发展,推动企业跨国经营并谋求经济利益全球最大化已经成为众多国际知名企业的不二选择,而跨国企业要在东道国站稳脚跟并保持长盛不衰,其制胜法宝之一就是推动企业的本土化。本文从日本文化对在华日企实施人才本土化的影响这一视角,对日本企业人事制度核心的终身雇佣和年功序列制度在其本国以及中国的经营活动中产生的不同效果进行分析和论证。就日企该如何突破在华本土化困境提出了自己的看法。  相似文献   

潘娜  吴奕晨 《价值工程》2014,(30):291-293
本文在苏州工业园区服务外包职业学院2014年赴日留学生情况调研结果的基础上,结合国内的留学趋势以及专业人才需求,总结日语教育模式以及对日文化交流的经验,在与日本院校的交流与日语社团活动、日语教学和赴日培训方面为高职院校培养日语人才提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

abstract Qualitative interviews and observations were conducted to study the cross‐border transfer of organizational learning systems to the subsidiaries of five Japanese manufacturing companies operating in South China. This paper develops a holistic model of the overall process, by integrating knowledge‐oriented, routine‐oriented, and social/contextual perspectives, each of which plays a necessary role in explaining essential aspects. One feature of the transfer of organizational learning systems entailed arranging local access to, and opportunity to replicate, various types of knowledge repository that contained corporate values as well as technical expertise. A second feature involved the development of collective learning routines through dynamic interplay with evolving, locally based, knowledge repositories. A third feature, in two companies, entailed the creation of enterprise contexts that reproduced the socialization and corporate culture maintenance rituals, and the open plan factory and office designs, that were hallmarks of the respective parent companies, and which appeared highly conducive to the transfer of collective learning routines to the local sites. Findings indicate that successful cross‐border transfer of organizational learning systems entails the development and implementation of an overall heuristic design for cultivating collective learning routines through the engineering of enterprise contexts and the responsive management of knowledge repositories.  相似文献   

公司治理文化作为治理制度的一种补充治理方式,为公司治理的发展和调节起到了重要的作用。日本公司治理文化孕育了日本公司治理模式和特点,其治理文化的观念层、制度层和行为表现层在日本历史文化及体制环境中逐渐形成并影响着日本公司的发展。日本的地域环境、民族文化、经营环境和法律环境影响和制约着日本公司治理模式的运行,日本社会文化的变迁引导着日本公司治理模式和制度的变革。制度与文化的互动决定着日本公司在全球的竞争力。  相似文献   

肖书锋 《价值工程》2012,31(19):158-159
企业文化建设能给企业带来有形的和无形的双重效益,是提高企业经济和社会效益的有效手段。在竞争全球化的今天,企业文化更是在企业界引起了广泛的关注,本文对企业文化建设做出基本阐述,从而进一步对伊利企业文化作出进一步论述,以期对其他企业有所裨益和启发。  相似文献   

This paper investigates national and organizational cultural influences among managers in three types of companies: Japanese companies in Japan, South Asian domestic companies and Japanese subsidiaries/joint ventures in South Asia. The findings suggest that a Japanese parent company's culture tends to have a much stronger influence with Japanese companies operating in Japan. Japanese parent company culture tends to have less influence than the South Asian national culture in shaping the HRM styles and practices in Japanese subsidiaries/joint ventures operating in South Asia. While some South Asian firms are in the initial stages of learning about participative HRM from foreign companies, most still tend to maintain their national culture and traditional ways in the operating systems of their organizations.  相似文献   

刘明 《价值工程》2011,30(27):242-243
近年来,随着社会经济的发展日语人才需求量的增加,各高校纷纷成立日语专业。正确引导学生们完成角色的转变,尽快让他们形成自主自觉学习的习惯,使培养出来的学生能够尽快的适应职业环境,毕业就能在工作岗位上独挡一面。为实现培养日语专业人才,高等院校深化教学改革,教学过程就变得越发关键。  相似文献   

The Influence of the Keiretsu on Japanese Corporate Disclosure   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper represents a contribution to testing whether the extent of disclosure in Japanese corporate annual reports varies according to group structure. Consideration is given to keiretsu (group interfirm networks) classification and the mechanism for monitoring by a main bank or main company. This topic is of interest because the Japanese system of corporate governance is fundamentally different from those prevailing in Anglo-Saxon countries and this distinction may impact on corporate disclosure policy. Attention is focused on the exclusionary theory of corporate disclosure in which information is disseminated within group members but specifically excludes others. Regression analysis is undertaken to assess the importance of group structure in explaining variability in the extent of disclosure after controlling for known factors such as size, stock market listing, industry, borrowings, and type of business. The results suggest that companies within a keiretsu with a main-bank or main-company monitor and which are therefore less subject to capital market discipline do not disclose less information than other companies in their annual reports. It appears that whatever type of corporate governance mechanism is adopted in Japan there exists a monitor that places approximately equal demands on information disclosure in corporate annual reports.  相似文献   

张奎霞 《物流科技》2011,34(11):134-137
中国乳制品企业自2008年频发质量安全事故,事故原因直指企业伦理道德。通过对当前我国乳制品企业的道德管理现状分析,找到改善和提升企业道德管理的途径。通过对大量资料的分析论证发现我国乳制品企业对道德管理不重视,观念落后,机制不健全是导致道德缺失的主要原因。企业应该系统建设企业文化,制定科学发展战略,重视供应链管理和质量控制,加强对企业的规范化管理,加快产品创新和升级以系统提升企业道德管理水平。  相似文献   

文章根据企业自身的实践和研究,从企业经营理念、战略管理、核心能力、人才队伍、企业文化等5个方面,论述了民营企业如何打好可持续健康发展"5张牌",把企业做大做强。  相似文献   

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