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文章对影响网络购物意向的因素进行了整理归纳,并重点分析了不同性别消费者对这些因素认知的差异,认为男女消费者对创新性接受度、信任倾向、价格感知、风险感知和售后服务各因素的认知有差异.  相似文献   

在网络购物迅速发展、各类风险日益加剧的背景下,消费者通过感知对网店卖家建立信任是多种因素综合作用的结果。通过文献回顾将影响消费者感知信任的多种因素归纳为感知网店特征、感知卖家特征、感知环境特征、感知消费者特征和感知风险五大类因素,并进一步通过实证分析和回归分析研究这些因素的影响程度,根据研究结果对网店卖家提高消费者感知信任提出了建议。  相似文献   

龙稚芸 《价值工程》2014,(16):14-16
论文研究消费者对消费者的线上交互行为对消费者对产品的感知风险的影响。参考前人文献,引入了认知信任这一中介变量。此外,根据文献,本文将消费者线上交互划分成了五个维度,分别是信源质量、关系强度、信息质量、交互氛围和交互频率。实证研究发现,这五个维度分别会通过认知信任,对消费者感知风险产生负向影响。  相似文献   

文章采用实证的方法分析消费者在进行消费决策过程中吉利性偏好及品牌名称的吉利因素所起的作用。理论猜测包括三个方面:品牌名称的吉利性与消费者认知和感知、品牌名称的吉利性与消费者的购买意图、品牌认知与消费者购买意图。研究结论显示,吉利性偏好在消费者购买过程中所起的作用主要表现在提高消费者的品牌感知与认知好感,而且能够提高消费者的购买意图,从而对消费者的最终决策提供了正向影响作用。  相似文献   

由于科技进步和商业竞争加剧的影响,导致消费者对企业服务便利性的要求与日俱增.文章从服务便利性的认知及分类着手,基于消费者差异、企业运营及产品特性视角,对消费者所感知的决策便利性、接触便利性、交易便利性、利益传递便利性和售后服务传递便利性的影响因素进行探讨.  相似文献   

周娟 《价值工程》2016,(6):48-50
在社交网络里,消费者针对企业、品牌及产品会发表许多在线评论,这些信息对消费者品牌价值感知有重要影响,因此需要研究在线产品评论对品牌价值感知的影响。本文以技术接受模型为依据,通过构建在线评论影响企业品牌价值感知的因素分析模型,发现消费者通过产品质量评论可以有效感知产品的有用性、产品的易用性和品牌形象,而感知产品有用性、产品易用性可以有效促进消费者的品牌认知,感知品牌形象能全面促进消费者对品牌价值的感知。  相似文献   

B2C平台聚合返利模式通过增值服务提高在线客户粘性,具有较好的应用价值。本文结合感知风险和群体影响等要素,构建了影响B2C平台聚合返利模式消费者使用意向的拓展技术接受模型(TAM),分析了影响用户采纳此模式的主要影响因素和作用路径,并给出了完善模式运作的对策建议。实证结果表明:消费者对聚合返利模式的感知有用性和易用性都会对消费者使用意向产生显著影响,但易用性对有用性没有显著影响。相关社会群体的观点会对消费者的有用性认知和使用意向产生较大的影响,感知风险通过感知有用性间接影响消费者的选择意向。  相似文献   

本文基于技术接受模型、期望确认理论、感知风险和信誉信任建立了网络购物中消费者决策行为的动态模型.对消费者决策过程中各个阶段的影响因素进行分析,提出购物后的满意度对再次购买决策具有反馈作用。  相似文献   

网络品牌视角下网络消费者重复购买的营销策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
巫月娥 《企业经济》2013,(1):105-108
影响网络消费者作出购买决策的因素一直以来都是学者的研究热点,特别是如何促使现有顾客作出重复购买的决策更为重要。在此提出影响网络消费者重复购买行为的网络品牌因素,包括网络品牌认知、网络品牌满意度、网络品牌信任、网络品牌个性。同时针对这些因素就促进网络消费者重购行为提出几点营销策略。  相似文献   

何云春 《价值工程》2015,(17):63-67
本文基于TAM模型,引入感知风险和感知信任两个中间变量构建概念模型并形成研究假设,通过网络实地调研获取原始问卷的基础上,运用SPSS21.0和AMOS21.0分析软件对调研数据进行分析,检验了团购网站形象因素、团购商家因素、团购产品因素以及参照群体因素对网络团购消费者购买意愿的影响路径及程度。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to understand whether consumers from different cultures have varied perception towards reconstructed products. Cultural divergence concept provides the theoretical support for the study. Data are collected from consumers of two culturally diverse societies (India and the United States). We use grounded theory for interview and data analysis. From the data, 23 open codes and 8 axial codes for Indian consumers and 28 open codes and 8 axial codes for the American consumers are generated. The key finding of our study suggests that culture plays a decisive role in shaping consumers' perception towards reconstructed products. The other findings of our study indicate that consumers of both societies are influenced by other factors that include product‐ or process‐related factors, brand‐ or store‐related factors, and individual factors. We discuss policy level, firm level, and nonprofit or charity level implications. Finally, limitation and scope for future research are outlined.  相似文献   

贺明华 《企业经济》2020,(1):119-128
以社会交换理论为基础,探讨了共享经济下多维度感知利益和多维度感知风险对消费者持续共享意愿影响机制的性别差异。研究表明:感知利益对消费者信任/持续共享意愿的正向影响显著,感知风险对消费者信任/持续共享意愿的负向影响显著,消费者信任在感知利益/感知风险与持续共享意愿之间发挥部分中介作用。同时,感知利益和感知风险对持续共享意愿的影响路径上表现出显著的性别差异。当前,我国共享平台企业应注重加强参与共享的利益宣传,通过完善制度机制提高消费者信任,减轻消费者的风险感知水平,同时应在运营和营销实践中关注性别差异,实行差异化运营管理和营销策略。  相似文献   

长三角地区城市品牌定位研究——以吸引旅游为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张玮  伍青生 《上海管理科学》2008,30(3):92-96,F0003
长三角经济一体化为长三角地区城市品牌建设提出了新的要求,本研究从城市目标受众(旅游者、投资者等)感知而非资源禀赋优势的角度出发寻找城市品牌合理定位的依据。本文以潜在旅游者为例给出从目标受众角度进行城市品牌定位研究的过程,并结合资源禀赋分析、竞争分析为长三角八个案例城市的旅游品牌定位提出建议。  相似文献   

This paper considers the possibility that a firm can invest not only in the true product quality, but also in activities such as merchandizing and store atmospherics that influence consumer perception of the product quality. Consumers make their purchase decisions based on the signal (perception) of quality they experience, where the signal is influenced by both the true product quality valued by the consumer and the affect of the consumer at the time of the signal formation. In this situation, a firm finds it optimal to invest in both product quality and in variables inducing affect, even though rational consumers, in equilibrium, correctly solve back for the true product quality. We uncover an asymmetry in the effects of the cost of producing quality and the cost of inducing affect. As a firm's cost of quality decreases, the firm will find it optimal to invest more both in the true quality and in the affect inducement, even if it does not have a lower cost of inducing affect. Conversely, if a firm finds it easier to induce affect, then the product quality decreases but affect-inducing activities increase.
Under competition, we find that the firm investing more in quality also invests more in affect creation. An implication of this is that in a competitive environment, consumers can rationally associate an up-lifting store atmosphere, affect inducing merchandizing, or mood-creating communication with high quality products even when the firm has no need to signal their private cost of quality information, and when there is no consumption externality of the affect. We also analyze the case in which firms might have different costs and consumers are uncertain about the costs incurred by a given firm. Here again we show that the perceived quality production is positively correlated with both the true quality and the affect inducing activities.  相似文献   

  • With the global expansion of cause‐related marketing (CRM), advertisers need to know whether and how cultural and societal differences impact attitude toward CRM across markets. To add to that knowledge, the present study identifies two consumer traits, that is, individualism/collectivism and perception of individual charitable giving as a social norm, and investigates and compares their influence on attitude toward CRM. By conducting surveys with Chinese and American samples, the present study found that gender, horizontal collectivism (HC), and perception of individual charitable giving as a social norm were significantly associated with attitude toward CRM in the American sample, whereas horizontal individualism, HC, and vertical collectivism were significant predictors of attitude toward CRM in the Chinese sample. Theoretically, these findings suggest that associations between one cultural dimension and the attitude toward CRM are independent to relationships involving other dimensions. And the particular circumstance of a local market may determine which consumer traits will actually have a significant association with attitude toward CRM. Practically, the findings suggest that advertisers may want to choose social causes that have national impact in China because there is a tendency of achieving egoistic enhancement through individual charitable giving whereas social causes that are relevant to female consumers are better strategic choices in the USA.
Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

以Web2.0社区搜索型产品负向点评为对象,依据社会网络理论,研究了负向在线点评发出方特征、发出方与接收方关系特征对负向在线点评有效性的影响。结果表明,发出方最出度正向影响点评的有效性;发出方与接收方互动规模与感知有效性呈弱向关系;互动认同度会增强两者之间的正向关系。  相似文献   

The ‘digital divide’ in online activities is believed to arise from differences in Internet access, but this paper advances an alternative explanation that is related to consumer search ability. It argues that this leads to greater price dispersion, causing some consumers to be discriminated against. It analyses price data for the UK Internet motor insurance market, collecting data on 32,255 prices for 110 sub‐markets, where differences in price dispersion across these by age, occupation and sex of the driver are argued to reflect differences in search ability. Allowing for price dispersion to also depend on the insurance risk, it finds greater price dispersion for consumers with weaker search abilities, i.e. older, unemployed, retired or female consumers. As this is not explained by alternative hypotheses, the paper concludes that improved Internet access alone will not close the ‘digital divide’. The implication is that policymakers should address the online search abilities of individuals as well as Internet access.  相似文献   

Scholars dedicated increasing attention towards appreciating how design has changed individuals? perception of new products, firms? understanding and formulation of strategy, or other relevant actors? approach to innovation and technology management. By emphasising the importance of design for the definition of consumers? needs, the restructuring of firms? organisational structures and strategies, and the evolution of firms? value creation processes, this review paper identifies relevant research gaps and questions that would benefit from future scholarly attention. In particular, it is suggested that such effort should address the analysis of how design consumption can help better comprehend consumers? needs; what are the implications of design thinking on the skill sets of design professionals; the organisational structure of firms, including the reconfiguration of other business functions, and their strategy; and whether and how design thinking can shape firms? value creation processes and contribute to the formalisation of design tasks.  相似文献   

Issues regarding green restaurants have received significant scholarly and practitioner attention in the last decade, particularly concerning why consumers adopt green restaurants. Although several reviews exist on green hospitality, a comprehensive review of the literature on consumers' green restaurant adoption is currently lacking. The following systematic literature review examines 50 research studies published on the consumer adoption of green restaurant services to address this gap accordingly. Through a detailed content analysis, the research profile and thematic analysis are presented. The review further identifies four key thematic foci: (a) consumer behavior variables studied, (b) antecedents internal to the consumer, (c) antecedents due to the perception of external factors, and (d) moderators. Limitations and gaps from each of the themes are offered with potential future research questions. The novelty of the review lies in the development of a “green restaurant adoption research framework” that cuts across multiple theoretical perspectives to summarize why consumers adopt green restaurant services.  相似文献   

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