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The Spatial Pattern of Residential Mobility in Guangzhou,China   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In urban China, residential mobility behaviors have changed fundamentally in recent decades. While research has been undertaken on the trends and causes of residential relocation for different population groups, less attention has been paid to micro‐level processes of residential change, yet the latter underscore urban dynamics. This study addresses this through a survey conducted in Guangzhou in late 2012, which analyzes the spatial flows of residential shifts within and between three distance zonesinner core, inner suburbs and outer suburbs—to reveal complex mobility trends. In particular, hukou or household registration status, socio‐economic status, the nature and rank of employment, and tenure were found to have varied effects on the probability of inward and outward shifts. More specifically, while outward shifts in recent years mainly involved local hukou holders, families with higher education levels, a higher socio‐economic status or those working for government departments and public institutions were found to be more likely to settle in high‐rise commodity housing in the inner core. The majority of non‐hukou migrants, by contrast, moved within the same street or between adjacent streets within the same suburban area, while age, socio‐economic status and homeownership were found to increase an individual's chance of an inward shift.  相似文献   

Gentrification in China is intertwined with urban redevelopment, which causes the large‐scale displacement of rural–urban migrants from ‘villages in the city’ (ViCs). Because of the informality of ViCs, migrant renters have very insecure tenancy and during redevelopment they are treated as a negligible (‘invisible’) social group. As they are very difficult to locate after displacement, they are also literally invisible to researchers. To make the invisible visible, this study traced a sample of displaced migrants from Huangbeiling village in Shenzhen. The focus was on the displacement process and on identifying the consequences for the displaced. We found various forms of displacement during the redevelopment process. Nearby ViCs were prioritized by displaced migrants to minimize as much utility loss as possible. However, they generally suffer from decreased proximity, increased living costs, and the loss of social networks and job opportunities. Remarkably, some choose to return to the gentrifying village, enduring displacement in situ caused by increasing rents, drastic physical neighbourhood changes and declining liveability, in exchange for retaining their original social and economic networks. Large‐scale urban redevelopment is causing the rapid shrinkage of informal housing. Recognizing and addressing the housing needs of this impoverished social group is a matter of urgency.  相似文献   

This conceptual article contributes to institutional analysis and the neo‐institutional theory literature by identifying and analysing the linked rules, values, norms and patterned practices that surround and structure the way rural migrant workers are treated in urban areas of China in terms of Scott's integrated model of institutions. It argues that these hukou‐based rules, values, norms and patterned practices that discriminate against rural migrants can be considered to be a unique institution — the institution of hukou‐based social exclusion (IHSE). IHSE has dominated Chinese urban society for 3 decades and significantly shaped the lives of millions of rural migrant workers, the character of contemporary China and the nature of managerial practices among Chinese firms. This is the first article to examine the social exclusion of rural workers from the perspective of neo‐institutionalism, providing the first systematic analysis of the regulative, normative and cognitive dimensions that together socially exclude migrants in urban areas of China. It presents a holistic picture of the newly identified institution that offers new insights into China's urban society and management, and a new starting point for research.  相似文献   

公租房制度是我国保障性住房体系中的一项创新性制度.该制度具有的现实逻辑体现为平等、开放和保障性价值等价值理念.目前,京、沪、渝、深等地公租房制度的实施在资金来源、保障对象、经营管理、退出机制等方面各有特色.公租房制度存在着立法层次不高、规范性较差等问题,需要从制定统一的住房保障法律制度、加强公租房建设的政府责任、扩大公租房的融资平台等方面完善此项制度,以确保民众住房福利的实现.  相似文献   

现行政策下商业地产的发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、现行宏观政策对商业地产的影响 从2004年起,鉴于政策导向,商业地产开发变得炙热起来。由于商业地产的利润比住宅开发要平均高出5%N10%,吸引了越来越多的投资者转向商业地产的开发。2005年1月1日开始,跨国零售商已开始在中国的全方位扩张。外资的到来推动国内商业市场发展,为商业地产带来巨大商机。2006年至2008...  相似文献   

—Governmental programs proposing rental supplements for low-income families assume that social and economic conditions of these families may be improved by such subsidy. However, this assumption has not been adequately tested by social science research. Data presented here were gathered at an urban renewal relocation housing project in Lubbock, Texas, and suggest that when families who, before urban renewal, were self-sufficient in slum housing are forced into welfare situations because of rent subsidy programs, dissatisfaction with relocation facilities results. The data also indicate that dissatisfaction is correlated positively with the number of persons in the household, the age of residents, and socioeconomic status.  相似文献   

城市住房夹心层问题分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市住房夹心层问题凸显住房保障政策的真空,对此我国提出公共租赁住房政策以解决这一问题,然而该政策能否真正解决住房夹心层问题却引起了争论。为了促使公共租赁住房政策名至实归,本文首先探讨了我国城市住房夹心层问题,分析认为当前我国保障性住房准入条件的不对接,存在的户籍限制和目标群体的支付力不足等造成了夹心层的出现。在此基础上,分析公共租赁住房政策在解决住房夹心层问题上存在的局限和制度创新,并提出完善公共租赁住房政策的建议。  相似文献   

公共租赁房作为保障性住房体系的重要组成部分,其发展趋势值得关注。在归纳评述国内现有相关研究的基础上,采用文案调查和定性分析方法,分析了现阶段我国城市保障性住房体系现状及重构走向,进而提出公共租赁房的发展趋势,认为公共租赁房将成为保障性住房供应体系的主体,多种住房类型合并管理,租金收取实行分档回补,动态监管工作将会加大力度等。  相似文献   

综合运用租金收入比和剩余收入法来评价当前我国公共租赁房保障对象的租金支付能力。选取20个主要城市实证测算,并按照不同收入水平、不同规模家庭分别对其支付能力进行评估。以此来检验我国公共租赁房保障政策的实施效果,以期对住房保障政策的进一步完善提供政策依据。研究发现,北京、上海、广州、成都4个城市的中低偏下收入、低收入家庭租住公共租赁房仍然面临着支付能力问题,深圳和大连的低收入家庭也同样存在着租金支付问题。除广州、南京、厦门、杭州和苏州外,其余15个城市低收入家庭相比中等偏低收入家庭承受了更大的租金支付压力。此外,住房支付能力呈现出规模犬的家庭明显优于规模小家庭的特征,人口多的家庭租金支付能力相对较强。  相似文献   

出租屋是农民工在打工地的主要居住方式。其基本特征是:大多数位于城乡结合部;大多数建在宅基地上;运作成本低廉,成为出租屋主财产性收入的重要来源;显著不同于国外的贫民窟;获得农民工较高的满意度。存在的主要问题是:政府对出租屋的规划管理具有滞后性;在法律上还没有承认出租屋的合法地位;对出租屋流动人口管理服务有待于进一步加强。有关的政策建议是:高度重视出租屋的地位和作用;加强对农民工居住的出租屋的研究,建立健全有关法律法规;科学制定城镇规划;加快宅基地、农村集体建设用地改革步伐;保持"以屋管人"的连续性。  相似文献   

城市住房夹心层问题凸显住房保障政策的真空,对此我国提出公共租赁住房政策以解决这一问题,然而该政策能否真正解决住房夹心层问题却引起了争论。为了促使公共租赁住房政策名至实归,本文首先探讨了我国城市住房夹心层问题,分析认为当前我国保障性住房准入条件的不对接,存在的户籍限制和目标群体的支付力不足等造成了夹心层的出现。在此基础上,分析公共租赁住房政策在解决住房夹心层问题上存在的局限和制度创新,并提出完善公共租赁住房政策的建议。  相似文献   

中国快速城市化时期农民工住房类型及其评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市化过程中来自农村的城市移民的住房问题是城市化过程中的突出问题之一,这个问题解决不好就会出现如巴西和印度等国家大量的城市贫民窟,成为城市发展的“肿瘤”.在分析中国城市农民工住房的基础上,从城市化、城市空间结构、经济和社会发展等角度评估现有的比较典型的农民工住房类型,最后提出几点政策和规划建议.  相似文献   

As China is experiencing an urban revolution with massive rural-to-urban migration, millions of children are profoundly affected by their parents’ migration and their decisions about family arrangements. With the discriminatory hukou system and harsh living conditions in cities, the dilemma migrant parents face is whether they should take their children with them to the city or leave them behind. This decision determines the household, school and community environments that children live in, which, in turn, shape their well-being. With a unique strategy of comparing ‘left-behind children’ to ‘migrant children’ and a gendered perspective, this article examines how different family arrangements among migrants and consequent housing conditions and gender dynamics affect children's educational well-being. Our findings demonstrate the complex impact of family arrangements on children, which is conditioned by wage income and the gender of the absent parent and the child. We find that children from less favorable socio-economic backgrounds benefit more from moving to cities. Children living with both parents and those living with their mother or grandparents tend to do better. While the effect of housing conditions is marginal, family arrangements have a gendered effect on children. Related policy recommendations are provided.  相似文献   

Shorter Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Urry, John 1995: Consuming places. Perry, D.C. (ed.) 1995: Building the public city — the politics, governance and finance of public infrastructure. Wells, P. and M. Rawlinson 1994: The new European automobile industry. Kemeny, Jim 1995: From public housing to the social market: rental policy in comparative perspective.  相似文献   

李鑫  郭立 《价值工程》2014,(13):80-81
大力发展公共租赁住房是我国"十二五"期间保障性住房建设的主要任务,而公租房社区的管理是公租房是否能持续发展的保障。本文从公租房的特点出发,总结了公租房社区存在的问题,并探讨了公租房社区的管理模式和方法。  相似文献   

中外公共租赁住房租金定价机制比较研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在简要介绍公共租赁住房概念与内涵的基础上,总结并比较了国内外公共租赁住房租金定价模式的特点与异同,分析了当前我国公共租赁住房的租金定价面临的难点与困惑,对我国公共租赁住房租金定价的作用机制与定价方法的优劣进行了探讨。从定价基准、补贴力度、保障形式和配套政策等方面总结了国内外公共租赁住房租金定价的经验,并就制度设计、操作流程、管理体制、价格机制、法律法规以及金融制度等方面提出了相关配套措施。  相似文献   

This essay on Shenzhen, China, presents three vignettes addressing the question of home in a city of migrants. The first section explores the ubiquitous narratives of success forming the city's foundational myth. The second follows this myth into the world of a Shenzhen filmmaker and his characters, as they navigate the tension between the idea of home and the urge to start anew, resulting in the suspended possibility of the title. The last section looks at young architects who hope to preserve the city's heterotopic sites of migrants and original villagers through architectural innovations. The cases show how an economy of desire supplements the political economy of this export-driven city. The city appears as an urban desiring machine that produces itself as an object of desire for the migrants of all classes who flock to its factories, "urban villages", white-collar jobs, luxury villas and underground economy. The essay is an encounter with the mythology of success and failure, the intertwining of home as an end and home as the beginning, and with the manipulation of space that allows residents to control their own subjectivity.  相似文献   

邓锋 《城市问题》2012,(8):73-79
公租房小区有三个特征:一是租房者和买房者的混居;二是政府在公租房小区有着相当比重的经济利益;三是居民都是社会的收入中下阶层。公租房小区要避免变成贫民窟,其关键之一是中下阶层的居民能够也愿意参与到小区的治理中来。在此基础上,公租房小区的治理应该强调以小区居民代表为主体组成小区管理委员会,居民代表由居民大会选举产生,买房者的投票权高于租房者,政府代表拥有一定比例的投票权。  相似文献   

This study analyses the impact of cultural composition on regional attractiveness from the perspective of international migrant sorting behaviour on a European regional NUTS1 level. We use an attitudinal survey to quantify cultural distances between natives and immigrants in the region concerned, and estimate the migrants’ varying preferences for both cultural diversity and cultural distance. To account for regional unobserved heterogeneity, our econometric analysis employs artificial instrumental variables, as developed by Bayer et al., [2004a. An equilibrium model of sorting in an urban housing market. NBER no. 10865]. The main conclusions are twofold. On the one hand, cultural diversity increases regional attractiveness. On the other hand, average cultural distance greatly weakens regional attractiveness.  相似文献   

BOT模式是国外迅速发展起来的广泛应用于公共基础设施建设的融资模式,将BOT融资方式与公共租赁住房项目相结合,是BOT应用领域的扩展,更是公共租赁住房模式创新发展的前景之一。本文拟论证BOT模式应用于公共租赁住房的可行性,并构建PRH-BOT(Public Rental Housing BOT)模式运行框架。  相似文献   

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