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文章针对风险投资中现存的问题,对风险投资中的组织形式的选择、政府的定位、融资的解决、人才的管理及资本退出机制的确定等问题进行了探讨,并提出了相应的解决方法。  相似文献   

Technovation is a creative process in financial as well as technical terms. Inventors, entrepreneurs, and venture capital are the key ingredients in the technovation process. The key financial concepts include venture capital risk/reward trade-offs, discounted cash flow evaluation of income producing assets, and the risk-bearing role of entrepreneurs and venture investors. This paper discusses and illustrates the economic creativity of successful technovation, and explores the division of rewards between inventor/entrepreneurs and venture investors. Capital market gaps affecting the financing of emerging, technology-based ventures are identified. The paper concludes with a discussion of current research in-to the role of informal investors (essentially financially sophisticated individuals of means) as a source of risk capital for inventors and entrepreneurs.  相似文献   

发展风险投资,促进中小企业技术创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马小勇  杜萍 《价值工程》2010,29(8):59-60
中小企业技术进步和创新对于提高中小企业的持续成长能力起着至关重要的作用,而风险投资作为一种新型的投融资体制,能有效促进中小企业技术创新。本文首先阐述了风险投资与中小企业技术创新的关系,然后分析了我国中小企业技术创新中存在的主要问题,最后提出了发展风险投资促进中小企业技术创新的一些建议。  相似文献   

退出是风险投资获得投资回报、实现投资目标的关键环节,以我国2009—2016年深圳中小板和创业板IPO公司为研究样本,分析风险投资背景异质性对其退出时机的影响,并进一步检验风险投资机构与创业企业之间的信任在其中的调节作用。研究发现:风险投资背景异质性对其退出存在显著影响,与独立风险投资相比,公司风险投资在创业企业IPO后退出企业时间更晚;无论是基于声誉的信任还是基于制度的信任,风险投资机构与创业企业之间双向的信任都会促使公司风险投资更晚退出创业企业;相对于独立风险投资,公司风险投资更晚退出企业是为了追求战略回报。研究表明创业企业可以通过提升风险投资对其信任度来维护其投资管理,而风险投资机构则可以通过提升创业企业对其信任度来加深互惠互信的合作关系。  相似文献   

风险投资固有的高风险特征,使得初始投资决策十分重要。研究项目筛选和价值评估机理的目的,正是为了正确认识风险投资项目在价值形成、影响因素等方面的内在规律性,为投资者正确评估风险项目,作出正确的投资决策奠定基础。本文通过对风险投资项目特征、价值形成及影响风险投资项目筛选和价值评估的重要因素进行分析,建立了风险投资项目筛选和价值评估的指标体系。  相似文献   

风险投资对于维护金融安全而言有利也有弊,而美国风险投资却趋利避害,不仅促进了美国实体经济的发展,也为稳定美国金融安全作出了贡献。究其原因,美国风险投资有科学的组织模式、广泛的资金来源、谨慎的投资方式的选择、健全的服务与监管体系,而且还有美国政府的大力支持。本文以美国的成功经验为鉴提出了发展我国风险投资的一些看法。  相似文献   


New sources of finance within the label of ‘impact investing’ have emerged as mechanisms to promote entrepreneurship within marginalized communities. Different vehicles for impact investment have emerged over the years; however, our understanding around their emergence, configuration and adoption is limited. Hence, the main purpose in this research is to study the role of the contextual drivers and conditions that gave rise to a unique form of impact investment in India, a financial social innovation – developmental venture capital (DVC). Through the lens of capital theories, insights from the case of India’s largest and oldest DVC firm along with three of its most prominent investees are presented. Findings highlight that the social entrepreneurs behind the case DVC wholly re-conceptualized silicon valley-style venture capital financing to suit small brick and mortar investments in rural India, developed mechanisms for deploying funding frugally, and created partnerships of equals between themselves and their investees. Investee founders leveraged human and social capital throughout the social innovation process via deep immersion in the socio-cultural milieu of India.  相似文献   

金融创新是商业银行核心竞争力的重要来源。近年来创业投资行业发展迅猛,但较之美国等创业投资发达的国家,我国商业银行对创业投资的参与相对有限,与创业投资相关的业务创新缺乏。我国商业银行应借鉴美国硅谷银行投贷联动模式,建立健全创业企业信用担保体系、丰富与创业投资公司的合作模式、建立专业行业金融团队、完善增值服务体系,通过金融创新实现商业银行与创业投资的双赢。  相似文献   

随着我国资本市场和风险投资的不断成熟与发展,风险投资在我国首次公开募股中占有越来越重要的地位,其经营目标和行为对我国首次公开募股公司的经济行为和决策产生着重要影响。以2010年11月12日之前创业板上市的公司为样本,采用非参数检验和多元回归进行的分析发现,创业板上市公司首次公开募股时存在盈余管理现象,风险资本持股并不能减少创业板上市公司首次公开募股时盈余管理的程度。  相似文献   

Abstract.  Venture capital markets are characterized by multiple incentive problems and asymmetric information. Entrepreneurs and venture capitalists enter into contracts that influence their behaviour and mitigate the agency costs. In particular, they select an appropriate kind and structure of financing and specify the rights as well as the duties of both parties. The typical features of venture capital investments are an intensive screening and evaluation process, active involvement of venture capitalists in their portfolio companies, staging of capital infusions, use of special financing instruments such as convertible debt or convertible preferred stock, syndication among venture capitalists or limited investment horizon.  相似文献   

abstract Syndicates are a form of inter‐firm alliance in which two or more venture capital firms co‐invest in an investee firm and share a joint pay‐off. Syndication is a significant part of the venture capital market yet little research has been conducted into the process of structuring syndicate deals and the management of syndicates following deal completion. This paper analyses the neglected issues concerning the structuring and management of syndicated venture capital investments from the perspectives of both lead and non‐lead syndicate members using two surveys of venture capital firms and examination of syndication documents. Lead investors typically have larger equity stakes and the syndicated investment agreement is a document that enshrines the rights of participants rather than specifying behaviour. Contractual arrangements typically serve as a back drop to relationships as non‐legal sanctions are important and decisions are typically reached following discussion and consensus, but lead venture capital investors’ residual and specific powers are important in ensuring timely decision‐making. The findings extend previous work on alliances by emphasizing the importance of non‐legal sanctions, especially reputation effects, in mitigating opportunistic behaviour by dominant equity holders. The paper also adds to the limited research on the dynamics of alliances by highlighting the role of repeat syndicates.  相似文献   

孙涛 《价值工程》2008,27(1):144-146
中国风险投资业已步入高速发展的阶段。风险资本的融资渠道正在拓宽,投资主体也正在向多元化发展。然而,与此相对的风险投资退出机制却仍不健全。结合我国当前风险投资行业R现状,从管理层收购这种形式讨论了风险投资退出机制的问题。  相似文献   

利用风险投资发展我国现代农业的对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农业是我国国民经济的基础。农业生产的稳步提高对国民经济发展作出了不可忽视的贡献。随着现代农业的深入发展,资金投入问题成为现代农业发展最大的"瓶颈",而风险资本进入农业领域则有利于消除这个"瓶颈"制约。本文在阐释农业风险投资现状的基础上,分析了农业利用风险投资发展的可行性,并对阻碍我国农业风险投资发展的因素进行了归纳,最后对如何利用风险投资发展我国现代农业给出了对策建议。  相似文献   

崔景晨  王键 《价值工程》2006,25(10):120-123
风险投资体系中,风险资本家与风险企业家之间形成委托代理关系。风险企业家掌握着关键技术和风险企业的日常经营决策权,在风险投资过程有中举足轻重的作用。本文在委托代理模型的基础上探讨了对风险企业家的激励机制设计模型,研究了如何更好地激励企业家的积极性以降低代理风险,为风险投资业的发展提供了有益的启示。  相似文献   

不同的风险投资组织形式,具有不同的投资效率。基于对公司制和有限合伙制这两种组织结构的运作机制进行简要分析,并根据收益期望值模型,从公司治理的角度,运用比较分析方法,论述了创业投资的组织形式,认为有限合伙制是较好的组织形式。  相似文献   

我国风险投资存在的问题及策略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
隋辉 《价值工程》2010,29(2):23-24
随着我国高科技产业的发展,风险投资成为推动我国的科研成果商品化、高新技术产业化、高科技企业的成长发展的重要因素。风险投资是一种把资金投向蕴藏着高风险的高科技项目,旨在促进高科技成果尽快商品化,以取得高资本收益的投资行为。它也是高新技术产业化过程中的一个资金有效使用的支持系统,高新技术产业的发展离不开风险投资。本文主要研究了目前我国风险投资存在的问题,并提出发展和完善我国风险投资的策略。  相似文献   

企业投资者和风险企业之间的交易关系是一种混合组织。企业战略性风险投资的混合组织控制指的是企业投资者如何对通过风险企业进行控制来实现战略利益,涉及的内容包括:企业投资者的控制权来源,企业投资者如何进行控制权配置,企业投资者所采取的控制渠道,以及依据控制的原理和内部控制的理论进行投资过程的控制。  相似文献   

The fundamental questions we address are whether firms with a higher initial forecasting ability are able to accurately revise the exit forecasts of their investments; and how co‐investment partners and value‐adding commitment with their investment influence the main effect. We explore these questions with novel and unique data collected via mixed research methods on venture capital firms’ forecasts of 114 portfolio companies. We find that venture capital firms that are better at making initial forecasts are less effective in revising their forecasts. In addition, while the number of co‐investment partners positively moderate this relationship, venture capital firms’ value‐adding commitment moderates it negatively. Our findings contribute to the literature on organizational forecasting as well as inter‐organizational knowledge transfer and knowledge creation. They also provide novel insights into venture capital literature and practice.  相似文献   

天使投资人的投资行为研究:一个理论综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在我国,越来越多的天使投资人涌现出来,他们与来自创业资本基金的创业资本家一起,共同促进了创业企业的发展.我国理论研究者对创业投资基金的关注程度越来越高,展开了一系列研究,与此形成对比,研究者们在天使投资相关的理论研究显得比较薄弱.本文对国外天使投资行为相关研究做了一个比较全面的综述,从实践角度,这可能有助于国内的实践者和研究者更深入地了解天使投资人投资行为机理,进而提升参与天使投资的决策能力.  相似文献   

经过近三十年的发展,我国风险投资无论从风险投资机构的数量、增量,风险资本总量、增量,还是从风险投资的规模及投资强度而言,都呈现出良好的发展趋势。但是,各地区风险投资发展严重不平衡,如何打造系统环境促进风险投资发展成为各地区政府的关注重点。本研究在相关理论研究的基础之上,基于双重聚集经济性效应理论深入探究了各地区政府如何打造风险投资系统环境,形成一级和二级聚集效应的良性循环。  相似文献   

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