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应用PDM技术提高企业的产品开发效率   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章概要介绍了PDM技术,并对企业如何应用PDM技术集成其CAD/CAPP/CAM/CAE系统,使产品数据在设计和制造过程中充分共享并科学的管理和利用,从而大大缩短产品的设计、制造周期,提高质量,最终提高企业的产品开发效率进行了探讨。  相似文献   

谈PDM下产品零部件属性的录入、输出   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前多数机械制造企业已不同程度地实现了计算机辅助设计(CAD)、计算机辅助制造(CAM),并在此基础上进一步向实现计算机产品数据辅助管理(PDM)迈进。PDM——计算机产品数据辅助管理系统,是当今世界最为先进的产品数据管理模式,它支持建立、存储、检索、统计和管理产品设计过程中使用的各种数据。它除具有项目管理、产品变形管理、并行设计、图档管理、流程管理、配置管理、版本管理功能外,还能实现多路互访,实现产品图样、文件的网上发行,另外它还能利用存储入计算机内的产品零部件的各种属性数据,满足有关业务部门的检索…  相似文献   

为了通过提高样品采购效率实现缩短产品开发周期的目的,提出了一种基于IDEF0模型的样品采购流程优化方法.首先分析基于PDM(产品数据管理)的产品数据共享系统对于样品采购物流系统的重要性,然后运用IDEF0模型结合流程再造的基本思路,对研发阶段的样品采购流程进行分析和改进,新流程将PDM系统作为存储与传递信息的平台,所有产品数据在样品采购过程中及时与供应商共享.最后通过在ABC公司样品采购系统中的应用,表明该方法的应用有助于企业发现采购流程中的浪费和优化样品采购流程.  相似文献   

产品数据管理(PDM)是近几年来CIMS领域中增长最快的技术之一。文章分析了PDM在非制造业中的扩展,具体揭示了PDM在供电、供水、无线通讯等一类具有复杂生产连续供给特征的非制造业企业中的应用,提出了在该类非制造业中应用PDM系统的核心是对产品提供系统的设计和对设备的管理。  相似文献   

科技的飞速发展使得科技文件的数量和类型不断增长,给企业的科技文件管理提出了更高的要求。计算机和网络技术的发展同时又给我们带来了管理海量科技文件数据的新方法。PDM(产品数据管理下同)系统,就是一套能对科技文件数据进行有效管理的软件系统。在一些科技研发型企业中,它承担着管理所有与产品相关的信息和所有与产品相关的过程的职能。  相似文献   

本文阐述了产品数据管理技术(PDM)基本概念,论述了PDM系统在重型机械行业的技术难点、创新点和优势,分析了PDM技术实施的过程以及给企业带来的成果。  相似文献   

王建伟  崔忠民  房卫东 《价值工程》2012,31(13):175-177
本文通过产品研发过程测试管理现状的分析,并结合PMBOK(项目管理知识体系A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge),对产品测试管理体系进行了研究,提出了"产品研发的测试整合管理"、"测试团队建设"等一系列加强产品测试管理的探索性建议,最后,简要描绘了产品研发过程的测试管理体系应用的前景。  相似文献   

本文对中煤张家口煤矿机械有限公司产品及产品设计现状进行了分析,对PDM信息技术进行了研究,结合中煤张家口煤矿机械有限公司PDM项目的实际实施,实现以PDM管理系统为核心进行产品BOM数据管理。对机械制造企业信息化建设具有普遍意义。  相似文献   

本文对Team Center在企业的实施和应用进行了较详细的探讨,分析了公司在产品数据管理方面存在的问题、实施PDM的必要性。然后从PDM在企业的实施过程、主要功能以及取得的实施效果等方面进行阐述,总结了企业在实施和推广使用PDM项目过程中取得的一些经验教训。  相似文献   

介绍了基于PDM产品结构与配置功能的产品配置设计的基础,即设计模块化,标准化、规范化和参数化。并给出了面向对象的产品结构与配置管理的对象模型。在基于此对象模型的PDM系统中,实现配置设计的过程和意义。  相似文献   

文章针对传统图文档管理系统在产品开发过程管理的不足,提出了融合项目开发过程的图文档管理软件系统。开发了系统的项目管理模块、工作流程管理模块、图文档管理模块、产品配置模块、编码管理模块、用户管理模块等功能模块,用于管理中小型企业分散存储的图文档技术资料,并管理项目开发的进程。应用结果表明,该系统可以有效地提高产品数据管理的效率。  相似文献   

文章针对传统图文档管理系统在产品开发过程管理的不足,提出了融合项目开发过程的图文档管理软件系统。开发了系统的项目管理模块、工作流程管理模块、图文档管理模块、产品配置模块、编码管理模块、用户管理模块等功能模块,用于管理中小型企业分散存储的图文档技术资料,并管理项目开发的进程。应用结果表明,该系统可以有效地提高产品数据管理的效率。  相似文献   

重量级IT项目具有高度复杂性和不确定性,以过程为基础的项目管理需要借敏捷方法加以改进。本文以阐明IT项目的复杂产品系统特性为起点,从复杂产品系统的模块化及分解入手,讨论了IT产品的动态形成过程,提出了一个重量级IT项目敏捷管理方法框架。在该方法中,探讨了复杂产品分解的随机Petri网概念模型、柔性团队行为模型、重载方法适度规范集以及基于知识转移的敏捷开发过程。  相似文献   

EPC承包模式下可持续设计管理   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
周红 《基建优化》2006,27(1):76-79
根据项目全生命周期理论和对建筑工程质量事故的调查数据,设计管理对建设项目管理尤为重要。EPC模式下的设计管理应当是可持续的过程,包括建筑产品设计的可持续,建设项目设计过程的可持续,总承包企业发展的可持续三个层次。每个层次的设计管理内容包括技术和管理问题,通过分析提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

Process industries often have features that differ from other businesses, such as round‐the‐clock production and costly and specialized production processes—features that have not been dealt with in the project management literature. We highlight and identify the complexity of R&D projects in the Swedish process industry and its interrelated process development and product development activities based on results from interviews and a case study. The different competence areas in which a project manager must integrate and manage R&D projects is illustrated. We conclude that a project manager needs both production and product‐related competence, including customers' processes.  相似文献   

Risk management is receiving much attention, as it is seen as a method to improve cost, schedule, and technical performance of new product development programs. However, there is a lack of empirical research that investigates the effective integration of specific risk management practices proposed by various standards with new product development programs and their association with various dimensions of risk management success. Based on a survey of 291 product development programs, this paper investigates the association of risk management practices with five categories of product development program performance: (A) Quality Decision Making; (B) High Program Stability; (C) Open, problem solving organization; (D) Overall new product development project success; and (E) overall product success. The results show that six categories of risk management practices are most effective: (1) Develop risk management skills and resources; (2) Tailor risk management to and integrate it with new product development; (3) Quantify impacts of risks on your main objectives; (4) Support all critical decisions with risk management results; (5) Monitor and review your risks, risk mitigation actions, and risk management process; and (6) Create transparency regarding new product development risks. The data shows that the risk management practices are directly associated with outcome measures in the first three categories (improved decision making, program stability and problem solving). There is also evidence that the risk management practices indirectly associate with the remaining two categories of outcome measures (project and product success). Additional research is needed to describe the exact mechanisms through which risk management practices influence NPD program success.  相似文献   

abstract    In this article we examine project-level and team-level managerial functions aimed at managing inter-team task interdependencies and investigate their effect on the performance of teams in a multi-team product development project. We hypothesize that team interface management (a team-level function) performed in the concept phase of a project, rather than the later development phase, is positively related to team performance at the project's conclusion (i.e. product quality, product cost, development budget, development time). Furthermore, we argue that project structuring and support (a project-level function) is important in both the concept and the development phases. We test our hypotheses empirically based on a 36 months longitudinal study of a product development project in the European automotive industry comprising 39 teams. The results show that team interface management is particularly important during the concept phase of the project. Project structuring and support is most important in the development phase of the project, while hindering team performance in the concept phase. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

The thesis of this article is that new product manufacturability (NPM) is influenced by certain challenges inherent in new product development (NPD), and by efforts to integrate manufacturing and other functional concerns into the product design process. This research tests the direct and interacting effects of these influences via a survey of 91 completed NPD projects representing a variety of manufacturing industries. While most hypotheses were supported, the analysis also provides some surprising findings. Project complexity and increased levels of design outsourcing are associated with poorer NPM. Product newness and project acceleration are associated with better NPM. All the measured aspects of development team integration are associated with better NPM, including intense manufacturing involvement, a collaborative work environment, supplier influence on the product design, and strong management support in the project. Furthermore, certain integration variables exert moderating effects on relationships between technological uncertainty, product newness, design outsourcing, project acceleration and NPM. By exposing these relationships this research extends the theory of product development influences on manufacturability beyond a focus on engineering-oriented approaches (e.g., design-for-manufacture). The results suggest that larger managerial issues must be addressed and that more contingency-oriented research is needed to explore the benefits and limitations of development team integration processes.  相似文献   

This article examines the intersection of the project management body of knowledge with new product development (NPD). The area under examination is the development of consumer products that have a significant engineering production content. It is concluded that the project management method, with its structured task definition and software tools, is generally useful for managing NPD projects. However, in some areas, project management incompletely meets the needs of NPD. Specifically, NPD is characterized by complex interrelated activities and large uncertainties about precisely which solution path will be taken, such that the full scope of the project can often not be anticipated beforehand. The article identifies that more research is required to validate the stage‐gate and lean project management methods. Whereas cost is the primary focus in project management, with NPD there is a need to consider both cost and income (from product sales) in making strategic decisions. Communication and human resource management are important factors in NPD success, but existing project management perspectives have little to say about the social and behavioral aspects, such as organizational culture, team dynamics, and leadership styles, especially not for NPD. Current project management practices are very much based on “output control” (targets, appraisal, rewards, management by objectives), which the human resource management literature identifies as inhibiting innovation. There is also likely to exist an intersection, as yet poorly understood, between project management and knowledge management, particularly for innovation processes such as NPD. For practitioners, the main message is that the project management method provides a basic, but imperfect, tool for managing NPD. The relevance for researchers is that gaps have been identified in the project management method as it is currently applied to NPD. Several places are identified where further research is required to (a) better understand the causality between factors (e.g., human resource management) and project success and (b) adapt project management methods to better serve the NPD process.  相似文献   

张月婷  杜纲 《价值工程》2011,30(29):34-36
面向高可靠性产品的应用验证项类项目的实施可保证产品可靠性和应用成熟度,但目前针对应用验证类项目流程的设计和优化缺乏系统研究,导致应用验证类项目效率低下。文章以高可靠性产品的应用验证类项目为背景,分析应用验证流程与产品研制流程、产品的应用流程共同构成的项目流程的概念和特点,并据此构建项目流程模型结构;采用单代号网络图作为项目流程的描述方式,并在网络图的基础上结合项目流程的特点,采用关键路径法开发面向用户工期的优化方法。最终形成不影响用户工期的应用验证类项目流程。文章最后给出了优化算例。  相似文献   

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