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随着全球化的到来和互联网的不断普及,各国之间的沟通与合作不断增多,西方文化也通过多种方式涌入中国,对我国各层次人群的价值观都产生了影响,尤其是大学生这一群体,使其价值观面临与西方文化的碰撞。因此,需要注重对大学生价值观的培养,从而不断弱化西方文化的影响,唯有如此,才可以不断推动我国文化的发展。文章第一部分对西方文化进行了介绍,第二部分对西方文化对大学生价值观的影响进行了分析,第三部分对西方文化背景下培养大学生价值观的策略,旨在促进大学生得以健康、全面的发展。  相似文献   

季志刚 《企业研究》2011,(3):138-140
在当今社会形势下,经济的迅速增长、文化的交融对大学生价值观的形成带来了很大的影响。社会、校园中存在着的多元文化现象对大学生的价值观形成起着关键的导向作用,了解现阶段大学生价值观的现状及影响因素对大学生的成长至关重要,树立正确的价值观也成为高校德育工作的一项重要任务。价值观是人生观和世界观的核心,通过调查问卷了解学生的价值观现状,采取有效措施,促进学生养成正确的价值取向。  相似文献   

因时代、文化及国家背景不同,我国与西方价值观教育模式的出发点和理论基础不同,尤其是以美国为代表的教育强国所体现出来的价值观教育方法十分值得我们学习和借鉴,引入对美国价值观教育的理解,取其精华,运用到我国大学生价值观教育中,有助于改善我国价值观教育的现状和困境,使我国价值观教育建立在科学的基础上做到细致入微,事半功倍。  相似文献   

随着时代的发展,近年来,是民族文化在旅游浪潮迭起的年代,尤其是商业化的态势日趋严重。其中既有外来文化对当地旅游地区民族文化的冲击,也有旅游市场需求方向的转变。直接导致一些旅游地区对当地民族文化进行重新组织,直接或间接导致当地民族文化出现变异。"旅游凝视"理论充分解释民族文化变迁的原理。在"凝视"在民族文化变迁中作用。同时基于此种理论提出了对地区民族文化的新思路。本文以广南县为例简单探析"旅游凝视"下的民族文化建构。  相似文献   

主题班会是对高校大学生进行德育的重要手段,也是开展班级工作、对大学生进行教育的中介和桥梁,在对当代大学生在人生观和价值观的引导方面有重要的作用,直接关系着辅导员或班主任对学生工作的成功与否。随着时代的发展,主题班会的主体地位有所缺失,其本身应该起的教育作用消失殆尽。本文总结了目前大学主题班会所面临的几个问题,针对目前存在的问题,提出了需要重点改进和优化的几个方面,对主题班会的回归有一定的促进作用。  相似文献   

大学生班集体是教师给所在班级学生传授知识、增长智慧、发展个性、体力、进行思想品德教育的重要场所。又是班级成员之间进行思想、友谊、娱乐、学习交流的中心、良好的班集体对大学生有感染、熏陶、激励、教育等作用。班集体在个人的成长中发挥着积极主动的作用,对大学生良好个性的形成、正确人生观、价值观、世界观的树立都有着积极的作用。  相似文献   

谷月娟 《河北企业》2013,(10):80-80
<正>在当代,随着我国政治、经济、文化、生活等领域的改革进一步深化,大学生的价值观也出现了新的变化。分析当代大学生价值观特点,探讨当代大学价值观教育存在的问题,积极探索解决问题的方式和途径,已经成为高校思想政治教育的主要任务之一。一、社会主义核心价值观的内涵胡锦涛同志对社会主义核心价值观提出了重要的论述,他在十八大报告中特别强调要"倡导富强、民主、文明、和谐,倡导自由、平等、公正、法治,倡导爱国、敬业、诚信、友善,积极培育社会主义核心价值观"。这一论述是我党在实践基础上作出的重大理论创新,这其中包含着三个层次。第一,从国  相似文献   

孙栋 《乡镇企业科技》2013,(21):224-225
一套行之有效且具有可复制性的学生班级DNA(愿景、使命、价值观)提炼与渐行系统可以帮助我们的学生在今后的人生道路上起到重要推动作用:而以‘素质教育’.为核心理念的辅导员团队的形成,并有能力运用DNA提炼与“渐”行系统;使学生班级在现有基础上呈现更高的正能量氛围,使其共同愿景、使命、价值观及其行为准则成为班级的主流文化。  相似文献   

社会主义的合格建设者和可靠接班人应该是一个具有规则意识的人。大学是一个人的价值观、世界观形成的关键时期,因此大学生的规则意识教育就显得尤为重要。文章对民办高职院校学生管理中规则意识的现状进行了分析,通过实践发现在班级文化建设中纳入规则意识是培养学生规则意识的有效途径。  相似文献   

在经济全球化、信息技术普及化和中国高等教育大众化的影响下,中国正面临难得的创业契机,创业文化也已经成为许多大学校园文化的有机组成部分。通过对创业学生抽样的调查访问,剖析创业文化对大学生价值观正反两方面的影响,形成创业背景下大学生应该该树立的正确的价值观体系,并探索出创业背景下大学生价值观教育的有效方法。  相似文献   

This paper examines the main theoretical frameworks for analysis comparative cultural attitudes. A critical discussion of the work by Kluckhohn Strodtbeck, Hofstede and Trompenaars leads to a new theoretical approach for study the national cultural attitudes and norms of behaviour. A methodology based on research is designed to compare the 'internalized' norms of behaviour with 'perceived' norms. Two different but complementary techniques are applied to a sample of Polish students to investigate Polish cultural attitudes using Hofstede's dimensions. Significant discrepancy is found between what people perceive communicate in public as the 'national cultural norm', and what they have internalized cultural attitude and norm of behaviour. The findings from this exploratory research indicate that there are different levels of internalization of cultural attitudes, and respondents express different cultural values in response to different research tools.  相似文献   

Using theory and empirical data from social psychology to measure for cultural differences between countries, this research studies the effect of individualism, defined as the degree to which individuals are integrated into groups ( Hofstede 1980 ), and egalitarianism, defined as a society's cultural orientation with respect to intolerance for abuses of market and political power ( Schwartz 1994, 2004 ) on earnings management. This research finds a significant cultural influence on earnings management. Specifically, the results show that countries scoring high on individualism tend to have lower levels of earnings management. Using the Schwartz (1994, 2004 ) framework, this study finds that egalitarianism is negatively related to earnings management. The analysis shows that, besides the formal investor protection, it is relevant to consider cultural differences to explain earnings management. This analysis also supports the idea that culture may be an important element in the discussion of global convergence towards a single corporate governance model, or the implementation of corporate governance codes inspired by codes from societies with different cultural values.  相似文献   

In their 2010 study drawing on 500 empirical philanthropy studies, Bekkers and Wiepking identified eight consistently significant giving mechanisms. The pilot study reported here extends what is known about one mechanism, values, as a giving driver, in particular considering how national cultural values apply to giving. Personal values are not formed in a vacuum. They are influenced by the wider culture and society: thus values have a socio-cultural dimension. Accordingly, this pilot research draws on media theory and cultural studies work on national ethos to explore how these national cultural values interact with giving. A directed qualitative content analysis has been undertaken to compare US and Australian print media coverage about philanthropy. The two nations share an Anglo–Saxon orientation but differ significantly in national character and philanthropic activity. This study posits that a nation's media coverage about giving will reflect its national cultural ethos. This coverage can also shape personal values, thus implications exist for theory about the antecedents of personal giving values. Wider national values may drive or stifle giving, so this wider view of values as a driver has implications also for philanthropy promotion and fundraising. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper aims to discuss the leveraging of competitiveness upon cultural traits. Since the globalization process has raised a series of challenges for companies around the world, companies have sought to respond mainly through the adoption of management practices proved to be successful elsewhere. However, due to the anchoring of many management practices, especially those of human resources, in the socio-cultural context of a country, the import and/or transfer of management practices between different contexts risk resulting in changes which may be only superficial. There are, however, some exceptions. Some managers have chosen to build their companies' competitiveness through management practices firmly anchored on the cultural traits of their countries, instead of looking for practices from successful companies. This process is obviously not simple because it requires from company leaders first the capacity to re-signify the cultural trait in a different manner, i.e. to perceive it as a source of competitiveness for the company and, second, the competence to build a management practice upon this cultural trait so that it will leverage the competitiveness of the company. In order to illustrate how typical cultural traits from a country may leverage the competitiveness of a company, we present the case of Natura, a Brazilian cosmetics manufacturer, which has constructed much of its competitiveness through the adoption of management practices anchored in some typical Brazilian cultural traits. The analysis of the case demonstrates that this process of developing competitive management practices is feasible, but it must be based upon a solid system of values that the team leader practises or wants practised. Otherwise, it is unlikely that the management practices will stand or that people will be committed to them.  相似文献   

不同文化背景下的价值观决定了会计文化的形成进而会影响利益团体在会计准则制定过程中的博弈,并产生不同的经济后果。文章试图从不同文化背景的角度来分析会计准则制定如何受会计文化价值观的影响。  相似文献   

This study addresses a possible moderating effect of cultural values on the relationship between employee beliefs in human resource management (HRM) practices and employee outcomes. Although employee belief regarding internal labor market (ILM) operation within their firms could be positively related to employee commitment and negatively related to their turnover intention, employee cultural values may act as a contextual variable that strengthens or weakens such relationships. We test the moderating effects of two cultural values, traditionality and modernity in the context of Kenya where the blend of these cultural values is an emerging reality, given the rapid pace of urbanization in recent years coupled with effects of globalization and the digital era. Our study indeed found support for the moderating effects of these cultural values. The association between ILM beliefs and employee affective commitment was found to be greater for employees with more traditional values. In contrast, the relationship was weaker for employees with more modern cultural values. These moderating patterns were also found in the relationship between ILM beliefs and turnover intention. Implications for management research, theory, and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

The Western project management (PM) approach requires the use of not only PM technology but also PM values/beliefs. This research is concerned with the likely cultural barriers for Chinese enterprises to use the PM approach. The literature review reveals the four cultural barriers of the Doctrine of the Mean, Strong Hierarchy, Family Consciousness, and Boss Orientation. Then, through a questionnaire survey at Yunnan province, this research provides some empirical evidence about the actual status of the four cultural barriers. In general, the Chinese traditional values/beliefs of Strong Hierarchy, Family Consciousness, and Boss Orientation are empirically major cultural barriers, and the Doctrine of the Mean is not. In addition, this research empirically reveals the differences in the cultural barriers among different types of enterprises and that appropriate PM training is very important to overcome the cultural barriers. Limitations of this research are also discussed.  相似文献   

随着经济全球化的进一步发展,人力资源招聘越来越国际化。企业如何在国际招聘的过程中吸引到合适的求职者,这是企业面临的新的挑战。求职者来源于各种不同的文化背景,这对招聘的顺利进行产生重大的影响。以往企业的招聘往往局限在一个国家之内,不会更多地关注求职者的文化价值观。但是目前求职者的文化价值观越来越成为企业能否招聘到合适员工的关键因素。如果企业不重视求职者的文化价值观,那么企业对于求职者的吸引力会降低。这会使企业难以招聘到符合企业要求的求职者,这将会影响企业的竞争优势的长久保持。跨国企业在不同文化背景的国家进行招聘的时候,应该对招聘的各个环节作出相应的调整,只有这样才能获得最优秀的人力资源。  相似文献   

区域文化价值观作为一项重要的非正式制度,通过影响社会成员的思维心理和行为,对国家审计产生影响。围绕区域文化价值观影响国家审计结果生产和运用提出理论框架,选取2008—2017年各省区市文化价值观数据和审计数据进行实证检验。结果表明:区域文化价值观中的权力距离、人际关怀导向、绩效导向和恃强性特征对国家审计结果生产和运用均存在显著影响,权力距离与国家审计结果运用之间存在“倒U”型关系;人际关怀导向对国家审计结果生产有负向抑制作用;绩效导向与国家审计结果生产之间存在“U”型关系,对国家审计结果运用则有正向促进作用;恃强性对国家审计结果生产有正向促进作用,与国家审计结果运用之间则存在“倒U”型关系。研究结论对完善国家审计结果生产和运用制度具有参考价值。  相似文献   


While prior research demonstrates that an entrepreneur’s behavior and perceptions are essentially shaped by national culture, little is known about how cultural values impact effectual behavior among entrepreneurs. We outline a conceptual model of how entrepreneurs’ effectual behavior is shaped by collective identity under different levels of cultural conditioning (i.e., national cultural values). Based on a survey of 235 Thai and German entrepreneurs we analyze the impact of Hofstede’s cultural dimensions of power distance, individualism, masculinity, and long-term orientation on the relationship between collective identity and effectuation. Results show that national culture is dispositive for the causal effects of collective identity on effectual behavior. Our findings demonstrate that the entrepreneur’s effectual behavior differs due to their national cultural conditioning.


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