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自2010年我国开展融资融券业务以来,关于该交易制度实施效果的研究不断深入,但尚无文献对债权人如何看待卖空机制这一问题做出回答。从债权人视角出发,分析卖空机制引入后,债权人对标的公司会计稳健性需求的变化,并利用融资融券首次启动提供的准自然实验环境,采用多时点双重差分模型检验上述影响。研究发现,卖空机制引入后,标的公司的会计稳健性显著提升,且这种影响在债务水平较高的公司中更加明显。进一步研究发现,卖空交易越活跃,标的公司会计稳健性越高;卖空机制引入后,标的公司的短期债务比例显著提升而长期债务比重显著下降。研究结果表明,债权人需要债务人采取更加稳健的会计政策来应对卖空交易带来的风险。  相似文献   

股利政策冲突、稳健会计选择与公司债务成本   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文研究了我国上市公司的会计稳健性动因,并在此基础上研究了会计稳健性对上市公司债务融资成本的影响后果.通过对沪市A股公司2004~2008年相关数据的分析,在应计为基础的会计稳健性测量指标下,研究结果表明:与股利分配方案相关的债权人-股东冲突越严重,上市公司越倾向于采用更为稳健的会计选择;同时,会计稳健性越高的公司,债务成本也相应更低.本文认为,随着我国银行业的市场化,以银行为主体的债权人将基于风险控制的考虑,要求上市公司提供稳健的会计数据;在银行利率决策时,稳健会计信息发挥了作用,稳健性较高的上市公司得以获得较低的利率水平.  相似文献   

本文以2003至2011年我国A股上市公司为对象,实证检验了会计稳健性对债务融资的影响。研究发现:会计稳健性的提高有助于企业获得更多的债务融资;对非国有企业而言,会计稳健性与债务融资正相关,而对国有企业而言二者关系不显著。当银根紧缩时,企业获得的债务融资减少;且非国有企业获得的债务融资显著低于国有企业。银根紧缩时,企业会计稳健性的提高能使其获得更多的债务融资,且非国有企业会计稳健性的提高促进其获得债务融资的作用比国有企业更显著。  相似文献   

本文以2011—2017年沪深A股上市企业为样本,对债务容量在企业投资效率中的作用与影响机理进行实证检验,并进一步揭示会计稳健性在债务容量和投资效率关系中的作用.研究发现,债务容量与企业投资效率之间显著负相关;会计稳健性对企业投资效率有显著促进作用;会计稳健性削弱了债务容量对投资效率的抑制作用.  相似文献   

会计稳健性是重要的会计准则和公司治理机制,从产生以来就受到广泛的关注和研究。国内外学者一般从五个方面研究会计稳健性,分别是会计稳健性的定义、存在性、影响因素、计量方法和经济后果。从影响因素和经济后果两方面总结学者研究会计稳健性的重要文献,结果显示:会计稳健性的影响因素主要包括契约、诉讼、税收、监管、股权集中度和股权制衡度以及独立董事特征;会计稳健性的经济后果主要包括投资效应和融资效应两个方面,其中投资主要分为投资不足、投资过度及并购,融资主要分为债务融资和权益融资。  相似文献   

选取2007-2015年中国A股非金融上市公司数据,实证检验宏观货币政策、会计稳健性对债务融资成本的影响。研究发现,当宏观货币政策紧缩时,会计稳健性水平更高的企业,承担的债务融资成本更低,且该影响在东部地区更为显著。进一步研究发现,在非国有企业,稳健的会计处理能在货币政策紧缩时显著降低企业债务融资成本;而在国有企业,这种影响并不显著。从宏观和微观两个视角探讨货币政策和会计稳健性对公司债务融资成本的影响,有助于企业管理层在宏观货币政策发生改变时,选择合理的措施来降低债务融资成本,提高融资效率。  相似文献   

会计稳健性是会计信息最重要的质量特征之一,基于债务契约视角,本文系统地评述了会计稳健性与债务契约的关系,包括会计稳健性产生的债务契约解释以及会计稳健性在债务契约中的经济后果,并指出了会计稳健性与债务契约未来研究的方向。  相似文献   

本文以我国2007~2013年沪深两市主板上市公司为样本,实证研究会计稳健性与银行贷款抵押条件使用的关系,并考察资产的可抵押性对两者关系的影响,同时考察公司所处金融市场环境对银行抵押条件使用的影响。实证研究结果表明:公司会计稳健性越高,公司抵押贷款所占总贷款比重就越低;资产可抵押性对上述关系没有产生显著影响;地区金融市场发展程度没有显著影响银行抵押贷款的使用;而企业性质对抵押贷款的使用有显著影响,国有企业的抵押贷款比重显著低于非国有企业。实证结果还表明,银行愿意将稳健性带来的好处通过降低贷款抵押条件与公司分享,而国家信用保障在银行贷款过程中发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   

文章以2007—2012年沪深两市湖北省制造业A股上市公司的年度财务数据为样本,实证检验了会计稳健性对债务与权益融资成本的影响。结果发现:提高会计稳健性不仅能降低债务融资成本,还能降低权益融资成本;但相比于债务融资成本,权益融资成本对会计稳健性的波动更加敏感。  相似文献   

本文选取2009—2012年间沪深两市A股上市公司的相关数据,研究了机构投资者持股对会计稳健性的影响。研究发现,机构投资者持股比例越高,会计稳健性越低;独立型机构投资者与会计稳健性正相关,非独立型机构投资者与会计稳健性显著负相关;机构投资者与高成长性和信息不对称公司的会计稳健性显著负相关,与低成长性、信息不对称公司的会计稳健性的负相关关系不显著。  相似文献   

以我国股权分置改革为背景,采用2000—2011年沪深A股上市公司作为研究样本,对会计稳健性与资本成本之间的关系进行研究,结果表明:会计稳健性程度越高的企业权益资本成本和债务资本成本越小;股权分置改革后会计稳健性与债务资本成本间的负相关关系显著增强,股权分置改革前后会计稳健性与权益资本成本之间的负相关关系没有显著变化。  相似文献   

This paper studies qualitative characteristics of accounting systems that are used in debt financing. We consider a financially constrained firm that provides to lenders information on the value of assets that serve as collateral in a financing contract for a risky investment project. We find that the investor prefers an accounting system that provides biased signals about the value of assets. This bias adjusts the information content of the signals to maximize the probability of undertaking the project. Under fair value accounting, low book values are more precise measures of actual value than high book values, which is consistent with conditional conservatism. Next, we study accounting risk to study the effect of institutions that govern the financial reporting policy based on the optimal precision. We find that fair value measurement introduces greater accounting risk and is preferred by financially constrained firms to measurement at historical cost.  相似文献   

We investigate whether the financial accounting choices made by German private firms depend on legal form. Legal form determines dividend rights, liability status and the owners' obligations to run the business and, thus, influences agency problems of debt and equity. Consequently, we find that earnings properties depend on legal form. We expect, and find, that corporations exhibit higher levels of income smoothing and conservatism than partnerships and one-person businesses. Corporations are also more likely to disclose small profits. However, generally, there are no significant differences in earnings properties between one-person businesses and partnerships. The results are robust to different econometric specifications including endogeneity concerns (e.g. propensity score matching). Earnings properties of private firms seem to be driven to a considerable extent by agency problems of debt.  相似文献   

会计稳健性、投资效率与企业价值   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
以新会计准则和实施股权分置改革后的2007年—2009年沪深证券交易所上市的A股上市公司为样本,实证研究了会计稳健性对投资效率及企业价值的影响。研究结果表明,会计稳健性对投资效率的影响具有两面性,一方面会计稳健性在企业投资过度时能及时遏制企业投资规模,改善投资效率;另一方面会计稳健性会加剧企业投资不足程度,恶化投资效率。会计稳健性对投资效率的这种正反作用同样影响企业价值,检验后发现,在过度投资组,会计稳健性通过改善投资效率提高了企业价值;在投资不足组,会计稳健性通过恶化投资效率降低了企业价值。  相似文献   

In this study, we document that there are significant differences in individual and institutional investors’ perception and interpretation of information based on accounting conservatism, as reflected by their trading behavior in the Chinese financial market. Our findings show that institutional investors, who are more sophisticated and have better skills, engage in higher purchases of equities of firms that use high accounting conservatism compared to the firms that use low/no accounting conservatism. Institutional investors’ equity purchases are even higher if these firms are associated with higher growth opportunities. On the other hand, individual investors are attracted more by the attention‐grabbing events and are motivated to purchase equities of firms that either do not use accounting conservatism or use low accounting conservatism, and their purchases are even higher when the firms report positive earnings surprises. Additionally, we find that abnormal returns are higher for the firms using high accounting conservatism and have experienced higher purchases by institutional investors.  相似文献   


Prior research documents that conditional conservatism, measured as the asymmetric timeliness of earnings reflecting bad vs. good news, varies with cross-country differences in institutional regimes. In this paper, we examine the determinants of conditional conservatism and related earnings attributes internationally. First, using panel data, we investigate whether competing earnings attributes such as unconditional conservatism and income smoothing affect conditional conservatism and its international differences. We find that these attributes are predictably correlated with conditional conservatism. Second, we address the question whether income smoothing and conditional conservatism are two fundamentally different earnings attributes. We show theoretically that both attributes yield different earnings distributions and that the motivations for producing earnings which possess these attributes differ. To test these predictions empirically, we calculate firm-specific time-series measures of asymmetric timeliness, using a novel trigonometric measure based on the standard Basu (1997)-type regression. Using this cross-sectional data, we test whether conditional conservatism and income smoothing are different and find them to be only weakly correlated for a broad international sample. Also, we demonstrate that income smoothing explains international differences in conditional conservatism. Finally, we estimate simple determinant models of conditional conservatism and income smoothing, showing that both earnings attributes are driven by different explanatory firm-level factors: Conditional conservatism increases with the importance of debt financing, while income smoothing increases with the importance of dividends. Despite some important limitations, we believe our results to be meaningful because they show that cross-country differences in conditional conservatism are influenced by the effects of other accounting properties, predominantly income smoothing. Especially, legal regime appears to drive income smoothing while losing its explanatory power for conditional conservatism when firm-specific factors are controlled for.  相似文献   

伴随着我国证券市场的逐渐发展和完善,上市公司发生会计师事务所变更的现象日益普遍,这逐渐引起监管部门、媒体以及社会大众的高度关注。目前国内外有大量关于上市公司发生会计师事务所变更和会计稳健性的研究,但大都没有将两者结合起来。基于此,将2010—2014年所有深沪A股上市公司作为研究对象,考察会计师事务所变更对会计稳健性的影响,并区分不同变更类型进行研究。研究发现,上市公司发生会计师事务所变更会降低其会计稳健性。  相似文献   

关于会计稳健问题的理论探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过立足于会计稳健原则,引入和借鉴国外学者的研究成果,分类出有条件稳健(盈余稳健)应计项目稳健和无条件稳健(资产负债表稳健)等会计稳健,并对其来源和检验方法进行了分析,对有条件稳健和无条件稳健衡量指标检验方法之间的关系进行了探讨,同时分析了会计稳健产生的原因和经济后果,以期为后续的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

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