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介绍了上海北芳物流有限公司的发展历程,分析了良好的外部环境是公司创新求变和发展的驱动力,例举了相关供应链物流服务的几个案例,总结了企业成功的关键要素。  相似文献   

Small firms contribute significantly to the UK economy, but most research into learning and work features the experience of large organisations. This article focuses on learning and work in small organisations. An interpretive framework relating to organisational learning is derived from the literature. Data on learning in small firms that internationalise are analysed to assess the extent to which models of organisational learning are applicable to the context and challenges they face. The article suggests that the large firm model of learning is inappropriate; the distinctive culture and communication systems of small organisations require different approaches to the acquisition, transmission and interpretation of knowledge. Tacit knowledge, developed through informal learning, is a priority and learning through local business networks is more important than participation in formal programmes. Advocacy of human resource development (HRD) practices based on conventional theories of organisational learning, therefore, may hinder rather than encourage performance in small organisations.  相似文献   

经济全球化的概念,最早是上世纪80年代中期提出来的.作为时代特征,经济全球化伴随20多年来信息技术的革命性发展而渐成潮流,伴随10多年来世界各国经济社会利益大调整而越加变化多端.阿尔及利亚总统布特弗利卡形象地说,"经济全球化的列车已经开动,不管你是否坐在车上".  相似文献   

The theory of probability employs a deductive method of thinking which traces effect from cause. Statistics uses an inductive method of thinking and tries to trace cause from effect. This noble goal can be successfully achieved if and only if a researcher deals with a homogeneous data set. A homogeneous data set is generated logically and then it is to be tested statistically. The homogeneity principle bridges the gap between probability theory and applied statistics and makes statistics as precise as the theory of probability. In this role statistics opens new horizons for estimating parameters when the central limit theorem is not applied.  相似文献   

Marginal Workers and Their Decisions to Work or to Quit   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract . What motivates the marginal worker to decide to work or to quit and collect unemployment insurance or welfare payments? A study of poultry processing plant workers in Georgia indicates that few quit to obtain more leisure. Dissatisfaction with compensation is only a secondary factor. Primary ones are cumulative dissatisfaction with work and the total work environment. Changes in supervision and in the Job structure are suggested.  相似文献   

中国南车集团公司株洲电力机车厂(以下简称株电厂)是国家大型一类企业和国务院重点调度的520户重点企业之一,中国轨道电力牵引装备主要研制生产基地和城轨交通设备国产化定点企业,享有中国电力机车之都的美誉。工厂致力于为中国和广大发展中国家提供安全、快捷、舒适、经济的运载212具,主要研制生产高速客运、客货两用、重载货运  相似文献   

大同煤矿集团公司高度重视企业文化建设与创新,坚持以高品质的企业文化来推动企业科学发展.特别是近年来,企业从自身实际出发,确立了"制度管企,文化管人'的企业文化建设总体思路,以文化力增强各项工作的执行力,有效地提升了企业管理水平,增强了企业核心竞争力,为推动企业科学发展、和谐发展、可持续发展奠定了坚实的基础.  相似文献   

Each year at budget time, the standard question asked of the materiel management group is "Why do you have so many people?" Our answer had been that we do not have enough people. With more people, we could lower total cost and manage inventories better. The inevitable standoff occurs with each side feeling that the other does not understand the need for materiel management services. In early 1993, we decided to be prepared to answer the famous question of Dr. W. Edwards Deming, "How do you know?" We wanted to show people we really did know our business and thus initiated a project to benchmark planning, purchasing, and scheduling services of other companies. This article shares not only the results of the benchmarking efforts, but also the techniques for getting started.  相似文献   

对煤矿回采巷道变形破坏的现状做了描述,分析了造成这种现象的原因,并对回采巷道的支护方法提出了建议。  相似文献   

汪光焘 《房地产导刊》2012,(10):35-37,34
中国是世界上最大的发展中国家,也是工业化、城镇化快速发展的人口大国。2011年,我国城镇化率首次超过50%,达到51.27%。城镇人口为6.9亿人,“十二五”期间,预计每年新增城镇人口约2100万人。此外,我国每年有2.1亿农村人口在流动,7000万城市人口在流动。我们面临的是资源短缺、生态退化、污染严重等资源和环境问题,如何实现生态环境保护与经济社会发展的“双赢”,是中国面临的长期挑战。  相似文献   

当全球经济危机向我国袭来时,保守主义与悲观主义终于出台亮相,它们批评的主流是,依赖货物出口和制造业导向使我国无法应对这一场灾难;建议,完全以承接别国外包出来的服务或以服务出口替代货物出口;再就是,将制造业由沿海转移到内地去。针对这一思潮,文中重温了国际分工和比较优势的基本原理之时效性,对我国制造业重新定位的关键点,从产业结构战略和地理战略层面上进行了分析,提出了我国制造业布局之龙骨架构的设想。  相似文献   

随着计算机、网络和通讯技术的飞速发展,电子商务应运而生了,电子商务的应用普及必须有金融电子化作保证,而要真正发挥金融电子化对电子商务的保证作用,还需要建立完整的网络电子支付系统,提供验证、银行转账对账、电子证券、财务管理、交易处理、代缴代付、报表服务等全方位的金融服务和金融管理信息系统。本文首先分析了电子支付面临的各种同题,并在此基础上提出相应的解决措施。  相似文献   

本文通过对文化地理学的分析,试图为历史文化名城的保护与更新提供更加可行的指导理论。  相似文献   

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