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优化第三产业是我国经济结构调整和增长方式转变的迫切要求.当前,我们要准确把握第三产业发展新趋势,进一步推进第三产业结构优化升级.财政支出对第三产业结构的调整和优化作用十分重要,文章针对我国现行财政支出支持服务业发展中存在的主要问题,提出了完善我国财政支出支持服务业发展做法的对策建议.  相似文献   

东北地区等老工业基地振兴战略实施以来,产业结构优化升级取得了重要成就,农业基础地位切实提升,工业结构优化升级明显,服务业吸纳就业作用突出。然而,制约东北振兴的体制性、机制性、结构性矛盾仍未根本解决,东北地区仍然面临产业结构不尽合理、产业技术创新不足、企业转型升级缓慢、二三线城市服务功能薄弱等突出问题。一、服务业领域改革,推动老工业基地调整改造和安置分流大力发展第三产业是老工业基地结构调整的重要内容。为适应老工业基地优势产业发展和城市功能转换的需要,东北地区改造提升传统服务业,培育发展现代服务业,  相似文献   

优化第三产业是我国经济结构调整和增长方式转变的迫切要求。当前,我们要准确把握第三产业发展新趋势,进一步推进第三产业结构优化升级。财政支出对第三产业结构的调整和优化作用十分重要,文章针对我国现行财政支出支持服务业发展中存在的主要问题,提出了完善我国财政支出支持服务业发展做法的对策建议。  相似文献   

近年来,河北省在产业结构优化升级的同时,生产性服务业得到了快速发展,但仍存在比重偏小、层次偏低、结构偏差、吸纳劳动力就业能力较弱、对整个经济发展支撑引领作用不足等突出问题,我们通过对生产性服务业现状、问题成因的分析,提出了优化河北发展生产性服务业的对策建议。  相似文献   

经济集聚与服务业的发展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
服务业的发展,不仅可以缓解我国就业压力,而且还有助于优化经济结构,有利于促进产业结构的升级.然而,我国服务业发展相对滞后.很多研究者对这一现象进行了深入地研究,并提出一些有价值的政策建议.本文研究经济集聚对服务业发展的影响.在理论分析中,我们得到了这样的结论:经济集聚程度加强可以促进服务业的发展.用广东省21个地级市2001-2007年的非平衡面板数据所做的实证研究支持了这一结论.这说明.推动经济活动在空间上的集聚可以有效地促进各个地区服务业的发展.  相似文献   

第二节自主创新推进区域服务业优化升级的路径当今社会,服务业在一个区域经济结构中所占比重大小,已经成为衡量其经济发达程度的重要标准。与发达国家相比,目前我国各经济区域服务业发展普遍滞后,也正因为此,其发展存在巨大的成长空间。为此,要积极地运用自主创新,加快区域现代服务业的发展,构建差异化的区域服务业,以知识密集型的生产性服务业推进区域产业结构优化升级。  相似文献   

我国服务业发展的实证分析与财税政策选择   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
"十五"以来,我国服务业规模不断扩大,但总体发展水平相对滞后.加快服务业发展是促进产业结构升级,转变经济增长方式的重要途经.市场机制与政府政策是促进服务业发展的两个基本手段,而财税政策又是政府政策的主要内容.要鼓励财政投资适当向服务业倾斜并引导其他社会资本投向服务业;重视发挥服务业引导资金的作用,以弥补服务业领域的"市场失灵";优化财政性教育支出结构,支持职业教育发展,为服务业打造合格人才;完善营业税、增值税与消费税等各项税收政策,为服务业发展创造宽松的政策环境.  相似文献   

现代服务业是衡量一个国家和地区经济发展水平的重要标志,其具有的资源消耗低、环境污染少等产业特点正契合了当前发展低碳经济的要求。低碳背景下,加快发展现代服务业无疑是推动我国当前产业结构优化升级、转变经济发展方式的有力举措。文章概述了我国现代服务业的发展现状,并对现代服务业发展存在的问题进行了评析,在此基础上勾画了我国现代服务业的发展路径。  相似文献   

在后经济危机和资源环境约束日渐趋紧的形势下,长江三角洲地区面临产业结构转型升级的压力.本文从长三角生产性服务业发展的总体状况出发,从三个地域层面总结本地区生产性服务业布局的结构.根据长三角产业结构升级及其空间布局结构优化加快,分析得出本地区生产性服务业在空间优化过程中将形成具有极强竞争力的生产性服务业集聚区、与现代制造...  相似文献   

随着经济全球化和信息技术的发展,现代服务业在经济社会中的作用日益突出.环渤海地区作为我国北方重要的都市经济圈,其现代服务业发展直接影响到该地区的经济发展的质量与水平.但从目前的情况看,环渤海地区的现代服务业发展由于受到一定的空间布局限制,还存在一些问题.因此,运用产业布局理论对环渤海地区的现代服务业进行布局结构优化,是发展良策.  相似文献   

通过对生产者服务进口影响中国就业的效应进行实证研究发现,长期而言,生产者服务进口额每增加1%,服务业的就业将会增加0.24%,但对制造业就业并没有显著影响。其中,信息服务进口对服务业和制造业就业都没有显著影响;交通运输服务进口额每增加1%,制造业(服务业)的就业水平将会增长0.147%(0.275%);其他商业服务进口额每增加1%,服务业的就业水平将增加0.189%,但对制造业就业没有显著影响。短期而言,生产者服务进口对就业同时产生促进效应,但效应较小。政府应降低生产者服务进口壁垒以促进国内就业水平的提高。  相似文献   

For 52 industry sectors and 42 services sectors, this paper tests how the local economic structure (local sectoral specialization and diversity, competition, average size of plants, and total employment density) affects the 1984–1993 employment growth of 341 local areas. These areas entirely and continuously cover the French territory. The impact of the local economic structure differs in industry and services. In industrial sectors, local total employment density, competition, and plant size always reduce local growth. Sectoral specialization and diversity have a negative impact on growth, but also increase the growth of a few sectors. Service sectors always exhibit negative specialization effects and positive diversity effects. Competition and plant size have a negative impact and density a positive one, but exceptions are observed for some sectors.  相似文献   

《Economic Systems》2002,26(2):127-144
A two-sector economy is modeled in a dynamic general equilibrium framework. If the steady state emerging in the absence of a minimum wage exhibits unemployment, the imposition of a binding wage floor lowers employment in the service sector without affecting employment in manufacturing. The wage differential between the two sectors shrinks and the quality of the service improves, but unemployment increases. In contrast, if this steady state exhibits full employment, a binding (but relatively low) minimum wage may bring about a more egalitarian income distribution and upgrade the quality of jobs in the service sector, without creating unemployment.  相似文献   

The United Kingdom's widespread use of low-skill, low-paid employment has been well documented. It has been argued internal labour markets (ILMs) benefit such workers, affording them with opportunities for progression. Relatively little is known, however, about the impact of ILMs on entry level workers undertaking routinised service sector work. Drawing on qualitative data, this article explores the prospects on offer in a market leading, fast food multinational company. Potential enabling features include on-the-job training, a transparent and integrated pay structure and a professed culture of progression . Occupational movements to positions above the low-pay threshold are, however, relatively rare. We conjecture this contradiction is the result of the business context in which the firm operates. The findings suggest that in sectors where price leadership strategies dominate, escape from low pay is likely to be exceptional, even within large organisations featuring some of the classic characteristics of ‘pure’ or strong ILMs.  相似文献   


This paper tests how the local economic structure—measured by local sector specialization, competition and diversity—affects growth of manufacturing sectors. Most of the empirical literature assumes that in the long run more productive regions will attract more workers and use employment growth as a measure of local productivity growth. However, this approach is based on strong assumptions, such as those of national labour markets and homogeneous labour. This paper shows that if we relax these assumptions, regional adjusted wage growth is a better measure of productivity growth than employment growth. This measure is used in order to study regional growth in Portuguese regions between 1985 and 1994. Evidence is found of MAR externalities in some sectors and no evidence of Jacobs or Porter externalities in most of the sectors. These results are at odds with the findings for employment-based regressions, which show that regional concentration and the region's size have a negative effect in most of the sectors. It is also shown that simply using regional wage growth would overstate the effect of regional concentration and competition on long-run growth.  相似文献   

The Italian labour market, like most European labour markets and unlike the US, shows a greater cyclical sensitivity of the service sector with respect to manufacturing and firing costs higher than hiring costs. This accounts for the negative relationship between sectoral employment shifts and Italian unemployment in the post-war period and, correspondingly, for the pro-cyclical pattern of the Lilien index, in contrast with the US experience.By applying the Lilien index to the Italian context, this paper analyses the relative importance of sectoral regional and national factors in the explanation of changes in industrial structure, and their impact on unemployment. The econometric exercise illustrates that, given the structural features of the Italian labour market, the decline in intersectoral and interregional labour reallocations has significantly contributed to the increase of unemployment in Italy. New hires, the pull of new sectors, sectoral shifts and regional mobility can keep unemployment down, while at the same time maintaining some of the structural features of the “European model” (high employment security and stability).  相似文献   

《Economic Systems》2022,46(3):101014
This paper uses the supply tables underlying WIOT data to explore the provision of services by manufacturing. The service shares differ substantially across countries and sectors, while they remain largely stable over time. A latent class analysis assigns broadly defined manufacturing sectors to economy-wide growth models, differentiating between service- and manufacturing-driven models in catching-up and developed economies. Servitization increases with labor productivity. The service intensities in the sectoral production mix are lower in countries with higher manufacturing shares. This holds for both catching-up and developed economies. However, servitization is largely unrelated to productivity and employment growth. We therefore argue that the degree of servitization is contingent on and an attribute of the respective economic model in which a sector operates.  相似文献   

河南农民工就业发展权实现如何,对于中原经济区建设和加快河南工业化城镇化进程来说至关重要。本文从增强实现农民工就业发展权的思想认识、强化农民工就业的制度保障、改进农民工就业的公共服务、提高农民工就业的能力水平、培育农民工就业服务的社会组织等方面,对实现河南农民工就业发展权的基本路径进行初探。  相似文献   

Local labor market impacts of energy boom-bust-boom in Western Canada   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The impacts of energy price boom and bust are analyzed through the differential growth in employment and earnings between local labor markets with and without energy resources in Western Canada. The estimated differentials attributed to the boom-induced labor demand shocks show significant direct and indirect impacts on the earnings and employment within the energy extraction and other non-energy local sectors respectively. The local job multipliers indicate that job creation within the energy extraction sector leads to modest job creation within the non-energy local sectors during boom periods. For every ten energy extraction jobs created during a boom period, approximately three construction jobs, two retail jobs, and four and a half service jobs are created.  相似文献   

Focusing on social care workers in public, private and voluntary sectors, this article contributes to research on the impact of austerity on public service human resource management (HRM). The article uses an innovative diary method to highlight the importance of intrinsic elements of job quality such as supervision practice in mitigating degradation in extrinsic elements as austerity dismantles public service HRM. The article also reports that supervision has itself come under pressure due to resource shortages. The results regarding sub‐sector differences have implications for policy‐makers and practitioners in terms of rebuilding the standard employment relationship in social care so that they are more sensitive to differences across private, public and voluntary sectors.  相似文献   

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