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李健 《现代企业》2022,(4):179-181
<正>产业工人队伍建设对于社会、经济与企业发展起到重要作用,我国在产业工人队伍建设方面,社会制度有别于西方,导致产业工人队伍建设系统中政府、工会、企业、工人四个主体在内部结构、社会关系、外部环境出现一些特殊性,致使产业工人队伍建设效果不尽如人意。故而通过研究日韩企业KODENSHI工人队伍建设经验,对我国非公产业工人队伍建设有重要的启示。  相似文献   

<正>本刊讯为便于社会各界深入学习贯彻习近平总书记关于产业工人队伍建设改革的重要指示和党中央重大决策部署,由推进产业工人队伍建设改革协调小组办公室选编的《产业工人队伍建设改革工作文件汇编》一书,日前已由中国工人出版社正式出版,面向全国公开发行。  相似文献   

产业工人队伍建设改革是国家针对当前社会发展态势而提出的重点项目,内容是从队伍结构谋划、内部情况部署等方面均体现出以中国特色社会主义思想为指导,务必做到对国有企业进行全面深化改革的决心。因此,本文将从新时期产业工人队伍建设指导思想的角度入手,深度分析工会这一群众组织在建设产业工人队伍过程中的现状,并针对此问题提出针对性策略以供参考。  相似文献   

随着我国经济进入高质量发展阶段,供给侧结构性改革与产业工人队伍建设改革有机地联系了在一起,而二者联系的逻辑起点就是提高产业工人的劳动生产率。通过分析我国产业工人劳动生产率变动趋势,可以发现:改革开放以来我国劳动生产率的增长在世界上是最快的,但近10年来却呈现出波动下降的趋势。当前我国产业工人劳动生产率水平与发达经济国家相比还有较大的差距,为此,产业工人队伍建设改革应以提高劳动生产率为中心。提升职工工作满意度和职工素质是提高产业工人劳动生产率的重要途径,工人对收入水平的满意度直接影响职工工作满意度;提升工人技能培训应该有的放矢,产业工人的培训体制改革应与人才引进同步进行。  相似文献   

新闻链接中国产业工人发生六大变化来自《半月谈》的报道称,近年来的产业结构调整给产业工人队伍结构带来了较大影响,其内部显现多元化特征。目前,中国产业工人队伍出现“六多六少”新变化:第一,产业工人受教育的程度普遍提高,但职业技能和技术水平相对下降。据对有关统计资料的分析,高中以上文化教育程度的产业工人约占产业工人总数的40%,这一比例比过去有了明显提高。但从另一方面看,高级技术工人和工人技师不到总数的10%,熟练工和初级技工占了近40%,大量产业工人从事的是没有多少技术含量的工作。  相似文献   

杨亭  周建忠 《企业文明》2023,(11):14-16
<正>习近平总书记指出,要加强产业工人队伍建设,加快建设一支宏大的知识型、技能型、创新型产业工人大军。新时代新征程,重庆长安望江工业集团有限公司(以下简称:长安望江)深入学习贯彻习近平总书记重要讲话重要指示批示精神,高度重视新时期产业工人队伍建设,实施了以“典型引路、示范带动,点上突破、面上覆盖”为主线的专项工作方案。长安望江坚持以“大师工作室”建设为载体,积极推进产业工人队伍建设“提档升级”。其中,“田毅大师工作室”以其行之有效的建设举措、亮眼的建设成果脱颖而出。  相似文献   

德意志,作为一个民族,她有一千来年的历史;作为一个统一的国家,德国只有100余年的历史(包括第二次世界大战后德国长达40多年的分裂),所以她是一个年轻的民族国家。但后来居上,如今的德国是世界上仅次于美、日的第三大经济强国,在欧洲处于领导地位,被世界称为“德国经济奇迹”。这无疑又跟其一个高素质的产业工人队伍有密切联系。高素质的产业工人队伍缘于高水平、高起点的职业教育。只有完备的、高质量的职业教育,才能造就出大批优秀的产业工人队伍,为企业输送新鲜血液,才能使民族经济、国家建设踏上“高速列车”,迅速腾飞富强。  相似文献   

我国经济体制转轨中涌现的新群体——进城就业的农民工,已经成为中国产业工人的重要组成部分。但由于户籍的不同,这支庞大的外来务工人员队伍虽然肩负着与城市籍员工一样的建设重任,却接受着与城市籍员  相似文献   

<正>习近平总书记强调,技术工人队伍是支撑中国制造、中国创造的重要力量,要加强产业工人队伍建设,加快建设一支宏大的知识型、技能型、创新型产业工人大军。近年来,山东省日照市岚山区面临用工紧缺、技能人才不足等问题,聚力加强人才引育创新,创新实施支持全产业链发展蓝领人才培养提升计划(简称“蓝领计划”),为技能人才提供“引育用留评管服”全链条全周期服务,助推产业链人才链创新链融合发展,打造具有岚山特色的新时代人才集聚高地,形成了以产聚才、以才兴产的良好局面。  相似文献   

王懿燕 《企业与文化》2007,(4):40-41,37
加快推进人才强国战略,大力加强高技能人才工作,培养造就一大批具有高超技艺和精湛技能的高技能人才,稳步提升我国产业工人队伍的整体素质,是增强我国核心竞争力和自主创新能力、建设创新型国家的重要举措,对于促  相似文献   

This research examines motivating work characteristics, job satisfaction, and turnover intention of knowledge workers and blue-collar workers in China and Japan. The differences in these three variables were, respectively, compared between knowledge workers and blue-collar workers in China and Japan. A structural model of the relationships among the three variables was particularly proposed and investigated. Based on data from an international survey, the characteristics of knowledge workers were first compared with those of blue-collar workers in the same country, and then compared with those of knowledge workers in the other country. Finally, the structural model of the three variables' relationships was examined using a multi-sample analysis of the LISREL method across the countries. There were many significant differences found between knowledge workers and blue-collar workers and between China and Japan. As fundamentally predicted, knowledge workers were found to have higher motivating work characteristics than blue-collar workers in each country. More importantly, a similar structural model of the relationships among the variables was found across the countries.  相似文献   

杜涛 《价值工程》2012,31(24):147-149
人力资源的严重流失已逐渐成为我国民营企业发展的重要制约因素之一,而导致员工离职的关键原因之一又是员工对组织的心理契约发生了违背。通过实证分析研究发现公平的薪酬制度、尊重员工、注重员工的个人发展等因素又在很大程度上影响了员工的心理契约。因此,组织通过构建公平合理的薪酬制度;尊重员工、为员工建立有效的沟通平台以及为员工提供事业发展的空间等措施可以有效地维护员工的心理契约。  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship between loneliness, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment of migrant workers. 213 migrant workers completed the survey. This study found that migrant workers are satisfied with their jobs and are committed to their organizations. Contrary to expectation, migrant workers are not lonely. Age and gender do not have influence on loneliness or organizational commitment. Single migrant workers feel lonelier than the married migrant workers. Married and longer-tenured migrant workers are more committed to the organization. There is no significant correlation between loneliness and organizational commitment. This research also indicates that lonelier migrant workers have higher job satisfaction while job satisfaction has significant positive correlation with organization commitment. Implications include having favorable policies to improve the management and services for migrant workers, a need for regulations to safeguard the migrant workers' rights and interests, and providing favorable living arrangements.  相似文献   

刘淑娟 《价值工程》2011,30(8):177-179
农民工是浙江经济发展的主要劳动力,农民工流失将成为浙江经济持续发展的瓶颈。本文通过分析得出在浙江刘易斯拐点已经显现,未来浙江籍农民工数量将大幅度减少,外地农民工返乡危机潜在,进而提出以农民工廉租房为突破口等财税对策,留住农民工。  相似文献   

The forces of globalization and the wave of economic reform in the People's Republic of China have led to government policies to downsize state-owned enterprises and support a competitive labour market. Chinese workers who have been laid off ( xiagang ) are leaving the 'iron rice-bowl' security of the socialist state. Unemployment produces personal challenges for laid-off workers and human resource policy challenges for the government. For workers, xiagang and unemployment status mean they must cope with the unfamiliar challenges of job search and the threat of economic hardship. But how unemployment influences workers' lives is strikingly diverse in its impacts. Distinctly different patterns emerge for workers depending on: 1) their position in the social structure and stage of life, 2) their available skills and coping resources, and 3) their experience of economic and psychological distress. The present study reports survey responses of a sample of 2,412 laid-off Chinese workers in seven cities in China and identifies three distinct sub-groups of unemployed workers: 1) 'Survivors': more confident and better educated workers, 2) 'The Worried Young': distressed younger workers with few coping resources, and 3) 'The Discouraged Old': older workers with less education looking towards retirement. Each of these groups of workers views their circumstances and life prospects in quite different ways. Our results are examined in the context of the literature on social change and the life course. Our findings also suggest different human resource policies for each of these groups of workers.  相似文献   

Job competition between workers has important implications for “downgrading” and “bumping down”. To account for these phenomena, a matching model is considered in which highly educated and poorly educated workers compete for skilled jobs. An exogenous increase in the proportion of highly skilled workers increases the proportion of these workers in low-level jobs (downgrading). Another of the paper's findings is that changes in the composition of the workforce affect workers' opportunities to accumulate experience. An increase in the relative supply of highly educated workers reduces the opportunities for poorly educated workers to learn on the job. Both education and experience are required in order to access skilled jobs.  相似文献   

We consider whether workers who provide their services through online platforms, such as Handy and Uber, should be classified as independent contractors or employees. Using a formal economic model, we show how being too strict or too liberal in classifying workers as independent contractors (relative to the actual degree of control workers have) can be detrimental, not just to firms and welfare, but sometimes to the workers themselves. We also use the model to explore the extent to which an intermediate classification of workers between employees and independent contractors may lead to better outcomes. The intermediate classification is meant to apply to firms that retain control of some actions while their workers control others, as is the case for many online platforms.  相似文献   

农民工住房问题研究述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对农民工住房问题的研究,首先基于对农民工概念的界定,界定的关键点应在于农村户籍身份和所从事工作的非农业生产性质,不宜加入在劳动关系中所处的地位、收入来源等判定标准。国外的研究中,没有与农民工完全相同的概念,研究成果中具有参考意义的是对移民工人、城市贫民住房问题的研究,因而可借鉴性有限。国内的研究中,多侧重于农民工住房及住房政策的现存问题分析与对策研究;研究方法以个别城市的定量分析,以及逻辑推演的定性分析为主;结论建议集中于将农民工的住房保障纳入城镇住房保障体系,尚欠缺从统筹城乡的视角对农民工住房问题的深入研究。  相似文献   

Using data from the decennial US Censuses of 1950, 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990, and 2000, I construct matrices of employment by 267 occupations and 64 industries and then aggregate the occupations into four categories: (i) knowledge producers; (ii) data processors; (iii) service workers; and (iv) goods-processing workers. I find that information workers (the sum of the first two categories) increased from 37% of the workforce in 1950 to 59% in 2000. Then, using an input–output decomposition analysis, I find that the growth in information workers was driven not by a shift in tastes toward information-intensive goods and services (as measured by the composition of final demand) but rather by a roughly equal combination of the substitution of information workers for goods and service workers within the structure of production of industries and the unbalanced growth effect (from differential rates of industry productivity growth). Finally, on the basis of regression analysis, I find that R&D expenditures and computer investment are positively associated with the growth in knowledge workers but negatively associated with the growth of data workers.  相似文献   

《Labour economics》2007,14(1):1-23
This paper analyses the impact of labor market conditions on a firm's incentive to train its workers. In an equilibrium model of the labor market in which firms use both untrained and in-house-trained workers, we show that the incidence of training increases with the tightness of the labor market. In a multi-sector framework, the usual threat of hold-up by a trained worker is more severe for workers who change their sector of work; during downturns, this serves to bias firms' incentives in imparting training away from such workers and towards workers already in the firm and those new workers coming from the same sector. Evidence from the NLSY confirms both predictions—the incidence and duration of company-sponsored training is adversely affected by higher unemployment rates; furthermore, this negative effect is much stronger for workers who change industries as compared to those who do not.  相似文献   

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