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企业社会责任对员工满意影响的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章基于企业社会责任理论及其相关文献,构建了企业社会责任行为对员工满意影响的概念模型,并以上海张江高科技园区的196名公司员工为调查样本,运用Lisrel软件对模型假设进行检验。实证结果表明,企业社会责任不仅直接正向影响员工企业认同,而且通过企业声誉间接影响员工对企业的认同;公司声誉和员工企业认同是企业社会责任对员工满意影响的完全中介变量。文章最后还给出了具有可操作性的人力资源管理政策建议。  相似文献   

本文以中国327名不同层级酒店员工作为样本,通过实证研究,探讨了在中国情境下,酒店企业社会责任对员工离职倾向的影响.结果表明:酒店企业社会责任对员工离职倾向有显著负向影响,对员工组织认同有显著正向影响;组织认同与员工离职倾向存在显著负相关关系;组织认同在企业社会责任和离职倾向之间起到完全中介作用.本研究完善了在中国情境中酒店企业对员工的社会责任量表,同时也对企业从履行社会责任角度降低员工离职率具有实践意义和价值.  相似文献   

文章以心理契约理论为切入视角,深入分析了感知企业声誉对员工角色外行为的影响机制。利用660个有效样本对概念模型进行的实证检验,结果发现:第一,员工感知企业声誉对对组织公民行为具有显著的正向作用,而对员工反生产行为则具有显著的负向作用;第二,员工感知企业声誉会通过心理契约破坏对员工角色外行为产生影响。  相似文献   

文章在研究国内外企业员工社会责任文献基础上,构建了民营企业员工社会责任结构、员工满意度与企业绩效的关系模型,运用SPSS 20.0软件对675份问卷调查结果做相关分析及回归分析,并对模型进行了假设检验。结果显示,民营企业履行员工社会责任会增强员工工作满意度,进而可以提升企业经营绩效。  相似文献   

本文以广东、湖南、湖北9家企业的711名新生代员工为对象,运用相关分析和线性回归方法 ,调查分析企业民主参与现状及其对员工满意度的影响机制,并比较新生代员工与传统员工在企业民主参与方面的差异。研究发现,企业民主参与对员工满意度有显著的正向影响;与传统员工相比,新生代员工的民主参与度显著较高,但参与水平普遍停留在较低层次上,新生代员工的企业民主参与及其各个维度对员工满意度均呈现出较强的正向影响。因此,企业应重视民主管理,从民意表达、参与监督、参与管理和参与决策上积极探索和构建新生代员工企业民主参与的渠道,以提升新生代员工参与企业民主管理的水平。  相似文献   

企业人力资源效率的影响因素是管理研究领域探讨的一个重要问题。企业人力资源效率影响因素内容由四个纬度构成:员工管理、个人与组织契合、工作条件及员工责任。其中,员工管理对管理人员的任务效率影响是负向显著,对专业/技术人员的任务效率水平的影响是正向显著;个人与组织契合对整合效率有显著方向影响;工作条件对企业员工的任务效率有显著正向影响,对组织潜效率有强显著负向影响;员工责任对企业员工的任务效率、整合效率、组织潜效率水平都有显著正向影响。  相似文献   

基于建筑企业178名技术员工问卷,运用单因素方差分析法和Logistic模型,分析了建筑企业技术员工薪酬满意度差异及其影响因素。结果表明:专业技术人员的薪酬满意度低于相应的技术施工人员和一般技术人员的水平,后两者薪酬满意度没有显著差异;同级薪酬公平、同级薪酬满意、加薪对技术员工整体薪酬满意度有显著正向影响,工龄和单一的福利则对技术员工整体薪酬满意度有显著负向影响。  相似文献   

文章从企业内部员工角度出发,探究涉农企业对社会责任的认知履行程度与员工满意度之间的关系。并选取涉农企业为研究对象,发放问卷获取数据,通过SPSS软件对数据进行分析。研究结果表明:涉农企业在社会责任方面的表现与员工满意度存在显著正相关。  相似文献   

本文基于制度理论视角,研究高管政治关联对企业社会责任的影响。采用固定效应模型多元回归方法,对182家中国上市公司连续4年数据构成的平衡面板数据进行实证检验。研究结果表明:高管政治关联对企业社会责任存在显著的正向影响;企业所在地区市场化发展水平越高,高管政治关联对企业社会责任的正向影响越强。高管政治关联通过两方面对企业社会责任产生作用:一方面,高管政治关联能够起到传递政府等利益相关者对企业施加压力的渠道作用;另一方面,高管政治关联的特征差异导致企业受到相关利益相关者压力的程度存在差异。本文最后提出如何通过发挥高管政治关联作用推动企业承担社会责任的建议。  相似文献   

鉴于一些制造业企业新生代员工存在一些逆反心理,严重地影响到企业发展。本文根据企业履行社会责任有"主动型"、"被动型"和"激励型"三种,在分析制造业企业和新生代员工特点的基础上,构建了企业新生代员工社会责任模型和弥补员工社会责任缺口模型,试图从人力资源角度阐述企业履行社会责任的重要性。  相似文献   

It has recently been argued that corporate social responsibility (CSR) is ‘political’. It has been neglected however, that firms also operate politically in a traditional sense, in seeking to secure favourable political conditions for their businesses. We argue that there are potential synergies between CSR and corporate political activity (CPA) that are often overlooked by firms and that recognition of these synergies will stimulate firms to align their CSR and CPA. We develop a conceptual model that specifies how various configurations of a firm's CSR and CPA – alignment, misalignment, and non‐alignment – affect the firm's reputation beyond the separate reputation effects of CSR and CPA. This model has important implications for understanding how and why firms should pay attention to their CPA and CSR configurations, and thereby contributes to the broader issue of why firms should make sure that they are consistent in terms of responding to stakeholder concerns.  相似文献   

Prior research shows that a good record of corporate social responsibility (CSR) has an insurance-like effect on shareholder value in negative events. We posit and provide empirical evidence that excessive CSR activities can also cause a boomerang effect during negative events. In the setting of product recalls, we show that overinvestment in CSR has a boomerang effect on shareholder value when a company with excessive CSR activities announces a recall. Further analysis shows that the boomerang effect is exacerbated when institutional ownership is low or when customer awareness is high. Our study adds to the literature new insights on how CSR affects shareholder value during a reputation crisis.  相似文献   

Drawing on resource‐advantage and signalling theories, we investigate two mechanisms, namely corporate reputation and customer satisfaction, by which the environmental governance of enterprises can benefit their economic performance. Based on secondary data from the 500 largest US enterprises compiled from multiple sources, our findings contribute to the literature by establishing the link between corporate reputation and green reputation. We also establish the economic performance paths of environmental governance via corporate reputation and customer satisfaction. This study expounds on why ‘green’ matters and identifies the performance roles of two corporate strategic resources extractable from the environmental governance of enterprises. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment  相似文献   

基于平衡计分卡理论的企业社会责任战略管理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘铭芬 《价值工程》2010,29(26):11-12
本文借助平衡计分卡理论将企业社会责任融入企业战略管理规划中。通过分析平衡计分卡四个层面与企业社会责任四项指标的结合,与此同时阐述了企业实施社会责任战略管理的合理性与必然性,为企业进行社会责任战略管理提供理论基础。  相似文献   

The vast majority of the extant literature on corporate social responsibility (CSR) has focused on the macro (firm) level of analysis by examining the linkage between CSR and firm-level outcomes. As such, very few studies have focused on the micro (individual) level of analysis. Against this backdrop, the present study focuses on the individual level of analysis thereby contributing to the emerging psychology of CSR literature, which considers employees' perceptions of their employing organizations' social actions as more important than organizations' objective CSR performance (Rupp, Shao, Thornton and Skarlicki (2013), ‘Applicants’ and Employees’ Reactions to Corporate Social Responsibility: The Moderating Effects of First-Party Justice Perceptions and Moral Identity,’ Personnel Psychology, 66, 895–933). Moreover, the study is one of the first examining the role of context in employee attitudes toward CSR. In particular, it builds on the psychology of CSR (e.g. Rupp et al. 2013) literature to propose a research framework that delineates the moderating effects of satisfaction with payment, satisfaction with the job itself and individualism in the relationship between corporate social performance (CSP) perceptions and customer-facing employees' behavioral outcomes. Data are collected from customer-facing employees in two major organizations in the Netherlands and India. Results suggest a complex interplay between CSP perceptions and the two facets of job satisfaction, and that national context is likely to moderate the contingent effects of CSP perceptions on customer-facing employees' behavioral outcomes.  相似文献   

Drawing on strategic corporate social responsibility (CSR) and reputation theory, this paper examines the market reaction to firm disclosures of involvement in the US stock option backdating scandal. We examine how a firm's prior signals regarding ethical behaviour and values, as demonstrated through CSR initiatives, may both ameliorate and exacerbate market reactions. CSR initiatives may buffer a firm against general wrong‐doing but expose it to greater scrutiny and sanction for related wrong‐doing. Our results show that firms with enhanced overall reputations for CSR are partially buffered from scandal revelations. However, we find that when firms possess an enhanced reputation for CSR associated with corporate governance, violations pertaining specifically to governance are viewed as hypocritical and more harshly sanctioned. We also find lower and negative market reactions for firms that delay but self‐disclose their involvement in the scandal. The study extends the emergent, related literatures on strategic CSR and reputation management, and documents dynamics in the relationship between corporate social and financial performance.  相似文献   

As organizations recognize the need to engage in CSR and sustainability initiatives, it is integral to success to communicate that they are doing so. However, the research focus is more often on communicating with external stakeholders to draw attention to corporate responsibility initiatives. Internal stakeholders as employees are not researched as often, despite their integral role in communicating the organization's CSR vision and sustainability as they interact with external stakeholders. In order to explore employee perceptions of CSR communication, a two‐phase mixed‐method study was undertaken, including semi‐structured interviews with 20 CSR managers in NZ organizations to provide content to inform an online questionnaire survey to seek feedback from employees in these same organizations. This paper contributes to research on internal stakeholders in revealing the influence of the perceived value congruence between managers and employees in influencing internal stakeholder perceptions of CSR and sustainability initiatives. The findings have implications for public policy, enhancing organizational communication, the need for authenticity and managerial recognition of their role in facilitating employee commitment to CSR initiatives. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment  相似文献   

通过对中国物流行业较有代表性的两家企业的CSR报告内容分析,提出中国物流行业企业社会责任报告体系编写方法,其内容主要包括报告背景、公司治理、责任管理、责任绩效披露、第三方审验说明等。  相似文献   

社会责任与企业价值创造机理:一个研究框架   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前对企业承担社会责任的经济后果还没有取得一致的结论,在社会责任对企业价值创造的具体影响机理、程度和计量方式等企业关心的重要问题上还缺乏系统的研究。通过构建社会责任对企业价值创造影响的社会责任、信誉资本与企业价值创造的规范性分析框架模型,可以揭示企业承担社会责任对企业长期价值影响的方向、影响机理和影响程度等亟待探索的关键问题。本文提出了社会责任与企业价值研究领域的研究内容与分析方法,为进一步研究社会责任与企业价值的内生决定关系提供了全新分析框架。  相似文献   

借助经济学的成本收益分析法,对企业社会责任行为的影响因素进行分析,发现利益相关者的容忍度以及监督力度对企业实际履行社会责任水平会产生显著影响。研究结果表明,在企业声誉捷径欲望较强的情况下,要保障企业社会责任行为的有效履行,如果仅仅依靠企业自律,效果并不理想。而加强利益相关者的监督并提高企业对监督成本的负担比重,将有助于企业社会责任行为的改善。从长远来看,降低利益相关者的容忍度和企业捷径欲望系数,对企业社会责任水平提升至关重要。只有当利益相关者和企业双方的社会责任意识都非常高,利益相关者对企业才有很强的制衡力量。同时,企业声誉捷径欲望很低并且自律意识很高的时候,双方才会最终实现效用最大化的共赢局面。  相似文献   

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