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在中国高校,足球运动几乎成为男生的专利,女生只能扮演比赛的拉拉队,或是球队的后勤人员,关注女足球的人数也不断增加。对广东技术师范学院天河学院女足发展的研究,目的在于进一步推动广东技术师范学院天河学院女足运动的发展,对解决我国女足后备人才不足的状况起到积极的作用。  相似文献   

串凯 《产业与科技论坛》2011,10(13):179-180
在现代足球的攻防形式上传统单纯的阵地进攻和防守反击逐渐被全攻全守和灵活多变的快速反击所替代。在比赛中根据攻防的目的、人数、位置及技战术特点可以把比赛场地分为前场、中场、后场。本文将对这三块场区在比赛中同场竞技的两支球队的攻防策略和效果进行分析,总结规律及特点,以期为足球训练提供参考依据。  相似文献   

刘勇 《价值工程》2011,30(22):299-300
运用录像分析与统计方法,通过对第五届女足世界杯赛中中国女足与世界强队防守技战术能力的比较,发现中国国家女足在防守技术、战术及心理等的各项指标上与世界强队有一定的差距,引起中国女足在防守技战术方面的重视,为提高中国女足在比赛中的作战能力提供理论依据。  相似文献   

论足球运动员技战术意识的培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杜翊 《价值工程》2011,30(19):272-273
本文通过文献资料分析法和专家访问法,阐述了足球战术意识的概念,以及足球战术意识的特点,研究了培养运动员技战术意识的途径和方法。  相似文献   

本文运用调查法、文献资料法和逻辑分析法对高等职业院校日常足球训练技战术概念和内容进行表述;足球日常训练进攻技战术的特征包括:整体性、简洁实用性、队员职责扩大化、攻守平衡及中路突显进攻、加强对边路和局部渗透等方面;高等足球日常训练进攻技战术的应用实践通过:进攻采取一线牵制,两线完成;然后把个人能力放在进攻当中,注重团队协作和培养队员的个人能动性、创造性等品质来实现。  相似文献   

足球运动是大学体育课中的一项重要学习内容。也是大学生十分喜爱的运动之一。在足球专项课技战术教学训练中,应依据教学任务、内容和学生实际,结合足球技战术教学特点,在运动技能形成的不同阶段合理的运用教学方法,以达到更好的教学效果。  相似文献   

李强  王俊 《价值工程》2010,29(25):238-239
新疆广汇队成立于1999年,由新疆维吾尔自治区体育局和新疆广汇实业投资集团共建。广汇队年轻且富有朝气,是一支不断发展成长的队伍。飞虎篮球队新老结合,防守出色,大多数队员年轻,体力充沛,技术全面,外线队员进攻节奏快,灵活,投篮准确,球队在以往的CBA联赛中曾击败过众多的一流球队,并在联赛的砺炼中逐步形成了自己的技战术特点,具备了很强的实力。主教练蒋兴权严肃的态度,严谨的作风,严格的训练为球队的建设和发展提供了宝贵的经验。下面,就将通过相关数据来探讨和分析新疆广汇队崛起的原因。  相似文献   

本文以第五届女足世界杯中国队所参加的四场比赛录像为研究对象,通过相关技战术的数据统计,针对中国女足的实际表现,结合与近年来新崛起的巴西等世界强队的比较,对其统计结果进行比较分析,揭示中国女足在进攻能力、防守能力及激烈对抗中合理运用技、战术能力与世界女足强队相比存在的差距,为中国女足的再度崛起提供一些有益的借鉴和参考依据.  相似文献   

足球运动项目属于一种竞技激烈、对抗性特别强、体能素质要求严格的专项运动.现代化的足球运动和传统不同,已经发展成以守攻为主的技战术比赛,所以,更需要高水平体能素质的足球运动员.实践也证明,高效的体能训练,不但能够缩减运动员的身体疾病,还能延长运动生涯的时间,更重要的是可以提高技战术和运动员的整体水平.本文在分析足球运动员进行体能训练的重要意义的基础上,分析体能训练中应该注重的一系列重要原则,最后着重阐述了足球运动员进行体能训练的方法途径,希望本文内容能够为足球运动员的体能练习提供有价值的参考.  相似文献   

足球运动在体育中有着非常重要的地位,且受到高校诸多学生的喜欢。在足球专项课教学中,足球技术和战术方面的训练是非常关键的。本文对相关的足球专项课技战术教学训练进行研究,为足球课程的教学提供参考。  相似文献   

We present a probabilistic model based on the one developed by Hernández Mendo and Anguera (Revista de Psicologíca Social, 16(1), 71–93, 2001). Here we have tried to break down the interaction contexts that the opposing teams are able to generate and transform during the game. We are aware that a given player or team does not produce consistent behaviour in similar situations. However, a degree of uncertainty is assumed to exist regarding whether the results obtained are a specific function of the analysis used. In order to carry out this research a category system which optimized that used in the previous model was developed. This system should enable the interaction between teams to be observed within the actual play of a soccer game. A lag sequential analysis was performed on the basis of a coding of the behavioural flow. After describing the behavioural patterns obtained a probabilistic model of the development of play in soccer is proposed.  相似文献   

针对机器人足球中寻路效率和多智能体协作问题,提出相应的解决方案,文章主要研究在机器人足球比赛中算法和策略问题。将蚁群算法应用到该比赛中,经实际比赛证明该算法在机器人足球比赛中对于提高机器人寻找足球和攻防性能方面都能得到很好的结果。  相似文献   

武洛生 《价值工程》2011,30(21):302-304
运用文献资料法、观察法、数理统计法及对比分析等方法,对第二届世界聋人篮球锦标赛中国队与前四名队的比赛数据及现场情况进行了对比分析。结果表明:现阶段我国男、女聋篮在比赛中存在的问题相对一致,在攻防两端的表现均明显弱于世界强队;命中率低,失误率高,身体条件及个人能力不足则是导致中国队失利的主要原因。此外,针对发现的问题,并结合现阶段我国聋人篮球发展现状,提出了相应对策。  相似文献   

Companies in financial distress have an incentive to take on high-risk/high-reward projects, known as ??bankruptcy behavior.?? This paper investigates the activity of bankruptcy behavior outside of the corporate setting by analyzing the effects of the overtime structure in the NFL relative to College Football. In overtime, the first team to score in the NFL wins. In college football, however, both teams in overtime get a chance to score and the winner is decided when one team outscores the other. This structure causes different strategies for the NFL teams approaching overtime relative to college football teams. Using the variance in scoring throughout the game, I find evidence that NFL teams take on more risk late in the game to avoid overtime, or act as if they have bankruptcy behavior.  相似文献   

This paper applies stochastic production frontier models with time-varying technical efficiency to a panel data set including hitherto unavailable information on team wage bills from the first division in German professional soccer (the “Bundesliga”) covering the years 1981–2003. We demonstrate that individual teams experience significant variation in technical efficiency over an extended period of 22 seasons while the league’s average level of efficiency remains constant over time. More detailed analyses reveal that, first, the decision to fire or to retain the head coach is mainly influenced by changes in managerial efficiency between two adjacent seasons and, second, relegated teams on average experience considerable reductions in technical efficiency compared to the previous season.  相似文献   

富美兰 《价值工程》2011,30(9):273-274
近几年中国足球差强人意甚至成了任人调侃的笑料,如何改变现状,中国足协重点强调发展青少年足球,但是有很多因素影响着青少年足球运动的开展,本文从家庭、学校、社会以及温州整个社会环境的制约等多角度诠释了温州青少年足球发展的状况,旨在给一线教师指明努力的方向。  相似文献   

The continuous growth of available football data presents unprecedented research opportunities for a better understanding of football dynamics. While many research works focus on predicting which team will win a match, other interesting questions, such as whether both teams will score in a game, are still unexplored and have gained momentum with the rise of betting markets. With this in mind, we investigate the following research questions in this paper: “How difficult is the ‘both teams to score’ (BTTS) prediction problem?”, “Are machine learning classifiers capable of predicting BTTS better than bookmakers?”, and “Are machine learning classifiers useful for devising profitable betting strategies in the BTTS market?”. We collected historical football data, extracted groups of features to represent the teams’ strengths, and fed these to state-of-the-art classification models. We performed a comprehensive set of experiments and showed that, although hard to predict, in some scenarios it is possible to outperform bookmakers, which are robust baselines per se. More importantly, in some cases it is possible to beat the market and devise profitable strategies based on machine learning algorithms. The results are encouraging and, besides shedding light on the problem, may provide novel insights for all kinds of football stakeholders.  相似文献   

This paper develops a predictive model which includes game, team and university specific factors that are likely to influence game day demand for Division 1‐A college football. Attendance during the 1997 regular season is used as the dependent variable. Tobit estimates of two separate equations reveal that the quality of both teams, traditional rivalry and membership of specific conferences have a significant influence on demand. In addition, colleges with lower enrollments and a higher percentage of off‐campus students attract smaller crowds. The presence of a nearby professional football team also detracts from a college team's drawing power. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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