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为了加快建立产品质量和食品安全追溯体系,加强产品质量监管网络,杜绝市场上假冒伪劣产品,创造和谐放心的消费购物环境,国家相关部门发布了关于在各大类产品中实施电子监管码的政策,所有产品必须加贴电子监管码后才能上市,并将最后期限确定为2008年12月31日.这一政策的出台表明了国家和政府相关部门对整顿市场和规范生产的决心.  相似文献   

法国作为欧洲和世界上发达的市场经济国家,在长期的经济发展过程中,伴随着国民消费水平和消费意识的不断提高,逐步形成了一套比较完整的保护消费权益的政策与法律制度。而在这一系列政策与法律制度中,对消费权益的行政保护体系发挥着十分重要的作用。  相似文献   

个人或家庭体育产品的生产与消费模型研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文在界定个人或家庭体育产品生产与消费属性的基础上,研究个人或家庭体育产品的生产与消费函数及其最佳规模,以期为深化我国体育产业化理论研究和制定有关政策,提供参考依据。 一、日常体育锻炼是个人或家庭体育产品的生产与消费活动 个人或家庭体育产品的生产是指在群众体育、健身体育中,人们提供的、能够满足自身强身健体,防病治病等需求的体育锻炼活动,如早锻炼、工间操、健身操等。我们将这些活动的结果界定为体育产品。这类体育产品有生产与消费的不可分性。这里的问题是,为什么群众体育、健身体育是一种体育产品的生产与消费活动呢?我们的回答是:  相似文献   

整合产品服务系统——实现循环经济的新途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
整合产品服务系统(IPSS)是一种社会组织创新战略,通过将目前仅生产和销售有形产品的相互分离的工业生产与服务体系有机地整合,以比传统生产和消费模式更低的环境代价,有效满足顾客需求。作为对传统商业模式的革命性变革,整合产品服务系统是促进可持续发展和循环经济的有效手段和必由之路。本文讨论其产生的背景,给出其定义和理论框架,介绍其发展历程,以便为我国发展循环经济提供借鉴。  相似文献   

发展循环经济已成为我国"十二五"期间的重要发展战略,财税政策是保证循环经济全面和健康发展的重要支点。目前,亟须研究和建立财税政策法律体系,充分发挥市场的作用和国家宏观调控的作用,使经济发展同环境保护有机结合。促进循环经济发展的财税法律政策体系,体现了对资源开发利用、产品生产、消费和废弃物利用四个环节的支持,目的在于由强调惩罚性、强制性和事后性的法规措施,转向引导性、激励性和事前性的财税政策,最终达到资源高效开采利用、产品清洁生产、消费模式绿色化和废弃物循环利用的良性循环。  相似文献   

郭慧 《会计之友》2004,(9):73-74
笔者认为,国家应积极完善和改革有关汽车税费政策,以更有效地促进国内汽车生产的资源配置和协调发展,正确引导汽车消费这一新的消费热点。  相似文献   

购物旅游是以购物为主要目的的一种特殊旅游形式,也是旅游经济活动中最具潜力的领域,对一个国家或地区的旅游收入增长具有重要意义。本文针对广西购物旅游发展中存在的各种问题,从旅游商品的生产经营管理、开发设计,旅游产品的整合及旅游者消费权益的保护方面提出一些促进广西购物旅游发展的对策和建议。  相似文献   

胥力伟 《财会月刊》2015,(2):100-102
近年来,国家对光伏发电、光电建筑等多项财税政策有力促进了太阳能资源开发利用,但是这些政策存在较少支持太阳能产品消费环节、支持领域冷热不均、优惠政策华而不实等问题。鉴于此,本文提出应利用财政补贴和政府采购增加消费环节支持力度、适度调整支持领域和范围、充分利用税收激励政策等建议。  相似文献   

<正>一我国经济结构、消费阶层、消费形态呈多元化共存发展态势(一)经济结构及变化我国计划经济时期是短缺经济。有效供给严重不足,国家只好实行凭票、凭证供应和计划价格,群众购物排长队的现象处处可见,只求买得到,没有对质量和价格挑剔的余地。这个时期,企业是生产导向观念,生产什么产品由国家指定或分配,企业只是为了完成生产计划和利润计划集中精力在提高生产效率、扩大生产规模、降低生产成本,获取高额利润  相似文献   

为鼓励在欧洲地区生产及消费“绿色产品”,欧共体(现欧盟)于1992年出台了生态标签制度。因该标签呈一朵绿色小花图样,称为“欧洲之花”,获得生态标签的产品也常被称为“贴花产品”。2000年欧盟颁布法规1980/2000,对生态标签制度进一步修改补充,允许贸易商及零售商为自己品牌的商品申请生态标签。欧盟鼓励企业提供环保产品和服务,  相似文献   

我国农产品市场体系不健全和市场流通不畅的问题,是农业现代化进程中不可忽视的制约因素。农业流通领域的不断完善对于发展现代农业起着举足轻重的作用。文中采用层次分析法和模糊评价对农产品流通效率各指标的权重以及影响力评估做定量分析,挖掘出对农产品流通效率有着最显著影响的因素,从而为决策者有的放矢地制定提高农产品流通效率政策提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Comparison effects have been studied extensively in many fields. In particular, existing operations management articles have discussed the impact of comparison effects on enterprises' production and pricing decisions. Research has also shown that consumers' purchasing decisions are primarily determined by three factors: product quality, selling price, and comparison effects. The current study introduces the concepts of social and temporal comparison effects to examine how comparison effects influence a monopolist’s production quality and pricing strategy for substitutable products. Results reveal the following: (1) Setting different prices for even two types of substitutable products with negligible quality differences can divide customers into three groups under the influence of social comparison effects in a single-stage model. (2) The monopolist should avoid using a price discrimination strategy in which products with a short market life cycle have the same quality but different prices. (3) When the market life cycle of products is sufficiently long in the single-product market and the market with two substitutable products, the monopolist’s optimal choice in the second stage is to keep production quality constant and increase the selling price. Consequently, the number of buyers does not decrease because of temporal comparison effects. Therefore, the firm increases its revenue. (4) For the market with two substitutable products with quality differences, one approximate optimal strategy for the enterprise in the second stage is to keep the selling price constant with the assumption that product quality cannot be adjusted after the first period. At this point, the consumption situation in the market is the same as that in the first stage. Therefore, when no external constraints exist, the monopolist firm can obtain more benefits in the second stage than in the first stage by exploiting the temporal comparison effects of consumers in the second stage. (5) When consumer identity information can be confirmed in the market, social comparison effects, similar to temporal comparison effects, could help the enterprise increase its price and profit while maintaining product quality. These social and temporal comparison effects constrain consumers. Thus, the number of people who continue to buy products does not decrease.  相似文献   

The study assesses net employment effects of technical progress, which can be expected by the ongoing transition from end‐of‐pipe technologies towards cleaner production. Empirical evidence is presented on the basis of case studies and firm data including a telephone survey from German industry. The main result is that the transition from end‐of‐pipe technologies to cleaner production leads to a net creation of jobs, which is however restricted to a only small number of firms and to the group of highly skilled labour. Eco‐innovations, like other innovations, are non‐neutral. The demand for skilled and highly skilled labour rises while the demand for unskilled labour decreases. Synergies between environmental, labour market and innovation policy are apparent but they are however small and specific. The exploitation of these synergies requires the design of specific policy programmes differentiating between types of eco‐innovation. The promotion of product‐integrated environmental measures should be more successful if new products complement older ones, while process‐integrated environmental measures should be more successful if consumers' demand is more price elastic. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. and ERP Environment  相似文献   

王明星 《价值工程》2013,(30):232-234
欧式家纺产品的设计开发要经过三个重要的阶段,即:市场调研、图案和款式的设计以及产品的工艺实现。产品的市场调查决定了家纺产品开发的风格定位、消费定位、设计方向等内容。产品的设计要遵循艺术设计审美与产品的功能需要,要在考虑配套的情况下进行设计的创新。产品的实现包括面料的生产和成品的制作两大部分内容。简言之,对于市场的把握度决定设计开发的方向,设计的创新体现产品的审美价值,工艺与成本控制决定产品的功能和品质。  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine in detail 35 final assembly location decisions to gain understanding of the manufacturing location decision from strategy and economic policy perspectives. We are particularly interested in the decision to locate final assembly specifically in a high-cost (high GDP per capita) environment. In contrast with the earlier literature, we focus not just on manufacturing activities themselves, but also the key linkages between production, market, supply chain, and product development. These linkages are examined using three key concepts from theories of organization design: formalization, specificity, and coupling. Using these concepts, an analysis of the micro-structure of each case reveals important commonalities that inform our understanding of location decisions. We conclude by discussing the policy implications of our findings.  相似文献   

The interaction between product innovation and companies’ activities aimed at improving the energy efficiency of production facilities has been relatively little studied, but is of great relevance to society and companies given the strong focus of governments on grand challenges like climate change, green innovation technologies, and environmental problems in general. This paper utilizes the 2009 European Manufacturing Survey for the Danish sub‐sample including 335 manufacturing firms. Through factor analysis, this paper confirms three main areas of focus of new product development: efficiency considerations, market attention, and greening of innovation. Logistic regression analysis demonstrates that while market attention is important for the development of new products, green aspects of innovation and efficiency considerations are important for production companies wanting to improve their energy efficiency. When these models are combined, the results highlight that energy efficiency moderates the effect of market attention to new product development. This paper therefore finds that aligning product innovation and energy efficiency is a complex and intertwined process – focusing on one may have indirect detrimental effects on the other. These results point to the conclusion that researchers and practitioners in innovation management have to consider more carefully the specificities and interactions of different types of products and process innovations and their environmental implications, and must formulate new, more sustainable managerial practices combining energy efficiency and product innovation. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment  相似文献   

This paper examines product policy in relation to the experience curve and product life cycle concepts in the context of the experience of the thirteen major firms in the Western European synthetic fibers industry. It examines the hypothesis based on Boston Consulting Group and the Profit Impact of Market Share (PIMS) evidence that late entrants to a market will be at a competitive disadvantage because they lack the accumulated experience of the pioneering firms. For each of the three main synthetic fibres, acrylic, nylon and polyester, it was found that the early entrants who established major market shares early in the growth phase of the product life cycle were able to maintain that leadership nearly twenty years later. In contrast not only did almost all the late entrants fail to achieve significant market shares but in the difficult market conditions between 1974 and 1981 they provided seven out of nine market withdrawals.  相似文献   

Global competition, rapid changes in technology, and market fragmentation have resulted in shorter product life cycles. In order to remain viable, it is increasingly important for firms to introduce new products frequently. Product design is a complex process that involves coordination of activities among several functional disciplines within the company as well as the customers and the suppliers. Traditionally, the information flow among the various product development stages has been sequential. However, there is increasing evidence to suggest that an integrated approach that considers several stages simultaneously may be superior.This paper provides a decision support tool for implementing such an integrated approach. On the basis of given customer preferences, the paper presents a model for determining the number of new products to be introduced, the exact specifications of these products, and the production processes for efficiently delivering these specifications. These decisions are made in an integrated manner by simultaneously considering the interaction among the various choice variables. A decomposition-based solution procedure is developed that iterates between the product design and process selection decisions while maintaining an effective link between them.In addition to understanding the economic value of adopting the integrated approach to product design, the paper discusses how the proposed model can be used effectively to perform sensitivity analysis with respect to some of the important decision variables.  相似文献   

Green products can play a key role in the achievement of sustainable development goals. Through a survey of 188 Italian companies with eco‐labeled green products, this study aims at understanding the relative importance of several motivations to develop green products, the influence of different motivations and firm characteristics on green product features (radicalness and differentiation), and which factors affect market performance of green products. This study reports a ranking of 49 motivations, highlighting that the most relevant are related to the prospect of market benefits. Results also show that product radicalness and differentiation have partially different antecedents in terms of motivations, while being a family firm positively influences only product differentiation. With regards to factors affecting market performance of green products, prospect of market benefits, availability of new technologies, firm foreign ownership, product radicalness and differentiation show a positive influence, while firm age displays a negative effect.  相似文献   

入世以来湖北省农产品出口经历了较大的增长,文中选取2005年至2013年1—6月湖北省农产品出口的数据,通过对显示性比较优势指数和出口增长优势指数的计算,来判断湖北省目前农产品出口的竞争实力和竞争潜力。结合以上两个指标来看,湖北省的农产品出口总体来说具有中等程度竞争力,竞争潜力表现不稳定,并从农产品出口企业规模、农产品出口结构、质量安全问题、国内外贸易政策、出口市场集中、人民币汇率等方面对湖北省农产品出口竞争力进行了分析,最后为进一步提高湖北省农产品出口竞争力提出了建议。  相似文献   

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