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文章以我国2011年创业板上市公司财报数据为样本,通过分析管理层是否持股、持股比例、成长能力等因素与公司绩效的相关关系,研究管理层持股对公司绩效的影响程度问题。实证分析表明,在创业板上市公司中管理层持股的公司在绩效表现上要好于管理层未持股的公司,公司绩效与管理层持股比例未呈现出显著的线性相关关系,且前者受后者的影响程度随后者所处比例区间的变化而变动。研究结论表明,创业板上市公司管理层持股比例会影响公司绩效,前者对后者的影响程度呈区间效应。  相似文献   

本文以我国298家管理层持股上市公司为研究样本,分析了上市公司管理层持股与公司业绩关系。结果发现,上市公司管理层持股比例与公司绩效之间具有较强的正相关关系;管理层持股比例决定公司业绩,而不是公司业绩决定管理层持股比例;并且两者存在非单一线性关系。  相似文献   

罗敏 《财会通讯》2014,(10):61-63
本文通过采用2009年至2013年国内A股上市公司的相关数据,对股权激励作为减少代理成本的长期激励效果进行了研究,结果发现:管理层持股与否对改善公司的长期业绩效果不明显,管理层持股比例与企业长期业绩经营绩效并不存在显著的正相关关系。说明公司采用管理层持股激励模式时要恰当提高管理层持股比例并采用恰当的股权激励方式。  相似文献   

本文在现有理论和实证分析框架基础上,以在深圳证券交易所上市的331家公司为研究对象,运用非线性回归模型对上市公司管理层持股与经营绩效的相关性进行了实证检验。实证结果表明,公司绩效与管理层持股之间存在三次曲线关系:管理层持股在0%—0·1376%之间时,公司绩效随管理层持股比例的增加而下降;管理层持股在0·1376%—0·7462%之间时,公司绩效随管理层持股比例的增加而上升;管理层持股超过0·7462%时,公司绩效再次随着管理层持股比例的增加而下降。  相似文献   

治理结构对并购绩效的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
公司治理结构对上市企业的并购绩效有一定的影响,为了了解治理指标与并购绩效指标的关系, 文中采用了不同于其他研究的二维分类法,建立了计量模型进行了统计分析。研究结果表明:适当的第一大 股东股权比例及管理层持股有利于提高公司的并购绩效,并提出了适当提高管理层持股的比例的建议。  相似文献   

文章在系统回顾国内外有关上市公司管理层与公司绩效关系研究的基础上,选择沪深两市487家制造业上市公司为样本,通过实证检验分析了我国上市公司的管理层特征与公司绩效之间的相关关系。实证结果显示:总经理和董事长的两职合一与公司绩效关系不显著;而高管持股比例随着其不断增加,对公司绩效的影响呈现出"三段波浪线"特征。  相似文献   

文章采用联立方程研究发现外部审计、管理层持股以及公司价值三者之间存在相互作用、相互影响的内生互动关系.研究显示,外部审计与管理层持股之间既存在互补效应也存在替代效应;高质量的外部审计对提升公司价值有积极的作用;管理层持股与公司价值之问存在倒u型关系,当管理层持股较低时.管理层持股比例的增加有利于提升公司价值,但管理层持股超过一定比例后,二者之间表现为负相关关系.分组研究显示在资产较高的公司中,如果外部审计更严格且公司价值较高,管理层更容易受到股权激励;在资产较低的公司中,外部审计对管理层持股比例的约束作用显著.  相似文献   

文章运用2008—2010年深市A股上市公司数据研究信息披露、管理层持股与现金股利政策之间的关系,研究发现:在其他因素不变的条件下,信息披露质量与现金股利政策显著正相关;管理层持股比例与现金股利政策显著正相关,且在管理层持股比例一定的条件下,信息披露质量好的公司股利支付水平低于信息披露质量差的公司。  相似文献   

管理层的薪酬激励向来被认为是解决委托代理问题的一种重要的公司治理机制。股东大会选出董事会,董事会再选聘管理层并确定其薪酬。被认为是现代企业管理层激励机制运行的基本模式。本文选用我国上市公司2008-2009年的相关数据来考察高层管理人员薪酬与公司经营绩效的关系。研究结果表明.我国上市公司绩效与公司管理层的年度货币薪酬、管理层持股比例均存在显著正相关关系。  相似文献   

文章以代理理论为基础,实证检验了不同控制权性质下上市公司管理层激励与公司业绩之间的关系。发现无论是国有控股公司还是非国有控股公司,管理层持股比例和管理层薪酬均与公司业绩显著正相关,但相对于非国有控股公司而言,提高管理层持股比例对国有控股公司业绩更为敏感。  相似文献   

This study investigates how the effect of employee stock ownership on financial performance may hinge on the diverse cultural and societal contexts of European countries. Based on agency and national culture theories, we hypothesize that the positive relationship between employee stock ownership and return on assets (ROA) is stronger in those nations with lower uncertainty avoidance and higher social trust. Using a multisource, time‐lagged, large‐scale dataset of 1,741 firms from 21 countries in Europe, our multilevel, random coefficient modeling analysis found evidence for these hypotheses, suggesting that uncertainty avoidance and social trust serve as important contextual cues in predicting the linkage between employee stock ownership and financial performance. Our supplemental analysis with distinction between the managerial and nonmanagerial employee stock ownership further indicates managerial employee stock ownership has a direct positive effect on ROA. Although nonmanagerial employee stock ownership had a nonsignificant association with ROA, the relationship was positive and significant when uncertainty avoidance was low and social trust was high. This research contributes to the existing literature by illuminating some of the contextual influences altering the effectiveness of employee stock ownership. Our findings also offer practical suggestions for effectively using employee stock ownership.  相似文献   

管理层股权设置与上市公司绩效的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文运用非线性相关分析方法,检验了管理层股权设置(MSR)与公司经营绩效(ROE,Tobin‘sQ)之间的关系。结果表明,两者存在显著的非线性关系。通过系数矩阵的正负统计分析发现,国外学者提出的“利益趋同效应“和“掘壕自守效应“在我国上市公司中同样存在。同时还发现,公司的经营业绩与高管人员的持股比例存在区间效应。实证结果在否定税盾假设、企业成长假设、资产性质相关性假设的同时,肯定规模相关假设。  相似文献   

Drawn on the upper echelons theory, this study investigates how chief executive officer (CEO) hometown identity drives firm green innovation. We propose that CEO hometown identity has a positive impact on a firm's green innovation performance. Furthermore, we explore the moderating role of managerial discretion determined by organizational and environmental factors (i.e., institutional ownership and market complexity). We propose that institutional ownership negatively moderates the positive relationship between CEO hometown identity and green innovation, but market complexity plays a positive moderating role. Using Chinese publicly listed firms from 2002 to 2016 in heavily polluting industries, our findings support these hypotheses. Our research contributes to the upper echelons theory and corporate social responsibility literature and has substantial practical implications.  相似文献   

How has the impact of ‘good corporate governance’ principles on firm performance changed over time in China? Amassing a database of 84 studies, 684 effect sizes, and 547,622 firm observations, we explore this important question by conducting a meta‐analysis on the corporate governance literature on China. The weight of evidence demonstrates that two major ‘good corporate governance’ principles advocating board independence and managerial incentives are indeed associated with better firm performance. However, we cannot find strong support for the criticisms against CEO duality. In addition, we go beyond a static perspective (such as certain governance mechanisms are effective or ineffective) by investigating the temporal hypotheses. We reveal that over time, with the improvement in the quality of market institutions and development of financial markets, the monitoring mechanisms of the board and state ownership become more strongly related to firm performance, whereas the incentive mechanisms lose their significance. Overall, our findings advance a dynamic institution‐based view by substantiating the case that institutional transitions matter for the relationship between governance mechanisms and firm performance in the second largest economy in the world.  相似文献   

Employee ownership (EO) has gained increasingly significant attention from both business practitioners and policy makers in China. Through the examination of the implementation of EO by China's listed firms from 1992 to 2017 with a total of 3,396 firms and 36,559 firm‐year observations, we explored the relationship between EO implementation and firm performance. In general, we found that over time, EO firms outperform non‐EO firms in China, and the influence of EO is only different in nuanced aspects in different time periods according to the change of policies. The data from the most recent period, that is, 2014–2017, indicate that EO adopters have higher performance than matched non‐EO firms both before and after adoption, but the relative performance does not increase after adoption. We further examined the interactive effect between EO and executive stock ownership (ESO) schemes and found that the adoption of ESO weakens the positive relationship between EO and firm performance. Regarding different types of EO, we found lower performance in companies with high return rights but no control rights, and we found better performance when high return rights are combined with control rights. We suggested policy and managerial implications on the basis of the findings.  相似文献   

选取2007—2010年发生并购交易事件的上市公司为样本,检验了并购方高管持股与并购绩效之间的关系,发现高管持股与短期并购绩效之间没有显著关系,而与长期并购绩效之间呈非线性关系。进一步验证会计稳健性确实能够缓解高管与股东之间的代理冲突。与会计稳健性程度高的并购方相比,会计稳健性程度低的并购方高管持股对并购绩效的影响更大。这些发现意味着,高管持股不会在并购后短期内对绩效有显著影响,而是需要一段时间之后才能得以显现,且其影响程度因公司间会计稳健性不同而存有一定的差异。  相似文献   

This study performs a comprehensive examination of organizational context in the relationship between managerial turnover and organizational performance. Using theoretical frameworks of human and social capital, we focus on the moderating roles of entity size, employment system, industry brand, and location. To test our hypotheses, we worked with the company records of a multinational fashion retail group with more than 4,000 stores grouped into eight different brands and 100,000 employees in more than 31 countries. To estimate the causal contextual effects of the relationship between voluntary managerial turnover and organizational performance, we designed a quasi-experiment using propensity score matching analysis. Our results show that the dysfunctional side of managerial turnover is significant for stores that are large, for stores managed under a primary employment system, for brands operating with higher levels of service orientation, and for countries with more restrictive employment protection legislation. We discuss the implications of these findings for practice and for future research.  相似文献   

Theoretical as well as empirical evidence regarding the influence of institutional ownership on corporate environmental strategy not only is inconclusive but also reflects experience from either the Anglo‐American context or other developed countries. The underlying assumption of most of this literature is that institutional shareholders are always ‘active’ or ‘passive’ in their actions towards corporate environmental strategy. However, this study argues that this relationship might be moderated by various motivations such as legitimizing existence and operations, conforming with industry norms or lessening managerial entrenchment. Econometric analysis, using a sample of Egyptian firms, as hypothesized, demonstrated that institutional ownership exerted positive and significant effects on a corporation's tendency to adopt environmental management standards only when financial resources are available and investment opportunities are limited. A possible explanation of this finding is that Egyptian institutional investors are more likely to use corporate environmental responsibility to offset their inability to confront managerial discretionary power. An implication of this finding is that not only will different types of stakeholder ask for different levels of social and environmental responsibility, but also the same type of stakeholder may ask for different levels of social and environmental responsibility in different contexts. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

管理股权、会计选择与盈余质量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文根据异常应计项目框架和修正的Jones模型,以1995—2004年上市公司数据为样本,对上市公司管理股权通过会计选择影响企业的盈余质量进行了分析。实证研究发现,管理股权比例与盈余质量之间呈U型分布,相对集中的管理股权有利于提高盈余质量。  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between managerial ownership and opportunistic managerial behavior relating to earnings management. Economics theory identifies two apparently conflicting effects of managerial ownership on managers' incentives: the incentive alignment effect and the management entrenchment effect. We construct a theoretical model demonstrating the two effects. This model suggests that as managerial ownership increases, earnings management decreases for both high and low levels of managerial ownership, while it increases for intermediate levels of managerial ownership if the sensitivity of the probability of managerial dismissal to the corporate performance is high enough and/or the manager's private benefit derived from managerial position is high enough. In a sample of Japanese firms, we find a significant nonmonotonic relationship between managerial ownership and discretionary accruals, consistent with our model.  相似文献   

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