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以北京市海淀新区产业功能定位为实例,分析了城市空间发展战略和城市新区产业功能定位之间耦合关系的客观性、存在方式和利用途径.认为在新区的发展过程中,二者既互为基础,又相互支撑.在新区产业功能定位和城市空间发展战略制定过程中,应当注意把握这种耦合关系,改进规划方法.  相似文献   

重庆城市发展新区小城镇产业发展探索   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2013年重庆提出了五大功能区战略,明确了2.32万km2的城市发展新区将成为全市未来工业化城镇化的重点区域。而全市超过一半的产业型小城镇都分布在城市发展新区,这些小城镇对于城市发展新区承担产业转移,完善区域产业体系配套有着重要的作用。文章围绕五大功能区战略对小城镇节约用地、提高质量、分类差异化发展的要求,分析了当前城市新区小城镇产业发展存在的问题,提出小城镇产业发展应实现产业布局"从分散到品牌"、产业特征从"同质化到异质化"、产业计划"从固定到弹性"、产业人才从"外流到回流"的策略探索。  相似文献   

运用城市形态学的研究方法,分析1840年以来近现代济南城市形态的演变,归纳得出"新城—协作"与"扩展—回波"两种城市形态发展模式,并对它们的内涵、区别、经济学分析等展开探讨。研究发现当城市发展到一定的规模门槛后,某种程度上,"新城—协作"的城市形态发展模式要比"扩展—回波"式更符合城市发展规律与实际需要。这为我国一些大城市调整"摊大饼"式的空间发展路径依赖,摆脱"单中心"蔓延发展导致诸多"城市病"的发展困境,实现城市形态优化提供了有益启示。  相似文献   

作为区域经济增长极的城市新区,承担着引领和带动地区经济发展的重任。选择、配置与新区发展相适应的产业,不仅能通过产业聚集效应推动上下游关联产业的发展,保持城市新区旺盛的生命力;而且新区经济的快速发展能促进主城区以及附近区域的经济发展。以天津滨海新区为例,对其产业选择、九大功能区产业配置以及产城一体化进行了分析,提出了城市新区产业选择和配置的保障措施。  相似文献   

雄安新区既是国家级新区,又与进入21世纪以来国家批复设立的其他国家级新区具有明显区别。以雄安新区为标志,中国的"未来城市"计划呼之欲出,这是天时地利人和的综合效应,也表明在城市发展领域中国正在积极探寻面向未来科技和产业革命进行系统集成的城市发展"中国方案"。尝试对此进行分析,提出面向"未来城市"的理论困境、创新需求与破题思路。主要结论是,我们比以往更加需要理论创新和政策创新的指引,需要尽快构建系统完善的"未来城市"理论体系、明确重要研究方向与议题、构建植根中国的城市治理体系。  相似文献   

多中心城市集群是我国"十二五"规划空间发展战略模式,是实现区域协调与持续发展的重要路径。武汉城市圈作为我国重要的都市区经济体,是中部崛起战略的重要战略支点,是实现湖北区域弯道超越、拐点跨越的重要城市集群。多中心城市—区域结构是武汉城市圈重要空间特征与发展模式,利用区域关联系统、共生思想从定性与定量角度分析了其多中心城市—区域结构、多中心关联关系、多中心协同共生等机理、路径、模式,并从体制、经济与社会维度提出了多中心城市—区域关联与协同共生思路。  相似文献   

城市区域已经成为全球化背景下区域竞合的主体。通过对城市区域中的中小城市区域发展路径的观察,其区域发展路径应充分的依托和融入所在城市区域,以自身的专业化发展、特色化发展为主线,谋求在全球或全国城市协作网络中的能级跃升。河南省巩义市作为中原经济区和郑州都市区的中小城市,以专业化、特色化为发展思路,确定建设全国重要的专业工业基地、密切对接郑州都市区产业分工协作和组建自身"中心—腹地"次区域协作体系发展路径。通过积极调整自身空间发展策略,落实具体区域协调行动的抓手,保证三个区域发展路径落地实施,为城市区域的中小城市区域发展战略制定提供借鉴。  相似文献   

以大庆市为实证研究对象,采用"问题分析—机制阐释—提出策略—经验总结"的研究思路,从区域视角研究资源型城市的空间发展战略。首先分析大庆市区域产业经济发展的三个典型特征,即城市对矿业生产的依赖、区域内外经济联系的失衡,以及城市经济的边缘化;进一步探讨大庆市区域发展中资源型经济问题的产生和形成机制,建立了以粘滞效应、挤出效应和锁定效应为核心的资源型城市区域发展分析框架,并指出我国计划经济体制下特有的资源型经济强化效应;进而提出以"走向区域发展,建设创新型区域"为目标的大庆市区域空间发展战略和相应的产业策略。最后指出,"空间嵌入"是我国资源型城市区域空间格局的典型特征,"走向区域发展"是资源型城市可持续发展的必然选择。  相似文献   

城市功能定位对于城市的发展意义重大,是城市发展的方向标和动力源.进入新世纪以来,鸟鲁木齐市依据其在新疆和中亚地区的地位和优势,提出了建设现代化国际商贸城的奋斗目标,并且在此基础上进一步明确了城市功能定位,即建设"亚心之都、国际都市、商旅名城、宜居城市".本文应用城市功能定位的相关理论.在对鸟鲁木齐的现实城市功能进行评价的基础上,分析了鸟鲁木齐城市发展现状与城市功能定位之间的差距,提出建设宜居城市是实现城市功能定位的重要突破口,并且提出了一些实现城市功能定位的对策.  相似文献   

国家中心城市作为全国城市体系的塔尖城市,是承载国家战略意图的重要载体,是国家或区域参与国内外竞争的重要平台,是国家或区域核心竞争力的集中体现。2017年后,国家中心城市成为我国部分特大城市、大城市通过多种途径尽力向国家层面争取的头衔和称谓。但是,国家中心城市有其特定的概念内涵、识别标准和属性要求,更是市场选择的结果。对于郑州来讲,中央支持建设国家中心城市既是难得的历史性机遇,也对挖掘发展郑州潜力、凸显战略地位提出了更高的要求。郑州要遵循国家区域总体布局,充分审视自身发展的优势和短板,科学进行城市功能定位,在引领区域发展、促进区域协调、参与国际竞争等方面更好地发挥积极作用。  相似文献   

The optimality of designs obtained by adding p runs to an orthogonal array is studied for experiments involving m factors each at s levels. The optimality criterion used here, is the Type 1 criterion due to Cheng (1978) which is an extension of Kiefer (1975) universal optimality criterion. Unlike what happens with orthogonal array plus one run designs, the behavior of designs obtained via augmentation of an orthogonal array by p runs depends on the particular runs added.  相似文献   

It is well-known that the naive bootstrap yields inconsistent inference in the context of data envelopment analysis (DEA) or free disposal hull (FDH) estimators in nonparametric frontier models. For inference about efficiency of a single, fixed point, drawing bootstrap pseudo-samples of size m < n provides consistent inference, although coverages are quite sensitive to the choice of subsample size m. We provide a probabilistic framework in which these methods are shown to valid for statistics comprised of functions of DEA or FDH estimators. We examine a simple, data-based rule for selecting m suggested by Politis et al. (Stat Sin 11:1105–1124, 2001), and provide Monte Carlo evidence on the size and power of our tests. Our methods (i) allow for heterogeneity in the inefficiency process, and unlike previous methods, (ii) do not require multivariate kernel smoothing, and (iii) avoid the need for solutions of intermediate linear programs.  相似文献   

The process capability index C pm , which considers the process variance and departure of the process mean from the target value, is important in the manufacturing industry to measure process potential and performance. This paper extends its applications to calculate the process capability index [(C)\tilde]pm{\tilde {C}_{pm} } of fuzzy numbers. In this paper, the α-cuts of fuzzy observations are first derived based on various values of α. The membership function of fuzzy process capability index [(C)\tilde]pm{\tilde {C}_{pm} } is then constructed based on the α-cuts of fuzzy observations. An example is presented to demonstrate how the fuzzy process capability index [(C)\tilde]pm{\tilde {C}_{pm} } is interpreted. When the quality characteristic cannot be precisely determined, the proposed method provides the most possible value and spread of fuzzy process capability index [(C)\tilde]pm{\tilde {C}_{pm} }. With crisp data, the proposed method reduces to the classical method of process capability index C pm .  相似文献   

Top-k-lists are introduced as sequences of k-dimensional random vectors with ordered components being k largest observations from a sequence of independent identically distributed random variables. Such lists changing in time are natural stochastic models of ranking tables which appear in many situations in real life, when one wants to keep a track of several best results in a given field. Here we study basic properties of top-k-lists as joint distributions, conditional structures, representations, driving examples of top-k-lists from exponential and uniform distributions, asymptotics and a relation to generalized order statistics.  相似文献   

In this paper, Bayesian estimation of log odds ratios over R × C and 2 × 2 × K contingency tables is considered, which is practically reasonable in the presence of prior information. Likelihood functions for log odds ratios are derived for each table structure. A prior specification strategy is proposed. Posterior inferences are drawn using Gibbs sampling and Metropolis–Hastings algorithm. Two numerical examples are given to illustrate the matters argued.  相似文献   

Mike Jacroux 《Metrika》2007,65(2):235-242
Two level regular fractional factorial designs are often used in industry as screening designs to help identify early on in an experimental process those experimental or system variables which have significant effects on the process being studied. In a recent paper, Li and Lin (2003) suggested a strategy for constructing optimal follow up designs using the well known foldover technique and the minimum aberration criterion. In this paper, we extend the results of Li and Lin (2003) by giving an alternate technique for constructing optimal follow up designs using the foldover technique in conjunction with the maximal rank–minimum aberration criterion suggested in Jacroux (2003).  相似文献   

Incitados por la competencia mundial, muchos países están adaptando la reglamentación laboral al principio de la «flexiseguridad>>, que da a las empresas más flexibilidad para contratar y despedir a los trabajadores, al tiempo que ampara a éstos cuando deben pasar de un empleo a otro. El presente estudio de seis países asiáticos indica que China y República de Corea han promulgado reformas de este género; Singapur y Malasia han implantado algunos elementos de «flexiseguridad>>, pero no un seguro de desempleo, y la India y Sri Lanka han hecho pocas reformas y mantienen un modelo anticuado en el que la protección depende de la empresa. Para prestar apoyo a los trabajadores del sector informal, China, India y Sri Lanka se valen de obras públicas y de programas de fomento del trabajo por cuenta propia y de formación profesional.  相似文献   

Kate Hoye  Fred Pries   《Technovation》2009,29(10):682-689
Among academic faculty, is there a class of ‘repeat commercializers’ who account for a disproportionate share of commercialized technologies arising from university research? In a survey of 172 engineering, mathematics, and science faculty members from a major Canadian university, we found evidence that a class of repeat commercializers does exist. Further, we found that the 12% of the faculty who are repeat commercializers account for 80% of the commercialized innovations. Interviews with repeat commercializers in the same faculties at the same university suggest that repeat commercializers parallel habitual entrepreneurs in that they have the ability to commercialize (i.e. the ability to generate and identify commercializable inventions and the ability to acquire resources for the commercialization of their inventions) and the aspiration to do so (i.e. commercialization-friendly attitudes). Since repeat commercializers account for such a large percentage of commercialization activity, it is important that programs and policies associated with technology transfer address the needs of this subpopulation of the faculty.  相似文献   

This paper looks at the ‘science’ and ‘practice’ of human resource management in small firms. While there is growing evidence that the practice of human resource management in small firms is characterized by informality, there is less evidence about the science, or explaining why this is the case. We look to writing on strategic human resource management, which has at its heart the resource based view of the firm, for possibilities offered to understanding the science of human resource management in small firms.  相似文献   

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