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李培 《城市问题》2007,(6):86-91
20世纪60年代以来,泰国经济迅速发展,但城市化的进程却相对滞后.由于历史、政策以及政治体制等多方面原因,泰国在城市化过程中出现了城乡发展不协调、城市规模等级体系畸形化、贫民窟等严重的城市问题.泰国城市化过程的经验和教训对如何实现城乡协调和可持续发展具有重要的借鉴意义.对于发展中国家城市化而言,政府更应该重视优化城市层级,赋予城市一定的自治权,尊重农民的地方性知识并努力缩小城乡教育水平的差距.  相似文献   

This paper re-evaluates the telecommunication policies often applied to create regional dispersion of services in developing countries. We observe that failure to consider the complexities of the regional telecommunication systems in creating policies and investment strategies has increased the telecom gap between urban and rural regions worldwide. In particular, the teledensities of rural telecommunications in developing countries have remained very low in spite of support through universal service obligation fees and cross-subsidization from international services. As traditional methods for economic analysis and modeling have failed to identify mechanisms that improve telephone dispersion in these countries, we use a system dynamics modeling approach to deal with complexities of the situation in order to evaluate how Universal Service Obligations (USOs) and International Cross-Subsidy (ICS) policies affect telephone densities. We demonstrate that these policies may be counterproductive due to the structure of the telecom system itself. We also show that, when market-clearing pricing is combined with USOs once the urban telephone density reaches a minimum threshold, the dispersion of rural telecommunications can be considerably improved.  相似文献   

随着数字乡村建设逐步推进,信息技术和设施差距逐步在城乡之间扩大,信息传递模式的落后成为阻碍乡村发展的“数字鸿沟”。通过对数字乡村建设现状的分析,提出将“互联网+”与农业、金融、文化、医疗、教育及乡村管理六方面融合,构建乡村用户信息传递模式,并从乡村产业、乡村服务管理、乡村生活视角提出数字乡村建设路径,助力乡村振兴战略目标的实现。  相似文献   

本文从广东省城乡基本公共设施、城乡基础教育、社会保障水平、城乡医疗卫生资源配置等方面,介绍城乡在主要公共服务领域上的差距;并从二元社会制度、财政体制、发展现代农业、农村公共服务供给制度以及乡镇财政体制方面进行了原因分析。  相似文献   

城乡收入差距对城镇失业的影响及对策分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张兵 《城市问题》2007,(2):45-50,70
当前我国城乡收入差距日益扩大引发了庞大的乡-城人口流动,在一定程度上加剧了城镇的高失业状况.正确认识这种状况,需要运用适当的理论,予以科学的分析.利用托达罗模型对此现象进行了理论分析,并利用格兰杰因果关系检验方法对城乡收入差距加剧我国城镇失业问题进行了实证检验,最后提出了短期内利用新农村建设缓解我国城镇失业压力的政策措施及建议.  相似文献   

以2011—2020年中国31个省份的面板数据为基础,从理论和实证层面探讨数字经济对城乡协调发展的影响及其内在机制,并采用工具变量法解决内生性问题。基于固定效应模型发现数字经济可以有效推动城乡协调发展,且在东部地区的积极效应更突出;基于门槛模型发现数字经济对城乡协调发展的影响呈现出典型的双重门槛特征,当数字经济指数位于第一、二门槛值之间时,其对城乡协调发展的促进作用最强;基于中介效应模型发现数字经济发展能够缓解城乡居民收入差距和促进地区创业,进而驱动城乡协调发展。因此,新发展阶段应该积极推动数字经济深度改革,在扩张规模的同时注意防范化解潜在风险,进一步发挥数字经济在促进城乡协调发展过程中的积极作用,以赋能经济高质量发展。  相似文献   

与发达国家相比较,我国的医学信息学教育起步时间较晚,相关部门的投入和重视程度也不够,由此造成了我国的医学信息学教育模式和水平相对落后,进而影响和制约了我国医疗卫生事业水平的发展。本文依据我国医学信息学发展的现状,提出几点建设性意见,希望对推动我国的医学信息学教育有所帮助,从而培养出更多的优秀医学信息学人才来满足医疗卫生岗位的需求。  相似文献   

中国产业结构升级能缩小城乡消费差距吗?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用空间面板计量经济模型从时间维度和区域差异视角探讨产业结构升级对城乡消费差距的作用机理。研究表明,中国城乡消费差距存在显著的空间集聚性,产业结构升级能有效缩小城乡消费差距,但在不同时期、不同区域,作用效果存在差异。1993~2002年产业结构升级拉大城乡消费差距,而2003~2012年"减缩"作用显著,且有正向的空间溢出效应;东部产业结构升级对城乡消费差距影响不显著,但有正向的空间溢出效应,中部拉大城乡消费差距;西部缩小城乡消费差距,存在负向的空间溢出效应。城镇化发展、政府行为等缩小城乡消费差距,经济开放水平和城乡收入差距等拉大城乡消费差距。  相似文献   

李江渝 《价值工程》2013,(17):23-25
重庆坚持以民生为导向实施统筹城乡户籍制度改革,有利于缩小城乡差距,最终实现城乡一体化。重庆在农民转户进城的同时,将其同步纳入城市养老保险的保障范围,充分调动和发挥农民群众的积极性。同时,户籍改革背景下转户人员的养老保险也存在很多不足之处。文章通过对转户人员参加城镇职工基本养老保险、被征地农转非人员养老保险和城乡居民社会养老保险的政策解析,以及实际统计数据得出重庆市户籍改革之后各群体的养老保险情况,并提出了相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

城乡统筹背景下农民工医疗保障制度探讨   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
康彩霞  王宏 《价值工程》2010,29(11):225-225
在城乡统筹的背景下,农民工的医疗保障问题是当前我国社会保障体系建设的一个重大问题。本文阐述了我国现存的医疗保障模式的现状,并从农民工投保意愿角度着手,探讨了建设城乡统筹背景下农民工医疗保障制度的选择研究。  相似文献   

从城乡金融存贷款额、城乡金融资产、城乡金融化水平等三方面对1978—2012年间我国城乡金融非均衡化现象进行全面测度,并运用灰色预测模型对未来我国城乡金融发展水平进行预测及检验,结果显示:从城乡金融发展的视角来看,我国金融发展仍然处于非均衡状态;在政策等环境不变的前提下,我国城乡金融发展绝对差异水平将继续扩大,但相对差异水平在逐渐缩小。  相似文献   

农民收入问题事关国民经济协调发展和社会和谐稳定。本文在分析云南农民收入水平低、城乡收入差距大、地区不平衡突出、贫困人口多,从而制约着云南科学发展、和谐发展与跨越发展基础上,提出建设和谐美丽新云南应以提高农民收入水平为抓手,发挥云南比较优势、统筹城乡协调发展、依靠科技进步和增强农民增收本领等举措促进农民增收和保持农民收入持续较快增长。  相似文献   

This essay is concerned with the planning and densification of suburbs, which present a huge challenge insofar as they form a large area of urbanized land that remains underexploited due to low residential density. Drawing on current research in the Paris city‐region, the essay focuses specifically on the difficulty in implementing densification policies in low‐rise suburban areas. It examines the varying degrees of densification fostered by these policies, and builds upon recent urban studies literature on suburban change to trace how suburban areas are being transformed through regulations, instruments and market dynamics associated with densification processes. What kinds of densification policy are being implemented and what are the socio‐economic, political and cultural determinants of each type of regulatory approach? This essay will attempt to answer this question via an analysis of the densification policies being put in place in the municipalities of the Paris city‐region. It will offer in turn a typology of these different policies. It shows that densification is an instrument that can be used to address local political concerns which vary greatly depending on the economic, social and geographical position of municipalities within larger urban areas.  相似文献   

Economic expansion indirectly promotes class diversification at the neighbourhood scale with a consequent reduction of social divides at the regional scale. To verify this working hypothesis, the present study investigates class diversification at both spatial scales in a Mediterranean city (Athens, Greece) using the European Socioeconomic Classification based on population census data referring to 1991–2001, a phase of economic expansion and intense urban sprawl preceding the 2004 Olympic games. Results of multivariate analysis and diversity indexes outline a local-scale social mix associated to suburban expansion, and regional-scale class segregation, reflecting an increasing polarization in affluent and economically deprived urban districts. The contrasting pattern at the two spatial scales results in a complex social geography with class diversification and moderate changes over time in the economic spatial divide between urban and neighbouring rural areas. These findings contribute to design scale-dependent policies reducing social inequalities and improving quality of life in urban areas. Future paths for socio-spatial processes were delineated for sprawling metropolitan regions under economic expansion and discussed in the light of future demographic trends in both developed and emerging countries.  相似文献   

In this paper we present the following concept: the economic and organizational characteristics and the main aspects of the development of telecentres or telework centres, in a wide-ranging context of the use of telecommunications as an instrument to aid social-economic development of deprived rural and urban areas. To be more specific, we analyse how these Telework Centres are set up in diverse information related service enterprises aimed at other businesses or individuals. These initiatives are being subsidized by different public organisms as pilot development aid projects on an international scale. We have made an empirical study on a national scale, using 27 sample centres, from which we have obtained, amongst other things, the characteristics, economic objectives and results achieved from the initiatives that are underway in Spain or that are expected to be achieved from the setting up of these centres. Finally, we present our conclusions on the subject and list the literature used.  相似文献   

南建党 《价值工程》2011,30(4):131-133
本文通过对陕西省32年来城乡收入差距的实证分析,看到城乡收入差距不断拉大的事实,进而提出缩小城乡差距、统筹城乡发展的政策建议。  相似文献   

The persistent socioeconomic disparities in child under-nutrition in developing countries raises an important health policy question - whether different nutrition base interventions are required for different areas? Addressing this question, the main objective of this study is to investigate the trends of socio-economic inequalities in child undernutrition in Pakistan and to assess the causes of these inequalities through decomposition analysis. Using Pakistan Demographic and Health Survey, round 2017–18, data this study examined inequalities in child undernutrition through different health inequality indices. Moreover, decomposition analysis is performed by applying generalized decomposition procedure under recentered influence function (RIF) regression to find the contribution of (i) differences in levels of different factors (composition effects) and (ii) differences in the intensity of association between socio-demographic factors and child undernutrition (coefficient effects) to the observed inequality. Study findings suggest substantial pro-educated inequalities in child under-nutrition. In addition, the decomposition analysis reveals the factors such as parental education and wealth status are significant contributors to the observed inequality. Moreover, different policy interventions, for rural and urban areas are suggested. There is the need to design public health, nutrition-based, interventions to overcome rural urban disparities through bridging gaps in educational endowments of rural and urban populations. Moreover, a balanced distribution of wealth might be helpful to reduce the rural-urban gap.  相似文献   

收入差距、社会资本与居民贫困   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究目标:分析收入差距与社会资本及其交互作用对居民贫困的影响,并探讨两者的影响机制。研究方法:构建Logit等计量模型,并采用三阶段最小二乘法(3SLS)与工具变量法(IV Probit)进行稳健性检验。研究发现:在社区层面上,收入差距导致了教育与财政资源在区县间的配置不均等,阻碍了医疗保险制度的发展以及产业结构的提升,进而提高了居民的贫困发生率;在个体层面上,收入差距降低了居民对教育资源的可及性,恶化了居民的健康水平,从而导致居民进入贫困状态。社会资本能够降低居民发生贫困的概率,同时也能够缓解收入差距对居民贫困的不利影响;提升就业能力与收入水平、增加教育与医疗投资、改善社会经济地位、强化融资能力等是社会资本缓解贫困的主要渠道与机制。研究创新:采用具有代表性的中国家庭追踪调查数据,研究收入差距与社会资本对居民贫困的作用机制,指出社会资本是缓冲收入差距对居民贫困不利影响的重要保障。研究价值:为相关理论研究提供更多的经验证据和路径解释;在实践中,对减贫、防贫具有指导意义。  相似文献   

A system model is constructed for stimulating the development dynamics of a class of developing countries. The interrelations among socio-economic variables, feedback relations and the recursive relationship of intertemporal solutions are emphasized. For some plausible values of parameters and initial conditions, the model generates results generally consistent with the experience of many developing economies. Emerging from the dynamics are rapid urbanization accompanied by little industrial growth, increasingly unbalanced spatial distribution of population, ever-worsening distribution of income, unemployment and under-employment in both rural and urban areas, and other familiar features of the developing world unexplained by comparative-static equilibrium models.  相似文献   

浅谈基于城乡统筹的村庄整治规划   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
张素红  李志  吕金嵘 《价值工程》2011,30(24):71-72
基于城乡统筹的村庄整治,着眼于缩小城乡的差距,全面促进农村的发展。介绍了村庄整治的背景及其内涵,同时,重点分析了基于城乡统筹的村庄整治的内容和原则,分析了村庄整治的措施。在城乡统筹的背景下进行村庄整治是促进我国城乡一体化发展的根本途径。  相似文献   

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