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This paper contributes to the literature by documenting the improved performance of bankruptcy prediction models after including corporate governance variables. The empirical results demonstrate better predictive power for financial bankruptcy than previous bankruptcy prediction models, particularly in the post-SOX period. Our theoretical argument emphasizes the urgent need for such improvements to the bankruptcy prediction model following the introduction of the SOX Act, with the empirical results providing intuitive economic meaning for all relevant market participants. Policymakers may consider enacting laws to include designs for corporate governance monitoring mechanisms, entrepreneurs may use this model to improve their own governance structures and compensation mechanisms to avoid financial bankruptcy, and investors may refer to it to ensure that ‘losers’ are excluded from their investment portfolios.  相似文献   

Companies often suffer periods of financial distress before filing for bankruptcy. Unlike one-off bankruptcies, financial distress can occur repeatedly within the same individual firm. This paper is focused on the recurrence of financial distress and studies the Chinese stock market, where Special Treatment – an official indicator of financial distress – can be repeatedly applied to a listed company. We employ a stratified hazard model to predict the probability of subsequent distress with variables, including duration dependency, event-based factors, institutional variables, financial ratios, market-based variables and macroeconomic conditions. Our empirical results show that accounting and market-based variables have limited power in predicting the recurrence of distress, whereas the duration of recovery, restructuring events and their interaction terms with the accounting and macroeconomic factors affect the recurrent risk significantly. Tested on out-of-time samples, our proposed hazard models show a robust performance in the prediction of recurrent risk over time.  相似文献   

The major challenge in managing blood products lies in the uncertainty of blood demand and supply, with a trade-off between shortage and wastage, especially in most developing countries. Thus, reliable demand predictions can be imperative in planning voluntary blood donation campaigns and improving blood availability within Ghana hospitals. However, most historical datasets on blood demand in Ghana are predominantly contaminated with missing values and outliers due to improper database management systems. Consequently, time-series prediction can be challenging since data cleaning can affect models’ predictive power. Also, machine learning (ML) models’ predictive power for backcasting past years’ lost data is understudied compared to their forecasting abilities. This study thus aims to compare K-Nearest Neighbour regression (KNN), Generalised Regression Neural Network (GRNN), Neural Network Auto-regressive (NNAR), Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP), Extreme Learning Machine (ELM) and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) models via a rolling-origin strategy, for forecasting and backcasting a blood demand data with missing values and outliers from a government hospital in Ghana. KNN performed well in forecasting blood demand (12.55% error); whereas, ELM achieved the highest backcasting power (19.36% error). Future studies can also employ ML algorithms as a good alternative for backcasting past values of time-series data that are time-reversible.  相似文献   

We study the forecasting power of financial variables for macroeconomic variables in 62 countries between 1980 and 2013. We find that financial variables such as credit growth, stock prices, and house prices have considerable predictive power for macroeconomic variables at the one- to four-quarter horizons. A forecasting model that includes financial variables outperforms the World Economic Outlook (WEO) forecasts in up to 85% of our sample countries at the four-quarter horizon. We also find that cross-country panel models produce more accurate out-of-sample forecasts than individual country models.  相似文献   

The contribution of this study, which assesses the influence of HRM on financial performance, is fourfold. (1) We assess the relative contribution of different HR domains to organizational performance. By controlling for the overall HRM intensity in all analyses we try to meet one of the most striking shortcomings of ‘single HR practice research’, namely the neglect of the potential simultaneity that might exist with other HR practices. (2) By studying small Belgian companies, we focus on the importance of HRM for small business management. (3) Relying on bankruptcy prediction models, we optimize the conceptualization of financial performance. (4) Using structural equation modelling, we try to capture the mediating effect of operational performance on the relationship between HRM and financial performance. The analyses indicate mixed results for different HR domains with regard to their impact on operational and financial performance.  相似文献   

Given the growing need for managing financial risk and the recent global crisis, risk prediction is a crucial issue in banking and finance. In this paper, we show how recent advances in the statistical analysis of extreme events can provide solid methodological fundamentals for modeling extreme events. Our approach uses self-exciting marked point processes for estimating the tail of loss distributions. The main result is that the time between extreme events plays an important role in the statistical analysis of these events and could therefore be useful to forecast the size and intensity of future extreme events in financial markets. We illustrate this point by measuring the impact of the subprime and global financial crisis on the German stock market in extenso, and briefly as a benchmark in the US stock market. With the help of our fitted models, we backtest the Value at Risk at various quantiles to assess the likeliness of different extreme movements on the DAX, S&P 500 and Nasdaq stock market indices during the crisis. The results show that the proposed models provide accurate risk measures according to the Basel Committee and make better use of the available information.  相似文献   

Standard bankruptcy prediction methods lead to models weighted by the types of failure firms included in the estimation sample. These kinds of weighted models may lead to severe classification errors when they are applied to such types of failing (and non-failing) firms which are in the minority in the estimation sample (frequency effect). The purpose of this study is to present a bankruptcy prediction method based on identifying two different failure types, i.e. the solidity and liquidity bankruptcy firms, to avoid the frequency effect. Both of the types are depicted by a theoretical gambler's ruin model of its own to yield an approximation of failure probability separately for both types. These models are applied to the data of randomly selected Finnish bankrupt and non-bankrupt firms. A logistic regression model based on a set of financial variables is used as a benchmark model. Empirical results show that the resulting heavily solidity-weighted logistic model may lead to severe errors in classifying non-bankrupt firms. The present approach will avoid these kinds of error by separately evaluating the probability of the solidity and liquidity bankruptcy; the firm is not classified bankrupt as long as neither of the probabilities exceeds the critical value. This leads the present prediction method slightly to outperform the logistic model in the overall classification accuracy.  相似文献   

This paper presents a transportable ant colony discrimination strategy (TACD) to predict corporate bankruptcy, a topic of vital importance that is attracting increasing interest in the field of economics. The proposed algorithm uses financial ratios to build a binary prediction model for companies with the two statuses of bankrupt and non-bankrupt. The algorithm takes advantage of an improved version of continuous ant colony optimisation (CACO) at the core, which is used to create an accurate, simple and understandable linear model for discrimination. This also enables the algorithm to work with continuous values, leading to more efficient learning and adaption by avoiding data discretisation. We conduct a comprehensive performance evaluation on three real-world data sets under a stratified cross-validation strategy. In three different scenarios, TACD is compared with 11 other bankruptcy prediction strategies. We also discuss the efficiency of the attribute selection methods used in the experiments. In addition to its simplicity and understandability, statistical significance tests prove the efficiency of TACD against the other prediction algorithms in both measures of AUC and accuracy.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the impact of model estimation methods on earnings forecast accuracy. Compared with an ordinary least squares (OLS) regression combined with winsorization, robust regression MM-estimation improves the earnings forecast accuracy of all the models examined, especially for those with more variables. My findings indicate that the impact of outliers on the OLS regression increases with the number of variables in the models, alerting researchers who use OLS regressions for forecasting. My findings explain the puzzling negative relationship between earnings forecast accuracy and the number of model variables in prior research. Moreover, I demonstrate the valuation implications of earnings forecasted using robust regression MM-estimation. This study contributes to earnings forecasting, valuation, and influential observation treatment in forecasting.  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates that the class of conditionally linear and Gaussian state-space models offers a general and convenient framework for simultaneously handling nonlinearity, structural change and outliers in time series. Many popular nonlinear time series models, including threshold, smooth transition and Markov-switching models, can be written in state-space form. It is then straightforward to add components that capture parameter instability and intervention effects. We advocate a Bayesian approach to estimation and inference, using an efficient implementation of Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling schemes for such linear dynamic mixture models. The general modelling framework and the Bayesian methodology are illustrated by means of several examples. An application to quarterly industrial production growth rates for the G7 countries demonstrates the empirical usefulness of the approach.  相似文献   

上市公司财务危机预警“Z”值区域研究与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以上市公司作为研究对象,将公司因财务状况异常而被特别处理(ST)作为企业陷入财务困境的标志,利用奥特曼的Z记分模型作多元判别分析,测试符合我国上市公司实际情况的Z值,并将其作为我国上市公司财务危机预警的指标值。实证结果显示,采用多元判别分析可以得到判别财务危机公司与非财务危机公司的Z值区域,并且可以保证较高的判别精确度。同时也发现,相对于主营业务收入指标,现金流量指标为更好的警兆指标。  相似文献   

In periods of financial distress management may attempt to suppress unfavorable information from creditors and investors through the use of undisclosed changes in accounting methods, estimates and procedures, thus reducing the quality of the information contained in the firm's financial statements. The auditor's role in this context is to ensure that such compromise does not take place. If the auditor does not permit such accounting treatments, the company may choose to switch to another auditor who will. Empirical evidence relating auditor-change behavior to the quality of comparative bankruptcy prediction models provides support for the notion that auditor changes before bankruptcy may be at least partially due to lack of success at suppressing unfavorable information with the current auditor. Conversely, non-auditor switching companies appear to enjoy greater success at suppressing negative income and leverage information.  相似文献   

This paper assesses the classification performance of the Z‐Score model in predicting bankruptcy and other types of firm distress, with the goal of examining the model's usefulness for all parties, especially banks that operate internationally and need to assess the failure risk of firms. We analyze the performance of the Z‐Score model for firms from 31 European and three non‐European countries using different modifications of the original model. This study is the first to offer such a comprehensive international analysis. Except for the United States and China, the firms in the sample are primarily private, and include non‐financial companies across all industrial sectors. We use the original Z′′‐Score model developed by Altman, Corporate Financial Distress: A Complete Guide to Predicting, Avoiding, and Dealing with Bankruptcy (1983) for private and public manufacturing and non‐manufacturing firms. While there is some evidence that Z‐Score models of bankruptcy prediction have been outperformed by competing market‐based or hazard models, in other studies, Z‐Score models perform very well. Without a comprehensive international comparison, however, the results of competing models are difficult to generalize. This study offers evidence that the general Z‐Score model works reasonably well for most countries (the prediction accuracy is approximately 0.75) and classification accuracy can be improved further (above 0.90) by using country‐specific estimation that incorporates additional variables.  相似文献   

This paper aims to develop a comprehensive model, the first of its kind in Vietnam, for the purpose of predicting financial distress and bankruptcy at Vietnamese listed firms. The period 2003–2016 is used to study the likelihood of financial distress in different scenarios. Various factors are utilized, including (1) accounting factors in the emerging market score model; (2) market factors in the distance-to-default model; and (3) macroeconomic indicators. The area under the receiver operating characteristics (AUC) curve is used to compare the usefulness of various models that predict financial distress and bankruptcy. Empirical findings from this study show that accounting and market factors, together with macroeconomic fundamental factors, both affect financial distress when they are considered in isolation. However, in a comprehensive model, the effects from accounting factors appear to be more significant than those from market-based factors. The default prediction model, which includes accounting factors with macroeconomic indicators, appears to perform much better than the model comprising market-based factors with macroeconomic fundamentals.  相似文献   

This paper contributes to the literature on forecast evaluation by conducting an extensive Monte Carlo experiment using the evaluation procedure proposed by Elliott, Komunjer and Timmermann. We consider recent developments in weighting matrices for GMM estimation and testing. We pay special attention to the size and power properties of variants of the J‐test of forecast rationality. Proceeding from a baseline scenario to a more realistic setting, our results show that the approach leads to precise estimates of the degree of asymmetry of the loss function. For correctly specified models, we find the size of the J‐tests to be close to the nominal size, while the tests have high power against misspecified models. These findings are quite robust to inducing fat tails, serial correlation and outliers.  相似文献   

This paper empirically studies the predictive model of business failure using the sample of listed companies that went bankrupt during the period from 1997 to 1998 when deep recession driven by the IMF crisis started in Korea. Logit maximum likelihood estimator is employed as the statistical technique. The model demonstrated decent prediction accuracy and robustness. The type I accuracy is 80.4 per cent and the Type II accuracy is 73.9 per cent. The accuracy remains almost at the same level when the model is applied to an independent holdout sample. In addition to building a bankruptcy prediction model this paper finds that most of firms that went bankrupt during the Korean economic crisis from 1997 to 1998 had shown signs of financial distress long before the crisis. Bankruptcy probabilities of the sample are consistently high during the period from 1991 to 1996. The evidence of this paper can be seen as complementary to the perspective that traces Asian economic crisis to the vulnerabilities of corporate governance of Asian countries.  相似文献   

金融危机席卷全球。处于金融市场之中的企业随时面,临着陷入财务困境的可能,财务困境预测模型的建立可以使公司提前预测到困境的发生,从而及早避免投资损失。随着信息技术的发展,人工神经网络预测模型开始兴起,本文重点介绍了BP神经网络模型在财务困境预测中的应用情况,并将BP神经网络模型与传统统计方法进行了比较分析。  相似文献   

The most representative machine learning techniques are implemented for modeling and forecasting U.S. economic activity and recessions in particular. An elaborate, comprehensive, and comparative framework is employed in order to estimate U.S. recession probabilities. The empirical analysis explores the predictive content of numerous well-followed macroeconomic and financial indicators, but also introduces a set of less-studied predictors. The predictive ability of the underlying models is evaluated using a plethora of statistical evaluation metrics. The results strongly support the application of machine learning over more standard econometric techniques in the area of recession prediction. Specifically, the analysis indicates that penalized Logit regression models, k-nearest neighbors, and Bayesian generalized linear models largely outperform ‘original’ Logit/Probit models in the prediction of U.S. recessions, as they achieve higher predictive accuracy across long-, medium-, and short-term forecast horizons.  相似文献   

The introduction of artificial intelligence has given us the ability to build predictive systems with unprecedented accuracy. Machine learning is being used in virtually all areas in one way or another, due to its extreme effectiveness. One such area where predictive systems have gained a lot of popularity is the prediction of football match results. This paper demonstrates our work on the building of a generalized predictive model for predicting the results of the English Premier League. Using feature engineering and exploratory data analysis, we create a feature set for determining the most important factors for predicting the results of a football match, and consequently create a highly accurate predictive system using machine learning. We demonstrate the strong dependence of our models’ performances on important features. Our best model using gradient boosting achieved a performance of 0.2156 on the ranked probability score (RPS) metric for game weeks 6 to 38 for the English Premier League aggregated over two seasons (2014–2015 and 2015–2016), whereas the betting organizations that we consider (Bet365 and Pinnacle Sports) obtained an RPS value of 0.2012 for the same period. Since a lower RPS value represents a higher predictive accuracy, our model was not able to outperform the bookmaker’s predictions, despite obtaining promising results.  相似文献   

General dynamic factor models have demonstrated their capacity to circumvent the curse of dimensionality in the analysis of high-dimensional time series and have been successfully considered in many economic and financial applications. As second-order models, however, they are sensitive to the presence of outliers—an issue that has not been analyzed so far in the general case of dynamic factors with possibly infinite-dimensional factor spaces (Forni et al. 2000, 2015, 2017). In this paper, we consider this robustness issue and study the impact of additive outliers on the identification, estimation, and forecasting performance of general dynamic factor models. Based on our findings, we propose robust versions of identification, estimation, and forecasting procedures. The finite-sample performance of our methods is evaluated via Monte Carlo experiments and successfully applied to a classical data set of 115 US macroeconomic and financial time series.  相似文献   

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