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The determinants of nonresidential urban land values   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents the results of an empirical study of nonresidential urban land values in the Dallas metropolitan area. The data base consists of 467 vacant land transactions from 1978 to 1982. By concentrating on sales prices of vacant land rather than improved property, problems normally encountered from use of appraised values or improved properties are eliminated. Separate models are developed for industrial, commercial, and office land. The study focuses on the tendency toward agglomeration for consumers of each land use as measured by the impact on land values in the central business district, suburban nodes, and other employment concentrations. The results provide insight into a number of influences on urban land value and offer evidence that office land derives greater benefit from agglomeration than does commercial or industrial land.  相似文献   

This study empirically examines the role of land prices in the decision to rezone vacant land from one land use to another. Although the study of zoning and related issues is well documented, this is one of only a handful of studies that directly examines zoning changes. Unlike previous studies that treat zoning as static, acknowledging only that the current allocation of land differs from the market allocation, this study examines if the allocation of land will be reallocated (rezoned) toward a market allocation. The study is unique in that it analyzes zoning changes on an individual property basis and is based on transactions of vacant parcels. The data are drawn from a single municipality, Chicago—Illinois, allowing a uniform definition of zoning classification rather than trying to combine data under multiple zoning authorities.  相似文献   

This study empirically examines the role of land prices in the decision to rezone vacant land from one land use to another. Although the study of zoning and related issues is well documented, this is one of only a handful of studies that directly examines zoning changes. Unlike previous studies that treat zoning as static, acknowledging only that the current allocation of land differs from the market allocation, this study examines if the allocation of land will be reallocated (rezoned) toward a market allocation. The study is unique in that it analyzes zoning changes on an individual property basis and is based on transactions of vacant parcels. The data are drawn from a single municipality, Chicago—Illinois, allowing a uniform definition of zoning classification rather than trying to combine data under multiple zoning authorities.  相似文献   

A bstract . Various tax measures are in use in efforts to control the level of land prices and to moderate changes in them. These are the site value, vacant land, increment value and transfer taxes. Analysis indicates that sufficiently heavy site value taxes can help stem the rise in land prices and that relatively heavy vacant land taxes can be used to encourage the development of certain urban land. Both instruments may bring forward the time of development. Both are perhaps the best tax tools for controlling speculation. Significant problems seem likely to attend the use of land value increment and transfer taxes applied at high rates. Non-tax alternative or complementary measures are also analyzed.  相似文献   

The effect of land use regulation on housing and land prices   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
This paper investigates the effects of land use regulation restrictiveness on house and vacant land prices. In contrast to prior studies, the index of restrictiveness is treated as an endogenous variable and estimated effects are allowed to vary by market setting. Using data on more than 100 Florida cities, greater regulation restrictiveness is found to increase house price and decrease land price. Evidence is also provided showing that more restrictiveness increases the size of newly constructed homes.  相似文献   

Through a case study of Phoenix, Arizona, this paper examines how urban sprawl is linked to opportunities for capital gains. It focuses on "leapfrogging," in which developers skip over properties to obtain land at a lower price further out despite the existence of utilities and other infrastructure that could serve the bypassed parcels. The paper examines patterns of growth since 1950 and planners' efforts to structure that growth. It discusses two programs that addressed consequences of leapfrogging: development impact fees to help pay for infrastructure costs of new development and an Infill Housing Program to encourage residential development on vacant land. It concludes with a brief discussion of the future of growth management in Phoenix.  相似文献   

在查阅和梳理国内外研究现状的基础上,从土地利用实际状态和考虑地上附着物功能价值的角度,重新界定我国城镇存量建设用地的内涵,并将城镇存量建设用地重新分类。利用文献资料法、比较分析法得出以下结论:(1)我国对城镇存量建设用地内涵的确定存在偏好于时间维度、缺乏闲置的弹性、脱离其地上附着物的功能价值、类型划分主要根据其土地使用者性质等不足;(2)重新界定城镇存量建设用地内涵:从土地利用实际状态出发,确定其是否被充分利用。考虑地上附着物功能价值是否被体现;(3)将城镇存量建设用地分为空地、非空地中的部分利用土地与未充分利用土地三类。本文认为:城镇存量建设用地内涵的重新界定和分类,有利于促进我国城镇存量建设用地的利用与管理。  相似文献   

Because homelessness is visible in cities with high levels of gentrification, the media have linked the two phenomena. But the displacement taking place in most American cities is due more to blight than to gentrification. This article examines both sources of displacement and traces them to the same source: land speculation. In declining cities, land speculation causes parcels to be held vacant in prime locations, leading to disinvestment and an inadequate supply of affordable commercial and residential buildings. In cities with booming economies, land speculation leads to redevelopment of entire neighborhoods where land appreciates in value due to new commercial or residential demand. The solution to gentrification and blight as sources of displacement is to increase land value return and recycling to stabilize urban economies and avoid the boom-bust cycles that are so detrimental to cities.  相似文献   

本文通过对国外公告地价体系构成和作用归纳总结,根据我国公告地价体系发展的实际情况,提出在我国应构建以基准地价和标定地价为双核心的公告地价体系,并就二者在公告地价体系中的作用定位及互动机制进行了探讨与设计.最后,论文提出了发展完善我国公告地价体系的相关建议,即出台相应的公告地价体系法律法规及技术规范,研究确定基准地价和标定地价的区别及其联系,推动我国科学、合理公告地价体系的建立.  相似文献   

Historical simulations of urban residential growth in Baltimore and Houston based on a model of the growth process which has two distinct components are presented. The vintage component utilizes the growth of income and population, and an assumption that housing is putty-clay, to predict the age distribution of the housing stock in each period. The spatial component of the model determines where this housing construction will take place according to (1) housing is built on vacant land and (2) the pattern of construction obeys the rules of the standard monocentric models. Housing is demolished when economically obsolete. The putty-clay (vintage) aspect of the model produces fairly accurate city-wide vintage distributions, but there is much more mixing of vintages and income (in Baltimore) by location than predicted, even under monocentric assumptions most favorable to mixing.  相似文献   

A bstract . This study contributes to our knowledge about the determinants of land values in the Adirondack Park in New York State. Sales data for 1971-1973 are used in the multiple regression analysis. The key variables influencing the price per acre for vacant forest land parcels are accessibility by road, location, adjacency to state land, date of sale, land use classification, size of parcel, site type, topography, and nonlocal buyers.  相似文献   

The paper is a study in positive economics. Two- and three-sector models are used to determine the effects on urban land and housing markets of land use controls such as minimum lot size, maximum density, and maximum bulk requirements. The effects of these controls on rural-urban land conversion and on the effects of property taxes on urban land markets are also investigated. The land use requirements are found to accelerate rural-urban land conversion in some cases and affect the impact of property taxes on urban land and housing markets.  相似文献   

The effects of zoning on structure and land markets   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Zoning takes three general forms: constraints on density, lot size, and allowable use. This paper demonstrates that the three restrictions differ in their effects on structure and land markets. Density zoning is equivalent to a monopoly restriction that can be used to raise all land values. Allowable use restrictions affect land values differentially. Large-lot restrictions affect the price for housing paid by individual households differentially. Considering externalities does not alter these basic differences. The implications for empirical studies of zoning are discussed.  相似文献   

从我国的土地实际情况分析可以看出,我国的工业在快速发展的过程中会使用大量的土地,但是在实际工作开展的过程中因为受到各种因素的影响,造成很多土地闲置,致使土地产出在不断地降低,且在实际工作开展时出现供应紧张的局面,不利于我国社会经济的快速发展。为了更加高效地解决该问题,论文提出了“亩产论英雄”实施中存在的不足,相关人员应该对实施现状进行深入探究,并更好地结合当前发展过程中的各项重要因素,科学制定应用方案。  相似文献   

By the start of the twenty‐first century, the once dominant historical downtown core of Johannesburg had lost its privileged status as the center of business and commercial activities, the metropolitan landscape having been restructured into an assemblage of sprawling, rival edge cities. Real estate developers have recently unveiled ambitious plans to build two completely new cities from scratch: Waterfall City and Lanseria Airport City (formerly called Cradle City) are master‐planned, holistically designed ‘satellite cities’ built on vacant land. While incorporating features found in earlier city‐building efforts, these two new self‐contained, privately‐managed cities operate outside the administrative reach of public authority and thus exemplify the global trend toward privatized urbanism. Waterfall City, located on land that has been owned by the same extended family for nearly 100 years, is spearheaded by a single corporate entity. Lanseria Airport City/Cradle City is a planned ‘aerotropolis’ surrounding the existing Lanseria airport at the northwest corner of the Johannesburg metropole. These two new private cities differ from earlier large‐scale urban projects because everything from basic infrastructure (including utilities, sewerage, and the installation and maintenance of roadways), landscaping, security services, the regulation of common spaces, and selling and branding the city are firmly in the hands of private profit‐making corporate entities and outside the mandate of public authorities.  相似文献   

The Structure of Urban Land Prices   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Recognition of the existence of nonlinear land prices has an impact on the measurement of the rate at which land price declines with distance from the urban center. It is hypothesized that concave parcel prices have given rise to overly large estimates of the rate of price decline with distance, because parcel sizes increase with distance and increased parcel sizes would be associated with lower unit prices as a result of the concavity of the land price function. This hypothesis is empirically tested using vacant residential, commercial, and industrial land sales from within Cook County, Illinois. An important finding is that allowing for concavity greatly reduces, although it does not eliminate, measured rates of price decline with distance.  相似文献   

The holdout problem, urban sprawl, and eminent domain   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Developers attempting land assembly often face a potential holdout problem that raises the cost of development. To minimize this extra cost, developers will prefer land whose ownership is less dispersed. This creates a bias toward development at the urban fringe where average lot sizes are larger, resulting in urban sprawl. This paper examines the link between the holdout problem and urban sprawl and discusses possible remedies, including the use of eminent domain for urban redevelopment.  相似文献   

When a neighborhood declines, the poor get poorer, crime rises, and those who can leave the area. The tax base shrinks, so the rates paid by those least able to pay increase. The prevailing system of a low tax on land values leads to land speculation and private land banking, assuring that the landowner can hold out for a very high price for a very long time. A higher tax on land values (coupled with reduction in building taxes) creates an incentive to sell that land or do something with it rather than waiting. In cities that use land‐value taxes, real‐estate markets start to work again and neighborhoods recover. Clairton, Pennsylvania's adoption of a land‐value‐taxation system demonstrates the neighborhood revitalization to which it leads, as owner‐occupied residences and multi‐family units saw a relief in their tax burden. In contrast, vacant properties' contribution to the city budget tripled, providing the resources to pay for the education of Clairton's children and liberate working and middle‐class families from the bonds of labor and capital taxation.  相似文献   

我国快速城镇化进程导致了大量的农用地被征为非农用地,而征地过程伴随土地权益的调整引发了大量的征地冲突和侵权事件。所以本文主要针对在农村土地征收过程中出现的农民权益受到侵害以后补偿不合理的情况,从征地、维权机构和土地估价三个方面进行浅略分析,并大胆提出了个人的想法和解决措施。  相似文献   

2003年以来国家采取土地紧缩的政策,但城市规划学者对土地问题的关注并不够,很多规划方案难以"落地",研究亦偏重对欧美城市发展模式的借鉴,而对国内体制的剖析不足。从土地权属角度来看,侧重国有土地的规划研究,而忽视集体土地等,这跟国家土地政策走势不太吻合。鉴于此,如何建构一个能促进土地集约利用的机制并构建围绕土地的利益共同体,如何培养一个真正能促进土地集约利用的政府等将是近期亟待研究的重要议题。  相似文献   

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