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我国经理人股票期权会计制度的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
方慧 《财会月刊》2005,(10):31-32
本文认为,我国经理人股票期权应当按费用化来处理:选择公允价值为计量基础,行权日为计量日,采用公允价值法计算考虑经理人股票期权稀释效用后的每股收益并进行充分的信息披露.  相似文献   

经理人股票期权会计计量的目标,是要在会计报表中计量企业接受的经理人提供的有价值的服务,这些服务是企业通过授予股票期权而获得的,理论上企业应该对受到的服务的公允价值进行计量。通过对授予的股票期权的公允价值的计量,来替代对企业获得的服务的公允价值的计量。  相似文献   

一、国际上的经理人股票期权会计处理 股票期权价值主要有内在价值法和公允价值法两种主要的计量方式.期权在某一时刻的"内在价值"是该时刻股票的市场价格超出行权价的差额.差额越大,股票期权的内在价值越高;反之,其内在价值就越低."公允价值"是指熟悉情况并自愿的双方,在公平交易基础上进行资产交换或债务结算的金额.股票期权的公允价值由股票期权的内在价值和时间价值组成.  相似文献   

袁建国  李琴 《广西会计》2003,(11):27-28
一  国外企业对股票期权的会计处理主要有以下几种模式 :1 内在价值法。以公司股票市价超过行权价的差额作为内在价值确认、计量。若内在价值为零 ,不进行会计处理 ;若股价高于行权价 ,其差额则应预提作为费用 ,借记“递延报酬成本” ,贷记“股票期权” ;在服务期内每一会计年度末摊销报酬成本时 ,借记“管理费用” ,贷记“递延报酬成本”。在行权日发生股票期权与股票的交换 ,借记“现金”和“股票期权” ,贷记“股本”和“资本公积”。2 公允价值法。行权日的会计处理方法与内在价值法基本相同。3 或有事项法。将股票期权看作一种或有…  相似文献   

经理人股票期权会计计量方法是近年来会计理论界争议的热点问题之一。本文从研究经理人股票期权的价值组成入手,将经理人股票期权的价值分割为内在价值与时间价值,并进行仔细的界定,在认真剖析现有会计计量方法缺点的基础上提出了科学合理的计量方法,从而完整、动态地反映经理人股票期权价值。  相似文献   

经理人股票期权是为获取职工服务最具有代表性的股份支付交易,既具有职工薪酬和衍生金融工具的特性,同时又具有自身的特性。经理人股票期权的会计确认应反映这种特性,应将股票期权授予日的公允价值确认为一项管理费用,在行权日与授予日其公允价值间的差额作为利润分配项目加以确认。  相似文献   

股票期权薪酬计量方法的选用一直以来都存在争议,采用不同的计量方法会直接影响到股票期权会计信息的真实性和透明度。本文通过对分别运用内在价值法、最小价值法和公允价值法中的B-S模型和二叉树模型对期权薪酬价值的计算分析,来说明何种计量方法能最有效地实现期权薪酬核算的目的。  相似文献   

现代企业会计常涉及到股票期权的公允价值计量。由于大多数股票期权无法直接取得公允价值,企业往往采用估值技术进行估算。为此,证监会公告〔2008〕48号中要求上市公司做好同公允价值计量相关的会计和信息披露工作,并在附注中详细披露估值模型、重要参数的选取依据和估值过程,以及必要的敏感性分析。本文试图以实例说明如何对股票期权公允价值估值进行敏感性分析,以供实务界参考。  相似文献   

鉴于用股价来估计期权价值的缺陷,本文从经理人投资决策会影响企业价值,继而影响经理人股票期权价值的角度,引入确定性等值法,构建了对经理人股票期权价值估计模型,并对模型进行了数值模拟,得出以下结论:经理人投资风险项目底线值是其风险规避程度和风险项目波动幅度的增函数,是经理人持有股票期权比例的减函数;股票期权价值是经理人风险规避程度的减函数,是风险项目波动幅度的增函数。  相似文献   

我国对经理人股票期权的确认和计量问题一直存在较大争议。本文借鉴国际惯例和西方国家的经验,依据我国的现状,对经理人股票期权确认和计量理论的选择进行了探讨。  相似文献   

股票期权会计计价是股票期权制度的核心。股票期权费用化已为学界所接受,争论的焦点集中在方法的选择上。当前,应尽快明确计价方法,因为股票期权会计计价不仅是用来反映和核算股票期权经济行为的工具,更是调节各方利益的手段。因此,笔者建议采用"股利贴现模型"和"库藏股法"来分析不同计价方法对股权稀释的影响。  相似文献   

股票期权是欧美国家企业普遍采用的一种薪酬形式。从理论上看,它有利于完善我国经营者激励机制、促进国有企业改革的发展。然而,目前我国推行实施规范股票期权的基本条件还很不成熟。在这种情况下,不适宜凭着单纯的热情大规模推广股票期权。从根本上说,推行股票期权有待于国有企业改革自身的完善。  相似文献   

EVA业绩评价与股权激励模式设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王娟 《财会通讯》2007,(3):82-84
股票期权制度所依据的传统财务业绩指标体系存在着种种弊端,严重地削弱了期权的激励效果。本文引入EVA业绩评价指标,分析其作为经营者业绩考核标准的合理性。在此基础上,探讨以EVA为基础的股权激励模式的构建问题,并给出基于EVA红利的股权激励模式的设计方案,以期对我国企业的业绩评价与激励系统的构建有所启示。  相似文献   

This study investigates the effect of stock option‐based compensation on the short‐term and long‐term performance of French companies. To the best of our knowledge, we provide the first empirical evidence describing the market reaction following initiations and renewals of Employee Stock Option (ESO) plans in France. We find that the French market reacts positively to initiations of ESO plans but does not consider their renewal as relevant information. Our results on the long‐term effect of ESO plans suggest that neither the size nor the value of the grants affect the firm's accounting and market performance. Similarly, corporate performance prior to the grant has no explanatory power of the size or value of the grant. This implies that, over our sample period, the relationship between option‐based compensation and corporate performance in France was inexistent, regardless of the direction considered.  相似文献   

This paper examines the reliability of option fair value estimates in the presence of transaction costs. The Black Scholes Merton (BSM) framework assumes zero transaction costs and thus might not provide a reasonable approximation in this context. We investigate the model adjustments companies make to their BSM models to deal with these transaction costs. We specifically examine Employee Stock Option (ESO) plans listed on the French stock exchange, as detailed disclosure on modeling is available for these ESOs. Our analysis questions the reliability of these model adjustments, especially their bias and the extent to which they provide a faithful representation of option fair values. Holding parameter values constant, we find that the model adjustments lead to a median understatement of 52% compared to the BSM model price, higher than the discount we observe for the opportunistic determination of model parameters (below 20%). The paper contributes to the fair value literature by highlighting model risk in the fair valuation of options. This model risk stems from assumptions made about the size of transaction costs and complements the notion of parameter risk analyzed in previous literature. As a result, the model itself might be a possible channel for fair value management.  相似文献   

张宗成  肖永 《价值工程》2004,23(1):96-99
本文对股票市场与经济增长的关系进行了微观分析。在建立模型的基础上分析了股票市场对经济增长作用的传导机制,结合中国转型期经济的实际情况对股票市场和经济增长的关系进行了考察和假设。从总体上说,中国的股票市场对经济增长的作用影响不大。  相似文献   

Although past literature had provided inconsistent conclusions as to whether or not employee stock ownership (ESO) can serve the function of employee retention, this paper proposes that the reason for such inconsistency lies in the inability to clarify ESO characteristics. Therefore, this study examines the relationship between ESO and voluntary employer change intention from the viewpoint of vested and portable characteristics. Study results indicated that vested ESO achieves the function of employee retention. However, when vested ESO is also portable, employees tend to spend more efforts searching for external ESO alternatives, which reinforce their voluntary employer change intention.  相似文献   


We compare the market values of executive stock option (ESO) trades with their Black & Scholes (1973) model values calculated following the major accounting standards, SFAS No. 123r and IFRS2. Our results show major underpricing compared to the traditional B&S method values. This should be considered while applying SFAS No. 123r and IFRS2 for estimating fair values. Especially time to expiration has a major influence on the undervaluation suggesting that the possibility of a change in corporate structure lowers the cost of ESOs to shareholders.  相似文献   

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