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通过数学模型,分析政府对经济适用房生产商或购买者实施补贴对购买者的效用影响、对生产商行为的影响、对政府补贴成本的影响,及至对经济适用房成交量、成交价格和净社会福利的影响。研究结果表明:对经济适用房生产商采用降低土地价格的补贴方式不如对其按单位价格补贴或按成交价的一定比例补贴,这后两种方式都更有效率,能够降低政府补贴成本,减少政府腐败行为,促进房地产商开发适合低收入者所需要的住房并提高销售效率。  相似文献   

Government Subsidies   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper addresses the problems of defining and measuring government subsidies, examines why and how government subsidies are used as a fiscal policy tool, discusses their general economic effects in terms of real welfare costs and distributional implications, appraises international empirical evidence on government subsidies, and offers options for their reform. Recent international trends in government subsidy expenditure are analyzed for the 16‐year period from 1975 to 1990, using general government subsidy data for 60 countries from the United Nations' System of National Accounts (SNA). The paper reviews major policy options for subsidy reform, focusing on ways to improve the cost‐effectiveness of subsidy programs.  相似文献   

Government locational development programs often reward businesses for decisions they would have made or that are going to be quickly reversed. This paper presents a model to determine the amount and structure of government locational subsidies that minimize this problem. We model the firm's decision to switch locations as an option whose value depends on stochastic operating costs, the costs to switch locations and subsidies offered by the government. The government maximizes the expected benefit from the operation of the firm within its preferred location by choosing a subsidy package that explicitly and endogenously recognizes the firm's switching option.  相似文献   

直接补贴作为我国目前唯一的增收型粮食补贴方式,对维护粮食安全和提高粮农收入具有重要意义。有学者认为我国直接补贴规模过大,进而导致补贴效率低下。文章借助DEA超效率模型对26省不同年份粮食直补规模重新进行了测定,结果表明,我国目前增收型补贴规模不足,而非过剩;补贴效率的提高有赖于补贴规模扩大和资金使用效率的改善;最佳补贴规模应该是个动态概念,需要根据社会收入水平、粮农收入结构等情况的变化及时进行调整。  相似文献   

本文选取较为全面的竞争力指标对我国62家房地产上市公司的竞争力进行定量评价并得出相关结论,揭示当前及未来我国房地产企业竞争的格局,在此基础上提出建议,为相关企业提供有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

本文选取较为全面的竞争力指标对我国62家房地产上市公司的竞争力进行定量评价并得出相关结论,揭示当前及未来我国房地产企业竞争的格局,在此基础上提出建议,为相关企业提供有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

本文利用2006年至2008年上市公司中政府补助的数据,经验性地验证了政府补助范围、金额和种类的变化状况;政府补助与否的行业特征以及补助强度大小的行业特征;接受补助公司与没有接受补助公司在企业特征方面的差异。结果发现:科研创新补助和荣誉相关补助的公司从2006年到2008年增加了一倍以上,但与生产相关的补助金额却最多,上升幅度也最快。分行业接受补助公司的数量比例与按照补助强度划分的行业结果完全不同,社会服务业、电力、煤气及水的生产和供应业、房地产业是补助强度最大的三个行业。企业特征中,盈利能力、成长性、偿债能力、人工效率等对企业能否接受补助没有显著影响,而分别以资产总额、主营业务收入、员工人数来衡量的规模则是企业能否接受补助的显著因素。该文的结论对我国今后的政府补助具有一定的政策意义。  相似文献   

刘鹏 《价值工程》2012,31(11):61-62
本文分析了良种推广应用补贴的意义,以及目前"以面积定补贴"的弊端,提出了"走合同制,以增产定补贴"的良种推广应用补贴新模式,论述了改模式能更大程度的激发良种推广应用补贴对粮食生产的作用,并且制定了补贴的原则。  相似文献   

The model developed in the paper separates deposit insurance subsidies into two components: a premium-linked subsidy which arises from an ex-ante mispricing of the deposit insurance premium, and an asset-linked subsidy which arises from a lack of ex-post monitoring of the bank's actions. The identification of these two subsidies provides important insight into the relation between deposit-insurance subsidies and bank risk. The asset-linked subsidy is higher for banks of average risk and lower for very-high and very-low risk banks. The premiumlinked subsidy behaves differently under risk-adjusted and fixed-rate premiums. The model also indicates that the implementation of a riskadjusted insurance-rate schedule alone would not be sufficient to eliminate the bank's excessive risk-taking behavior. Thus, some combination of risk-sensitive deposit-insurance pricing and regulatory control is necessary to reduce the moral hazard problem.  相似文献   

Inexhaustible, strong demand for housing, which is generated from the current low rents and the work-unit-distribution housing system, has caused permanent housing shortages in China's urban sector. It is also one of the main sources of China's cost-push inflation. The transition from public to private saving, which is included in current housing reform, is the only way to solve the housing problems facing the country. Calculation of the size of housing subsidies is the very foundation of any housing reform program. Based on my estimates, the annual housing subsidy per woker expanded 8.6 limes during the period from 1978 to 1988, increasing at an anual rate of 24.1%. Total housing subsidies expanded 12.4 times, rising at an annual rate of 28.6%. Relative to GNP, the housing subsidies grew from 1.3% to 4.2% during the period. The rapid expansion of housing subsidies has several significant policy implications for China's economy. These include the need for reappraising real worker income identifying the enlarged portion of revenue in kind, and recalculating housing consumption.  相似文献   

加大保障性安居工程财政补贴支持力度,确保财政补贴的高效运行成为推进安居工程建设的关键。依据住房供给弹性和住房过滤理论,从经济学角度分析了供方补贴和需方补贴的实施效率。基于不同城市的住房市场差异,考察我国11个典型城市的住房供给弹性和住房过滤,在识别本地区住房市场特性的基础上探讨适宜采取的补贴方式。研究表明,不同城市由于住房供给弹性和过滤情况的不同,保障性住房财政补贴的效率存在显著差异,采取合适的保障房补贴方式,能够优化资源配置,打破财政压力对推进保障房工作的限制。  相似文献   

本文以2016~2018年沪深股市的制造业上市公司为研究样本,通过建立门槛效应模型,验证了政府补贴与企业研发投入的作用关系会随着资本结构的变化而变化。研究发现,政府补贴能够促进企业研发投入,并且在资本结构的调节作用下呈现三重门槛效应。进一步研究还发现,政府补贴对非国有企业研发投入的影响系数更高。因此,政府研发补贴政策需要综合考虑企业资金状况、企业性质,建立有效甄别机制,实施差异化补贴策略,加大对非国企补贴力度,拓宽中小企业融资渠道。  相似文献   

中国房地产市场近年来一直处于非理性繁荣状态,因此,中央政府陆续出台一系列房地产调控政策旨在挤出房地产泡沫,平抑其投资过热现象,从而实现宏观经济在金融危机后的软着陆。此外,央行不断上调存款准备金率和基准利率更是加重了仍处在调控政策消化阶段的房地产市场的下行预期。根据金融加速器理论,初始的外部冲击通过信贷市场的放大作用,最终将引发大幅度的市场波动,破坏实体经济的正常运行。房地产企业的高负债率和开发模式决定了房地产市场中金融加速器效应十分显著,尤其是在政策变动和楼市供求关系发生逆转的情况下,表现更为明显。最后提出了相应的政策建议.  相似文献   

中国房地产市场近年来一直处于非理性繁荣状态,因此,中央政府陆续出台一系列房地产调控政策旨在挤出房地产泡沫,平抑其投资过热现象,从而实现宏观经济在金融危机后的软着陆。此外,央行不断上调存款准备金率和基准利率更是加重了仍处在调控政策消化阶段的房地产市场的下行预期。根据金融加速器理论,初始的外部冲击通过信贷市场的放大作用,最终将引发大幅度的市场波动,破坏实体经济的正常运行。房地产企业的高负债率和开发模式决定了房地产市场中金融加速器效应十分显著,尤其是在政策变动和楼市供求关系发生逆转的情况下,表现更为明显。最后提出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

China has implemented high subsidy schemes to promote the adoption of electric vehicles. This study constructs an industrial organization model to theoretically analyze and numerically simulate the subsidy efficacy of battery electric vehicles in China. We find that subsidies for battery manufacturers and those for electric vehicle manufacturers are equivalent. Fixed subsidies are better for social welfare maximization than linear subsidies are. Simulation based on Chinese empirical data shows that China's subsidies for electric vehicles are effective but not optimal. It could be a better option overall to enable the vertical integration of the supply chain.  相似文献   

房地产企业财务风险分析与对策   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
王伟  赵占军 《价值工程》2006,25(8):162-164
进入上世纪90年代以来,随着我国经济的高速发展,全国各地出现了“房地产热”。我国不少房地产企业资产负债率极高,房地产企业承受着巨大的财务风险。存在的财务风险隐患已成为很多房地产企业生存发展迫切需要解决的现实问题。本文对房地产企业财务风险进行了多方面分析,并提出了房地产企业财务风险管理的一些措施。  相似文献   

我国房地产行业在急剧发展后,迎来了首次低潮。作为关系民生的重要行业,房地产公司的财务报表分析尤为重要。文中通过对万科地产和保利地产两个房地产巨头2009~2011年的财务报表进行比率分析和比较分析,解读财务报表传递的信息,发现该行业目前发展的现状,为信息使用者提供决策有用性指导。  相似文献   

A bstract . Although appealing on the consideration of efficiency, the site ( land ) value tax has been dismissed by some economists as an unviable alternative to the local real estate tax on the ground that it cannot generate sufficient revenue. From earlier work based on a general equilibrium model, however, a switch from a real estate to an equal yield site value tax could result in an increase in equilibrium land prices (and hence the site value tax base). In particular, equilibrium land prices will rise with a site value relative to a real estate tax if: (L+K/L) > ex. (fL+ fk)/fk. sx+ ex. fL Critical to that theoretical result are the magnitudes of several parameters including the percent land constitutes of total real estate value , (L + K/L), the elasticity of substitution, sx, the elasticity of demand for real estate ex, and the output elasticities, fk and fL. Based on recent empirical estimates of those parameters, the above stated condition holds.  相似文献   

政府补贴决定问题是学界长期关注的热点问题,补贴规模和强度不仅受政府和企业个体特征因素的影响,还受政府和企业间博弈行为的影响。采用双边随机边界模型,使用2007—2018年沪深两市A股上市企业样本数据,实证研究了政府和企业间博弈行为对补贴决定的影响,研究结果表明:政府和企业间博弈行为对补贴决定具有重要影响;平均水平上,政府剩余显著高于企业剩余,即综合博弈效应表现为政府方获得净剩余,政府和企业最终达成的补贴水平因此被压低;博弈行为对补贴决定的影响于政企双方个体特征维度上呈现出显著异质性。  相似文献   

跳水的股市、暴跌的楼市、贬值的越盾—“高烧”的越南正被愈演愈烈的通货膨胀逼到了危机的门外。不过,在越的中资企业观望中发现:元气虽伤,但情况还没有那么糟糕……  相似文献   

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