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As far back as the ninth century BCE in Greece, a talent was a form of currency. In the 21st century, talents remain currency as the special gifts of knowledge, skills, and personal characteristics that individuals bring to organizations. Talent management, also known as human capital management, HCM, is a focus of leadership studies that increasingly strives to acknowledge and measure the tangible contributions that individuals make to the bottom line. In this symposium, we offer a position paper by Ted Harro and Leslie Miller who detail an innovative approach to address how leaders of organizations can create a consistent, positive flow of talent necessary to support success. Our respondents, Karen Kirwan, Dave Wondra, and Edward Perez, each add their perspectives to this timely discussion.  相似文献   

Negotiation involves planning, execution, performance measurement, and review. Like any process, it can be perfected through practice. This article focuses on the planning stage of negotiations, although it gives suggestions for improving negotiating performance generally.  相似文献   

功能完备的城市公共安全体系是关乎城市公共安全的关键要素。当前,在中国城市公共安全体系中普遍存在诸如"应急性有余,制度化不足"、"亡羊补牢多,超前规划少"、"条块分割严重,整体联动缺乏"、"政府单兵作战为主,社会有效参与不足"等问题。因此,有必要建构一套"双维度、多线性"的协同治理型城市公共安全体系。认为应在完善政府内部治理结构和充分动员社会化力量的基础上,从政府系统内的自循环逐步过渡到政府与社会协同治理的双循环。  相似文献   

This paper shows that just because superlative index numbers approximate each other to the second order does not necessarily imply that they are numerically similar. In fact, the spread between the largest and smallest superlative indexes sometimes even exceeds that between Paasche and Laspeyres indexes. This result has significant implications for the index number literature. It shows that the economic approach does not by itself solve the index number problem, since it does not tell us which superlative index should be used. It may be necessary to combine the economic and axiomatic approaches to arrive at an answer.  相似文献   

利用Rs和GIS技术,分析了常熟市建设用地扩展和人口分布变迁情况,揭示了常熟市人口城镇化的特征.指出1984-2005年间,常熟市的农村人口向城区和镇区梯次转移,城镇化率稳步提高,城镇建设用地扩展速度处于合理范围内.同时,由于城镇化的不完全、不彻底.在农村居民数量减少的同时农村居民点用地不减少,城镇化率被高估.  相似文献   

Teams! Teams! Teams! It seems you can't pick up a trade magazine or periodical without seeing something about team building. Once you get by the buzzwords and the acronyms, you have to wonder who's really doing it right. This article explains a proven process to build productive work teams. Teams that get bottom line results in the first 90 to 120 days. The author presents the five keys to assure successful work teams the very first time! In addition, you will learn five issues management must address, five skills every team member must master, five ways to help team members learn faster, and five tips to ensure a powered start to productivity.  相似文献   

国外非正规聚落研究进展及启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
发展中国家城市化的快速发展和城市规划与住房供应体系的不完善,导致住房和相关服务设施的短缺,非正规聚落成为发展中国家城市居住格局的重要组成部分.从概念界定、研究内容、研究趋势等方面对国外非正规聚落研究进行梳理,提出我国非正规聚落的研究方向.  相似文献   

张莉 《物流技术》2009,28(10):31-33
对物流创新与增值服务进行了概述,阐释了进行物流创新和追求增值服务的意义,以及企业如何在物流运作中实现创新和提供增值服务,论述了创新与增值的关系,同时提出了几点建议.  相似文献   

我国网络银行的风险及其控制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
潘攀 《上海企业》2004,(2):25-28
一、网络银行的风险种类 2001年6月,中国人民银行在颁布的《网上银行业务暂行办法》中,将网上银行业务定义为“银行通过因特网提供的服务”。当因特网技术在银行业被应用和推广后,银行服务的网络化水平出现了质的飞跃。随着网络银行的形成、发展,网络银行的风险逐渐凸现出来。网络银行作为一个综合的交易系  相似文献   

改革开放以来,中国经济结构调整取得了积极进展,表现为高技术产业快速发展、装备制造业技术水平迅速提高、基础工业得到加强、产品结构和工艺水平明显改善和企业组织结构进一步优化,但是依然面临许多问题.当前和今后一个时期,要围绕增强自主创新能力这个关键,加快发展高技术产业、加快振兴装备制造业、加快淘汰落后生产能力、加快优化产业组织结构、加快推进信息化与工业化的融合,以推动中国产业结构的优化升级.  相似文献   

为了使我国民营企业得到更好的发展,民营企业应该分析不同的人力资源管理模式,分析企业经营管理中存在的问题,依据企业正确的经营理念,找到一条适合企业自身发展的道路。同时民营企业要建立科学的人力资源管理制度,健全的激励机制,提高民营企业的管理水平。  相似文献   

文中建立模型阐述了城市道路交通与大气污染之间的关系。从材料技术角度、规划建设角度和管理角度分析城市道路交通造成大气污染的原因。并据此提出了四类解决措施,即,技术层面的解决措施——减少尾气排放、交通规划层面的解决措施——优化交通结构,降低小汽车的使用率、交通控制层面的解决措施——实现交通分流,减少城市拥堵和法治道德层面的解决措施——提高人们的环保意识。以实现城市道路交通与环境协调发展的目标。  相似文献   

Voluntary employee turnover is expensive. Companies that successfully retain the best and brightest employees save money and protect their intellectual capital. Traditional approaches to understanding turnover place accumulated job dissatisfaction as the primary antecedent to voluntary turnover. However, we show that precipitating events, or shocks, more often are the immediate cause of turnover. Using data from more than 1,200 “leavers,” we describe the nature, content, and role of shocks in turnover decisions. We then provide strategies to help organizations manage shocks, and thereby control turnover. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Some recent equilibrium models give rise to complex but deterministic fluctuations. We modify the hypothesis of universal perfect foresight by injecting into the economy a nonnegligible fraction of less informed agents who optimize their expected utility with respect to the statistical distribution of prices in the deterministic dynamics. For the standard overlapping generations model with money (the 'Samuelson' case) it is proved that if the fraction of consumers with limited knowledge is sufficiently high, then all equilibrium cycles of period k ≥ 2 disappear. The global properties of the case of 2-cycles are studied in detail. A brief analysis of the 'classical' case is also given.  相似文献   

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