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技术经济学的发展回顾与趋势展望   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
中国技术经济学作为一门独立的经济学科是在60年代初形成的。但作为一门经济学科得到真正发展与繁荣的黄金年代还是在改革开放之后。由于技术经济学与现代化建设、经济增长质量、产业结构优化、资源合理配置、科学决策等关系十分密切,因而近十多年来,从理论方法研究到实际应用都取得了重大进展。目前,学科体系日臻成熟,  相似文献   

技术经济学是近二十多年发展起来的一门崭新的边缘科学.就全国技术经济学科理论方法体系讨论会的情况来看,这门学科尚未进入成熟期.在这篇短文中,我力图阐释自己的看法而不涉及对他人观点的评论.一、技术经济学的研究对象技术经济学是把技术学与经济学结合起来的一门综合性学科.它所研究的客观实体是由技术系统、经济系统组成的有机统一体,也即技术经济系统.但是,技术经济学不是一般地研究技术系统和经济系统,而是研究技术系统与经济系统的内在联系,即内在规律性.然  相似文献   

由中国技术经济研究会和北京、天津两市的技术经济和管理现代化研究会联合召开的“技术经济学科体系讨论会”,于1983年8月在北京举行。来自全国各高等院校、科研单位、有关部、委等64名代表出席了会议。会议本着学术民主、百家争鸣的精神,对技术经济学的学科性质、研究对象、基本理论和综合评价方法等问题进行了热烈讨论,并就高等院校编写技术经济学教材交换了意见。关于技术经济学的研究对象,讨论中提出的主要观点可概括为以下三种:  相似文献   

改革开放之来,中国区域经济学在经济地理学和生产力布局学的基础上逐渐发展成为一门独立的经济学学科,并迈向一个新的学术高度。当前中国区域经济研究遇到的"短板"主要是如何正确认识区域经济与宏观经济的关系及其在区域发展中的作用;如何正确认识区域差异、城乡差异产生的基本机理;如何正确认识要素聚集与分散的变化规律以及如何正确认识区域创新对比较优势的挑战。完善中国区域经济学,促进中国区域经济学的现代化,要以"五大理念"引领学科建设;将中国区域经济实践与学科建设相融合;借鉴国际区域经济及其相关学科的最新学术成果,丰富中国区域经济学的学科体系。  相似文献   

关于技术经济学科性质的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
关于技术经济学的概念技术经济学,是随着现代化社会大生产和科学技术的不断发展,近年来在中国建立起来的一门新型学科。它既吸收了苏联技术经济设计和资本主义国家可行性研究中一些有益的理论方法,又结合中国有计划商品经济的特点做了许多切合实际的研究。它是技术科学和经济科学相互渗透和外延而形成的一种交叉性科学。现代科学发展的一个普遍特征,就是加速了科学体系的分化、外延和互相渗透的过程。这种过程不仅发生在自然  相似文献   

我终于见到并读完了朱荣科教授经10余年努力填补国内理论经济学研究空白的力作——《社会主义福利经济学》。近几年,我国的一些经济学理论工作者,在经济伦理学、经济哲学、福利经济学等方面的文章、专著日渐增多。但朱荣科教授所构建的独树一帜的学科体系并形成专著,在国内还是第一部。在此对他表示祝贺的同时,有必要对他的经济福利思  相似文献   

韩宇 《集团经济研究》2007,(29):367-368
法律经济学(Law and Economics),又称经济分析法学或经济学法学,是用经济学的方法和理论分析法律的形成、结构、效果、效率及发展的学科.  相似文献   

技术经济学科发展述评与展望   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文系统回顾述评了技术经济学科的创立与发展,技术经济学科现存的问题;考察了技术经济学科自成体系发展的必要性;讨论了技术经济学科的对象、问题与方法。本文认为,技术经济学科要自立于中国管理学科之林,就必须在发展中自我调整,在自我调整中加快发展。技术经济学科的研究对象要明确定位,必须将其研究对象界定为“技术领域中的经济活动规律、经济领域的技术发展规律、技术发展的内在规律”。技术经济学科的研究内容要收敛,要集中到三个领域、四个层次、三个方面。技术经济学科的方法要国际化。技术经济教育要创新,要适应国民经济发展的需要,整合相关知识服务于社会,同时在为社会服务中谋求学科发展。  相似文献   

在我国,数量经济学的研究已经形成自身独特的学术风格,日益渗透到其他经济学科的研究中,正在成为主流经济学的一部分,并且影响着上流经济学的发展。数量经济学作为一门学科,却不同于一般意义上的经济学,而具有独特的内涵和学科特点,只有发挥数量经济学的比较优势,才能使其在创新中不断发展。  相似文献   

经济学论文的写作规范   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
经济学作为一门科学具有其独特的方法论。经济学发展至今,它的几十个分支学科之间不断地分化与融合使其形成了一个十分庞杂的学科体系。虽然每一个分支学科都有各自独特的研究方法,但总体上,经济学的方法论是建立在一般均衡和纳什均衡两个核心概念上的一系列公理化的研究方法。而作为经济学研究成果的最终形式,经济学论文亦充分体现了这种独特的方法论。 经历了近50年的发展与变革,经济学的研究论文,无论是理论研究还是应用研究  相似文献   

技术经济学的发展趋势探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
彭运芳 《价值工程》2009,28(6):74-76
近几十年来,技术经济学为我国的经济建设实践作出了重要贡献。在详细回顾技术经济学发展历程的基础上,分析了目前技术经济学研究存在的主要问题,深入探讨了技术经济学的发展趋势,展望了技术经济学的发展前景。  相似文献   

The attempt to provide insight into the interactions between the economy and the environment has been an on‐going struggle for many decades. The rise of Ecological Economics can be seen as a positive step towards integrating social and natural science understanding by a movement that aims to go beyond the confines of mainstream economics towards a progressive political economy of the environment. However, this vision has not been shared by all those who have associated themselves with Ecological Economics and there has been conflict. An historical analysis is presented that shows the role of mainstream theory in delimiting the field of environmental research. The argument is put forward that rather than employing a purely mechanistic objective empirical methodology there is a need for an integrating interdisciplinarity heterodox economic approach. In order to distinguish this approach—from the more mainstream multidisciplinary linking of unreconstituted ecological and economic models—the name Social Ecological Economics is put forward as expressing the essential socio‐economic character of the needed work ahead.  相似文献   

A bstract . The economist Adolph Lowe has developed a methodological alternative, designated Political Economics , for the development of economic theory and the application of economic policy. In totality his system—with a methodology he calls instrumental—makes up a unity that can be seen as a logically derived paradigm shift for economics as a scientific discipline. Under it, by a democratic political process , some desired end-state is first consciously and systematically determined. Then economic means are instrumentally employed to bring about the economic and social behavior necessary to attain and maintain that end-state. Available knowledge and tools are useful for this model; however, there is no question that the approach raises significant technical, political and philosophical issues. But these are overshadowed by Lowe's paradigmatic vision, and its corollary modular framework of Political Economics.  相似文献   

Economics has seen a recent rise in interest in information theory as an alternative framework to the conventional notion of equilibrium as a fixed state, such as Walrasian market‐clearing general equilibrium. The information theoretic approach is predicated on the notion of statistical equilibrium (SE) that takes a distribution over all possible states as an equilibrium, and therefore predicts the endogenous fluctuations of the system along with its central tendency simultaneously. For this reason, SE approaches can explain the observed data without relying on arbitrary assumptions about random noise and provide useful insights for many interesting economic problems that conventional methods have not been able to satisfactorily deal with. In this paper, we review the key elements of information theory focusing on the notions and applications of entropy and SE in economics, particularly paying attention to how entropy concepts open up a new frontline of economic research.  相似文献   

周祥 《城市问题》2005,(3):58-60
当代经济学研究注重交易费用在经济发展与社会制度设计中所起的作用.而作为社会制度的一部分,城市规划管理对城市开发有重要的影响,科学的城市规划管理应当注重经济学理论的指导作用.在介绍交易费用相关的基本理论基础上,结合美国城市规划管理实践,对城市规划管理中可能存在的交易费用及其影响进行分析研究,并对我国目前的规划管理实践进行思考,提出适应经济发展,尽量降低城市规划管理中的各种交易费用,以提高社会的总效用.  相似文献   

A bstract    This paper addresses the problem of the conceptualization of social structure and its relationship to human agency in economic sociology. The background is provided by John Maynard Keynes's writings on uncertainty and conventional behavior on the stock market, and the analysis consists of a comparison of the social ontologies of the French Intersubjectivist School and the Economics as Social Theory Project in the light of these observations. The theoretical argument is illustrated with concrete examples from a prominent study of the stock market boom of the 1990s.  相似文献   

Economics has become increasingly important in the analysis of the objectives, scope and effects of the welfare state and its future development, with the interesting result of producing growing support for 'liberalist' methods of social reform.  相似文献   

A bstract . The assumptions of omniscient rationality and of optimizing behavior of neoclassical economics are serious flaws in that theoretical system. By imitating Newtonian mechanics , by going back to 18th century psychology and philosophy and to Benrtham's rationalism and hedonism, and by assuming the ideal world of perfect competition , neoclassical economics had to ignore its psychological dimension and thus focus on the behavior of a simple and abstract "economic man" , who lacks social, ethical and political dimensions, and who is not a creature of habit, hunches, impulses, etc. The rationality postulate cannot be tested empirically and economic behavior is much too complicated to warrant use of the classical optimization techniques of Newtonian mechanics. Economics , dealing with open systems and being an evolutionary science , once again is not logically consistent with the application of classical Newtonian optimization techniques.  相似文献   

The radical difference between orthodox and heterodox economics emanates from the different views of the capitalist socio‐economic system. Economics as the science of social provisioning felicitously describes the heterodox view that the economy is part of the evolving social order; social agency is embedded in the social and cultural context; a socio‐economic change is driven by technical and cultural changes; and the provisioning process is open‐ended. Such a perspective on the economy offers ample methodological and theoretical implications for modeling the capitalist economy in a realistic manner. It lends itself especially to the micro‐macro synthetic approach. Thus the objective of this article is twofold: 1) to examine how the concept of the social provisioning process can be clarified and expanded by virtue of recent development in heterodox methodology and 2) to discuss how methodological development would nourish the heterodox modeling and theorizing of the capitalist social provisioning process.  相似文献   

高职经济学教材由学科向教学体系转化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
臧良运  肖艳红  王辉 《价值工程》2011,30(4):255-256
作为"社会科学皇冠上最为璀璨的明珠"的经济学教材汗牛充栋,高等职业教育经济学教材尽管取得了很多的成绩,但是也还存在一些问题,不能很好的满足高等职业教育培养目标和课程教学的要求,通过经济学课程的分析,探讨高职经济学教材由学科体系向教学体系转化的途径。  相似文献   

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