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仔猪水肿病是由大肠杆菌引起的一种高度致死性、散发性传染病.近两年来,随着养猪业的发展,养猪量的增加,本病的发病率有上升的趋势,且逐渐扩展,给养猪业造成很大的经济损失,并制约养猪业的发展,因此对本病的控制不容忽视.  相似文献   

仔猪先天肌阵挛病俗称仔猪舞蹈疯病或小猪跳跳病,多发生在出生 5至 7天的仔猪身上,是一种先天病,无传染性,以杂种仔猪发病率较高,其原因除与种公猪品质不良有关外,也与助产者手指不洁,致使仔猪脐部感染有关。   患有先天性肌阵挛病的仔猪发病时,全身颤抖,后肢行走震颤加剧,呈跳跃姿势,前进困难,往往呈后退状,看起来形如舞蹈、状如醉。此外,病猪各居一方,不相靠拢,背毛逆立,多呈腹式呼吸,个别的还磨牙,多立少卧。轻症者经 5至 14天恢复,重症者因多次找不到奶头或喝奶时被挤出而饿死。   对仔猪先天肌阵挛病有多种…  相似文献   

一、做好仔猪出生一周至断奶时的饲养管理工作,对提高仔猪成活率、提高养猪经济效益是十分有利的。1.仔猪活动力强,生长迅速,相对不易受母猪踩压,仔猪普遍容易出现的情况是由下痢和链球菌引起的四肢关节肿大而跛脚,出现症状应及时治疗。为了获得早期断奶的最大断奶体重和多采食饲料,应早些开始为仔猪补饲。在温暖季节,仔猪诱食可提早到出生后3~5天,科槽放置在保温出口附近。补饲料槽中经常会有仔猪将屎尿拉入其中,出现此种情况时要及时清理,污染了的饲料仔猪不会采食。补饲料的质量一定要好,可采用干的粒料补饲,因为仔猪有咬…  相似文献   

山羊传染性脓疱的病理分析与防治措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
关中田 《民营科技》2008,(6):117-118
山羊传染性脓疱病俗称羊口疮,是由脓疱病病毒所致的主要危害羔羊的急性接触性传染病。本病的主要特征是口唇等处皮肤和粘膜形成丘疹、脓疱、溃疡和结成疣状厚痂。本病传染性强,山羊羔死亡率高,一旦发生就会导致严重损失,是目前危害山羊生产的一大主要传染病。针对这种病的特征进行了简要的论述,同时,在分析病理的基础上,提出一些行而有效的防治措施。  相似文献   

羔羊大肠杆菌病,俗称羔羊白痢,是由一些血清型不同的大肠杆菌引起的疾病,死亡率很高。现就羔羊大肠茵病的诊治进行探讨。  相似文献   

鸡大肠杆菌病是目前养鸡业中的常见病与多发病之一,给养鸡业造成巨大的经济损失:但是由于大肠杆菌抗原复杂、血清型众多且易形成耐药性,给该病的预防造成很大困难.本文对鸡大肠杆菌病的重要预防措施逐一进行了综述,以期为实践生产中减少该病的发生提供参考.  相似文献   

鸡大肠杆菌病是目前养鸡业中的常见病与多发病之一,给养鸡业造成巨大的经济损失;但是由于大肠杆菌抗原复杂、血清型众多且易形成耐药性,给该病的预防造成很大困难。本文对鸡大肠杆菌病的重要预防措施逐一进行了综述,以期为实践生产中减少该病的发生提供参考。  相似文献   

许红波  杜洪生  杜万福 《活力》2010,(15):42-42
猪痢疾是由猪密螺旋体引起的一种特有的肠道传染病,临床以消瘦、腹泻黏液性出血性下痢为特征。该病发病率高、发病快、死亡率高。附红细胞体病是由血液寄生虫引起的一种以贫血、黄疸和发热为主要症状的人畜共患病,病程大约为10~30天,死亡率高。这两种病单独发病时治疗不难,一旦混合感染后,会给诊断和治疗带来很大困难,并且高死亡率和高淘汰率会给养猪业带来惨重的损失。本文主要阐述在治疗过程中猪痢疾与附红细胞体混合感染的病例诊治体会。  相似文献   

艾滋病流行已经成为一个严重的全球卫生和发展问题,艾滋病是一种目前尚无有效治愈办法、病死率极高的传染病。本文分析了当前国内史滋病问题的严峻性,对史滋病患者的权利提出了保障提出了可行性建议。  相似文献   

日本《东京新闻》5月对日报道:世界卫生组织呼吁加强预防0157病原性大肠杆菌感染。去年,0157病原性大肠杆菌在日本许多地方引起了集体食物中毒事件。世界卫生组织有关人士日前强调说,由这种病菌引起的食物中毒在世界各地呈增加趋势,严重时能致死人命,该组织呼吁各国采取有  相似文献   

周彦增 《价值工程》2012,31(21):200-203
蠕虫也是一种病毒,随着计算机网络的应用和普及,蠕虫对网络系统安全构成了很大的威胁,其破坏能力和传染性不容忽视。本文从传染病动力学入手,介绍了传染病动力学模型的基本形式和蠕虫病毒的危害及传播特性,最后列举了网络蠕虫病毒的几种传播模型并对如何防范蠕虫病毒提出了一些看法。  相似文献   

Pandemic influenza is a regularly recurring form of infectious disease; this work analyses its economic effects. Like many other infectious diseases influenza pandemics are usually of short, sharp duration. Human coronavirus is a less regularly recurring infectious disease. The human coronavirus pandemic of 2019 (COVID-19) has presented with seemingly high transmissibility and led to extraordinary socioeconomic disruption due to severe preventative measures by governments. To understand and compare these events, epidemiological and economic models are linked to capture the transmission of a pandemic from regional populations to regional economies and then across regional economies. In contrast to past pandemics, COVID-19 is likely to be of longer duration and more severe in its economic effects given the greater uncertainty surrounding its nature. The analysis indicates how economies are likely to be affected due to the risk-modifying behaviour in the form of preventative measures taken in response to the latest novel pandemic virus.  相似文献   

We explore the space–time and mortality dynamics of recent infectious diseases outbreaks which have occurred in a large number of developed and developing countries. We fully acknowledge the heterogeneity of infectious diseases. We find that many outbreaks exhibit spatial dependence, due to the international movement of people and goods. All countries are exposed to these negative cross-border health externalities, which can be triggered by climate shocks. The mortality consequences are much more severe in developing countries. Paying attention to spatial dependence has important implications for economic research and international policymaking.  相似文献   

黄敏 《价值工程》2012,31(26):281-283
本文在阐述反木桶原理的基础上,提出了运用反木桶原理做好传染病医院学科建设战略管理应采取的措施,即"做足长板",加强重点学科和优势学科建设;兼顾弱势学科,"长板"与"短板"学科相辅相成,使特色学科精益求精,又提高对传染病以外其他疾病的诊治能力,全面提高临床诊疗水平,使传染病医院真正成为防治传染性疾病和应对突发公共卫生事件的坚强堡垒  相似文献   

李敏  李霞 《价值工程》2012,31(26):316-318
目的:中国是肝炎大国,研究全国传染病医院投入与产出效益分析并找出影响因素并提出对策。方法:收集2005年-2009年统计数据,采用平均增长量、平均发展速度、平均增长速度计算出投入、产出指标值。结果:职工人数(包括医生数)、医疗仪器设备、房屋建筑面积(包括业务用房面积)等投入指标保持年均正增长速度。诊疗人次数、入院人数、病床工作日、病床周转次数等社会效益产出指标保持年均正增长速度,病床使用率提高16.4个百分点,出院者平均住院日每年缩短0.55日。净资产经济效益产出指标年均增长速度达32.47%,病毒性肝炎出院者人均医药费用年增长速度4.6%。结论:全国传染病医院属于朝阳事业,但应加大传染病预防的宣传力度,加强卫生管理,从源头消除传染源。加快完善新型农村合作医疗、城镇居民和职工医疗保险。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the relationship between changes in the newspaper-based infectious diseases tracking index (ITI) of Baker et al. (2020) and sectoral stock market returns in the US. Our results spanning the period 1985:01 to 2020:03 reveal the presence of a negative (positive) relationship between returns and ITI at lower (higher) return quantiles (representing different market conditions) in a majority of the sectors. For the health care sector, this relationship is negative at all quantiles. Interestingly, inclusion of the COVID-19 period in the sample data leads to the detection of a stronger relationship for smaller quantiles across all sectors. An asymmetric relationship between returns and the ITI is witnessed across different market conditions for the Consumer Staples, Healthcare, Industrial and Technology sectors. Results from a rolling regression uncover differences in the magnitudes of responses to various infectious diseases over time. Our results carry important implications regarding investment strategies for US sectoral returns in the presence of news relating to infectious diseases.  相似文献   

赵伟  王宏志  李峰 《价值工程》2012,31(30):177-179
随着信息技术的发展,GIS为传染疾病信息的处理以及疾病与人们周围的社会环境、自然环境和卫生服务环境的分析提供了一个理想的平台,它可以很好地阐述环境和健康之间的因果关系。本文论证了GIS与元胞自动机在理论上相结合的可行性并分析了元胞动态演化的相关参数,通过将GIS与元胞自动机技术相结合,建立起基于传染疾病的CA模型,这样就解决了一系列实验数据与现实有出入的问题,从而为公共安全和流行病学的研究提供更为接近现实的资料,更有效地模拟传染疾病发生、发展的复杂性以及可变性,更好地保护人民的生命财产不受损失。  相似文献   

蒋女士为H省直高校的教师,收入稳定,丈夫马先生为某企业的土建工程师,家庭年度有9万结余,再过4个月家庭将有新成员加入,是典型的形成期过渡到成长期的家庭。本理财规划方案基于蒋女士家庭基本状况及财务状况基础上,编制出其家庭资产负债表和月、年收入支出表,分析家庭财务状况、并查找问题,分析其家庭现阶段资产配置的不妥之处,并给出相应的规划建议。  相似文献   

李敏  顾俊  李霞 《价值工程》2012,(27):287-289
研究2005-2009年全国肿瘤、妇产(科)和传染病三类专科医院,对比发现三类医院在规模、医疗水平上均稳步前进,各项业务指标均向正向发展。肿瘤医院向800张病床规模扩容以满足社会需求;妇产(科)医院中非国有机构迅速增多,应加强对其监管;传染病医院发展仍需依靠国家扶持。提高医疗水平,定期健康检查,送医送药送技术下乡,注重结对扶贫医疗工程。  相似文献   

How should we understand the relationship between urban environments and infectious diseases? This article addresses this question from three particular perspectives: that of the materialities of health, that of nature and that of networks. The first perspective analytically blends biological dynamics, environmental influence and social practice. The second perspective, mainly influenced by multispecies ethnographies, foregrounds the liveliness and unboundedness of cities. Finally, the third perspective analyses how health is drawn into the domain of security. The article argues that while globalization and urbanization are often discussed as having triggered the emergence and spread of pathogens, urban epidemics are not self‐evident and ‘natural' consequences of these pro‐cesses. They do not fall neatly into universal categories of space, modernity or risk; rather, they are produced and shaped by a range of social, political, biological and economic sites and scales. Accordingly, the emergence of pathogens depends on its articulation through specific analytical frameworks. This article suggests that a critical focus on how infectious diseases manifest themselves differently in different local contexts may not only provide insights into the manifold forms of urban life, but also into the multiple, complex and highly political constitution of health.  相似文献   

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