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为了研究不同所有制医疗机构的利他性,本文使用相关调查数据对农村地区新农合受访者门诊费用、药品费用及其各自付比进行回归分析。结果显示:在基层公立医疗机构看门诊所产生的医疗总费用、总费用自付额均显著地高于基层非公立医疗机构,而这一差异可能源自总费用中的非药品费用;相比基层非公立医疗机构,患者在基层公立医疗机构看门诊拥有更高的总费用报销比。以上结论不满足公立医疗机构降低患者医疗费用利他性假设,因此本文建议更加深化医疗改革,促进非公立医疗机构发展、提升患者福利。  相似文献   

本文重点分析了浙江省省级公立医院改革药品零差率政策的实施效果,通过收集某三甲医院2012年4月至2015年3月三年间的相关数据,对实施改革前后医院相关医药费用进行分析。结果显示医药总费用与人均门诊住院医药费用出现增长,政策性因素使药品费用的增长率有所降低,药占比下降。表明改革虽实现了价格结构的调整,但是医药总费用的增长明显,医疗机构控费力度不强,医疗保险机构的支出同样出现增长。  相似文献   

一、医院面临新的挑战长期以来 ,我国医疗机构的成本补偿渠道主要来自政府投入、医疗服务收入和药品加成收入三个部分。为解决前两项补偿的不足 ,国家允许医疗机构通过向患者加成销售药品并实行免税 ,售药收益全部留归医院。这种“以药养医”的政策导向有其形成的历史原因 ,也有其历史功绩 ,但由此也造成了医院普遍追求药品收入最大化 ,推动了医药费用过快增长 ,加重了社会和患者的经济负担。同时 ,还影响了医院的医德医风 ,成为近年来社会普遍关注的焦点问题。为了有效地控制药品费用不合理增长 ,促进医院逐步回到因病施治、合理用药的正常…  相似文献   

9月13日,由广东省卫生厅等10部门联合签发的《广东省医疗机构药品交易相关办法》正式瑞身广东医药采购平台。新规对基药交易、非基药交易、药品采购与配送、药品交易监督管理等六方面内容制定了实施细则。根据新规,药品通过第三方交易平台进行交易。  相似文献   

各地级以上市、顺德市劳动和社会保障局(社保局): 国家基本医疗保险药品目录颁发后,我省于2000年3月完成了基本医疗保险乙类药品调整工作。从已实施新的用药政策的大多数地区的情况看,基本医疗保险药品目录对保障职工用药需求,规范定点医疗机构和药店的售药行为,遏制医疗费用不合理增长发挥了重要作用。但是由于各地基本医疗保险制度改革工作进展不一致,部分市的机关、事业单位及国家公务员,仍未纳入基本医疗保险,按原公费医疗  相似文献   

缓解“看病贵”明年将有新举措●不把公立医疗机构盲目推向市场●药店、医院必须销售常用廉价药●大型检查费用降价技术服务提价●医生开处方不得使用药品商品名(记者姬薇)从明年开始,国家发改委将与卫生部合作,选择部分政府定价药品,从出厂定价到医院终端售出进行全程监控,严格控制其出厂价格,限制进入医院差价率。这是国家发改委为缓解群众看病难、看病贵问题,将要推出的系列措施之一。国家发改委价格司医药处处长郭剑英在“2005中国医疗机构改革·首届医院品牌与发展论坛”上,介绍了国家发改委为控制医疗费用上涨,满足群众基本医疗需求的…  相似文献   

9月9日,商务部、发改委等六部门发布《关于落实2014年度医改重点任务提升药品流通服务水平和效率工作的通知》(以下简称《通知》),明确提出"采取多种方式推进医药分开"。《通知》指出,推动医药分开面向公立医院改革试点城市,可探索由规模较大、质量控制严格、执业药师药事服务制度完备,诚信记录好的零售药店,承担医疗机构门诊药房服务和其他专业服务的多种形式的改革,推进临床合理用药。同时,逐步形成医生负责门诊诊断,患者凭处方到医疗机构或零售药店自主购药的新模式。  相似文献   

<正>随着医疗保险制度在我国的蓬勃发展,覆盖面的不断扩大,医疗费用快速增长,住院天数、药品支出居高不下,医疗保险资金的绝大部分被定点医疗机构所使用和消耗。只有把对定点医疗机构的管理作为医疗保险管理的核心部位、中心环节来抓,才能有效规范医  相似文献   

本文从医疗机构逐步市场化的背景下,药房管理面临的困难和形势要求出发,探讨了药品质量管理、药房财务、药品使用监管、从药人员素质存在问题和解决办法.  相似文献   

本文从招标方式、投标人及药品资质的要求、投标、评标及签订购销合同等多个方面,详细介绍了药品招标采购的全过程。药品集中招标采购既能降低药价,又能保证城镇职工基本医疗保险制度的顺利实施。除此之外,实行药品集中采购,还能从源头上治理医药购销中的不正之风,规范医疗机构药品购销工作,减轻社会医药费用负担。  相似文献   

Pharmaceutical firms attribute high prices and high profits to costs associated with researching and developing the next generation of life-saving drugs. Using data from annual reports, this article tests the validity of this claim. We find that while pharmaceutical firms do invest in R&D, they also enjoy strong rents; between 1988 and 2009, pharmaceuticals enjoyed profits of 3 to 37 times the all-industry average, depending on the years, while investing proportionately less in R&D than other high-R&D firms. Costs of pharmaceutical drugs have successfully flown below the radar in much of the current health care debate, with producers managing to obstruct alternative sourcing as well as payment cuts. While health care is examined for savings in other areas, sustained high pharmaceutical profits suggest that as a new health care policy develops in the U.S., the pharmaceutical industry should not be excluded from examination for significant savings in health care costs.  相似文献   

师东菊 《物流科技》2011,34(9):48-49
随着我国新医改政策的出台与逐步实施,以及国外医疗卫生机构进入我国的医疗市场,给我国医药企业发展带来机遇的同时,也带来了竞争的压力和冲击。在激烈的市场营销环境中,医药企业为了获得持续生存和发展,就要不断地开拓市场,调查与预测医药市场信息以满足消费者日益增长和变化的消费需求。因此,如何构建医药市场信息系统,对未来市场走势做出正确的判断,成为医药企业在市场竞争中提升竞争力的重要手段。  相似文献   

药品供应链现状分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
史丽丽 《价值工程》2011,30(36):10-11
由于药品的特殊性,使得药品供应链在整个运作过程中有着特殊要求。我国正处在医药改革转型时期,医药流通体系混乱,医药不分业、以药养医、医院的"双垄断"地位、政府主导药品定价等这些我国特有元素,致使我国药品供应链更加脆弱,面临诸多的运作风险和不确定性。文章在分析目前我国药品供应链结构特点及运作现状的基础上,结合我国实际国情,提出了具体应对措施,以进一步促进我国药品供应链的重构,优化药品供应链运作。  相似文献   

Respiratory care     
In summary, the field of respiratory care has witnessed a continuum of accelerating change in its first half century of existence as a health care profession. These changes were effected by internal change agents as well as external forces in the health care arena. Based upon a health care system undergoing a near cataclysmic pace of change in a time of multifocal and critical inspection, it is anticipated that the field will undergo an even more dramatic change in its scope and direction in the next 50 years. With the guidance and assistance of administrators, medical staff, and partner departments, the respiratory care department should continue to function as an integral part of the hospital organization.  相似文献   

名义公共产品是指公共支出,公共支出对私人部门利益的提升才是实际公共产品。公共支出增加不一定导致私人部门利益提升。公共支出效益由公共部门获得,导致公共部门的人均收入高于私人部门。部门的报酬差异导致对公共部门的过度进入。进入的本质是分享公共部门的利益空间。另一方面,对公共部门的进入也存在着制约的因素。公共部门的相对报酬刺激进入规模扩大,进入规模扩大又使得相对报酬趋于降低。相互对立的力量决定了公共部门的进入规模,同时决定了公共部门和私人部门的边界。  相似文献   

abstract This paper reports on a collaborative project involving organization scholars and clinicians to examine the ways in which individual and organizational health are conceptualized in the literature. We illustrate how the use of systems theories (in this case complexity theory) in relation to organizational health introduces problems such as the risk of promoting organizational health at the expense of individual well‐being. The phenomena of organizational health and individual health are often presented as having a symbiotic relationship and we suggest some circumstances where this is not the case. Our central argument is that we need to move beyond current conceptual limitations and move towards a more process‐based model of health in organization rather than organizational health.  相似文献   

Pharmaceutical innovators confront increasingly severe problems: prolonged lead times for product development and approval; soaring costs; and constraining factors implicit in the chemical approach to inventing or improving drugs. To avoid the problems of the chemical approach, which has previously dominated pharmaceutical R&D, the ALZA Corporation has been working intensively to develop radically new dosage forms for administering medication. The purpose of these dosage forms, called therapeutic systems, is to produce an optimal therapeutic effect and minimize side effects by delivering drugs to the body at precisely controlled rates. Products are now approved, or on the market, for delivering drugs through intact skin, for topically medicating the eye, and for providing hormonal contraception localized to the uterus. Other therapeutic systems are in advanced development, including one taken by mouth — the most favored route of administration. The innovative nature of ALZA products has made their approval and marketing difficult and has generated a need for a continuing high level of financial support. Maintaining an entrepreneurial effort of so unusual a kind has demanded total commitment on the part of corporate leadership and effective communication of that commitment to people at all company levels. Recently ALZA has enlisted large pharmaceutical companies as marketing partners, an arrangement that is likely to accelerate acceptance of its products and of the concept of controlled drug delivery.  相似文献   

医疗卫生人才基层就业是大势所趋的,要如何处理好基层就业用需之间的矛盾是亟待解决的问题,国家要出台相应的政策保障基层医疗卫生,更要为医学专业毕业生营造适合的空间。作为毕业生也应考虑到主动适应基层环境,为基层老百姓服务,到缺医少药的地方去。  相似文献   

崔征 《企业技术开发》2009,28(12):94-95
我国立法现状出发,结合司法执法过程中的具体实践经验,试图对工商部门与卫生行政部门之间的在查处无证无照食品经营违法行为中的职责进行划分,探索新的监管之路。  相似文献   

我国会计法规体系应分别从纵向和横向进行划分:纵向上,按照我国会计法规的制定机关和法律效力将其分为会计法律、会计行政法规、会计部门规章与地方政府和行业主管部门的会计规章四个层次;横向上,按照会计法规的内容将会其划分为会计核算方面的法规、会计监督方面的法规、会计机构和会计人员方面的法规以及会计工作管理方面的法规四个方面。  相似文献   

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