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知识经济时代经济增长所依靠的已不仅是货币资本,更重要的是人力资本,货币资本的获得和财富的积累都是由人力资本推动的。人力资本是现代经济增长与发展的源泉和动力,增加人力资本投资,提高人力资源质量,已成为促进经济发展的重要手段。从我国经济增长的影响因素看,人力资本作为生产要素对经济增长具有决定作用,人力资本投资对我国经济增长具有战略意义。本文对经济增长理论及人力资本理论进行了介绍,并运用实证分析方法探讨了教育投资对经济增长的贡献。  相似文献   

陕西省人力资本与经济增长关系的实证分析,引入生产函数模型,对物质资本投资、人力资本投资与陕西省经济增长之间的关系进行了实证分析,数据处理方面均扣除了价格因素,全部换算为1978年的不变价格,具有可比性,综合分析了陕西省人力资本对经济增长的推动性作用;第四部分根据实证研究结果得出结论,并提出加大人力资本投资力度以加快陕西省经济增长及转变经济增长方式的建议。  相似文献   

河南省利用外资与经济增长关系的计量检验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
蒲春峰 《经济界》2008,(2):91-96
本文在包括人力资本的单部门内生增长模型中对河南省经济增长的影响因素进行了实证分析,在此基础上构建了各影响因素与外商直接投资的相关性研究。结论表明:河南省外国直接投资与经济增长存在显著相关性,但是外国直接投资与经济增长之间不存在格兰杰因果关系;外国直接投资主要通过物质资本、人力资本、技术进步、产业结构变动等来影响河南省的经济增长,而通过对外贸易影响经济增长的机制并不存在。  相似文献   

20世纪80年代以来,一些西方学者对经济发展机制的研究和对国家之间经济增长率差别变化趋势的分析均表明,人力资本既是发达国家保持经济持续增长的关键因素,也是发展中国家实现经济增长的必要条件。贝克尔也在他的《人力资本》一书中,认为人力资本对经济增长和增加国民收入具有重要作用,并且论证了教育投资是生产性投资,对经济发展有巨大影响。  相似文献   

20世纪80年代以来,一些西方学者对经济发展机制的研究和对国家之间经济增长率差别变化趋势的分析均表明,人力资本既是发达国家保持经济持续增长的关键因素,也是发展中国家实现经济增长的必要条件.贝克尔也在他的<人力资本>一书中,认为人力资本对经济增长和增加国民收入具有重要作用,并且论证了教育投资是生产性投资,对经济发展有巨大影响.  相似文献   

人力资本是区域经济增长决定性动因,而产业结构则反映区域资源配置与资源转换能力即财富创造能力的高低。在人力资本和产业结构优化的互动过程中,更需要从战略的角度提高人力资本水平,以推动区域经济协调增长,包括构建多元化的投资,增加人力资本投资存量;发展多元化教育模式,促进人力资本结构优化;优化人力资本配置结构,提高人力资本使用效率;缩小区域产业结构差距,建立地区间人力资本良性循环机制等。  相似文献   

人力资本在社会经济发展中具有基础性、战略性的作用。而教育是人力资本投资,提高人力资本质量的重要途径。本文利用生产函数分析比较广东省和四川省经济增长过程中人力资本投资对经济增长的产出弹性以及贡献率,实证了人力资本是经济增长的重要决定因素,并对教育和经济发展的关系做出较为全面的解释,对四川省的经济发展提出政策建议。  相似文献   

本文针对已有的关于人力资本投资的理论研究往往只关注人力资本投资数量而忽视人力投资结构研究的现状,把教育和健康看作是两种资本,分析了人力资本投资的具体构成形式。假设人力资本由教育资本和健康资本按照Cobb-Douglas生产技术形式组合生成。通过扩展Mankiw、Romer和Weil(1992)模型(简称MRW模型),构建了一个内生经济增长模型。理论分析结果表明,人力资本投资结构制约着经济增长,人力资本投资数量和结构都对经济产生重要影响。最后,本文以理论分析为基础构建计量经济模型,利用1978-2004年中国29个省市的面板数据实证分析了教育资本和健康资本对中国经济增长的影响。  相似文献   

经济增长是现代社会关注的一个重要话题,论文从实证的角度分析了人力资本投资对我国经济增长的影响,通过选取国内生产总值GDP、物质资本投资(K)、人力资本投资(L)三个变量,建立柯布—道格拉斯函数模型,运用SPSS进行回归并分析,得出虽然目前中国的经济增长方式仍是物质资本拉动型为主,但是人力资本对经济增长的巨大的拉动作用已经显现出来的结论,并据此提出加强我国人力资本投资以促经济增长的一些建议。  相似文献   

人口老龄化已经成为制约我国经济增长的重要因素。为考察老龄社会中人力资本的经济效应,首先构建包含老龄化因素的内生增长理论模型,考察人力资本最优投资规模;其次采用我国2010—2018年面板数据,使用GMM等估计方法进一步检验人力资本对经济增长的贡献。检验结果表明,受老龄化因素制约,我国人力资本经济产出弹性低于物质资本经济产出弹性,即人口老龄化对人力资本经济效应和投资收益期产生抑制作用。为发挥人力资本对经济增长的促进作用,在老龄化日益严重的背景下,各地政府应结合自身经济要素禀赋和发展基础调整两类资本投资结构,以减轻老龄化造成的经济冲击。  相似文献   

When sampling a batch consisting of particulate material, the distribution of a sample estimator can be characterized using knowledge about the sample drawing process. With Bernoulli sampling, the number of particles in the sample is binomially distributed. Because this is rarely realized in practice, we propose a sampling design in which the possible samples have a nearly equal mass. Expected values and variances of the sample estimator are calculated. It is shown that the sample estimator becomes identical to the Horvitz–Thompson estimator in the case of a large batch-to-sample mass ratio and a large sample mass. Simulations and experiments were performed to test the theory. Simulations confirm that the round-off error due to the discrete nature of particles is negligible for large sample sizes. Sampling experiments were carried out with a mixture of PolyPropylene (PP) and PolyTetraFluorEthylene (PTFE) spheres suspended in a viscous medium. The measured and theoretical variations are in good agreement.  相似文献   

This article compares the practice of and attitudes towards performance appraisal for managerial and professional staff in Hong Kong and Britain, and considers the extent to which actual practice and employee preferences are in alignment. Findings suggest that appraisal may be more widespread in Hong Kong than in Britain. However, British appraisal tends to be more participative and to place greater emphasis on discussing objectives, development and career plans. Hong Kong appraisals appear to be more directive and Hong Kong respondents perceive a higher level of 'negative' appraiser behaviour. In spite of this, Hong Kong respondents show if anything slightly more confidence in the utility of appraisal than do British respondents. They show stronger support for appraisal's use for reward and punishment and less support for the objectives-setting and training and development uses than do the British sample. Hong Kong respondents are more likely than their British counterparts to favour involving a more senior manager in appraisal, and they are less likely to prefer more frequent appraisals. There was little evidence that Hong Kong respondents had a stronger preference for group-based appraisal criteria, although they did show more support than the British sample for the use of personality as a basis for appraisal. Overall, the suggestion is that appraisal has been adopted in Hong Kong organizations but that the practice of appraisal has been adapted to suit the cultural characteristics of the society.  相似文献   

Expatriate experience is not only a disconnected occasion for cross-cultural anxiety and adjustment but also an important event in the process of self-development and learning. Following this view and arguing for a discursive approach, the paper focuses on ways in which expatriates themselves tell and interpret their development and movement across expatriate career cycle. Meaning systems connecting expatriate job with previous and following work experiences in career stories of Finnish engineers and managers were identified using a combination of narrative and discourse analysis. No evidence was found of an autonomous expatriate discourse but, in contrast, expatriate career cycle was narrated using available organizational repertoires of development and career. Describing and discussing the meaning-making properties of three identified discourses - bureaucratic, occupational and enterprising - the paper emphasizes the organizational environment of expatriate experience while acknowledging the limits of these contemporary career vocabularies in addressing individual learning and change in cross-cultural settings.  相似文献   

The paper explores the increasing popularity of the Internet technology Singapore. It argues that the diffusion of Internet technology to South-East Asia would create new duties and responsibilities for human resource (HR) managers. One such duty is the identification of the skills which professional Internet staff would need to perform their work effectively in organizations. Using a triangulation research method, empirical study has identified the new professional Internet jobs which have emerged the IT industry in Singapore and the skills that professional Internet personnel require do their jobs effectively. Analysis of the findings indicates that professional Internet skills involve both technical and creative abilities and that, in explaining or defining professional Internet skills, it is necessary to use both the technical and the social conceptions of skill. This argument is based on the view that the creative skills include tacit skills so that a definition based solely on the technical conception of skill cannot capture the various dimensions of Internet skills. The implications of the research findings for human resource managers are raised.  相似文献   

关于高校教学秘书工作的认识与思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王巧文 《价值工程》2010,29(1):114-116
教学秘书在教学管理中起着举足轻重的作用,本文结合自己近6年从事教学秘书的工作实践和体会,阐述了高校教学秘书的工作职能和工作内容,提出了教学秘书应具备的素质,分析了日前教学秘书工作中存在的问题,探讨了教学秘书工作改进的方法与途径。  相似文献   

Some labels have dire consequences. This article takes issue with the labels commonly used to describe the physical and social location of communities living on the edge of Port Vila, Vanuatu—labels that position communities for eviction by entrenching tropes of informality and peripherality into how they are seen and represented. Such terms include informal, settlement, informal settlement, squatter and peri-urban. Based on interviews with around 100 people and two years of ethnographic engagement with urban communities in Port Vila, Vanuatu, I critique the language of policy against the lived experience of those at the urban edge. I use Bourdieu's articulation of power as an accumulation of symbolic capital that enables one to speak the world into being. I conclude that the language of policies and plans is reflective of a dominant discourse in urban studies and international aid, and non-reflective of the experience and identities of people living at the urban edge. My interviewees and interlocutors maintain their identities as sister communities—as places grounded in the formality of customary tenure, and as part of the city rather than outside it.  相似文献   

In this article we portray and unpack the fabric of urban expansion in contemporary Luanda. In doing so, we examine interdependencies and complementarities between the organization of oil extraction off the coast of Angola, the emergence of particular modalities of modernist city planning for the expansion of its capital city, and the proliferation of cement blocks in the making of new urban forms throughout its burgeoning peripheries. By showing how urban development has unfolded through the interconnected realization of multiple kinds of systematizing blocks—namely oil blocks, city blocks and cement blocks—we analyse key material components in the production of new markets and urban spaces in the Angolan capital. By tracing forms of capitalism and modularity in the making of contemporary Luanda, we develop the concept of blocos urbanism to draw attention to modes of standardization and the production of legibility in contemporary processes of urbanization. Through this study, we aim to contribute to the conceptual apparatus for deciphering our global urban condition.  相似文献   

Over the course of the 1990s the concept of empowerment became firmly established within the vocabulary of urban politics in several different national contexts. This article analyzes the spread of this concept by looking at the politics of urban renewal in the United States and the United Kingdom. It shows that even if (and possibly because) the definition of empowerment remained vague, the turn to empowerment came out of and contributed to a shift in the nature of urban politics and to a reconfiguration of governmental methods, the role of the state and, consequently, to changes in civil society, all of which were associated with a rise to prominence of a neoliberal perspective.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a hybrid input-output model to estimate the intermediate requirements embodied in the final disposal--such as reclamation and incineration - of non-marketable scraps and wastes from industries or households. The model is based on a mixed technology assumption in order to connect the monetary distribution of the ordinary goods and services with the physical distribution of the scraps and wastes as joint-products. Moreover, some demand-pulled invisible multipliers, in terms of the scraps and wastes, have been explored by performing a numerical simulation. From the invisible multipliers, we find the paradoxical phenomenon that the reduction in the amount of final disposal and the promotion of material recycling decreases the intermediate demand of the scraps and wastes for material recycling if there is a time-lag in the introduction of the appropriate recycling technology.  相似文献   

Corruption is regularly treated as a barrier to infrastructure, development and growth. However, in Saigon, corruption itself has become an infrastructure in Vietnam's late-socialist urban transformation. This infrastructure facilitates not only growth in the form of transnational investment, property speculation and construction, but allows for different kinds of planning and development practice as well. Perceptions about corruption in Vietnam, and in Saigon specifically, shape market and planning practices that structure the terms on which interested parties from abroad and internally speculate upon and ultimately develop urban projects. This is not a static formulation of corruption. Rather, corruption and the various political and policy responses to it constantly shape how brokers, developers and financiers renegotiate how the city becomes a knowable object for investment, legible to the calculations of both risk and reward used by global investors as well as to those who enact the embedded bureaucratic, legal and political practices that create Saigon's built environment. In this article I argue that different definitions and policy responses to corruption in effect create variable ways of seeing the city (as well as modes of being seen) that have an impact on the material realities of the metropolis—the types of connections produced with transnational finance, the legal and regulatory structure under which urbanization unfolds, and the types of players, firms and officials involved.  相似文献   

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