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2006年12月11日,外资银行开始进入中国市场,它是中国对WTO承诺的全面兑现,也是中国银行业对外全面开放迈出重大的一步。外资银行的进入从长期看将对中国银行业及居民生活产生重大影响。对比分析中外银行在房贷业务中的竞争情况,探索经纪机构与外资银行合作的价值,预测外资银行进入中国市场后,对中国房贷市场的影响变得很重要。  相似文献   

在2006年中国银行市场进一步全面开放情况下,研究外资银行进入对东道国市场的影响有着非常现实的意义。目前为止,国内外的学者对此作了较多的研究,但这些研究更多地分析目前外资银行进入动机、战略、形式及各种效应。本文从一个新的角度分析了外资银行对进入模式的选择,并拟结合国内外现有的文献,对外资银行不同进入模式进行阐述,分析不同进入模式对东道国市场的影响。  相似文献   

一、引言外资银行进入我国已经有100多年的历史。新中国成立后就保留了汇丰银行、东亚银行、华侨银行和渣打银行4家外资银行继续在上海营业,外资银行大量进入我国是在1980年我国的银行业对外开放之后。  相似文献   

王磊 《数据》2002,(2):34-35
随着加入WTO,我国的金融市场将逐步开放,外资银行进入中国市场即将成为现实.在"国民待遇"的原则下,中国商业银行将面临外资银行的挑战,金融市场的竞争必将日趋加剧.为了应对外资银行的挑战,我国的商业银行应当认真地分析与外资银行的经营差距及原因,以便在即将到来的竞争中扬长避短,使自己立于不败之地.  相似文献   

<正>3月31日,东亚银行石家庄分行正式开业,这是东亚银行(中国)有限公司在内地市场的第19家分行,也是首家进入我省的外资银行。这次外资银行的引进对于我省本土的商业银行改革来说,无疑起到了推动作用。与我省本土银行比较来说,外资银行提供的金融服务更加多样,人员的素质要求也更严格,管理技术水平也更加先进。此外,在外资银行进入中国这些年中,外资银行越来越贴近本土生活,不断创新,业务领域也越来越宽,发展势头不容  相似文献   

根据WTO的协议,中国于十二月十一日取消所有对外资银行的所有权、经营权、甚至所有制的限制,允许外资银行向中国客户提供人民币业务服务,给予外资行国民待遇,外资银行随之全面进入中国市场。在中外资银行逐渐升级的竞争背后,我们看到的是一个良性竞争的开局,一个更为积极、理性的行业,一个更为融合的发展前景。中国银监会批准汇丰、渣打等9家外资银行将我国境内分行改制为法人银行。汇丰是首家进入中国农村地区的外资银行。  相似文献   

一、银行业全面开放迎来揭幕战 2006年12月底.我国政府遵守加入WTO的承诺.全面开放外资银行人民币业务。外资银行大举进入国内市场,本土商业银行正面临日益激烈的市场竞争。然而,出人意料的是,本土银行和外资银行的揭幕战竟然是围绕小企业金融服务展开。  相似文献   

随着中国银行业的全面开放,外资银行人民币业务的运作空间扩大,进入中小企业融资市场成为各外资银行不约而同的选择。外资银行提供中小企业金融服务,一方面会增加中外资银行间的竞争,促进中资银行加速管理和业务创新工作;另一方面,我们也不应忽视外资银行在推动中国企业管理水平提升方面的贡献。  相似文献   

外资银行进入对我国银行业效率影响研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
绝大多数研究认为外资银行进入有利于东道国银行业效率的提高。在我国对外资银行全面开放的背景下,本文通过构建外资银行进入的效率变量函数,分析得出:外资银行进入在短期可能使我国银行业效率暂时下降,而在长期能够提高我国银行业的效率。但应注意的是,我国现存的金融环境有可能影响外资银行进入的竞争效应和溢出效应的发挥。  相似文献   

绝大多数研究认为外资银行进入有利于东道国银行业效率的提高。在我国对外资银行全面开放的背景下,本文通过构建外资银行进入的效率变量函数,分析得出:外资银行进入在短期可能使我国银行业效率暂时下降,而在长期能够提高我国银行业的效率。但应注意的是,我国现存的金融环境有可能影响外资银行进入的竞争效应和溢出效应的发挥。  相似文献   

This paper uses survival analysis to examine the factors determining the time taken for branches of foreign banks in Shanghai, China to make a positive rate of return after entering that market. Particular attributes of banks including the parent bank's size, early entry and the number of branches the bank has in China are found to reduce time to profitability. Market conditions in Shanghai, captured by levels of foreign direct investment and Eurodollar interest rates, are also found to have significant effects. A number of managerial implications are drawn from the analysis in light of the greater access to the Chinese banking markets following China's accession to the WTO. To ensure long‐term profitability in Shanghai, the foreign bank needs to contain costs and risks in the new markets, formulate an effective market penetration strategy, identify appropriate customer target groups, attract businesses from firms of different countries, seek early entry and undertake more fee‐income generating businesses. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper uses a simple mean‐variance choice model as the basis of a duration analysis of the factors determining the decision of a foreign bank to establish a branch in Shanghai, the fast developing financial centre in China. Bank attributes, namely region of origin, parent bank size, the number of international branches and their branch network in China, have a significant impact on the time to entry. A country's share of total foreign direct investment in Shanghai also significantly affects the entry decision. The attributes facilitating entry also provide the foreign bank with a competitive advantage in its foreign currency transactions in Shanghai. However, with the ensuing market liberalisations after China's WTO accession, the entrants' competitiveness may not be sustained in the local currency market, especially following the proactive business strategies of Chinese banks and the protectionist measures of the government. It is expected that only a small number of the entrants will be able to emerge as big market players in the growing domestic currency market in Shanghai. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

目前外资银行正开始向中国农村金融市场进军,这使中资银行面临严峻的挑战。对此,文章提出了中资银行应重视农村金融市场的开拓与发展;加快产权机制改革、提高经营管理水平;开展金融创新与金融人才引进和培养等对策建议。  相似文献   

于雷 《价值工程》2011,30(5):119-120
我国金融机构市场退出的风险突出表现在商业银行上。本文通过比较国内外商业银行市场退出法律制度现状,发现我国商业银行市场退出法律制度尚存在诸多的不足,并就此提出了相应的合理建议,进而完善商业银行市场退出监管法律体系。  相似文献   

We examine data (1994–2001) to determine if foreign banks’ behavior differed from domestic banks and if foreign banks helped to stabilize Korean markets. Foreign banks’ financial ratios differed from Korean banks with two notable exceptions: provisions for loan losses and loan growth. Before the Asian financial crisis, all banks’ loans generally did not respond to Korean market conditions. Post crisis, foreign banks reduced total lending. Foreign banks increased and Korean banks decreased won-denominated loans when Korean economic conditions improved after the crisis. Finally, foreign banks’ lending reacted to changes in home-country GDP growth and real interest rates.  相似文献   

孙海涛 《企业经济》2012,(8):168-171
股票市场的股价波动会引起股价指数的涨跌。本文基于计量经济学的自回归条件异方差模型,对上证指数2007年以来的1276个交易日的样本数据进行实证研究。结果表明:上证指数收益序列具有尖峰厚尾特征和波动的时段集群特征,适合利用自回归条件异方差模型进行分析及预测。研究结果为各方从不同角度把握上证指数收益波动的规律提供了股票投资理论和方法。  相似文献   

依据1986年-2008年期间以外国金融直接投资的形式在我国设立商业存在的跨国银行数据、运用Panel Data变截距固定效应模型GLS估算方法,检验了跨国银行进入我国的动机和区位选择的影响因素.结果发现,跨国银行进入我国"追求利润"的动机比"客户追随"的动机更加强烈;而制度质量上接近的程度则是跨国银行进行区位选择的决定性因素.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the cost efficiency of Russian banks with regard to their heterogeneity in terms of ownership form, capitalization and asset structure. Using bank-level quarterly data over the period 2005–2013, we perform stochastic frontier analysis (SFA) and compute cost efficiency scores at the bank and bank group levels. We deduct from gross costs the negative revaluations of foreign currency items generated by official exchange rate dynamics rather than by managerial decisions. The results indicate that the core state banks, as distinct from other state-controlled banks, were nearly as efficient as private domestic banks during and after the crisis of 2008–2009. Foreign banks appear to be the least efficient market participants in terms of costs, which might reflect their lower (and decreasing over time) penetration of the Russian banking system. We further document that the group ranking by cost efficiency is not permanent over time and depends on the observed differences in bank capitalization and asset structure. We find that foreign banks gain cost efficiency when they lend more to the economy. Core state banks, conversely, lead in terms of cost efficiency when they lend less to the economy, which can result from political interference in their lending decisions in favor of unprofitable projects Private domestic banks that maintain a lower capitalization significantly outperform foreign banks and do not differ from the core state banks in this respect.  相似文献   

利率市场化中的风险转移与商业银行风险规避   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曾超 《价值工程》2002,(6):65-68
利率市场化通过对利率管制下扭曲利率的校正 ,实现了资源的有效配置 ,促进了经济增长。然而利率市场化以后 ,基准利率的确定、利率的波动趋势以及外资金融机构的进入 ,将使商业银行面临风险转嫁的可能。商业银行必须适时建立起完善的风险防范和风险管理制度。  相似文献   

郭丽 《价值工程》2012,31(2):155-156
伴随着我国商业银行的改组与上市,商业银行市场结构发生了转变,在绩效方面也得到了较大提高,但与国外商业银行相比,我国银行业的实际绩效相对较低,在经营绩效和管理效率等方面存在亟待解决的不足之处。国外关于商业银行市场结构与绩效方面的学术研究已相当丰富,我国学者近来也在这一领域不断取得进展。本文将对国内外关于商业银行市场结构与绩效这一方面的研究成果进行简单的解释与归纳概括,希望能够为商业银行的绩效研究提供有益的参考。  相似文献   

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