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当时我国城市化加速,都市圈发展迅速,对市域(郊)铁路需求突显,国家目前也在大力发展市域(郊)铁路。从国内外市域(郊)铁路发展情况来看,利用既有铁路资源发展市域(郊)铁路是优先发展方向,总结市域(郊)铁路的建设模式分为新建市域(郊)铁路和利用既有铁路资源。文章详细对利用既有铁路发展市域(郊)铁路的三类模式,从线路情况、设备设施、运输组织模式等方面进行了总结和分析。  相似文献   

打造轨道上的都市圈,能够充分发挥不同功能层次轨道网络的技术优势,重点推进都市圈轨道交通网络与多中心、多层级、多节点的都市圈城镇发展模式和空间格局相适应,推动轨道交通建设与都市圈空间格局适配发展。目前,由于我国都市圈轨道交通的规划建设体制机制不适应发展需要、国铁集团参与都市圈市域(郊)铁路建设运营的意愿不强、土地管理政策尚未实现供需高效对接等原因,多数都市圈轨道交通网络结构不尽完善、效率不高、效益不佳。建议科学把握轨道交通建设规模和节奏,优化调整轨道交通布局,推动多层次轨道交通网络融合发展,深化规划建设体制机制改革和铁路、土地供应的市场化改革,形成轨道交通支撑都市圈发展的持久动力。  相似文献   

本刊讯天津明年将启动建设全长155公里的蓟港市域快速铁路工程,工程建成后,天津南北客运将实现一小时通达,缩短津郊与中心城区的距离。据悉,天津蓟港市域快速铁路工程规划全长155公里,穿越天津大港、津南、东丽、北辰、武清、宝坻、蓟县7个行政区,沿途设13个站。铁路将同时与地铁、机场交会,形成闭合的网状结构,成为一条打通天津南北部经济的客运交通大动脉。同时,还将极大带动沿途新城、示范小城镇、工业园区等建设,加快城乡一体化发展进程。这条市域快铁设计时速为200公里,建成后将按照市域高铁运营模式进行运营。  相似文献   

京津冀协同发展进入新阶段,加快发展天津都市圈成为天津深入融入京津冀协同发展的重要战略选择。在阐述京津冀协同发展与天津都市圈建设的互动关系基础上,借鉴日本东京都市圈发展经验,依据“核心—边缘”理论,构建“禀赋差异—制度冲击—经济集聚”的京津冀协同发展下天津都市圈建设逻辑框架,分析天津都市圈建设面临的关键问题,提出天津都市圈发展路径与对策:一是加快推进天津都市圈规划编制,完善都市圈协同治理机制;二是以优化产业分工推动产业链发展,提升转移产业对接能力;三是强化点对点交通与市郊铁路建设,提高都市圈空间通达性。  相似文献   

哈尔滨都市圈发展潜力与对策建议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
专家预计,东北地区将成为继长三角、珠三角和京津唐之后的中国经济第四极,东北城市经济圈(哈尔滨都市圈、长春都市圈、沈阳都市圈、大连都市圈)将成为东北经济发展和经济振兴的主体.哈尔滨是东北北部的区域中心,且最早提出都市圈概念,但由于产业结构和发展背景与其他三个都市圈雷同,区域发展面临的竞争较为激烈,要提升哈尔滨都市圈在东北北部经济发展中的核心作用和在东北地区的竞争能力,必须明确其优劣势与不足,提出切实可行的政策建议,为制定有效的提升战略提供理论依据.  相似文献   

用赫芬达尔系数、空间基尼系数、空间自相关等方法分析京津冀都市圈服务业集聚特征和空间格局。研究表明:京津冀都市圈基于省域尺度的服务业集中度不显著,且就业人数的空间差异程度大于基于增加值的空间差异程度;基于市域尺度的服务业集聚水平与省域背景下相似,但是服务业增加值集中度波动更大;京津冀都市圈服务业集聚表现出空间正相关性,高值集聚显著,空间格局呈现以北京、天津地区为核心向西向北呈圈状辐射分布,增长集聚水平空间格局与服务业集聚的空间格局基本耦合。  相似文献   

本文采用Engle和Granger(1987)提出的协整检验方法和Im、Pesaran和Shin(1997)的方法,从时间序列分析角度入手,研究目标是在不同的空间尺度上(全国和三大都市圈),从不同的时间尺度上揭示中国区域经济差异的演化规律。探索改革开放以来三大都市圈区域经济不平衡程度的演化历程与变化趋势。主要结论:长三角和珠三角具有收敛趋势而环渤海都市圈内不存在收敛;三大都市圈之间不存在收敛趋势,在长期受两个共同冲击的影响。  相似文献   

介绍市域铁路建设时高压电力线路迁改的工作,论述迁改必要性和迁改原则以及相关流程。  相似文献   

舒冲  杨俊 《上海企业》2004,(8):39-41
一、长三角都市圈与东京都市圈在各国经济地位的相似性比较 我国目前已初步形成以上海为核心的长江三角洲都市圈、以香港为龙头的泛珠江三角洲都市圈和以北京、天津为双核的环渤海湾都市圈,成为支持我国经济的“三条腿”。相比而言,长三角都市圈是我国经济实力最强的地区,目前被列入圈内的共有16座城市。2002年长三角都市圈的这16座城市陆地面积约占全国的2.2%,人口占全国的10.4%,创造了国内生产总值的22.1%,贡献了全国财政收入的24.5%和全国进  相似文献   

国内外现有的关于都市圈的评价侧重于空间地理方面,将都市圈视为发展的"目的"。本文在归纳都市圈评价理论演化的基础上,突破传统的视野限制,转而将都市圈视为区域经济发展的"过程"或"手段",并对都市圈的经济涵义作了剖析,最后基于成长能力的内涵,构建了都市圈成长能力评价指标体系。  相似文献   

The urban economic growth and suburbanization had increased the number of suburban commuters using rail transit in the Osaka metropolitan area for 40 years since the 1950s. This trend reversed to continuous shrinkage in the 1990s. The reduction in passengers may lead to financial problems for the operators and an increase in railway fares or decline in quality of service. This study investigates the factors responsible for the decline in demand for rail service by analyzing changes in population and commuters using Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and small area statistics linked with locations of urban rail networks. The results indicate that the dispersion of jobs from 1990 to 2000 significantly reduced commutes by rail. Demographic analysis shows that because of low fertility rates and the rapidly aging population the decline in the number of commuters will intensify in coming decades, causing serious financial problems for railway operators.  相似文献   

在中原经济区纳入国家战略的背景下,把郑州建设为国家区域性中心城市是中部崛起战略的重要组成部分。在分析郑州城市空间结构演变的基础上,总结其演变特征和影响其演变的主导因素,认为郑州由"一心两片,铁路分割"的双"V"字形城市空间结构演变到"双核多中心"的城市空间结构是受到地形地貌、交通、经济、决策、重大项目和历史延续因素的影响。从郑州城市内部空间结构、现代产业空间发展、生态屏障空间、郑州都市区空间结构和城市发展等方面提出了重构和优化郑州城市空间结构的策略。  相似文献   

The paper develops a two-sector urban model of center city and suburbs in which the effect of suburban large lot zoning on metropolitan area size can be determined. The model shows that zoning makes all metropolitan area residents—center city and suburban—worse off in their role as renters. However, zoning can cause metropolitan area size to either increase or decrease, depending on specified parameter values. The model also shows that zoning can cause an increase or decrease in overall metropolitan area land value. Finally, the question of who gains and who loses from zoning is discussed.  相似文献   

近年来,随着京津冀地区城市化进程的快速推进,中心城区不断向外扩张,加上周边农村地区的发展,城乡之间的经济与社会联系加强,都市区逐渐形成并发展。对京津冀都市区发展状况进行分析,在此基础上将都市区统计和当前城市统计进行对比,发现都市区是人口和经济活动的主要聚集地,是真正具备城市功能的地域;都市区代表了区域内更高的产业结构和发展水平;都市区统计能够更好地反映城市化快速发展的状况。最后总结了中国建立规范的都市区统计制度的必要性和迫切性,并从都市区的视角提出了促进京津冀区域内产业协调发展和统筹城乡发展的策略建议。  相似文献   

The theory of firm location within an urban area is extended to consider a city in which firms can export their output via a suburban terminal as well as via the usual CBD terminal. Firms benefit from suburbanization since freight transport costs are reduced and since they can pay lower wages, but labor may be scarce in the suburbs. This forces suburban firms to readjust their wages, causing some workers to out-commute and giving all workers an incentive to relocate. The existence of an employment subcenter under labor scarcity conditions is shown to cause household utility levels to rise, the size of the metropolitan area to increase, and overall urban land value to change indeterminately. Finally, determination of the optimal location for a suburban terminal is considered.  相似文献   

A bstract .   With the growing concern over the causal relationship between crime and population change, this study readdresses the importance of economic organization in studying population change in a metropolitan area. This study investigates the dynamic influences of internal and external factors on population change in either central cities or their suburbs. The units of analysis in this study are the 142 U.S. central cities and their suburban rings of Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs) in 1980 and 1990. Two change models (semi-difference and mixed-difference models) are used to predict population change. The results demonstrate that population change in one territory of a metropolitan area is affected by crime and employment opportunity in both locations of a metropolitan area.  相似文献   

霍露萍  张强 《企业经济》2020,(1):99-107
随着"疏散化"趋势的到来,我国大都市地区所呈现的集聚与扩散趋势逐渐明显。以我国128个大都市区为例,对其经济发展在空间上的集散特征进行空间自相关分析。全局莫兰指数表明,2000年至2017年我国大都市区经济发展整体上呈现显著的集聚特征,但是集聚程度呈现下降的趋势。从东中西和东北地区角度看,东部地区和东北地区均具有显著的扩散趋势,但是原因不同;中部大都市区的集聚程度具有下降的趋势;而西部大都市区具有显著集聚上升的趋势。空间计量分析结果表明,城市化率、人口规模和城镇居民人均可支配收入水平均对大都市区的经济增长率具有显著的空间正向关系,且居民人均收入水平对城市经济增长率的影响程度最大,大都市区之间经济发展的空间溢出效应较为显著,经济发展水平较高的大都市区辐射带动作用较强。最后,从顺应大都市区发展趋势、因地制宜制定城市发展规划以及合理分布人口规模和提高居民收入水平三个角度提出对策建议。  相似文献   

Economic expansion indirectly promotes class diversification at the neighbourhood scale with a consequent reduction of social divides at the regional scale. To verify this working hypothesis, the present study investigates class diversification at both spatial scales in a Mediterranean city (Athens, Greece) using the European Socioeconomic Classification based on population census data referring to 1991–2001, a phase of economic expansion and intense urban sprawl preceding the 2004 Olympic games. Results of multivariate analysis and diversity indexes outline a local-scale social mix associated to suburban expansion, and regional-scale class segregation, reflecting an increasing polarization in affluent and economically deprived urban districts. The contrasting pattern at the two spatial scales results in a complex social geography with class diversification and moderate changes over time in the economic spatial divide between urban and neighbouring rural areas. These findings contribute to design scale-dependent policies reducing social inequalities and improving quality of life in urban areas. Future paths for socio-spatial processes were delineated for sprawling metropolitan regions under economic expansion and discussed in the light of future demographic trends in both developed and emerging countries.  相似文献   

The incidence of metropolitan property tax base sharing and rate equalization is analyzed in a two-jurisdiction model of a metropolitan economy. Analytical results indicate how the effects of this reform proposal can be separated into efficiency gains, redistributions among metropolitan residents, and redistributions among residents and nonresidents of the metropolitan area; the effects of enactment on suburban housing prices are also analyzed. Numerical results suggest that enactment of metropolitan base sharing and rate equalization would result in fairly small efficiency gains even with significant factor reallocations and would be accompanied by sizable income redistributions among city and suburban landowners.  相似文献   

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