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马倩 《价值工程》2012,31(33):123-124
移动技术应用已经及正在改变着很多人现有的工作和生活模式,移动商务的应用由于其独有的优势及特点和价值为广大客户创造了新的有用的价值。本文主要从移动商务的特点,运用范围及其价值,并从移动商务所构成的价值链中分析了移动商务优势,同时通过分析客户的消费行为,本文从服务质量角度切入提出了移动商务的价值对客户忠诚度的影响因素。  相似文献   

社会化商务的价值在于通过电商平台/社会化媒体的引导,促进依附其平台上的网络用户参与及互动,进而创造价值并转移价值。然而,在促进用户参与以及互动上,业界更多的是依靠经验,缺乏理论支撑。本文则将网络用户的参与动机归类为精神层面和物质层面,并针对这两大层面提出了应对措施(社会化手段和商务手段)。接着构建了包含社会化手段和商务手段的影响差异与协同的一般模型,对社会化商务在促进网络交易中的作用、网络用户的参与动机及其影响进行了考察,以求对社会化商务的理论研究进行补充,并指导企业社会化商务实践。  相似文献   

房地产企业商务模式创新分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
商务模式是企业界非常流行的术语,商务模式创新正在成为各国企业竞争的一个重要领域。本文通过运用厦门大学翁君奕教授的商务模式创新理论,从价值主张、价值支撑和价值保持三个层面对名城地产商务模式进行分析,并得出结论:创新的商务模式有利于企业获取成功。  相似文献   

基于商务顾客价值的饭店产品定制化研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着国内商务旅游市场迅速增长,商务顾客成为饭店的主要客源。饭店有效地把握商务顾客的需求,为其提供所需要或偏好的服务和产品,显得非常重要。本文提出了基于商务顾客价值进行饭店产品定制化的思路,即以饭店商务顾客为对象,针对商务顾客价值进行饭店产品的定制化研究,试图找到饭店针对商务顾客进行产品定制化的具体方法和策略,帮助饭店抓牢自己的主要客源。  相似文献   

电子商务模式研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着电子商务的发展,商务模式研究成为管理学领域的一个热点,越来越多的学者从商务模式的视角研究电子商务与企业价值的关系.文章从四个方面对电子商务模式的研究进行综述,以期从概念和逻辑上阐释电子商务的价值创造功能.  相似文献   

1.引言 电子商务的出现改变了传统的商务模式,也改变了服务商与顾客之间的关系.电子商务的出现使顾客在购买商品的过程中有了更大的选择空间,他们更加关注商品的价值,而不是象以前首先考虑品牌和地理因素.因此,只有更好的了解客户的爱好、价值取向等,才能赢得更多的客户.  相似文献   

文章在价值链、价值网的基础上构建了移动商务生态圈,通过系统动力学模型模拟生态圈的投资收益及价值分配模型。通过模拟数据求解纳什联盟博弈均衡解,根据模拟数据应用纳什联盟博弈,求解出移动商务生态圈效用最优的价值分配比例。建立这样的价值分配模型有助于建立共生、互生和再生的移动商务生态圈。  相似文献   

中国移动商务正处在快速发展阶段中,在移动商务理论和技术方面还有许多问题值得去研究探讨。本文通过对2001-2008年国内发表的研究有关移动商务的论文按出版年限、研究方向和是否受基金支持进行分类统计研究,分析了国内移动商务研究现状、特征、方向、重点、存在问题以及研究趋势,为相关移动商务研究者提供一个国内移动商务研究概貌,为未来进一步研究提供一些建议。  相似文献   

SNS(社交网络服务)成为近两年互联网上最热门的话题和网络应用亮点。2005年10月26目,欧洲最大商务关系网站openBC(www.openbc.com)在北京、上海、广州三地分别召开新闻发布会,宣布openBC在中国的业务正式启动,同时宣布其在中国的商务俱乐部成立。在国内其他SNS网站掀起愈来愈同质化的纷繁大战时,OpenBC拿出怎样的创新价值去开辟它自己的一片天地?11月9目下午,openBC中国区总经理宋新字在他的办公室接受了记采访。[编按]  相似文献   

基于协同商务的企业间关系优化原理及模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
协同商务平台具有高度可视性和易于访问的实时信息,通过实施关系优化技术合作伙伴可以根据业务状况的最新进展来检查和调整有关信息和资源,实现各种信息及业务环节的关联和统一管理,实现“以点带面”的连通运作,实现“随需而应”的动态组合及相互协作,通过加强协同商务链的整合性、联贯性、灵活性,进一步提高合作企业的效益和服务水平,降低协同商务成本。  相似文献   

评估价值法作为一种保险公司价值评估方法,其结果的合理与否关键在于新业务价值倍数等参数的确定。本文指出评估价值法是DCF法的简化方法,新业务价值倍数应当根据DCF在合理假设的前提下推导而来。脱离实际情况采用过于激进的新业务价值倍数假设可能导致估值的错误,文章通过中国人寿估值的案例对此进行了说明。  相似文献   

本文从物流的本质出发,对企业物流的价值论及其所涉及的工作做了较为深入的探讨。同时本文也对企业如何对待物流提出了相关的建议。  相似文献   

商业模式演进是公司的价值创造的必经过程。该文从顾客价值创造角度分析了商业模式演进的过程,指出商业模式的焦点是为客户创造价值,关注"用新模式代替旧模式"是商业模式演进的目标;基于此,笔者通过分析影响商业模式演进的因素得到三点结论:顾客的消费观念是前提,把握顾客价值的细分、创新、重定位及价值体验是动力,最适合顾客的模式是目标。本文的研究结论将对中小企业的商业模式实践提供有价值的参考和依据。  相似文献   

王宏伟 《价值工程》2014,(25):18-19
结合目前国内移动电子商务的发展状况,本文重在分析移动电子商务价值链上的各个参与者产生的价值以及各个参与者之间关系;通过借鉴在移动电子商务领域取得显著成效的国外移动电子商务的商业模式,探索适合中国发展现状的移动电子商务商业模式,提高资源利用率,进而实现中国移动电子商务产业的迅速发展。  相似文献   

Business model innovation has seen a recent surge in academic research and business practice. Changes to business models are recognized as a fundamental approach to realize innovations for sustainability. However, little is known about the successful adoption of sustainable business models (SBMs). The purpose of this paper is to develop a unified theoretical perspective for understanding business model innovations that lead to better organizational economic, environmental and social performance. The paper examines bodies of literature on business model innovation, sustainability innovation, networks theory, stakeholder theory and product–service systems. We develop five propositions that support the creation of SBMs in a unified perspective, which lays a foundation to support organizations in investigating and experimenting with alternative new business models. This article contributes to the emerging field of SBMs, which embed economic, environmental and social flows of value that are created, delivered and captured in a value network. It highlights gaps for addressing the challenges of business model innovation for sustainability and suggests avenues for future research. © 2017 The Authors. Business Strategy and the Environment published by ERP Environment and John Wiley & Sons Ltd  相似文献   

Extant literature on sustainable business models highlights that value creation stems from resources exchanged in relationships between a focal firm and its stakeholders. In this context, the literature has, so far, focused on direct relationships. However, despite the acknowledged relevance of sustainability issues in supply chains, this relational view of the focal company and its direct stakeholders has not been extended toward value creation for and with indirect stakeholders, such as stakeholders of suppliers. Addressing this gap, this conceptual article integrates a relational view of sustainable supply chain management into the management of sustainable business models. It extends the scope of sustainable business models from relationships between the focal firm and its direct stakeholders to indirect relationships with stakeholders of suppliers. A framework is developed that supports analysis and management of value-creating relationships between the focal firm, suppliers, and stakeholders of suppliers. By extending the conceptualization of sustainable business models to consider relationship chains beyond direct relationships, this article proposes that a focal firm has to actively manage interactions both with suppliers and with suppliers' stakeholders.  相似文献   

The business case for a sustainable firm, in particular the business case for new entrepreneurial initiatives responding to environmental demands, is increasingly receiving attention from practitioners and scholars. This article contributes to existing literature on business models, sustainable development and entrepreneurship, by applying components of business models to the practices of entrepreneurs that have a goal of environmental sustainability and a focus on the mass market (i.e. ecopreneurs). We define the ecopreneurial business model and specify four varieties of this business model, which consist of different combinations of environmental scope and a focus on the mass market and profitability. The distinguishing factor of the ecopreneurial business model is that it transforms disvalue into value, thereby creating greater customer value for environmentally concerned consumers. The results are based on a substantial set of interviews among ecopreneurs in the organic food and beverage industry in the Netherlands. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment  相似文献   

通过讨论商业秘密的秘密性、价值性、和独特性来看商业秘密的认定。  相似文献   

公司经营价值评估方法主要有经济增加值法和自由现金流量折现法。经济增加值法能够从逻辑上说明公司经营价值的源泉,自由现金流量折现法能够较好地说明公司经营价值的本质。而基于价值创造基础的公司经营价值的评估方法综合上述两种方法的优点,不仅有利于理解价值的本质,更有利于理解价值的源泉,因此能够更好地帮助投资者实现价值管理和价值投资的目标。  相似文献   

In the last years, circular economy has represented one of the most-debated topics in management research. Although the understanding of this industrial paradigm has significantly improved over the last decade, a number of important research questions still remain unanswered. Among them, the design process of business model through which established firms evolve from being linear to circular deserves further investigation. Existing research still falls short to investigate how companies design the dimensions of value creation, value transfer, and value capture of their business models to launch circular products into the market. By leveraging a multiple case study analysis of four companies in the paper and beverage industries that have launched six circular products, the paper examines the process that these companies have followed to face the transition toward a circular business model. The paper contributes to the research field in the intersection between new product development and circular business models, by showing that the process toward a circular business model occurs along three major phases, that is, idea generation, product development, and commercialization. In each phase, companies implement peculiar managerial practices for launching circular products into the market, which typically address all the dimensions of the business model and follows a recurrent path over time.  相似文献   

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