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本文简述了文化和质量文化的内涵,分析了我国的质量文化建设的现状;着重探索了在借鉴先进质量文化成果、总结先进质量文化经验的基础上,如何依靠提升质量价值、质量管理来建设质量文化;如何为质量文化建设提供组织保障、动力支持;如何为质量文化建设注入生机活力。  相似文献   

质量文化是企业文化的核心,本文通过质量文化概念,结合当代企业质量文化建设现状及存在的问题,论述了质量文化建设的基本路径,使质量管理举措在企业能够有效落地并取得良好绩效。  相似文献   

1正确认识质量文化1.1质量文化形成的过程,就是企业质量与文化发展的过程质量文化不是无缘无故派生出来的,它是随着社会和科技的进步,企业生产的发展,经营思想、管理思想、管理风格、企业工作作风等的改进和发展而发展的。也就是说,质量文化是随着企业质量管理的推进而发展起来的。就质量文化的成长过程看,它是由内生文化和外生文化经过合理吸纳、积淀和创新,逐渐融合形成的。如日本,在吸收了美国的数理统计质量检验与管理文化后,将其发展成日本式的全面质量管理文化。1.2质量文化是企业管理的最佳境界质量文化是一种管理模…  相似文献   

企业质量文化影响因素及其测评探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国推行全面质量管理30多年来,企业的产品质量和质量管理水平取得了较大的进展。毋庸讳言,一些企业在推行质量管理体系或方法过程中受到了文化因素的影响,有的文化对推行质量管理方法起到了促进作用,有的却产生了负面影响,如出现了两张皮、走形式等问题。朱兰曾指出,如果没有对质量文化的了解和认识,企业的质量水平就不可能获得深入和持久的提升和突破。  相似文献   

现代中小型企业要取得竞争优势,必须要重视全面质量管理,随着质量管理的新思想、新理论、新方法、新焦点的不断涌现,越来越多的中小型企业重视质量文化的构建。本文主要探讨质量管理与质量文化的关系,指出中小企业在质量文化方面存在的问题,进而思考如何在中小企业建立企业质量文化。  相似文献   

本文主要从以质量文化创造环境氛围、依顾客满意实施质量管理、用质量精神统领企业目标等三个方面,探讨创造卓越的企业质量文化模式。结合笔者多年企业管理实践和研究经验,帮助中国企业通过质量文化的创建,提高企业的核心竞争能力,“凝聚企业”。  相似文献   

4月25日-27日由中国质量协会主办,辽宁省质量协会协办的“首届全国质量文化建设论坛”在沈阳召开。部分质量专家,学者和来自冶金,煤炭,石油,航天、航空、造船,轻工,建筑,金融,汽车、家电、通讯、服务等十多个行业中的企业高层领导及企业质量管理主管部门负责人参加了论坛。 论坛由中国质量协会副会长戚维明主持。他指出:中国质量协会一向关注质量文化在我国的培育、总结和发展。质量本身就是一种文化。它不仅是一种文化现象,而且因为质量同理念、产品、服务的关联,质量文化具有覆盖人民生产,生活广泛领域和极其深刻内涵的特质。由于质量本身、以及用户对质量的关注,质量文化建设受到各行各业各类优秀组织的重视,也因此促进了质量文化建设在我国的发展。实践证明,凡是质量文化建设搞得好的组织,往往是优秀甚至是卓越的。此次论坛的宗旨是:进一步研究探讨质量文化建设的理论,总结交流质量文化建设取得的成效,概括提炼质量文化建设的主要做法,促进质量文化建设,提升我国各类组织的核心竞争力。 中国质量协会副会长,经济日报社原总编辑艾丰作了《质量文化是企业文化的基础》的主题演讲。中国质量协会副秘书长焦根强作了《加强质量文化建设,提升企业的软实力》的总结发言。 论坛共评选出最佳优秀论文3篇及优秀论文14篇。同时还推选出17家企业为2006年度“质量文化建设示范单位”。 首届全国质量文化建设论坛的成功举行,对今后进一步推动我国企业质量文化的建设和发展有着积极的作用。中国质量协会将继续开展优秀质量文化论文征集和质量文化建设示范单位的推选活动,并组织以质量文化为主题的专项培训和专题论坛,进行培训,交流和总结。 限于篇幅的原因,本期我们选择了其中的部分演讲与论文与大家交流。[编者按]  相似文献   

“核安全文化”作为依靠文化来管理核活动质量的体现,对质量管理工作有着重要的启示。文章探讨了借鉴“核安全文化”建立组织的质量文化的可行性。  相似文献   

我国加入WTO已一年有余,人们除了对新的经济规则日渐熟悉之外,对“质量”二字的理解也更趋深入。质量正逐步从单一的实物质量向企业从生产、管理到经营、文化方方面面的综合指标拓展。“质量领导力”、“优化质量功能”、“质量是本钱而不是目的”、“经营质量以及质量经营”等新理念在质量界逐渐升温。12月4日在人民大会堂由中国质量协会,中国标准研究中心主办,《世界标准化与质量管理》杂志社承办的“首届中国企业质量经营战略高层论坛”上,我国质量管理的一些最新研究成果展现在了世人面前。 理论来源于实践,理论的最终作用是指导实践。本刊摘其本届论坛上获一二等奖的部分论文的部分章节,旨在使企业界的读者了解我国质量管理领域最新的研究成果,并运用质量经营的新理念,做好今后工作。  相似文献   

随着我国建设事业的迅速发展,工程建设项目的安全和质量问题日益成为人们关注的重点,工程项目质量文化建设和安全文化建设也必然成为企业文化建设的重要组成部分和重要内容,也是我国目前开展的一项重要活动。文章就工程项目质量文化建设与安全文化建设进行探讨,结合项目安全质量管理提出一些看法、意见和建议,供大家参考。  相似文献   

In this study, we investigate the transferability of TQM practices to offshore manufacturing firms by validating direct and indirect relationships among top management commitment, HR-focused TQM practices, employee satisfaction, and employee loyalty. Our research objective is to isolate critical TQM practices that would enhance employee satisfaction and loyalty among maquiladora workers. On-site surveys were conducted at two leading maquiladora firms that have long implemented TQM. The statistical results indicate that employee empowerment, teamwork, and employee compensation have a significant and positive influence on employee satisfaction. The improved employee satisfaction leads to a higher level of employee loyalty. In addition, the results indicate that the effects of top management commitment on employee empowerment and teamwork are significantly mediated by employee training, implying that the success of employee empowerment and quality teams can be dependent upon the level of employee training.  相似文献   

Past TQM literature has been inconclusive in resolving the validity of the universalistic approach versus the contingency approach of TQM implementation. In this paper we contribute to the resolution of this debate by using a total effects approach within the contingency perspective. We propose a culture-quality system design-outcomes framework for TQM implementation. We then use this framework to study the differences in total effects relationships among TQM constructs across four contingencies, firm size, TQM duration, unionization, and industry type. Data from a sample of 394 plants (SIC codes 20 through 39) are used to test the validity of our contingency model. Our results revealed that firm size, TQM duration, and industry type moderate the influence of total effects of culture (top management commitment, customer focus, and trust) on final outcomes (process quality, product quality, and customer satisfaction). These contingencies also moderate the influence of total effects of quality system design (design management, training, empowerment, quality information usage, supplier quality management, and process quality management) on final outcomes. The strongest contributor to variation in total effects across groups was industry type, followed by size and then TQM duration. To a lesser extent, unionization was a moderator in total effects relationships. These findings uniquely contribute to the emerging contingency theory of TQM implementation.  相似文献   

145 job seeking engineers were surveyed to determine whether applicants who interviewed at Total Quality Management (TQM) organizations perceived any differences in the way they were recruited or selected as compared with those who interviewed at non-TQM firms. TQM firms were identified in two ways: “explicit TQM” (where applicants were specifically told that the firm was a TQM employer) and “inferred TQM” (where TQM was inferred on the basis of specific reported practices). Results showed that there were significant differences between TQM firms (regardless of classification) and non-TQM firms, and between explicit TQM firms and inferred TQM firms. For example, explicit TQM firms screened more stringently, whereas inferred TQM status was predictive of positive applicant reactions to the people met during the site visit. Implications for practice and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

本文在国内企业文化建设本土化基础上,通过体育的视野来探讨企业文化建设过程中的控制和实施手法。研究如何运用体育的精神、体育的内容、体育的功能、体育的手段来有效地促进企业文化的建设,为我国企业的健康科学发展提供持续有力的精神动力。  相似文献   

探析全面质量管理与传统管理的区别   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘石兰  任浩 《价值工程》2005,24(8):52-55
质量已成为全世界的共同语言。全面质量管理与传统管理是两种截然不同的管理范式。过去10年是全面质量管理的黄金时代,但从整体上看,全面质量管理在中国并没有惊人的表现。因此,我们不得不回头深入反思和重新认识全面质量管理,尤其是全面质量管理与传统管理的差异。为此,本文从基本概念着手,在顾客满意、组织领导与战略、业务流程、组织结构、组织学习与持续改进、考核与激励等方面探讨了全面质量管理与传统管理的区别。  相似文献   

马占杰  邓波 《价值工程》2008,27(3):95-97
进入21世纪以来,国际竞争日益激烈。企业间的竞争已从技术、规模的竞争转向核心竞争力的竞争。对我国而言,建立在我国优秀传统文化基础之上的企业管理理念才是我们核心竞争力所在。目前我国在借鉴西方发达国家尤其是美国理论基础上建立的企业管理理论确实促进了我国企业的发展。但其文化与我国有巨大的差异,不能很好地服务于我国企业核心竞争力的塑造,其理论用于指导我们的实践时就出现了许多与我们实际不符的情况。而与我们有近似文化渊源的日韩在企业管理的实践中取得了令人瞩目的成就,相对于欧美而言,其做法对我们有更大的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

This paper analyses the contribution of TQM implementation to the firms’ innovative culture and their overall innovation effort in the technical and administrative organizational domains. The research seeks to contribute to a further understanding, under different market turbulence conditions, of the TQM–innovation relationship and the interactions between the organization's innovativeness and the intensity and newness of the innovations adopted. The findings indicate that TQM strongly influences firm's innovative culture and higher administrative innovation levels with a greater degree of incorporated novelty, whereas the mediating role of innovativeness is required for TQM to achieve this impact on technical innovation. These relationships significantly vary under different levels of market turbulence, but results reinforce the consideration of TQM as an appropriate resource to foster innovativeness and organizational innovation. The study provides an unexpected result as innovativeness does not influence administrative innovations, which seem to be ultimately determined by TQM. Finally, the findings provide empirical support regarding the coordinated development in practice of technical and administrative innovations.  相似文献   

Total quality management (TQM) is an approach to management embracing both social and technical dimensions aimed at achieving excellent results, which needs to be put into practice through a specific framework. Nowadays, quality award models, such as the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award (MBNQA) and the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) Excellence Model, are used as a guide to TQM implementation by a large number of organizations. Nevertheless, there is a paucity of empirical research confirming whether these models clearly reflect the main premises of TQM. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the extent to which the EFQM Excellence Model captures the main assumptions involved in the TQM concept, that is, the distinction between technical and social TQM issues, the holistic interpretation of TQM in the firm, and the causal linkage between TQM procedures and organizational performance.  相似文献   

Too Much or Too Little Ambiguity: The Language of Total Quality Management   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper documents the working of the language of total quality management (TQM) and some of its effects in four UK service organizations. By making language central to the 'production' and 'consumption' of TQM practices, the paper explores the use of managerial language and its effects upon organizational practices and employees' experiences. The semantic use of language, reflected merely in the use of labels and platitudes, is concerned with clarity and specificity while the poetic use of language, reflected in the use of metaphors, emphasizes ambiguity by inviting multiple interpretations from below. The paper argues that both uses of language are directed towards achieving some sort of meaning and order; however, managers do not have total discretion over the consequences of their language use. While they may seek to enrol employees in the TQM language (via a process of interest translation), the responses of the employees cannot be predicted or controlled from the top. EmployeesÕ discursive responses are themselves riddled with ambiguity and range from open resistance to manipulation to internalization. Indeed, it is impossible to know in advance how TQM language works in practice because such workings are the complex and ambiguous outcome of material and non-material relationships that can never be accurately predicted.  相似文献   

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