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科学技术与伦理道德   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在当今世界,科学技术与伦理道德从来没有像现在这样深度关联着。科学技术空前地深刻影响着人们的伦理观念和道德生活,而科学技术日渐凸现其伦理内涵和道德意义。科学技术的应用引发了一系列的伦理道德问题,造成了一些较为深远的负面影响,我们绝不能因此而说科学技术的高速发展与伦理道德背道而驰。关键是如何正确理解科学技术与伦理道德的关系。  相似文献   

科学精神是人类文明中最宝贵的精神财富,但科学精神的核心是指什么?近年来,总有一些科研人员的不端行为被报界披露,重提科学道德就显得具现实意义,那么最重要的原则有哪些?爱因斯坦在研究出相对论的时候也没有想到他的公式可以用来造原子弹,那么科学家如何看待这种科学的伦理问题,伦理能不能成为人类放弃或者限制科技发展的理由?路甬祥院长在报告中对科学的价值、科学的精神、科学的道德和科技的社会伦理进行了精彩的论述和阐释。  相似文献   

在利益多元化的现代社会,要造就良好的社会风气,形成先进的社会文化,必须有社会成员广泛认同的社会心理,有评价社会成员行为的共同价值标准。荣辱观不仅是“德之大端”,是良好社会风气之“大端”,也是一个民族思想道德的基点,是一个国家精神文化的基石。胡锦涛总书记提出的“八荣八耻”,明是非,分善恶,辨美丑,锻造社会的文化品性,是引领社会风尚的一面旗帜。所以我们必须认真学习“八荣八耻”,用它来指导我们的思想道德建设,以我们的实际行动建设社会主义新的道德风尚,重铸中华民族的精神脊梁。道德大国面临的道德困境亟需“社会主义荣辱观…  相似文献   

李利人 《价值工程》2012,31(15):71-72
科学技术、工程建设直接影响着社会经济建设和社会总体目标实现,科学技术工作者的价值理念及建构要从社会物质生产方式和人的主体需要、社会公共利益出发并确定,这也是实现科学技术和工程人员职业道德建设的出发点和依据。在中国特色社会主义文化建设中,中华民族的传统道德及其价值观念有着巨大的力量和发展潜力。在中国现代化进程中,加强科技和工程技术人员道德修养,提升社会道德自觉力量,促进社会和谐发展。  相似文献   

甘绍平发表文章说 ,社会生活中的伦理矛盾随处可见。他举例认为 :在医学伦理方面 ,存在着医生职责与病人自决权的矛盾 ;在经济伦理方面 ,有获利欲望与道德约束的矛盾 ;在科技伦理方面 ,有“科学技术有无善恶之分”的诘难 ;在基因工程方面 ,“谁有权决定人类基因”成为争论的热点 ;在生态伦理方面 ,“以人类为中心还是以自然为中心”也日益变得让人无法回答。但是无论如何 ,人们的伦理观念总要随着社会的进步而不断发展 ,伦理矛盾不断解决又不断出现 ,正是社会进步的表现。社会生活中的伦理矛盾@静思  相似文献   

杜帮云 《价值工程》2010,29(32):40-41
亚当.斯密在其名著《国富论》中提出并论证了作为市场经济伦理基础的"自由"、公平"和"互利"。这些价值理念为市场经济的良性运行提供了道德支撑。它们内涵丰富,同时又有其张力和适用限度。  相似文献   

马克思指出,人民的报刊应该具有为人民的一种伦理精神,这种精神宛如现代荆棘丛中的玫瑰,也宛如绽放的蔷薇及其发散的芬芳.媒体的"真正的伦理精神"作为一种具有超越性、引领性的应然与实然相共生之道德品质或德行,应当具有:求是精神、正义精神、仁爱精神、勇敢精神、自由精神--这些伦理精神既有自足的一面,也有利他的一面,它能有效地推动社会生活、社会文明的前进与进步,也服务于自身的发展与完善.  相似文献   

“善”是美德,美德是力量,善的生活符合秩序,道德的生活具有科学的内在逻辑,道德生活是社会价值效益化的最大体现。“善行河北”主题道德实践活动对构建富有伦理精神的、有道德秩序的社会具有重要的意义,“善行河北”的伦理精神是社会主义核心价值观的重要体现。  相似文献   

鉴于员工内部揭发能有效阻止企业中的非伦理行为,很多研究开始关注员工内部揭发问题。本研究着眼于员工内部揭发的伦理性,认为伦理型领导能够降低员工的道德推脱意识,从而正向影响员工内部揭发意向;员工感知的社会责任感正向调节伦理型领导对员工道德推脱的作用。本文通过三个阶段的数据收集,得到232套有效问卷。实证结果表明:(1)伦理型领导能够显著正向影响员工内部揭发意愿;(2)道德推脱在伦理型领导和内部揭发间起中介作用;(3)员工感知的企业社会责任对道德推脱在伦理型领导与内部揭发之间的间接关系起到调节作用,也即只有当员工感知到企业承担更多的社会责任时,伦理型领导通过道德推脱影响员工内部揭发意向的中介作用是显著的。本文在理论上丰富了伦理型领导与员工内部揭发之间作用机制的研究,对有效促进组织内部揭发的途径有重要启示作用。  相似文献   

尹继东 《企业经济》1990,(10):36-38
<正> 在企业的经营活动过程中,自始至终贯彻着伦理原理和道德准则。从再生产过程看,一个不讲经营道德的企业,在社会中就必然要失去其存在的价值,并因丧失经营信誉而走向衰亡。伦理原理是企业经营管理中的重要原理,它不是可有可无的问题,而是伦  相似文献   

This paper argues that the analysis of ethical issues in human resource management is legitimate and important. It argues that the theory of ethical relativism should be rejected and that it is meaningful to search for universal moral principles. It then presents a comprehensive framework for making judgments about human resource management ethics that consists of five complementary moral principles that have been developed and studied by philosophers: utilitarian ethics, rights ethics (using Kant's categorical imperative), distributive justice ethics, care ethics, and virtue ethics. It illustrates the application of the moral framework by analyzing the ethics of deceiving employees about the hazardous nature of chemicals in the workplace, the ethics of discrimination in employment, and the ethics of sexual harassment.  相似文献   

A bstract . Our time has been characterized by growing subjectivism— which is the view that there are no objectively provable moral standards and that each individual is the ultimate arbiter for himself of right and wrong. Alienation, purposelessness and violence are some of the manifestations that would seem to follow logically from such a view, and in fact they seem more prevalent now than ever. But subjectivism is invalid in that ethics (unlike aesthetics) is a rational process, and the standards of reason are therefore the standards of ethics. The ethical standard that is provable is equal rights: specifically, that every individual has a right to his life, liberty and property , limited only by the equal rights of others. This paper attempts to show that this follows directly from the true statement that we should treat things as they are.  相似文献   

组织伦理是组织处理与内外部利益相关者关系时所参照的道德标准。由于我国市场经济快速转型,许多民营企业面临伦理危机挑战,人们必须重新思考组织伦理对企业可持续发展的重要价值。本研究基于社会交换理论框架,选取了三家具有代表性的民营企业作为案例样本,展开多案例比较分析,得出了包含规范遵从、价值承诺、员工关怀、社会协同四方面内容的民营企业组织伦理两维概念模型。  相似文献   

在线零售商营销道德与口碑的关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蒋侃 《企业经济》2012,(6):84-89
在企业识别理论和社会认同理论的基础上,构建了在线零售商营销道德、企业道德识别、消费者-企业认同与口碑之间的关系模型。研究发现,在线零售商营销道德通过企业道德识别和消费者-企业认同对口碑产生正向影响,但是其五个维度的作用路径并不完全相同。企业道德识别在直接正向影响口碑的同时,还通过消费者-企业认同间接正向影响口碑。因此,在线零售商应建立和维持一个有道德的身份,强化顾客对企业的认同感,以此形成传播效应。  相似文献   

Most experts agree that human resource management plays a critical role in furthering ethics. The human resource management function can play an instrumental role in creating an ethical culture. However, a literature review shows that researchers have mostly ignored ethics in the African context. Given the growing importance of Africa in terms of global trade, it is critical to study ethics on the continent. This paper documents an exploratory study of ethical climates in sub-Saharan Africa. We develop propositions linking key social institutional factors, i.e. ethnic diversity and corruption, with three types of ethical climate, i.e. self-interest, benevolence and principle. The propositions are empirically investigated using a qualitative case study approach in five companies in Nigeria and South Africa. The results provide varying support for these propositions and highlight the critical role that both the national context and the organizational context play in shaping ethical climates in companies. Furthermore, given the role of human resource management in managing both ethnic diversity and ethics, we discuss the implications of our results for this critical management function.  相似文献   

龙海军 《企业活力》2010,(11):67-69
随着市场竞争的加剧,企业的获利行为已经不能仅仅依靠企业的竞争优势,伦理优势的作用逐步显现出来。伦理的投入可以得到长期的回报,伦理优势最终可以转化为竞争优势。因此,企业应通过树立良好的企业信誉和企业形象、推行"以人为本"的管理模式、用道德投资来增加企业价值的长期投入、建立"自利+他利"的竞争理念、坚持义利统一的经营原则等途径构建起企业伦理优势。  相似文献   

刘晓娜  刘先涛 《价值工程》2011,30(33):113-114
公共关系的形象价值、诚信价值、沟通价值以及创新价值在企业经营过程中发挥着无可替代的作用。企业在营销道德的约束下综合考虑全局利益制定、实施营销和公关战略,通过道德营销传播双向对称信息能有效的构建企业公共关系。从而为企业长期稳定的发展营造宽松的内外部环境。  相似文献   

As it is currently taught, instruction in engineering ethics centers on cognitive learning even to the extent of suppressing the involvement of emotions in ethical decision making. The common belief is that emotional involvement will increase the likelihood of poor judgment. Recent neuroscience research with positron emission tomography and functional magnetic resonance imaging indicates that emotions actually play a significant role in ethical decision making. It then follows that emotions should be part of ethics education: That is, discussions of ethics should not be limited to cognitive thought. Instruction to improve emotional maturity must be accompanied by teaching of cognitive subject matter if long‐term learning is to occur. Emotions influence the solution of ethical problems as they affect the accuracy of the problem assessment and the accuracy, intensity, and duration of an emotive response. Specific emotions that relate to ethical decisions are listed. A theory of emotive learning is presented, and its application to the teaching of engineering ethics is discussed. Strategies for emotive learning are also presented.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the ethical frameworks of social enterprises, out of two basic organizational documents which are unveiling the corporate moral discourse (codes of ethics and values statements). Three types of well-known social entreprises have been chosen : (1) charitable clubs and associations ; (2) cooperatives and mutuals ; (3) conventional private sector foundations. The main contribution of the article is to present the basic connections between social enterprises’moral discourses and some philosophical schools of thought. The paper show how the moral discourse of social entreprises is more or less philosophically coherent. Rational coherence could be applied to values (axiological coherence), or to the philosophical grounds of the discourse (philosophical coherence). The ethical framework of social entreprises is conveying business concerns as well as socially-focused and philosophically-rooted concerns. It is both enhancing economic (business-focused) and non-economic (social) aims. The philosophical challenge of social entreprises is to build up sense of collective identity, without having an ambiguous moral discourse. The moral discourse of social entreprises should have an inner coherence : the various documents (such as the code of ethics and the values statement) should enhance the same set of values. Moreover, if social entrepreneurs are unable to provide a basic philosophical orientation to their corporate moral discourse, then they will not contribute to any social change, since their moral discourse will not be trusted by anyone who is carefully reading the main organizational sources of corporate moral discourse.  相似文献   

As the rapid development in information technology (IT), and as the ease of disseminating IT between internet users throughout the world, internet piracy is a global issue that everyone has to be concerned about as it has a significant impact on the economy. In the global IT industry, Taiwan and China play important roles in the manufacturing supply chain. Unfortunately, both Taiwan and China also have significant effect on the IT piracy. Both of them share a similar culture and speak almost same language but different living style and social values. Since many studies reported that digital piracy (i.e. illegal downloading of music) was highly prevalent among college students (Lysonski and Durvasula, J Consumer Mark 25(3):167–178, 2008), understanding the college students’ ethical decision process is one of important issues in internet piracy context. The purpose of this study was to examine whether there is a difference in the perception of moral intensity as well as the ethical decision process for the business students between Taiwan and China. Respondents were asked to the dimensionality of the moral intensity and decision making process construct in three ethical scenarios regarding to internet piracy. The research results find that students in Taiwan possess higher level of moral intensity than students in China. Except for moral recognition, there are significant differences on the perception of moral decision process between two countries.  相似文献   

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