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生活之友妙用牙膏治疾病水火烧烫伤:被开水或火烧烫伤时,如伤势轻微,面积不太大,此时可在患处抹上一些牙膏,不但有消肿止痛作用,还可防止感染。皮肤擦伤:当皮肤擦伤以后,除了疼痛,还会渗血,如在创面上涂些牙膏,有止痛止血的效果,且很少感染或化脓。蚊虫叮咬:...  相似文献   

B60336 新型轮胎自补剂的配制与使用 7元 B60337 洋葱醋的加工技术 8元 B60338 蜈蚣的人工养殖技术 12元 B60339 生产南瓜粉的方法 15元 B60340 治疗鼻炎的中药配制 15元 B60341 一种烧烫伤药的制备方法 15元 B60342 花朵自然生态保存及着色方法 15元 B60343 戒毒茶及生产方法 14元 B60344 蓝狐的配种技术 12元 B60345 营养多味牛肉干的制作方法 14元 B60346 五谷保健食品及制作方法 15元 B60347 香椿加工新方法 15元 B60348 天然摩丝发胶 15元  相似文献   

陈婷 《财会月刊》2013,(2):I0013-I0013
现代都市人的“三座大山”意外、疾病、养老压力,现代很多都市人总是被这新“三座大山”压得喘不过气来。首先是意外之殇。车祸、跌落、烧烫伤、溺水、切割伤等,这些无意识的、意料之外的突发事件,总易造成人体损伤,更会直接加大家庭医疗费用的支出,甚至造成家庭潜在收入能力的巨大损失。其次是健康之忧。由于现代都市人的不良生活习惯,如烟酒过量、压力大、饮食结构不平衡、加之环境污染,大部分人的身体都存在着或多或少的隐患。来自卫生部疾病预防控制部门的数据显示,我国目前确诊的慢性病患者已经超过2.6亿人,因慢性病死亡占我国居民总死亡人口的比例已经上升至85%。因病致贫更是我们担不起的责任,而罹患重病更是我们经不起的灾难。  相似文献   

人吃五谷杂粮,难免会有些头疼脑热之类的小毛病,因此,家庭常备些自我治疗的常用药,这在家人健康的管理上是十分必要的。那么,家庭药箱该如何准备和保管呢?1.家庭药箱的准备。药箱里该备些什么药,你完全可以根据家庭成员的健康情况来选择。一般说来,家庭药箱里应该备有以下药品和器械:内服药:胃肠药、止泻药、解热镇痛药、感冒药、止咳药、晕车药、营养保健药;外用药:消毒药、外伤药、胶布、癣药水、烧烫伤药、眼药、镇痛外用药;医用器械:体温计、血压计、绷带、纱布、镊子、剪刀。2.家庭药箱的保管。首先药箱应放在一固定…  相似文献   

博海泛舟,游览博群,拣珠拾贝,撞进了默漠的领海。记得那是三月上旬,偶然读到一条默漠的"我愿,在这光阴赋予的故事里,慢慢蜕变,渐渐成熟。不去羡慕千回百转,不去招惹是非恩怨,将眷恋的种子播撒于明媚的初春,不那么炽,不那么烈,淡然的,从容的,稳妥的,宁谧的,不经意的,等待属于我的幸福花开!"的博文,觉得有点意思,转播分享后,便随手收听了她。继而走进了默漠的微博,一瞧,里面竟然有一万七千多条广播,浏览了些原创的帖子,  相似文献   

魏庆虹 《潮商》2015,(4):95-96
这几年来,对传统文化工艺的热爱,使我接触了很多深藏在民间的艺人,也正是这样的经历,我对民间工艺美术的保育与传承,传统艺人的生存和理应受到的尊重,有更深的了解和剖析,当世界纷扰,现实至上,大多数民间艺人仍然从事自己掌握的工艺技术,或许他们不一定都有特别崇高的理想,工艺本来就是赖以生存的营生,但是,他们在这些传承有序的工艺中,多了一脉温情,那是一种类似于家族情怀的事物,寄托着他们对先民、对父辈的感恩,正因如此,当我们观赏这些民间工艺作品时,总能感受到一种脉动,一种呼唤,某一时刻,或有一种似曾相识的感觉,前生今世,了然于心.  相似文献   

阳光的味道是香的。春风化雨,万物复苏,当满园春色时,在春花妖娆中,你嗅到了什么?是春的清新,春的香味,那是阳光赋予的,当然也是阳光的味道。花红柳绿,香气氤氲,人们陶醉在迎春花疏淡的清香中,紫丁香淡雅的馨香中,牡丹馥郁的薰香中,感受到自然的神奇,生命的美丽,那都是阳光的功劳,也是阳光的味道,整个  相似文献   

我看见他戴着黑布小帽,穿着黑布大马褂,深青布棉袍,蹒跚地走到铁道边,慢慢探身下去,尚不大难。可是他穿过铁道,要爬上那边月台,就不容易了。他用两手攀着上面,两脚再向上缩;他肥胖的身子向左微倾,显出努力的样子,这时我看见他的背影,我的泪很快地流下来了……在这篇《背影》中,朱自清先生对父亲的描述,曾经感动过一代人。也许,学生时代的我们,尚不能完全理解文中的深切感情,但在长大成人之后,那朴实无华的文字一定会激荡起你我心里的一泓涟漪。父爱是伟大的,母爱是无私的。这份感情,从没有半点修饰,且与生俱来。但是,反观子女对父母的感情,却是从无到有、从不知到自觉的。越是到了父母年岁大了,我们才越能体会他们的舔犊之情,既浓且烈。况且,两代人之间,轰轰烈烈的故事并不会经常出现,反而是点点滴滴的些许小事,才是人性中最柔软的。  相似文献   

我生在内地,长在平原,提起大海是那么的陌生,但又那么熟悉,那样亲切,因为我的父亲叫大海。在那个年代,村外的一条小河,村边的一个积水大坑,都是人们喜欢去的地方。特别是盛夏,很多人都脱得光光的在那里嬉水,把小河作为洗澡解暑的好去处了。当然,当属孩子们最高兴了,他们打闹,追逐,  相似文献   

一、陕西品牌农业发展中存在的问题及原因: 在竞争日益加剧的条件下,市场的拓展,从而农业的发展,本质是品牌农业的成长过程.近些年来,陕西农村在经济发展过程中出现了一些在国内有一定知名度的品牌,如礼泉苹果,临潼石榴,陕北大枣,陕南中药材等.这些品牌,对陕西农业的发展起了推动作用.但是,总体来说,品牌农业发展缓慢,主要表现是品牌少,品种少,比较集中,知名度不高,综合性低,市场覆盖范围小,竞争力低,品牌价值不高,受到新品牌的严重挑战.  相似文献   

本文通过对某大学设计院的发展历程,对企业成长中遇到的困难和问题进行深入剖析,阐述企业 转型期的战略对企业的飞跃的重要性以及对转型期企业战略的制定规则,并通过对企业的SWOT分析,利 用迈克尔·波特五力模型分析,制定出企业转型期的战略及战略目标,并提出具体的实施措施,以期对处于 转型期的科研院所有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

在构建和谐企业的过程中,思想政治工作具有独特的作用,其性质特点决定了它具有塑造功能、引导功能、激励功能、调控功能、凝聚功能、保障功能等多种功能,有利于形成共同的理念、统一的思想、集体的智慧、积极的企业文化,从而营造稳定的企业政治环境和坚实的生产经营基础,培育适合企业的劳动者,为企业科学发展提供强大的精神动力。  相似文献   

In 2004, Predtetchinski and Herings [A. Predtetchinski, P.J.J. Herings, “A necessary and sufficient condition for non-emptiness of the core of a non-transferable utility game”, Journal of Economic Theory 116 (2004) 84–92] provided a necessary and sufficient condition for non-emptiness of the core of a non-transferable utility game. In this paper, we extend this theorem to its counterpart in fuzzy games and give a necessary and sufficient condition for a non-transferable utility fuzzy game to have a non-empty fuzzy core. As a consequence, we derive a necessary and sufficient condition for non-emptiness of the fuzzy core of a TU fuzzy game.  相似文献   

谢蓓 《价值工程》2010,29(31):322-323
地名是一笔丰富的文化遗产,它记录了自然和社会历史,是历史的百科全书,它对语言、历史、地理、民俗学等的研究都有着很大的价值。它是共同约定的语言符号,是一种独特的历史文献,是社会历史文化信息的承载体,人们选择了某些地名,也意味着同时选择了它所代表的某种意识和观念。  相似文献   

Integrating knowledge and values across a range of stakeholders and experts is a common goal of, and challenge in, forecasting and planning processes across numerous decision-making domains. In this paper we present a virtual and anonymous, deliberative and analytical participatory group process which we applied in a planning study. The process was a combination of concept mapping and a policy Delphi. The Concept Mapping Policy Delphi offers an iterative process that is meant to foster critical, dissensus-based thinking by a group about an evaluation problem. In particular, it offers a platform on which to structure the group brainstorming of ideas, integrates knowledge and values, and creates a shared conceptual framework for addressing evaluation problems. We discuss the merits and limitations of this process and compare it with other public engagement mechanisms for decision-making. We argue that the use of a Concept Mapping Policy Delphi is relevant in forecasting and decision-making processes that aim to integrate information which is from various disparate points of view in order to clarify arguments and values, democratize and mediate public participation, and/or provide strategic advice about scenarios or planning options, while mitigating the problematic aspects of face-to-face group processes.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the importance of ‘Shari’a scholars’ in the Islamic Financial Services (IFS) sector, which has been a growing global practice since the 1970s. Based on Shari’a Law, IFS firms provide banking, finance and insurance respecting faith-based prohibitions on interest, speculation and risk taking. Although IFS firms operate across a variety of scales and involve a range of actors, this paper focuses on the transnational capacities of Shari’a experts employed by IFS firms. These scholars use their extensive knowledge of Shari’a Law to assess the ‘Islamic’ character of a firm's operations, and assist the development of Shari’a-compliant products. As they embody necessary entry-points into Islamic circuits of knowledge and authority, members of what we dub the ‘global Shari’a elite’ can be regarded as ‘gatekeepers’ of Islamic financial circuits. Drawing on a comprehensive data source we present a geographical analysis of Shari’a board membership, nationality and educational background of 253 Shari’a scholars. The results show that the global Shari’a elite connects a limited number of IFS hubs (e.g. Dubai, Kuala Lumpur, Kuwait City, Manama, and London) to knowledge and authority networks falling outside ‘mainstream’ business and service spheres.  相似文献   

In iron and steelmaking industry, iron ore pellet qualities are crucial to end-product properties, manufacturing costs and waste emissions. Uniform pellet pavements on the grate machine are a fundamental prerequisite to ensure even heat-transfer and pellet induration successively influences performance of the following metallurgical processes. This article presents an automatic control system for uniformly paving green pellets on the grate, via a mechanism mainly constituted of a mechanical linkage, a swinging belt, a conveyance belt and a grate. Mechanism analysis illustrates that uniform pellet pavements demand the frontend of the swinging belt oscillate at a constant angular velocity. Subsequently, kinetic models are formulated to relate oscillatory movements of the swinging belt’s frontend to rotations of a crank link driven by a motor. On basis of kinetic analysis of the pellet feeding mechanism, a cubic B-spline model is built for numerically computing discrete frequencies to be modulated during a motor rotation. Subsequently, the pellet feeding control system is presented in terms of compositional hardware and software components, and their functional relationships. Finally, pellet feeding experiments are carried out to demonstrate that the control system is effective, reliable and superior to conventional methods.  相似文献   

配置委托权限管理是大门户解决权限管理的有效方法。文章提出的对称管理模型的对象一边包括函数与角色,另一边包括用户与组,权限控制源于函数对数据的操作,通过委托路径来将数据、函数及角色的操作权限委托给组与用户。文章还指出基于配置委托权限管理的委托路径规则与委托撤销规则,为大型企业门户的权限委托提供统一的模型与规范的方法。  相似文献   

This article calls in question the stereotyped image of the lazy and idle employee, lacking motivation or a sense of responsibility. In analysing three case histories in the secretarial offices of a major university department, in a registry office and in a specialist ward in a medium-size hospital, we discovered an unexpected world of cooperation, commitment and initiatives. In this research attention focuses on the operators’ point of view, i.e. the complex interactions with the public, the symbolic frames created to justify one's own role and routine, the metaphors used to explain the dilemma of a difficult everyday life. Running a service means offering a non-material product in which personal attitudes, organizational abilities and communication codes all play a decisive role. Perhaps the observation of small communities at work may help us to find that lost way out of the labyrinth of the Italian public administration.  相似文献   

To understand how a supplier helps a buying company create value through innovations, studies have focused on a supplier's internal resources or its relationship with a buying company. Building upon this body of literature, we develop a theory of supplier network-based innovation value in this conceptual paper. This theory explains how a supplier's upstream and downstream value network can be a source of competitive advantage for a buying company. Specifically, it proposes that the levels and types of supplier innovation value is contingent on the configuration of a dual-ego value network, characterized by the locus and degree of buyer-supplier structural equivalence. This theory also explains how a supplier's ties with a buying firm's competitors can pose both opportunity and risk to buying company innovation. This theory contributes to the literature by showing when “seemingly undesirable” suppliers, due to a lack of technical capability or strong relationship with a buying company, might still be valuable to a buying company's innovation.  相似文献   

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