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A new framework for the joint estimation and forecasting of dynamic value at risk (VaR) and expected shortfall (ES) is proposed by our incorporating intraday information into a generalized autoregressive score (GAS) model introduced by Patton et al., 2019 to estimate risk measures in a quantile regression set-up. We consider four intraday measures: the realized volatility at 5-min and 10-min sampling frequencies, and the overnight return incorporated into these two realized volatilities. In a forecasting study, the set of newly proposed semiparametric models are applied to four international stock market indices (S&P 500, Dow Jones Industrial Average, Nikkei 225 and FTSE 100) and are compared with a range of parametric, nonparametric and semiparametric models, including historical simulations, generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity (GARCH) models and the original GAS models. VaR and ES forecasts are backtested individually, and the joint loss function is used for comparisons. Our results show that GAS models, enhanced with the realized volatility measures, outperform the benchmark models consistently across all indices and various probability levels.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose the two-component realized EGARCH (REGARCH-2C) model, which accommodates the high-frequency information and the long memory volatility through the realized measure of volatility and the component volatility structure, to forecast VIX. We obtain the risk-neutral dynamics of the REGARCH-2C model and derive the corresponding model-implied VIX formula. The parameter estimates of the REGARCH-2C model are obtained via the joint maximum likelihood estimation using observations on the returns, realized measure and VIX. Our empirical results demonstrate that the proposed REGARCH-2C model provides more accurate VIX forecasts compared to a variety of competing models, including the GARCH, GJR-GARCH, nonlinear GARCH, Heston–Nandi GARCH, EGARCH, REGARCH and two two-component GARCH models. This result is found to be robust to alternative realized measure. Our empirical evidence highlights the importance of incorporating the realized measure as well as the component volatility structure for VIX forecasting.  相似文献   

A new semi-parametric expected shortfall (ES) estimation and forecasting framework is proposed. The proposed approach is based on a two-step estimation procedure. The first step involves the estimation of value at risk (VaR) at different quantile levels through a set of quantile time series regressions. Then, the ES is computed as a weighted average of the estimated quantiles. The quantile weighting structure is parsimoniously parameterized by means of a beta weight function whose coefficients are optimized by minimizing a joint VaR and ES loss function of the Fissler–Ziegel class. The properties of the proposed approach are first evaluated with an extensive simulation study using two data generating processes. Two forecasting studies with different out-of-sample sizes are then conducted, one of which focuses on the 2008 Global Financial Crisis period. The proposed models are applied to seven stock market indices, and their forecasting performances are compared to those of a range of parametric, non-parametric, and semi-parametric models, including GARCH, conditional autoregressive expectile (CARE), joint VaR and ES quantile regression models, and a simple average of quantiles. The results of the forecasting experiments provide clear evidence in support of the proposed models.  相似文献   

In this study, eight generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (GARCH) types of variance specifications and two return distribution settings, the normal and skewed generalized Student's t (SGT) of Theodossiou (1998), totaling nine GARCH-based models, are utilized to forecast the volatility of six stock indices, and then both the out-of-sample-period value-at-risk (VaR) and the expected shortfall (ES) are estimated following the rolling window approach. Moreover, the in-sample VaR is estimated for both the global financial crisis (GFC) period and the non-GFC period. Subsequently, through several accuracy measures, nine models are evaluated in order to explore the influence of long memory, leverage, and distribution effects on the performance of VaR and ES forecasts. As shown by the empirical results of the nine models, the long memory, leverage, and distribution effects subsist in the stock markets. Moreover, regarding the out-of-sample VaR forecasts, long memory is the most important effect, followed by the leverage effect for the low level, whereas the distribution effect is crucial for the high level. As for the three VaR approaches, weighted historical simulation achieves the best VaR forecasting performance, followed by filtered historical simulation, whereas the parametric approach has the worst VaR forecasting performance for all the levels. Furthermore, VaR models underestimate the true risk, whereas ES models overestimate the true risk, indicating that the ES risk measure is more conservative than the VaR risk measure. Additionally, based on back-testing, the VaR provides a better risk forecast than the ES since the ES highly overestimates the true risk. Notably, long memory is important for the ES estimate, whereas both the long memory and the leverage effect are crucial for the VaR estimate. Finally, via in-sample VaR forecasts in regard to the low level, it is found that long memory is important for the non-GFC period, whereas the distribution effect is crucial for the GFC period. On the other hand, with regard to the high level, the distribution effect is crucial for both the non-GFC and the GFC period. These results seem to be consistent with those found in the out-of-sample VaR forecasts. In accordance with these results, several important policy implications are proposed in this study.  相似文献   

Methods for incorporating high resolution intra-day asset price data into risk forecasts are being developed at an increasing pace. Existing methods such as those based on realized volatility depend primarily on reducing the observed intra-day price fluctuations to simple scalar summaries. In this study, we propose several methods that incorporate full intra-day price information as functional data objects in order to forecast value at risk (VaR). Our methods are based on the recently proposed functional generalized autoregressive conditionally heteroscedastic (GARCH) models and a new functional linear quantile regression model. In addition to providing daily VaR forecasts, these methods can be used to forecast intra-day VaR curves, which we considered and studied with companion backtests to evaluate the quality of these intra-day risk measures. Using high-frequency trading data from equity and foreign exchange markets, we forecast the one-day-ahead daily and intra-day VaR with the proposed methods and various benchmark models. The empirical results suggested that the functional GARCH models estimated based on the overnight cumulative intra-day return curves exhibited competitive performance with benchmark models for daily risk management, and they produced valid intra-day VaR curves.  相似文献   

I propose applying the Mixed Data Sampling (MIDAS) framework to forecast Value at Risk (VaR) and Expected shortfall (ES). The new methods exploit the serial dependence on short-horizon returns to directly forecast the tail dynamics of the desired horizon. I perform a comprehensive comparison of out-of-sample VaR and ES forecasts with established models for a wide range of financial assets and backtests. The MIDAS-based models significantly outperform traditional GARCH-based forecasts and alternative conditional quantile specifications, especially in terms of multi-day forecast horizons. My analysis advocates models that feature asymmetric conditional quantiles and the use of the Asymmetric Laplace density to jointly estimate VaR and ES.  相似文献   

This paper proposes new approximate long-memory VaR models that incorporate intra-day price ranges. These models use lagged intra-day range with the feature of considering different range components calculated over different time horizons. We also investigate the impact of the market overnight return on the VaR forecasts, which has not yet been considered with the range in VaR estimation. Model estimation is performed using linear quantile regression. An empirical analysis is conducted on 18 market indices. In spite of the simplicity of the proposed methods, the empirical results show that they successfully capture the main features of the financial returns and are competitive with established benchmark methods. The empirical results also show that several of the proposed range-based VaR models, utilizing both the intra-day range and the overnight returns, are able to outperform GARCH-based methods and CAViaR models.  相似文献   

Value-at-Risk (VaR) has become the universally accepted risk metric adopted internationally under the Basel Accords for banking industry internal control, capital adequacy and regulatory reporting. The recent extreme financial market events such as the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) commencing in 2007 and the following developments in European markets mean that there is a great deal of attention paid to risk measurement and risk hedging. In particular, to risk indices and attached derivatives as hedges for equity market risk. The techniques used to model tail risk such as VaR have attracted criticism for their inability to model extreme market conditions. In this paper we discuss tail specific distribution based Extreme Value Theory (EVT) and evaluate different methods that may be used to calculate VaR ranging from well known econometrics models of GARCH and its variants to EVT based models which focus specifically on the tails of the distribution. We apply Univariate Extreme Value Theory to model extreme market risk for the FTSE100 UK Index and S&P-500 US markets indices plus their volatility indices. We show with empirical evidence that EVT can be successfully applied to financial market return series for predicting static VaR, CVaR or Expected Shortfall (ES) and also daily VaR and ES using a GARCH(1,1) and EVT based dynamic approach to these various indices. The behaviour of these indices in their tails have implications for hedging strategies in extreme market conditions.  相似文献   

高频数据波动率建模——基于厚尾分布的Realized GARCH模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"厚尾现象"是金融时间序列分布的一个普遍特征,本文将RealizedGARCH模型推广到容纳厚尾分布的情形,并将杠杆函数的幂次放松为待估参数。结果显示,使用Skewed-t分布的模型能够较好地反映收益率序列的厚尾和偏峰性质,放松的幂次参数可以给出更贴合数据的"信息冲击曲线"。引入厚尾分布亦可用改进Realized GARCH模型对实现测度的预测,其中使用标准t分布的模型给出的预测精度最高。  相似文献   

This study employs the realized GARCH (RGARCH) model to estimate the volatility of Bitcoin returns and measure the benefits of various scaled realized measures in forecasting volatility. Empirical results show that considerable price jumps occurred in the Bitcoin market, suggesting that a jump-robust realized measure is crucial to estimate Bitcoin volatility. The RGARCH model, especially the one with tri-power variation, outperforms the standard GARCH model. Additionally, the RGARCH model with jump-robust realized measures can provide steady forecasting performance. This study is timely given that the CME may release a Bitcoin option product and our results are relevant to option pricing  相似文献   

ARCH and GARCH models are widely used to model financial market volatilities in risk management applications. Considering a GARCH model with heavy-tailed innovations, we characterize the limiting distribution of an estimator of the conditional value-at-risk (VaR), which corresponds to the extremal quantile of the conditional distribution of the GARCH process. We propose two methods, the normal approximation method and the data tilting method, for constructing confidence intervals for the conditional VaR estimator and assess their accuracies by simulation studies. Finally, we apply the proposed approach to an energy market data set.  相似文献   

本文以成熟市场和新兴市场的六个主要的市场指数为例,将更精确反映金融资产收益率典型事实的AEPD分布和ALD分布运用于股票市场VaR的度量。并与其它常见的非参、半参和参数法VaR模型进行全面比较。实证表明,对于参数法模型,误差项服从ALD分布和正态分布的GARCH族模型分别当且仅当在度量低分位数和高分位数水平下的VaR值时表现优异;而误差项服从AEPD分布的GARCH族模型在度量各种分位数水平下的VaR值时均取得不错的效果。另外对于CAViaR模型,它们在度量VaR时与参数法中表现最好的AR-GJR-GARCH-AEPD(ALD)两个模型效果相当。  相似文献   

风险测量一直是金融研究领域的热门话题,而如何构建合适的模型来衡量风险自然而然成为众多学者研究的关注点.VaR方法是当今应用最广泛的衡量金融风险的方法之一,其核心又在构建良好的波动率估计模型.GARCH模型族能很好地描述股指波动率呈现的重尾、波动性聚集、杠杆效用等,是当前效果比较好的条件异方差性的模型.本文着重研究基于GARCH模型族(GARCH、EGARCH、PGARCH)在不同分布假定下(高斯分布、t分布、广义误差分布)的表现,从而计算出沪深300的在险价值( VaR),比较分析模型拟合效果,选出适合的模型,对规范国内沪深300的风险管理提供了理论依据.  相似文献   

Volatility forecasts are important for a number of practical financial decisions, such as those related to risk management. When working with high-frequency data from markets that operate during a reduced time, an approach to deal with the overnight return volatility is needed. In this context, we use heterogeneous autoregressions (HAR) to model the variation associated with the intraday activity, with distinct realized measures as regressors, and, to model the overnight returns, we use augmented GARCH type models. Then, we combine the HAR and GARCH models to generate forecasts for the total daily return volatility. In an empirical study, for returns on six international stock indices, we analyze the separate modeling approach in terms of its out-of-sample forecasting performance of daily volatility, Value-at-Risk and Expected Shortfall relative to standard models from the literature. In particular, the overall results are favorable for the separate modeling approach in comparison with some HAR models based on realized variance measures for the whole day and the standard GARCH model.  相似文献   

We propose new empirical models to capture the dynamics of the variance and skewness in realized volatility measures. We find that time-variation in variance and skewness of realized measures is a key empirical feature, even after accounting for well-known, stylized facts such as long-memory-type persistence and large incidental observations. Using a broad range of 89 US stocks across different sectors over 2001–2019, we show that these are not incidental phenomena of a few stocks but are widely shared. Accounting for dynamics in the variance and skewness of realized measures results in significantly better in-sample fit and out-of-sample unconditional density and quantile forecasts.  相似文献   

杜诗晨  汪飞星 《价值工程》2007,26(4):161-165
金融时间序列具有分布的厚尾性、波动的集聚性等特征,传统的方法难以准确的度量其风险。文中运用一种新的估计VaR和ES的方法,即采取两阶段法。首先用GARCH-M类模型(GARCH-M、EGARCH-M和TGARCH-M)拟和原始收益率数据,得到残差序列;第二步用极值分析的方法分析的尾部,最后得到收益率序列的动态VaR和ES。最后对三个模型的计算结果进行比较。  相似文献   

Combining provides a pragmatic way of synthesising the information provided by individual forecasting methods. In the context of forecasting the mean, numerous studies have shown that combining often leads to improvements in accuracy. Despite the importance of the value at risk (VaR), though, few papers have considered quantile forecast combinations. One risk measure that is receiving an increasing amount of attention is the expected shortfall (ES), which is the expectation of the exceedances beyond the VaR. There have been no previous studies on combining ES predictions, presumably due to there being no suitable loss function for ES. However, it has been shown recently that a set of scoring functions exist for the joint estimation or backtesting of VaR and ES forecasts. We use such scoring functions to estimate combining weights for VaR and ES prediction. The results from five stock indices show that combining outperforms the individual methods for the 1% and 5% probability levels.  相似文献   

We use high-frequency intra-day realized volatility data to evaluate the relative forecasting performances of various models that are used commonly for forecasting the volatility of crude oil daily spot returns at multiple horizons. These models include the RiskMetrics, GARCH, asymmetric GARCH, fractional integrated GARCH and Markov switching GARCH models. We begin by implementing Carrasco, Hu, and Ploberger’s (2014) test for regime switching in the mean and variance of the GARCH(1, 1), and find overwhelming support for regime switching. We then perform a comprehensive out-of-sample forecasting performance evaluation using a battery of tests. We find that, under the MSE and QLIKE loss functions: (i) models with a Student’s t innovation are favored over those with a normal innovation; (ii) RiskMetrics and GARCH(1, 1) have good predictive accuracies at short forecast horizons, whereas EGARCH(1, 1) yields the most accurate forecasts at medium horizons; and (iii) the Markov switching GARCH shows a superior predictive accuracy at long horizons. These results are established by computing the equal predictive ability test of Diebold and Mariano (1995) and West (1996) and the model confidence set of Hansen, Lunde, and Nason (2011) over the entire evaluation sample. In addition, a comparison of the MSPE ratios computed using a rolling window suggests that the Markov switching GARCH model is better at predicting the volatility during periods of turmoil.  相似文献   

A new class of forecasting models is proposed that extends the realized GARCH class of models through the inclusion of option prices to forecast the variance of asset returns. The VIX is used to approximate option prices, resulting in a set of cross-equation restrictions on the model’s parameters. The full model is characterized by a nonlinear system of three equations containing asset returns, the realized variance, and the VIX, with estimation of the parameters based on maximum likelihood methods. The forecasting properties of the new class of forecasting models, as well as a number of special cases, are investigated and applied to forecasting the daily S&P500 index realized variance using intra-day and daily data from September 2001 to November 2017. The forecasting results provide strong support for including the realized variance and the VIX to improve variance forecasts, with linear conditional variance models performing well for short-term one-day-ahead forecasts, whereas log-linear conditional variance models tend to perform better for intermediate five-day-ahead forecasts.  相似文献   

How to measure and model volatility is an important issue in finance. Recent research uses high‐frequency intraday data to construct ex post measures of daily volatility. This paper uses a Bayesian model‐averaging approach to forecast realized volatility. Candidate models include autoregressive and heterogeneous autoregressive specifications based on the logarithm of realized volatility, realized power variation, realized bipower variation, a jump and an asymmetric term. Applied to equity and exchange rate volatility over several forecast horizons, Bayesian model averaging provides very competitive density forecasts and modest improvements in point forecasts compared to benchmark models. We discuss the reasons for this, including the importance of using realized power variation as a predictor. Bayesian model averaging provides further improvements to density forecasts when we move away from linear models and average over specifications that allow for GARCH effects in the innovations to log‐volatility. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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