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文章运用文献分析法,阐明了投入服务化战略的维度,开发了相关的研究假设,构建了投入服务化战略的影响因素及其绩效的概念模型,并指明了研究的管理含义。这种理论分析为今后的实证研究打下了基础。  相似文献   

本文详细分析了煤炭机械制造企业服务化原因和目的,通过分析其他制造行业的企业服务化的战略、模式,并针对煤炭机械制造企业的特点,提出了适合煤炭机械制造企业自身发展特点的服务化模式,供煤炭机械制造企业服务化转型参考。  相似文献   

产品服务化供应链的运作模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈菊红  郭福利 《物流科技》2010,33(12):33-36
产品服务化战略是制造业未来发展的必然趋势,而有效的供应链管理是制造企业实行产品服务化战略的重要保证。首先,在服务化、产品供应链和服务供应链相关理论的基础上,给出了产品服务化供应链的概念;其次,通过与产品供应链和服务供应链运作模式对比分析,明确了产品服务化供应链的运作模式,并给出了产品服务化供应链中的关键流程;最后,给出了产品服务化供应链中亟待研究的问题。  相似文献   

李洪磊  于洋 《物流科技》2013,36(6):52-53
制造业服务化是近年来的学术研究与实践的热点问题。文章介绍了制造业服务化和企业战略联盟的基本概念,分析了制造业服务化对供应链组织结构及运行模式的影响,提出了新型企业战略联盟。  相似文献   

制造业服务化作为竞争优势重塑的战略手段已引起学界广泛关注。然而,关于制造业服务化与企业绩效实现之间究竟是何种内在关系机制的研究却略显不足。为对这一内在关系机制作出合理性解释,本文结合社会资本理论,构建了制造业服务化、跨组织资源合作和企业绩效之间的理论模型;并以长三角经济圈220家制造企业为研究样本进行实证研究。研究表明:制造业服务化战略转型绩效的获取,与其在战略实施过程中与外部资源性组织建立起紧密的合作关系,即实施跨组织资源合作存在有密切的相关性。同时,企业所处的外部环境条件,即市场环境动荡性对制造企业积极实施跨组织资源合作具有显著的助推作用。最后,提出了制造企业应如何加强与域外资源性组织进行合作的相关对策建议。  相似文献   

制造业服务化是供给侧改革的重要内容,也是制造业转型升级的必经之路。论文首先阐述了制造业服务化的内涵和特点;其次探讨了大数据技术在制造业服务化中的应用,并从企业内部和外部视角研究了制造业服务化价值链的优化问题;最后提出了大数据背景下制造业服务化价值链管理的新商务战略。  相似文献   

制造企业的服务化竞争战略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了完全产品的概念和制造企业向服务化竞争战略转变的原因,从战略角度阐述了制造业的服务化趋势,以及战略转变实施过程中应该重点注意的问题。  相似文献   

针对制造业企业究竟要如何成功实现服务化战略转型的问题,文章结合网络嵌入性理论,以珠三角经济圈各类制造企业为研究对象,分析了当制造企业嵌入知识密集服务网络时,企业吸收能力对制造企业服务化战略转型绩效的影响。结果发现:制造企业嵌入知识密集服务网络,企业吸收能力越强,制造业服务化战略转型绩效获取将越有保障。同时,研究还表明,尽管制造企业知识密集服务网络嵌入对企业绩效有显著的正向影响,但其关系性嵌入对企业绩效的影响并不总是遵循线性关系。为提升制造企业从外部服务网络所获取创新知识的吸收能力,文章提出了塑造以知识为中心的企业价值观、针对性地加强组织人力资源管理、重视服务系统的研发投入等建议。  相似文献   

目前制造企业的服务化已形成一种潮流和发展趋势。文章立足于企业战略的角度,从价值链理论出发分析了服务转型的动因,服务化给制造企业带来的战略意义以及服务化变革过程中的挑战和应对措施,从而使企业通过服务转型获得一定的可持续竞争优势。  相似文献   

研究制造业服务化价值共创内在机理,对促进我国制造业供给侧结构性改革和服务化转型,实现互联网环境下企业价值共创与共享具有重要的理论与应用价值。本文运用扎根理论以海尔"人单合一"模式变革为研究对象,从战略、价值链、组织结构和核算制度视角研究如何通过价值共创行为促进制造业服务化转型。研究发现:互联网环境下制造业服务化关键在于用户的全流程参与,核心在于利益相关者价值共创,目标是构建制造业的服务生态系统,而制造业企业成为资源整合平台,实现多主体、多资源或多因素的优化配置。海尔经验来源于中国本土实践,可在其他制造业企业中进行推广,以期促进服务化或互联网转型进程,进而提升企业绩效。  相似文献   

商业模式是当今企业核心竞争力形成和发展的关键问题,特别是在产业供应链服务化背景下,如何有效地构造和推动商业模式的创新和可持续是企业供应链管理的核心所在。因此,究竟如何认识服务化商业模式变革的原动力,以及模式建立和演进过程中的组织结构、创新要素和治理方式是一个需要不断深入研究的课题。本文基于国内外有关商业模式相关理论研究,提出了服务化商业模式创新的架构和要素并运用利丰的单案例研究,分析了该理论模式的核心内容和主要路径在实践中的适用性,即服务化商业模式创新的原动力对模式结构选择的影响,以及结构与创新要素和创新治理之间的关系。  相似文献   

商业模式是当今企业核心竞争力形成和发展的关键问题,特别是在制造企业服务化的趋势背景下,如何通过商业模式的转变实现服务化转型是制造企业关注的重点。本文基于国内外制造企业服务化转型的相关研究,以空中客车公司为例进行案例研究,以时间为主线从多维度对其服务化转型过程进行描述和分析;在此基础上构建出制造企业服务化转型的三阶段演化模型,即从技术管理到服务管理再到协同管理,揭示了服务型制造企业的商业模式;最后得出通过高层管理者支持推动和建立外部关系网络拉动来促进服务化转型的启示。  相似文献   

For many leading engineering companies, the integration of services into product offerings is seen to comprise an important shift in the underlying business model. This movement has been termed the ‘servitization of business’. Within this debate, however, scant attention has been given to the human resource (HR) implications of servitization. An exploratory case study illustrates the HR challenges associated with servitization and the way in which these interact with a concurrent change programme concerned with the implementation of ‘business partnering’. The findings highlight the emergent complexities resulting from these two change programmes being rolled out simultaneously. Although contested across different divisions, the shift to servitization continuously disrupts the implementation of business partnering with little alignment between the two espoused initiatives. Furthermore, the rate of strategic change within the company in response to changing markets continuously acts to erode the coherence of the acclaimed move to business partnering. In consequence, the HR policies and practices struggle to maintain contact with the company's strategic direction.  相似文献   

本文通过文献回顾和案例分析,探讨了服务行业呈现出的两种新趋势,即产品服务化与企业服务化。作者认为这两种趋势有助于企业开拓新的事业领域,实现多元化发展,同时符合发展绿色经济的客观要求,是未来经济发展的主要方向之一。  相似文献   

The Performance Effects of Business Groups in Russia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study analyses the impact of business group affiliation on firm performance during a time when business groups are newly formed, when the economic and institutional environment is changing, and when group survival is uncertain. Based primarily on a transaction cost approach, we develop two hypotheses, concerning profitability and risk sharing (redistribution) respectively. The positive profitability hypothesis proposes that company affiliation with a business group directly and positively affects the profitability of each affiliate. A positive direct effect emerges when each affiliate benefits from access to group resources. The redistribution hypothesis considers the simultaneous possibility that inter-affiliate transfers of resources through internal markets are designed to redistribute profits among group members. We argue that variance-reducing redistribution from strong to weak group members is linked to group survival in times of institutional change. Our empirical approach focuses on testing these two linked hypotheses (and their alternatives) using a relatively large, contemporary and time varying database of Russian firms. We also develop a framework that distinguishes among the four possible empirical outcomes associated with the hypotheses. Our results provide unambiguous support for the case where the impact of group membership on profitability is positive and redistribution is variance-reducing. We term this outcome Business Group Robustness, and contrast it with other possible empirical outcomes.  相似文献   

吴婷 《物流科技》2021,(2):115-117
制造业服务化与企业绩效关系紧密。广州市作为全国首批六个服务型制造示范城市,近年来服务型制造发展迅速。文章论述了制造业服务化的文献研究情况,探讨了广州市制造业服务化发展现状,分析了广州市制造业服务化与企业绩效之间的关系。认为广州市制造业服务化与企业绩效是一种“马鞍型”曲线关系,呈现的是“上升—下降—再上升”的过程。  相似文献   

制造业服务化是制造业高质量发展的重要趋势和内在要求,将对制造业技术路径选择产生显著影响。本文基于产业融合视角,解析推动制造业高质量发展的技术路径选择的内在机理。在理论分析的基础上,利用中国制造业微观企业数据和世界投入产出表数据,实证分析了制造业服务化对技术路径选择的影响机制,并检验了制造业服务化进程中能够推动制造业高质量发展的适宜性技术路径。研究结果显示,制造业服务化产生了创新效应、反馈效应和成本效应,对制造业技术路径的转换产生了显著的促进作用;随着服务型要素的嵌入,自主研发和原始创新是制造业实现高质量发展的适宜性技术路径。加快制造业服务化进程、及时转换产业技术路径,能够提升制造业全要素生产率,推动制造业实现高质量发展。  相似文献   

Globalisation has heralded burgeoning ship movements and maritime operations in ports alongside increased international concerns regarding potential environmental impacts. In particular, smaller ports require accessible tools to manage them. A framework to facilitate environmental management applies business process principles to identify relevant inputs, processes and outputs. A case study of Falmouth Harbour Commissioners compares functional units and flows that define input–output processes for anchoring and bunkering operations. Strategic‐level processes affect present and future operations while tactical service processes guarantee service level and quality through their integrity. Operational processes occur at the output level. An accessible generic framework supports planning of more sustainable maritime operations, facilitates mitigation of potential risks and encourages authorities to engage with sustainability agendas and manage development proposals proactively. Ongoing interlocution with business strategists will refocus port managers on educational and commercial missions and increase stakeholder engagement. Simplification and optimisation phases of business process re‐engineering remain untapped by business strategists. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

制造业服务化是现代制造业发展的新阶段。文中介绍了制造业服务化的基本概念,分析了制造业服务化对制造业供应链的影响,探讨了支持制造业服务化的供应链组织结构及运营模式创新。  相似文献   

Manufacturers are increasingly utilizing Internet-based tools to more readily conduct collaborative activities with key business customers. While the emerging conventional wisdom suggests that the greater the extent to which manufacturers engage in Internet-enabled commerce with downstream business customers the better the performance, we espouse an alternative view. Consistent with the relational view of competitive advantage and contingency theory, we develop a model and a series of hypotheses that specify how various product and market characteristics may influence the nature of the expected positive relationship between e-collaboration and performance.To test the model, we collected data from 50 manufacturers using a Web-based survey. Our partial least squares (PLS) analysis results do indeed support the notion that e-collaboration is related to better operational and business performance. However, we go on to show that the strength of the relationship between e-collaboration and operational performance diminishes as the level of environmental munificence increases. Notably, we found no such moderating effect with respect to the level of product complexity or market variability. Our findings contribute to the operations strategy literature on supply chain relationships in the e-business arena and offer managers a framework for understanding the conditions under which investments in e-collaboration may be more appropriate and therefore more beneficial.  相似文献   

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