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本文基于协同学和超循环理论研究发现,商业生态系统的演化发展遵循"集合定律",其动力来自于系统内部各子系统间的竞争和协同,具体机制是商业生态系统内部各成员通过竞争实现协同并产生序参量,序参量反过来支配和推动系统的演化发展,实现协同进化。本文对苹果移动生态系统进行了论证说明,研究成果为创新企业经营管理提供了新的思路:首先,企业应当参与或领导某个或某几个商业生态系统,借助系统内部成员间的协同作用,使其所拥有的资源超出其企业边界,或协同其他成员将资源集中起来,为消费者创造新的更大价值;其次,企业可以创造条件,在内部推动超循环组织的形成,实现企业自组织高速发展。  相似文献   

产业集群品牌生态系统的形成和发展过程是系统成员自适应、自协调、自组织的协同演化过程,这种协同演化存在于各个层次包括品牌个体、品牌种群、品牌群落和外部环境之间,是一种"多层嵌套"、"多项因果"的演进体系。本文借助生态学语言,采用隐喻的研究方法,阐述了产业集群品牌生态系统的构成成分、层次、要素和空间结构,分析了产业集群品牌生态系统的特征及演化机理,借用生物学中生命周期理论探讨了产业集群品牌生态系统的演化过程与一般规律。关于产业集群品牌生态系统演化的研究,包含着许多具有价值的政策含义,对集群品牌和企业品牌发展有着重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

现实中任何一种企业管理理论都不能阻挡每天成千上万个企业的衰亡。显然,任何一种企业管理理论不可能适应所有类型的企业。但企业作为一种生态系统,它有其发展、演化、衰亡的规律。如果能遵循像一个健康自然生态系统能可持续发展一样的原理来管理企业,企业也许就能像一个高效自然生态系统一样可持续性的高效运转。  相似文献   

数字经济作为技术创新、服务创新、业态创新最活跃的领域,在移动互联网、大数据、云计算、物联网、人工智能的推动下,已进入到技术快速渗透、产业深度集聚、平台全面融合的新阶段,成为我国经济持续发展和产业转型升级的核心力量。从生态学视角,创造性地运用生态系统理论,可构建数字经济生态系统,并在复杂系统理论的启发下,深入分析数字经济生态系统的运行机理。通过梳理数字经济演化历程和数字经济2.0时代的主要特征,可推出我国数字经济生态系统的演化路径。为促进我国数字经济生态系统朝着互利共生的方向协同进化,应加快微观企业数字化转型及生产方式变革、培育并激励数字生态系统中核心数字人才、完善数字经济生态环境、提升数字经济生态系统的协同共生效率。  相似文献   

企业的生态化管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现实中任何一种企业管理理论都不能阻挡每天成干上万个企业的衰亡。显然,任何一种企业管理理论不可能适应所有类型的企业。但企业作为一种生态系统,它有其发展、演化、衰亡的规律。如果能遵循像一个健康自然生态系统能可持续发展一样的原理来管理企业,企业也许就能像一个高效自然生态系统一样可持续性的高效运转。  相似文献   

众创空间已日益成为推进国家双创战略实施的重要载体和推动全民创新的有机组成部分,从生态共生视角探讨众创空间内部创业主体的演化模式具有长远和丰富的理论意义。通过构建众创空间生态系统两主体Lotka-Volterra动态演化模型,并运用数值仿真揭示当前国内众创空间内部主体间的主流共生模式以及构筑基准理论和模型,然后拓展该基准模型至引入成熟企业的三主体共生演化模型以打破主流两主体共生模式的局限,讨论成熟企业的入驻对众创空间共生主体、主体关系和演化模式的影响。仿真结果表明:(1)初创企业、配套资源组织及成熟企业等共生单元在众创空间生态系统内外部共生环境中通过达成不同共生模式以推动整个系统实现演化发展,演化的均衡结果由主体间的共生系数取值决定;(2)目前众创空间生态系统共生环境下的两主体共生模式由于资源和规模限制其发展能力,导致难以实现真正意义上的互惠共生,成熟企业的入驻在系统内部发挥着资源保障和发展引擎的作用;(3)三主体互惠共生是系统演化的最佳目标导向。最后,基于仿真结果提出国内众创空间构筑和系统升级的策略建议。  相似文献   

一 产业生态系统演化的内涵界定. 产业生态系统的演化概念是经济学家把生物进化理论应用产业研究而提出的.由于产业生态系统是对自然生态系统的一种模仿,产业生态系统的生成、发育和进化过程与自然界生物的进化过程具有极大的相似性.  相似文献   

动态环境下企业战略理论发展的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对动态环境下的五种典型战略管理理论(企业生态系统演化理论、战略联盟、战略风险管理、边缘竞争理论以及“战略转折点”理论)的发展进行了梳理和剖析,讨论了这些理论的贡献及适用条件。在此基础上,分析了这些理论自身及相互关系中尚未厘清的问题,提出了进一步研究的方向和启示。  相似文献   

目前,越来越多的国家、地区、城市开始运用品牌化的技术和方法来谋求竞争优势。在城市品牌建设的过程中,仍然存在许多困惑,需要新理论的指导。在对城市品牌理论研究现状进行评述的基础上,提出了城市品牌研究的新视角——城市品牌生态系统协同演化理论,阐述了城市品牌生态系统协同演化理论的研究目的、研究内容、研究方法以及研究的意义,尝试为城市品牌塑造和理论研究提供新的思路。  相似文献   

企业生态系统与企业发展模式选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胡伟 《企业活力》2006,(12):76-77
企业生态系统对企业发展模式的选择具有决定性意义,企业要想可持续发展必须与企业生态系统协同演化,企业发展模式是惯例化的企业的行为方式,发展模式应当与企业的生态系统相协调。  相似文献   

分析了一般工商企业主导和物流企业主导的商业生态系统,得出中小物流企业应该选择缝隙型发展战略与多系统参与策略,以及基于商业生态系统理论的我国物流企业发展路径:少数企业通过不断提高竞争力,最终选择改变企业在生态系统的生态位或构建新的商业生态系统,成为骨干型企业从而主导物流生态系统。  相似文献   

For knowledge‐intensive industries, a need remains to increase clarity on the dynamics through which business model innovation occurs. Progress has been limited owing to complexities in these industries and to the underlying ontology of the business model concept itself. Through a conceptual methodology, our findings expose impediments to current business model theory and propose economic evolutionary theory as a useful alternative lens through which to address these limitations. This research contributes to the literature by broadening the traditional scope of the economic evolutionary view as relevant for business model innovation research and by offering a corresponding framework for future research.  相似文献   

论文以生态系统理论讨论分析企业孵化生态,有助于解决当前可持续创业中的问题。目前企业孵化生态建设主要有科技研究、市场开发和商业应用三大部分。这些企业孵化生态组成部分不仅使企业孵化的功能逐渐完善,在网络平台上也已具备了基本的信息技术服务。市场开发和商业应用已经汇聚了人财物的产供销价值链,逐渐向多元化、多模式、多机制的发展方向过度,为打造出全过程、多层次、立体化的企业孵化生态系统提供建设性方案。  相似文献   

利益相关者对商业生态系统的影响分析模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章通过从利益相关者的角度来分析研究商业生态系统,建立了利益相关者对商业生态系统影响的评价体系,构建了商业生态系统中的利益相关者定量分析模式,并通过例证加以分析。这一分析模式有助于帮助企业提高竞争力水平,对指导商业生态系统的良好发展具有一定的意义。  相似文献   

This study investigates the relationships among the external environment, intrapreneurship and performance of Turkish manufacturing firms. As a multidimensional construct, intrapreneurship is examined in terms of innovativeness, new business venturing, self-renewal, risk taking, and proactiveness. The environmental munificence and hostility are examined as the external determinants of intrapreneurship activities. Firm performance is considered as a multifaceted structure that covers financial and non-financial measures. Based on the data from 331 Turkish manufacturing firms, empirical results showed that environmental factors have statistically significant impact on the intrapreneurship activities of these firms. Profitability is negatively and significantly associated with self-renewal, while it is positively and significantly related with dimensions of innovation and risk taking. Growth is found to be significantly and positively correlated with only new business venturing. Finally, innovation is the only dimension that is positively and significantly associated with both customer and employee satisfaction, which are the main non-financial firm performance measures.  相似文献   

While supply chain finance (SCF) is receiving growing attention in research, it remains limited in reach and fragmented in its implementation. At the same time, technological advances are changing the shape of the overall business ecosystem in which SCF is embedded. Therefore, the aim of this research is to conduct a systematic review of the SCF literature and develop a framework of analysis to support further exploration of the SCF ecosystem. This research expands on other recent systematic reviews of SCF literature and introduces the business ecosystem concept to the SCF domain. Based on the presented SCF framework, an agenda for future SCF ecosystem research is proposed.  相似文献   

品牌生态商业系统是由环境、品牌、企业、供应商、顾客、相关组织与群体等成员组成的复杂系统,是社会商业生态系统的核心组成部分。本文借鉴系统理论,探讨品牌生态商业模型的构建理论基础,指出品牌生态商业系统应具备完整性、多层次性、差异性和循环性等特征;同时,对生态商业系统的开放性进行了研究,给出了完整的生态商业模型———动态开放具有自我调节功能的多层次系统,期望对生态商业模型的建立提供理论参考。  相似文献   

Firms’ technological distinctive competencies (TDCs) help CEOs to confront their reality based on technological knowledge to achieve and exploit competitive advantage by encouraging the different dimensions of corporate entrepreneurship (innovation, new business venturing, proactiveness and self-renewal). The main purpose of this paper is thus to highlight how companies that strive to improve technological competencies within the firm achieve higher organizational performance through different components of corporate entrepreneurship and their interrelationships. This study seeks to fill this research gap by analyzing theoretically and empirically how TDCs enhance innovation, new business venturing and proactiveness and their interrelationships to achieve self-renewal and thus improve firms’ organizational performance. The methodology used is LISREL analysis. We test the model with data from 201 Spanish organizations. Our research contributes theoretical and empirical arguments on the value of TDCs to the organization, arguments that are especially important because organizations sometimes fail to achieve sustainable competitive advantage due to their limited understanding of the relationships between these strategic variables.  相似文献   

This study suggests that in the entrepreneurial communities of emerging industries, individual entrepreneurs may simultaneously create opportunities that spill over to others and discover opportunities already created by others. Extant opportunity literature, focused on single actors and their personal networks or on the information function of market prices, is largely mute on the role of opportunities in value networks with distributed entrepreneurial efforts. Ecosystem theory, a literature stream that seldom intersects opportunity literature, contributes with a conceptual framework to study the question. The paper seeks to shed light on how opportunities are created or discovered by new ventures as they are involved in the interlinked endeavor of forming a new ecosystem.The study examines five case studies of US ventures in the early phase of the solar service industry, an industry in which entrepreneurs offer customers access to solar panels as a service rather than as a product. These ventures inadvertently created an industry ecosystem together, as they could not protect the value created by their business partners׳ new knowledge, or by the emerging social webs between partners. They shaped opportunities together, passing value back and forth amongst themselves. This paper offers fundamental observations on how opportunity creation and discovery is distributed among a community of entrepreneurs as a business ecosystem grows.  相似文献   

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