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贾后明 《经济纵横》2012,(12):6-10,100
跨过"中等收入陷阱"的一项重要任务是解决收入分配差距不断扩大问题。市场、经济、行政、税收、法律与道德等手段在解决社会收入分配差距时都有适用性。劳动能力、财产持有、偶然性和地下经济收入等因素都会导致收入分配差距扩大。每种手段在解决这些因素时各有优点,也各有其局限性。因此,应针对收入分配差距的形成因素进行全面调整,使收入分配差距处于人们可以接受的程度。  相似文献   

在任何社会生产中,必然发生两方面的物质关系。一方面是人与自然的关系,即人们进行劳动,“为了人类的需要而占有自然物”,以解决人类生存所需要的物质资料问题。这是人们从自然界获取物质利益的关系。人们在生产斗争中不断提高生产力,归根到底是为了获得更多的物质利益。另一方面,人们在生产中总要形成一定的生产关系即经济关系。经济关系实质上就是人们之间的物质利益关系。恩格斯指出:“每一个社会的经济关系首先是作为利益表现出来。”在没有阶级对立的社会中,生产关系首先是劳动人民内部的物质利益关系,这是在根本利益一致基础上的关系。在存在阶级剥削的社会中,生产关系首先表现为阶级关系,即不同阶级之间的物质利益关系。剥削阶级无偿地占有劳动者的剩余劳动、剩余产品或剩余价值,都是对劳动者的物质利益的侵占和损害。因而剥削阶级同被剥削阶级的物质利益是根本对立的。  相似文献   

简论服务劳动创造价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
长期以来,经济学界的传统观点认为,服务劳动不创造价值,其收入是物质生产领域中的劳动者创造,通过国民收入的再分配得到的。其过程是:物质生产领域的劳动者用国民收入初次分配得到的工资去购买服务消费品时,价值就由物质生产领域转移到服务领域,构成服务部门劳动者的收入。  相似文献   

生产方式最大量出现的含义之一是生产关系,即包括生产、交换、分配、消费关系的广义的生产关系,或者马克思所说的"生产关系总和"、"社会生产关系"、"经济关系",而不是仅在生产领域中发生的、与交换、分配关系并列的狭义的生产关系。劳动者和生产资料的结合方式还是劳动过程、劳动方式,实际上都是以生产资料为基础的生产关系的组成部分,无论把生产方式定义为结合方式或劳动过程、劳动方式,都无法说明它是独立于生产关系之外,同生产力、生产关系并列而且决定生产关系的中介环节。否定政治经济学以社会生产关系为研究对象,极易导致否定社会主义公有制的错误,因此,我们必须高度警惕。  相似文献   

我国私营企业主收入同普通劳动者收入之间的差距远远大于行业间劳动者的工资差别,是当前分配不公的主要表现和主要矛盾。其根源在于鼓励私人资本主义经济发展的同时,对其引导和监管不力,造成资本过度剥削,资本积累过快而劳动大众相对贫困。有人以"私营企业主是中国特色社会主义事业的建设者"去抹煞不同阶级、阶层在生产资料占有以及在生产、分配中地位的重大差别,是经济学理论分析的缺失。应根据形势的发展重新认识社会主要矛盾的内涵、表现形式和作用范围。允许企业和行业间的劳动报酬保持一定差别,是在市场经济条件下改革分配制度、消除"平均主义"的积极成果,应该支持、维护而不能一概加以反对。  相似文献   

本文提出经济增长与收入分配间的相互作用机制,在这基础上利用带有两个协整的VECM对该机制进行实证.结果表明:改革开放以来我国收入分配通过降低物质资本和人力资本效力影响经济增长,且金融发展程度有助于缓解收入分配对经济增长这种的负作用;经济增长通过物质资本途径扩大收入差距,通过人力资本途径缩小收入差距.  相似文献   

中国行业垄断的收入分配效应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
收入分配差距过大是中国社会发展的难点和热点问题,行业垄断已经成为加剧中国收入分配矛盾的重要原因。为此,本文构建新的垄断-竞争两部门利润分享模型,揭示行业垄断影响收入分配的内在机制,并结合中国的经验数据进行实证分析。研究表明,行业垄断在产品与要素市场中,通过最终产品消费的福利转移、要素的区别定价以及垄断利润在不同就业者之间的非均衡分享导致收入分配差距的扩大;在行业垄断力量对经济干预较多的阶段,收入差距扩大问题较为严重,并且往往表现为劳动总收入的下降。因此,持续提升劳动者收入,保持收入分配的合理化,必须配合行之有效的行政垄断部门改革,打破行业垄断所形成的二元经济结构,降低行业垄断在生产和分配领域中的影响。  相似文献   

社会财富的合理分配是构建和谐社会的一项重要内容。经过多年的发展,广东所取得的经济成果有目共睹,但其收入分配差距日益扩大所引发的各种社会矛盾也引起了人们的广泛关注。党的十六大报告就提出要"扩大中等收入者比重"。对于"中等收入阶层"的定义,国内理论界存在广泛争议。中国社会科学院社会学研究所李  相似文献   

随着中国经济改革与市场化进程的深入,劳动力市场发育、劳动要素的收入分配以及人力资本培育受到更多的关注。重要原因之一就是,劳动者的收入、就业与社会地位在很大程度上显示了社会公正与社会和谐状况。本文对西方劳动力市场理论中的一些经典模型进行回顾与评述,以期为我国同类研究提供借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

朱团钦  程玉辉 《经贸实践》2010,(9):59-60,57
收入分配是民生之源,是社会再生产过程的一个重要环节,也是社会生产关系的一个重要方面。分配问题作为人类社会高度关注的经济问题、社会问题,它关系到每个劳动者的切身利益以及社会稳定与和谐社会建设。当前,我们提出要增加劳动者的薪酬,让广大劳动者体面地劳动、有尊严地生活,正是对马克思初次分配理论的现实解读。  相似文献   

Despite having higher average education levels, Nicaraguan women still earn much less than men. Furthermore, the country has one of the highest levels of occupational gender segregation in Latin America. This paper aims to explain the gender income gap in Nicaragua, taking into account individual characteristics, engagement in specific occupations and sectors, and geographical location. Using a multilevel framework, the study finds that while a considerable part of the income gap can be explained by women’s employment in occupations and sectors with low remuneration, another substantial part of this gap is attributable to the prevalence of patriarchal gender norms – and thus cannot be explained by human capital factors. These results show that understanding labor market segregation is vital for comprehending the perseverance of the gender income gap, and they further imply that women’s progress in breaching the gender stereotypes in Nicaragua is still limited.  相似文献   

笔者采用协整检验和误差修正模型,考察了中国农村人力资本外溢对城乡居民收入差距的影响。研究表明,农村人力资本的大规模外溢引起了城乡居民收入差距的扩大,而城乡居民收入差距的扩大又会导致农村人力资本的进一步外溢;由于农村人力资本外溢,农村劳动力转移并不是缩小城乡收入差距的充分条件。要缩小城乡收入差距,必须采取有效措施,为农村人力资本作用的充分发挥创造条件。  相似文献   

We used recently available household panel data collected by China's National Bureau of Statistics to examine the effects of natural, human, material, and social capital on income inequality among minority farmers in China's Xinjiang Province between 2011 and 2012. Results obtained from panel quantile regression and correlated random effects’ models show that income inequality and the poverty of ethnic farmers have been decreasing to some extent. Results also indicated that human capital exacerbates income inequality among the minorities, whereas the effect of natural capital on income inequality is not evident. Social and material capital reduce income inequality among ethnic minorities. Results from the decomposition of the Gini coefficient indicate that material and social capital contribute to a substantial majority of the income inequality in the region.  相似文献   

官员规模、公共品供给与社会收入差距:权力寻租的视角   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
官员规模、公共品供给效率以及社会收入差距是当下社会比较关注的问题,本文试图把三个问题纳入到一个故事框架下来分析和解释。生产的进行需要官员提供资源帮扶,这需要通过雇佣下级官员来做到;当私人利益进入上级官员的收益函数时,上级官员就会促使资源的供给"人为"稀缺来设租,从而便于下级官员从生产者处收取资源租金;而资源租金的收取使得下级官员的收益高于其外部选择权收益,从而增加了下级官员职位的竞争性,又由于上级官员对下级官员职位任命权的垄断,使上级官员从下级官员处收取职位租金。分析表明,权力的设租寻租行为是造成社会收入差距出现的一个重要原因;在一个能较好限制官员关注私人收益的社会中,官员规模较小、公共品供给效率较高且因权力寻租而造成的社会收入差距较小。  相似文献   

This paper offers new evidence on the theory of human capital accumulation. The current findings in developed countries have documented that immigrants' earnings growth exceeds that of natives and that immigrants upgrade their occupations over time. Three possible explanations for these observations are suggested in the literature: 1) immigrants accumulate more human capital than natives, 2) immigrants are not able to fully transfer their skills, so over time, they restore the value of source-country human capital, and 3) immigrants are more productive than natives because they are positively selected on ability. This study investigates the labor market outcomes of immigrants in low-income countries and finds that immigrants earn more than comparable natives and work in better-paid occupations. Over time the gap in earnings and occupational distribution between immigrants and natives narrows. This observation is more consistent with the predictions of human capital accumulation theory than with skill transferability and selection theories.  相似文献   

收入不均等影响到社会公平与经济发展,而收入公平分配是政府的主要责任,也是政府公共支出的依据之一.影响收入分配不均等的因素有很多,其中由于政府相应责任缺位,公共支出结构偏向,使得公共支出中基本公共服务支出不足是其主要原因.本文实证分析得出公共支出总量与结构严重影响基本公共服务供给,进而影响着收入不均等的水平,成为社会公平和稳定的重要因素.政府应从制度上进行公共支出改革,规范督促地方政府优化公共支出结构,不断提高对民生支出的主动性,逐步缩小基本公共服务的差距,缩小收入不均等的水平.  相似文献   

Health, a form of human capital, can be defined by longevity and physical wellbeing. Social policy decisions require an understanding of the factors that contribute to the creation of health inequalities. To learn more about socioeconomic variables and health capital, this paper examines the relationship between three key variables: health, social insurance, and income, for the Swedish population. Using a randomized research survey design, data from 3,600 participants of a larger Swedish study, conducted in 2005, was analyzed. A linear model of Three Stage Least Squares was chosen to correct for simultaneous bias in the Health, Social Insurance, and Income (HSI) Model. Findings confirm the importance of socioeconomic, behavioral and environmental factors in explaining health inequalities. The results clearly show men, educated people, nonsmokers, individuals that exercise and youngsters possess higher health status than other people. The dependency on social insurance is mainly caused by poor health; a higher degree of social insurance dependency was offset by income increases due to age and higher professional level.   相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to present a framework which links functional and personal income distribution. In the first part of the paper, Piketty’s book “Capital in the XXI Century” is briefly reviewed. Piketty’s framework is discussed arguing that it can only partially explain levels and changes within personal income distribution. Piketty links the returns from capital r to the rate of growth of national income g in a very innovative way comparing them within a macroeconomic framework. He claims that when returns on capital rise more quickly than the overall economy and taxes on capital remain low, a vicious circle of ever-growing dynastic wealth and growing concentration of wealth takes place. However, the rise in the inequality of personal income distribution cannot only be explained by the rise of capital incomes. An analysis of the generation of personal incomes, and consequently of inequality, requires a suitable framework that links incomes at the macroeconomic level (national accounts) and incomes at the level of the individual/household. It is possible to set up this framework starting from individual endowments and their link to the productive structure: that is to what can be called the “generating function of personal income.” This function transforms personal endowments into personal earnings, given the productive structure, the technologies, and the market rules that determine the functional distribution. Personal income distribution and its inequality are linked to the functional one through the shares of capital and labor owned by each individual. The framework introduced here seems to be a suitable tool to account for the fact that personal income distribution is inextricably tied up to different sources of inequality in the distribution of national income. Sources come from institutional and productive structures (matrix Y), but also from the distribution of endowments and of individual/household entitlements (matrix S). This approach, we argue, allows for the assessment and evaluation of the effects of “ambitious new policies,” aimed at reducing poverty and inequality ex-ante, as suggested by Atkinson in his last book.  相似文献   

区分生产劳动与非生产劳动,对于正确分析价值自我扩张、资本积累、资本主义经济中的各种变量、政府对收入分配的干预以及资本主义经济发展的新趋势,都具有重要意义。马克思主义政治经济学强调要区分一般生产劳动和资本生产劳动。只有在生产中所从事的劳动才是一般生产劳动;资本生产劳动是生产剩余价值的劳动。剩余价值生产标准是资本主义条件下生产劳动的绝对标准。  相似文献   

中等财产拥有者,是中产阶层的经济标识和首要特征。中产阶层研究最核心的问题应是中产阶层与社会正义或分配正义关系的问题,即中产阶层的财产来路是否合理,中产阶层的产生与发展是否符合分配正义,中产阶层社会是否是社会财富分配合理的正义的社会。中产阶层是分配正义的产物,中产阶层的发展壮大是社会财富分配公正的体现。中产阶层缺乏的社会必定是社会分化不完整或是贫富过分分化的社会,必定是分配正义缺失的社会。  相似文献   

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